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Dark Haven

Page 1

by Leigh Allen

  Dark Haven



  Leigh Allen

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. November 1, 2019.

  Copyright © 2019 Leigh Allen.

  Written by Leigh Allen.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Dark Haven

  Chapter 1















  What’s Next

  1 | Mia


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  Hollow Cove Dreams

  Hollow Cove Promises (Releasing Summer 2020)

  Chapter 1

  The party was dark, filled with drunken souls dancing around to a terrible beat.

  Dark Haven wasn’t the type of place where I typically hung out. It was far away from the New York City Social Circle where I usually hung out on the weekends. But tonight was different. I had needed the change—no craved change. After everything that happened in my life lately, different sounded exciting. That was, until I realized just how out of my element I truly was. All eyes were on me in my flashy, name brand clothes, far different from the small town feel of what everyone around me was wearing.

  But, I couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit exhilarated by the looks they were giving me. They weren't staring at me because they knew me. No, they were watching me with a wild fascination that came from being someone new. Someone who didn’t belong and stood out because of it.

  I ordered a drink from the bar, not even bothering to pay. I knew one of the many guys standing dangerously close to me would pick up the tab. That’s how it always went at bars. It shouldn’t be any different here.

  I couldn’t find my friends, well friends is a far stretch of a word. The acquaintances who brought me here. We weren’t close in terms of a relationship, but instead, we shared a common love of expensive restaurants and danger.

  Wandering through the packed club, I envied the people around me. They were having fun and smiling. True, genuine smiles. Not the fake smiles plastered on my face at the moment. I wasn’t sure if I could even remember the last time I truly smiled. But, that didn’t matter when you had money, class, and fame. At least, that’s what I had been told all of my life.

  A hand brushed my arm and I turned, watching a guy in a flannel shirt smile at me. His dark hair hung over his eyes and his cheap beer burned my nostrils as I took him in.

  “Hello, pretty lady,” he said, his voice a little too loud.

  I rolled my eyes and looked ahead. I wasn’t going to even bother talking to this guy. I was out of his league and he knew it.

  As I went to move through the crowd, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” I asked, smacking his hand off of my arm.

  “You look lost. Thought you might want a friend to look after you,” he winked.

  I gulped down the bile that was threatening to make an appearance. I knew his type. In this small town, he would probably be deemed as good looking. I was sure he had been with his fair share of women, but little did he know, I didn’t hook-up with small-town boys. I chased after money, just like my mother.

  “No thanks,” I snapped, offering a slight smile. “Now, don’t touch me again.”

  The smile shifted from his face and a nasy smirk appeared. “I know girls like you,” he said, looking me up and down. “You leave the big city and think you will rough it with ‘our kind’ for a night. But, you act like you are too good for us. I have something to tell you, rich girl,” he snarled, brushing his body up against mine. “You are nothing more than a cheap whore in expensive designer clothes.”

  I reached back my hand to smack him, but was stopped by a woman with piercing yellow eyes. Her hand felt hot against my flesh, almost like she was burning my hand with just the slight touch of her fingers.

  “I wouldn’t do that,” she growled. Her eyes almost mesmerized me. I had never seen anything like them before. She gave me a strange feeling that I couldn't understand. I wanted to ask her who she was, but thought better of it.

  I looked between them both and sighed. “Whatever, I am getting out of here,” I stated, shoving past both of them. Walking through the crowd, I searched for any sign of the people who had brought me here. They had promised me a night of fun, drugs, and an escape from my reality. What I had found, was none of those things. Instead, I was mocked, pissed, and too sober for my liking. I could have done this in New York City and surrounded by much better looking people.

  When I reached the exit, I continued walking outside into the cool night air. I shivered as I wrapped my arms around myself. I could wait out here for one of them to emerge, but I dreaded the thought of standing out here and having to talk to anymore of these people.

  So, I decided I would just walk. Clear my head and come back later when the club closed and I could find a ride back to the city. I would be fine, I told myself.

  I would be fine.

  AN HOUR LATER, I FOUND myself bored and exhausted. My feet were screaming out in pain. Walking in a four-inch pair of Jimmy Choos heels was not the best idea. But at the time, anything was better than waiting around. Glancing around, I spotted a park. Something inside of me told me to turn around and go back, but another part of me, the part of me told me to keep walking.

  I continued walking through the dark park and soon enough, I found myself entering the small woods that lay in our town. I knew I shouldn’t go inside the forest at night, it was too dark and I may not be able to see to get back out. But in that moment, I didn’t care. All I wanted was to find solace and peace. Even if it meant walking blindly into a dark woods. I wasn’t sure how long I had been walking. My mind had been turned off and all I could focus on was the stars and the moonlight above my head.

  “Do you need help?” a soft voice asked from behind me.

