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Storm of Pleasure

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by Eve Bradley

  Storm of Pleasure

  Eve Bradley
























  About the Author



  Reverse Harem is a type of romance that involves one woman and multiple love interests. It does in no way reflect the author’s personal views on love or sex.

  Storm of Pleasure is a full-length epic fantasy reverse harem romance. It has alternate points of view that eventually converge throughout the series. There is a trigger warning on this series for abuse and thematic elements. If you are one that enjoys fantasy, reverse harem, and plot twists, this book is for you!


  The Desert

  Catryn’s mind was spinning.

  A bit like the wind in the far off horizon where great plumes of dust rose up and billowed. She felt a hand on her back. It was Glend. He was probably making sure she didn’t jump from atop the giant elephant down into the pools of sand below.

  What a dry death that would be.

  They’d been traveling for weeks in the desert, shuttered up inside the thatched holding area headed to the mystical kingdom of Yamar. A place whose Sultan Glend had always been working for. A place where there were prophecies of her birth.

  Catryn looked out across the red desert sands. The wind left small dents in the russet powder, and heatwaves wriggled the air between them and the horizon. It was endless.

  Sex had not been a thing on their long travels. No privacy. No sex. But it was more than this. She was more wary of them now. She didn’t want to get close. Their intimacy had been unbinding, and no restrictions or boundaries meant no walls for her to hide behind. In all her years as a whore, she could disconnect, and that was her barrier. With the men, she couldn’t separate feelings and pleasure. She felt something for them and knew that they could feel each messy emotion because of their bond.

  She wished it could just be sex. That she could handle.

  She didn’t want to care. If she cared, they could hurt her. Darrian had wanted her for sex just as every other man had. Valryn was moody and held her accountable. Glend had lied to her about knowing the Yamarian’s and the prophecy that spoke of her. She parried this in her mind with the fact that Darrian had also given up everything to follow and protect her. Valryn saw her as a goddess and believed in her with everything he was. Glend? Well, he could make her laugh.

  It didn’t matter. It was easier to support the distance between them.

  “General Kalif said we’re almost there,” Darrian came to stand beside her, and just the shadow of his muscled figure made her feel bitter longing.

  It was almost a pity she had resolved to ignore them.

  She didn’t know what to think. But there was nothing they could do aside from grin and bear the life they’d fallen into together. They would serve her, and she’d try to think about anything other than their cocks. But, now that she’d had time to think, she was pulling back, drawing up her defenses, and patching all the cracks they’d made in her armor.

  “Look,” Kalif was standing, looking out the front of their shelter on top of the elephant. A shank of shining black hair swooped across his golden tan forehead.

  Cat jumped up. Kalif wore a wrap of linen over his hair and around his face. They’d been given similar garments, those that matched the heat and standards of Yamarian fashion. She drew the scarf over her nose and looked out over the vast desert ahead.

  Through the sandy breeze, she could see the capital city of Jurdu and the palace with its spherical towers scraping the sky.

  It was beautiful. Glittering. Like a wasteland of gold and treasure.

  Her heart quickened, and she glanced back at the men. Darrian and Valryn hopped up to where Kalif stood, and Glend groaned dramatically and stretched as he stood.

  “Fuck me,” Glend said.

  “Fuck me is right,” Darrian’s lips sported a slight smirk.

  “I haven’t seen Yamar in years,” Glend explained when Catryn gave him a curious glance. “You never quite get over the sight of it.”

  “No one knows the East is so rich,” Kalif said snidely. “But why should we suffer the destruction of the rest of the realm? If they knew, we’d be more of a focus. Kings would beg or war against us. Sultan Hajj doesn’t want that.”

  “But now destruction is coming for your people. Regardless of your wealth,” Valryn warned.

  “Yes. And we have the Peacequeen,” Kalif replied stiffly. “Let’s hope we can stave off the devastation.”

  Yamar was gorgeous, crammed with beautifully carved statues, clean multi-storied clay buildings, the odd colorful parrot flying overhead, and sweet spices to cloud the senses. Above the city, at the top of a massive incline of steps that lead to the palace, was an extensive pergola threaded with vines and flowers that led into the vast royal structure. Kalif had said they used it as the hosting area for feasts and celebrations.

  Catryn felt like she was always looking up. Everything was so bright she was sure it would burn squint lines in her face by the time they left. When the shadows of the buildings gave her better sight, her soul soared.

  She heard horns sounding and a rumbling of people. Dancers filled the streets. They gyrated with vigor and excitement, staying on the outer lines of the incoming elephants. Catryn laughed and glanced at the men. Darrian and Glend were smiling, and Valryn and Kalif put on strong faces, unimpressed.

  Commoners waved from their homes as if the incoming elephants and armies were a parade there to entertain them.

  She was used to the adoring way people looked at her in Malavash, but this was too much. She wasn’t as good as they all thought she was. Still, she’d be lying if she didn’t admit she enjoyed it. Maybe she liked it too much, as every cry of welcome and praise had her floating higher and higher.