  Startled, I whirled around to see a man, his face hidden in the darkness, standing beside me. His proximity to me made me shudder and take a step closer to the railing.

  “No,” I stated sharply.

  “It is dangerous for a woman to be out in the woods at night.. Alone,” he said, as he stood still. “There are wild animals out here.”

  His voice had a melodic tone that almost calmed me. His presence was causing me to grow anxious and yet calm all at the same time.

  “I am fine. The real monsters aren’t found in the darkness,” I shot back.

  The man shook his head and took a step closer to me. His face was suddenly illuminated by the moonlight and I gasped as I took in his features. His eyes were golden, a deep yellow I had never seen before on any human. I couldn’t see the color of his hair since it was shadowed by the night, but I noticed it fell nicely on his head. His jaw was strong and sharp much like the rest of his toned body. Well, as much as I could see through his dark flannel shirt and loose jeans.

  “You might be correct,” he agreed.

  We stood there, watching the other out of curiosity for what felt like forever. My heart began to pound in my chest and I felt an uneasy feeling shifting in the air.

  “Well, it was nice meeting you. But, I need to go,” I said, as I tried to scoot myself around him.

  The man didn’t budge.

  “What is wrong?” he asked, this time taking me by surprise.

  I sighed, not sure what game he was trying to play, but he was messing with the wrong girl.

  “Look, I don’t know who you are, but you need to leave me alone,” I stated, as I moved to the left trying to get away from his piercing eyes.

  “Do you seek danger?” he asked, stepping closer.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked. My voice rose higher than I had anticipated, but he had terrified me with his comment. How did he know what I was thinking?

  “You are walking through a dark forest at night by yourself. Not many would venture out here with the legends about werewolves,” he said.

  “It is none of your business. Besides, maybe I would want to meet a werewolf. You know, a mystical creature that gets to live a life full of privacy,” I added. “Anyway, what is your name?”

  “Brad,” he answered.

  “Why are you in these woods, Brad?” I asked, as my voice became laced with venom.

  “I live in these woods,,” Brad stated, clearly a little confused by my statement.

  “Right,” I stated rolling my eyes. “These woods run for hundreds of miles. No one lives out here,” I added.

  Shaking his head slowly, Brad tilted his head to the side and watched me carefully as though he were observing some foreign and wild creatures. “I am not sure what you are talking about,” he stated.

  “Well, Brad, it has been nice, but I guess I need to get back to civilization.”

  Placing his large hand on mine, Brad closed the small space between us. As our skin touched, an electric current coursed through my body. It was the most alive I had felt in months. Our eyes met suddenly as we both felt the shock.

  “Who are you?” I asked, as I stared deep into his golden eyes.

  “A monster,” Brad stated, without a smile.

  His answer didn’t frighten me in the least, even though it should have.

  “Do you want to be someone else? To have a different life to live for?” Brad asked me seriously.

  I only nodded my head yes. Words couldn’t form as I watched his face in the moonlight.

  “I can change you. I can give you the freedom of living a life of privacy,” Brad said, his voice soothing me in a pleasurable manner. His hand was still on mine and I didn’t even try to remove it. I needed his touch in that moment.

  “How?” I asked, intrigued. This guy might not know who I really am, but something about him has piqued my interest.

  “You will have to become someone else...something else?” he asked. Again, he dismissed my questions and began his own line of questioning.

  I shouldn’t have answered. It was wrong. It was dangerous. It was too honest. But, I did.

  “Yes,” I said, as I felt tears began to spill from my green eyes.

  Leaning in, Brad cupped my face with both of his strong hands. He leaned in close, his warm breath caressing my neck. I took in a deep breath as I reveled in his closeness and how my body was reacting to his touch. Never in my life had anyone had this type of effect on me.

  Suddenly and without warning, Brad placed his lips on my hand. My body instantly froze, unsure of what he was about to do. A growl emanated from him right before the sound of flesh tearing rang through my ears, as something cool began to pierce through my neck. At first, the pain was minimal but then Brad lunged his mouth against my neck and I felt a searing pain shooting through my body. I let out a loud scream as I felt warm blood trickle down my arm. The last thing I remember is seeing the moon fade away as I fell to the ground.


  I woke hours later as sunlight beamed onto my skin.

  As my eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light, I felt pain throughout my entire body. Groaning, I lifted my hand to my neck and felt two puncture wounds.

  My senses went into overdrive and as I tried to sit up, my body wouldn’t cooperate. The pain was just too unbearable and I couldn’t find the strength or energy to move.

  “Help,” I called out, as I looked around the room where I was.

  Four gray walls contained me in a large bedroom. I was on a king size, four poster bed with white sheets and a soft, white comforter. Black curtains hung from a large window overlooking the countryside. A dresser was to my right and another door was to my left. I was obviously in someone’s bedroom.