  They were taken through the crowds towards the vast stairway that lead to the giant flowery pergola, which would lead them into the palace. Kalif stayed near to her but never looked at her. Similar to a guard dog. She’d caught his eyes sweeping up her body a time or two during their travels, but he was more restrained than Valryn, Darrian, and Glend combined. His narrow nose was softly hooked, and his lips were lushly full. His bold brows were always firmly pinched in stress, and there was something about him that puzzled her.

  “The crowds love me,” Glend whispered in Cat’s ear jokingly, and the heat of his breath sent shivers down into her stomach.

  Gods, she was a starved woman.

  “You can freshen up in your quarters before meeting the Sultan. Should I assume you’ll all share a room?” Kalif asked her as they walked. He spoke low so that only she could hear.

  “Naturally,” she affirmed. “I don’t think it would feel the same sleeping alone after being so cramped for weeks.”

  “I got the impression it had been like that long before our travels, my Queen,” he uttered even lower.

  Catryn smirked and shrugged.

  “Don’t hate what you’ve never tried, General Kalif. You may find you want to join us.”

  Kalif didn’t smile but continued to walk alongside her as they reached the top of the stairs. The common folk now roared behind them. As the pergola’s ceiling of flowers covered them, the exotic music became less assa
ulting. Catryn inhaled the thick scent of the blooms. It was sweet and delectable.

  On either side of the massive rectangular space, the pergola extended for yards, weighted by the same entwining flowers. Curtains swayed along the beams. But if one went straight through, it led into the entry hall of the palace.

  Guards clad in gold and purple posed with machete type swords along walls. Bulky leaves curled into the open windows, making the palace look more like a greenhouse than anything.

  She looked back at Valryn, Darrian, and Glend.

  Cat was afraid to be alone with them. She was scared of how her body might react, given a chance.

  When they arrived at the living space, Catryn was stunned when she saw that there was a fountain and pool at the center of the room. Darrian raised his brows, seafoam eyes catching her gaze as he went past her to explore. It was a large area with a puffy mat near the windows made up of red and orange blankets. They situated pillows throughout the room, and there were no tables or chairs. But there was wine, water diffused with citrus, luscious fruit, and loaves of bread set on trays, much to Cat’s content.

  The guards backed out of the room in low bows, and they were alone.

  “They’ll have your things brought up, and the tailor will bring in items for you to choose from so you meet Sultan Hajj in the proper style,” Kalif told her, hand on the curvy hilt of his blade.

  There was so much formality compared to when they’d visited Malavash.

  She looked at Kalif and gave him mild acceptance.

  “I’ll be back to escort you later,” Kalif added, drawing a hand through his luscious black hair. “Be ready, if it’s your will Peacequeen.”

  “It will be.” She dazzled him with a smile.

  Catryn forced it, but he seemed uncomfortable regardless. He left without another word, and Catryn got the impression he was dying to get away from her sight.

  “So how are we feeling? Any pent-up aggressions? Sexual frustrations? Unspoken allegations?” Glend tossed out, backed up lazily against the wall, and assessing them all with a coy expression.

  Valryn gave him a scolding furrowed brow and silently stared him down, eyes narrowed.

  “I thought the desert might never end, if that’s what you’re asking,” Darrian complained.

  Catryn didn’t want to speak with them. Each of them taunted her body relentlessly. Just being alone with them in this beautiful room made her think of sex. Steamy, passionate, nails-in-skin, sex. But allowing them so close to her heart would destroy her, and she didn’t know how to exist in such a fragile state.

  “You’ve been distant ever since Athos,” Valryn said. “What’s wrong, Cat?”

  “Nothing,” she sighed, headed for the wine.

  “We all know that’s not true. Or did you forget we can feel your emotions?” Glend smirked mischievously in his crossed-armed laziness.

  She looked up at him with a brazen cock of her brow and took a sip of the wine.

  “You’re a liar. Why should I believe anything you say?” she asked him stiffly, loathe to unlock their gaze.

  “I thought you were past this?” he said, lurching away from the wall and walking towards her. “I didn’t know what Sultan Hajj wanted me to do. He never told me when to reveal our plan, only to do as I was told.”

  “But what I’m hearing is that you’re more loyal to him, even after being branded to me,” Catryn held up a hand to stop him from enfolding her in his arms. “I don’t want to think that one of you could betray me. Why should I trust you now, hm?”

  She knew that she was being dramatic. Harsh. But she couldn’t stop herself. She could feel the gods inside her tugging at her moral compass. Though he’d lied through omission, he’d only ever been there for her since. But there was still a part of him that she could sense wanted to keep his connection to Yamar secret. She could only assume it had to do with guilt.

  “Catryn,” Darrian interjected. “Do you want a bath before we meet this Sultan?”

  She nodded.

  “You should trust me because the gods allowed me to be branded. They could see that my true loyalty stands with you,” Glend was fierce.

  Catryn grabbed him by the chin and peered up into his soul-consuming eyes. He looked down, away from her.

  “I hope,” she said.

  “I think this is way too much seriousness. We’re in a foreign land surrounded by wealth and everything one could ever want. Let’s just let loose. Cat, let us relax you,” Darrian spoke from behind her.

  She bit down on her lip, hating how her insides twisted with fear. She looked at his handsome face and smoothly built body. She wouldn’t get anywhere focusing on the chaos in her mind. No good ever came of it. Although her mind offered her old defenses and fears from a lifetime of abuse and servitude, they interrupted this with the delicious taste of their lust and adoration. She couldn’t ignore it.

  Darrian was right. They were in a place of luxury, and three tantalizing men surrounded her.

  “How will you relax me?” she asked him, a crack of a smile at her lips.

  “I think you should get in the bath and let us wash you,” he said, completely innocent.

  She glanced to the bath at the center of the room. The fountain filtered in new water, and the air was misty above the surface. She could smell fanciful oils, and fragrance clung to her nostrils. Bubbles accumulated on the water where the water poured in.

  She looked to Val, who was standing at ease, awaiting her response. He gave her a sultry “get in the pool” look.

  This was all she needed to reconcile the doubts and anguish roiling around inside her. She had to be careless. Carefree. A bath sounded wonderful.

  She wanted them all to watch her undress and help her wash. She wanted to taste their cravings for her body in the air. They could do that without love. Maybe it could just be…sex.

  Taking the loose dusty clothes off made her shiver. The crumpled linen dropped into a pool around her feet, and she unleashed the wild red waves of her hair, the tips of it brushing her lower back. She was no stranger to nakedness. She’d made her living providing sex to patrons nearly all her life. She strolled to the bath slowly, allowing them long looks at her body.

  Darrian assisted her into the tub, strong hands making sure she didn’t fall. Valryn and Glend made their way over and stood on the edges of the pool.

  “This Sultan will want me immaculate, don’t you think?” she said, turning around to allow them a full view of her full breasts. “I don’t want to disappoint him.”

  Darrian grabbed the soap vial from the tray that the servants had set out, along with a linen cloth for washing.

  “Get your hair wet,” he instructed her.

  She dipped low and let the water warm her entire head. The warmth of the pool was incredible after so much time in the constant grime and dust of travel. Her muscles could finally relax, and she enjoyed listening to the gentle tinkle of water when she raised out of the water as it trickled down her skin and off her fingers. She came to stand before Darrian, and he hunkered himself down so that he could wash her hair.

  Darrian carefully poured the soap into the strands and began to work his fingers into her scalp. The feelings rolled down her skin, intense waves of tingling and bliss. She closed her eyes as he lathered her hair, and his hands skimmed her shoulders and made sure that there was no spot lacking soap. He then took the bubbles and smoothed them down over her breasts.

  “Gods, Cat. I can’t handle you,” he said in her ear.

  “I think we should help,” Valryn said, tone stiff. “You look like you need a massage.”

  Catryn laughed, melting against Darrian’s form as he continued to scrub her hair and shoulders. It was delicious the way his fingers worked the tense muscles of her neck and shoulders. He was slow and careful to be gentle.

  “I wouldn’t object to a massage,” she smiled up at him.

  She heard Glend sigh angrily from behind them and giggled to herself. Valryn undressed. She shut
her eyes, reveling in the magic of Darrian’s fingers, and heard his clothing thump against the floor. Valryn jumped into the water and came around in front of her.

  “Catryn,” he said, tilting her chin up to look at him as he stood there in front of her, a portrait of masculine sexuality with his dark hair falling messily over his eyes and his cut muscles rippling as he moved. She wanted to lick every groove of his abdominal muscles and sighed when he forced her to look at him.

  “Everything will be all right,” he said. “We don’t know what’s coming, but I have faith that we’ll be able to manage it.”

  She looked down, and he leaned forward and connected their lips slowly, taking his time to savor each second that it took for their lips to mesh together. He didn’t force his tongue in her mouth, nor did he touch her. Her skin was begging for their caresses. Why were they not diving into sex first? It was strange to her that both of them were so careful with her now. Was she showing them that much fragility?

  Catryn pressed her mouth into his and skimmed his tongue with hers, and then bit down on his lip softly.

  “Don’t hold back. I know that’s what you want,” she uttered.

  “That’s not all we want from you,” he whispered, expression severe. “Why would you ever think that?”

  “It’s what every man wants from a woman,” she told him.

  Was it? It seemed so. She felt a swell of guilt, knowing that within them there was also deep-rooted care. But there was also a rebellious side that hated the idea of giving in to a man’s desires now that she was out of the pleasure house. Yet still, her own body had its cravings. And she’d enjoyed what their bodies had done before.


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