  Oh shit. Did I hook up with someone? My head spun as I remembered Tequila. Lots of Tequila and a hot guy. I placed my hand on my forehead and closed my eyes.

  Without warning, the bedroom door opened and Brad appeared. He stood in the doorway, his golden eyes transfixed on me.

  “Are you alright?” he asked calmly.

  I shook my head, unsure of what to say. I felt like I was dying.

  “What happened last night? Where am I?” I asked, as I continued to look around the space.

  Walking further into the room, Brad stood in front of the bed. Apprehension painted his features as he contemplated whether to sit on the bed or continue standing.

  Sighing, Brad looked at me carefully. “How much do you remember from last night?” he asked.

  I sat and thought about that for a moment. I remembered the party. I remembered meeting Brad in the park. I remembered arguing with him, but then everything went black.

  “I remember being drunk in a park. You talked to me, asked me why I wanted to die,” I said, as I looked away from Brad.

  Speaking the words aloud made them sound so real and harsh.

  Shaking his head yes, Brad still didn’t smile. Thinking about it, I realized he hadn’t smiled last night either.

  “You were walking through the woods in the dark. I offered you a new chance in life,” Brad said.

  The way he finished his statement sent chills down my spine. “What does that mean?” I asked.

  Brad moved closer to the bed and I pulled the covers closer to my body, almost like a shield. Suddenly, I was afraid of this man.

  “You told me that you wanted to be someone else.. I am going to tell you something, but I need you to remain calm and listen to everything I say.”

  Realizing I didn’t really have a choice I agreed. I was in this man’s home. Possibly his bedroom. I was a prisoner with nowhere to run.

  “I am not a human Now, before you think I am crazy, it is true. I knew you were looking for more out of your life. I could feel the sadness radiating off your body. I could hear your heart crying out in pain. I can’t explain how or why I have this gift, but I do. When I saw you last night, I knew I had two choices. I could watch you continue through life so sad, or I could offer you a new life,” he said.

  “A new life?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

  My hands were beginning to shake as I allowed everything I heard to sink in. While part of me wanted to think he was insane and I had been kidnapped by some deranged lunatic, another part of me knew better. How else could this man know what I was thinking and feeling?

  “Yes, now when I tell you this next part you have to promise me you won’t run and scream or try to get away,” he stated.

  There was no trace of humor lacing his voice and he was more than serious. My body froze at his words and my breath faltered. “Ok.”

  “When I bit you, I allowed the venom from my fangs to go into your bloodstream. I changed you, well I began the change process of becoming a werewolf,” he said, watching my eyes for any recognition that I understood what he was saying.

  “I don’t understand,” I admitted, as I shook my head. Looking around the room, I spotted a large metal cage with blankets inside. Somehow, I had a terrible feeling that might be for me.

  Brad moved closer to me and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him as I watched his dark as night hair lay against his face.

  Closing his eyes, Brad looked like he was pained. Almost like he didn’t want to admit the last part. “Remember when you said s don’t always lurk at night?” he said, paraphrasing what I had said.

�Sure,” I nodded.

  “Well, we do. I am a werewolf,”


  That one word caused my body to instantly ignite into a frenzy. He was a . A self-appointed monster. I shook my head, trying to fight the reality of the situation from sinking in. This is not a fairy tale. This is not some kind of story. werewolves don’t really exist. Monsters don’t lurk in the night. They are humans- people who hurt and destroy lives. Not characters from novels.

  “werewolves aren’t real,” I stated. “Besides, you don’t look like a werewolf?” I noted as I finally took in his appearance. Sure he had a sharp jaw and golden eyes, but he also had scruff on his face and wore work boots.

  A smug smile spread over his lips. “What exactly does a werewolf look like?” Brad asked.

  It was clear he was messing with me, but I didn’t care. I started thinking about the werewolves I had seen in movies and read about in books. They all had dark hair, wore chic clothes, and were polite and classy. Brad was... well the opposite. He was rugged.

  “Well, most werewolves I’ve seen in movies are much more... hairy,” I stated, matter of fact like.

  “Hairy?” Brad scoffed.

  “Yes. You look too cleaned up to be a werewolf. Besides, I am manicured to be a werewolf. Aren’t all werewolves pale?” I asked.

  My eyes darted to a mirror over the dresser and I noted my features. My long, black hair fell over my shoulders like waves and my oval shaped face reflected my brown eyes that were scanning my golden complexion. My paternal grandfather was from Italy, and both he and my father had dark hair, eyes, and complexions. I was thankful to get those features from them.

  Forcing myself to ignore my reflection in the mirror, I was alerted to the situation at hand. “Anyway, why am I here again? I really need to get back to my dorm room. My roommate is probably worried sick,” I suggested.

  “You can’t go anywhere right now. You need to learn about what you are now,” he began.

  “Look, this has been fun and all, but I really need to get going now,” I said as I started to move.


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