Running From Noel

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Running From Noel Page 8

by Janae Keyes

  No one would look me in my eyes when I walked by them, and slowly more and more people stopped saying hello to me when I passed them. I devised a plan to take care of that. By Friday mistletoe covered every empty crossroads in the office, so that unless you walked slowly and avoided everyone, someone was participating in something with someone.

  The office mood started to lighten up, and soon it was a game to see who could avoid the most mistletoe, with departments giving prizes at the end of the day.

  Rules were placed in the breakroom for the mistletoe when it started going up as well. No one wanted a workplace lawsuit. No one would be forced to kiss on the lips, you could give a high five instead, or a hug, even a chest bump. It was interesting to see what people came up with.

  I got caught under some with John from Sales and instead of trying to kiss me we danced a quick two-step, laughing the whole time. It was nice to see the office having fun leading up to the party.

  I sat at my desk, watching my co-workers wander around the office when I was brought back to reality by a knock at my door. Madison stood there, watching me.

  “Hey. I thought we were meeting at Auntie Gracie’s.” Had I missed something I should have left earlier for? I glanced at my calendar and didn’t see anything.

  “She dropped me off here on her way to take Uncle Ben to his appointment. He had to get x-rays today to make sure his hip is healing. Remember?”

  “No. I forgot that was this week. I thought it was next week. It’s okay. Why don’t you get started on your homework and we can try and leave early today?”

  “Fine. Hey, can we go up to San Fran this weekend? The lights around the Bay are some of my favorite. Besides the dance is tomorrow.” She started pulling out her schoolbooks as she talked, making her face unreadable.

  “Hey, do you want to go? Noel said he would take you so you could hang out with your friends.”

  Her face lit up as her head whipped up. “Really?” She squealed, her voice reaching a pitch even I could barely hear.

  “Yeah. He wanted to know why you were so upset when he came over the other day. I told him about the dance. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to let him put himself in that position. He convinced me though.”

  “Oh, thank you Mom! Thank you!” She jumped up and ran over to throw her arms around me.

  “You’re welcome. Anything to make you smile.”

  Saturday morning rolled over and I didn’t want to get out of bed, nerves and dread filled my body from head to toe. I had called and told the restaurant to decorate how they saw fit, and asked Noel to drop off the donations to them. I was going to go and organize it when I did the final walk through, and make sure it was all perfect.

  “Mom! Auntie Gracie is here!” My daughters voice pulled me the rest of the way from my slumber and I dragged my ass out of bed.

  “Don’t hurt yo’self pulling that last leg out the bed. I got her. Anything I need to do with this nappy headed girl of yours today?”

  “Take her shopping. I have money in an envelope on the table for her to get a dress for her dance tonight.”

  “Dance? I thought I was watching her for that party of yours?”

  “She’s going to the father-daughter dance with a friend. Okay? You going to interrogate me or get out of here and take her shopping?” I swear they both were being extra this morning.

  “Okay. We’re gone. Bye crotchety.”

  I listened to the front door slam shut and looked at the clock. Ten in the morning. It felt like seven. What had I done last night to let me sleep in this late?

  Oh yeah, that was right. I was dreaming of Noel all night. The dreams had gotten worse and more vivid since I had let him reclaim me.

  There was nothing I could do about that though. Nothing but leave the job I loved and move. And I couldn’t do that to Madison.

  Or, I could get him to leave.

  But that wasn’t fair either. As long as he didn’t tell Madison who the hell he really was.

  Standing from my bed I walked to the closet and pulled out my party outfit and looked at it. Skintight black lace. Tight enough I couldn’t wear underwear with it. I would change after we finished setting everything up. Until then I pulled on a pair of yoga pants and an oversized shirt. Comfy clothes to finish creating beauty in.

  Grabbing a bagel on my way out the door I made sure I had everything in my box before I shut the door and loaded everything into my car.

  This was going to be an amazing party. As I drove through my neighborhood I looked around, seeing how few decorations where actually up. It was disheartening to see how cheerless the place looked. Maybe one day I would be able to do something major to help my community. One day.

  I pulled up to the stoplight and waited for it to turn when someone pounded on my window. I looked out to see someone standing there with a gun motioning me the roll the window down. I cracked the window just enough to speak.


  “Get out the fucking car bitch.” The voice coming through the crack in the window was one I had heard every day of my life growing up.

  “Deshawn, what the hell do you think you are doing trying to carjack me? Go on and get your ass home.” The audacity of this fool. I didn’t have time for him today.

  “Dammit Everly. I didn’t recognize your car. Shit.”

  “Now you gon’ apologize after pullin’ out my hood? Boy, you got another thing comin’. Git on up outta here before I beat yo ass.”

  He dropped his gun and ran.

  I wondered if he thought I was going to run him over for being stupid. Either way he wasn’t going to mess with anyone else today. I opened my door and picked the weapon up out of the street. No use in anyone else getting their hands on this either.

  Traffic was slow getting into Downtown, but I was okay with that. I had left early for a reason. I saw the E.L. & L.P. getting larger and pulled into the small parking lot. I took a second to compose myself and then got out of my car, grabbed my box, and headed into the building.

  I was shocked when I walked into the second floor. It was beautiful. Mistletoe scattered throughout, twinkle lights, and the tables set up along the outside perimeter of the room for food and the silent auction.

  Noel was already busy setting up those tables for me, and the displays were gorgeous. I walked along the tables and looked over the items and was in awe.

  A week at a spa, a cruise, a romantic walk along the beach with a shopping spree for the pier. A Hawaiian vacation. All items that would fetch their weight in gold. All stuff meant to help my baby girl.

  I sat my box down on a nearby table and looked at Noel. He seemed to be doing okay setting up the auction, so I walked back to the kitchen to find Louis marinating some meat for the party.

  “Hey. It looks amazing out there. Is the rooftop decorated similarly?”

  Louis looked up from his work, startled. “I wasn’t expecting you yet. I see your party dress is relaxed.”

  I shook my head and laughed at him. “I brought my outfit with me. Believe me I had to show your security to even be allowed through the doors. I just explained to him I refused to finish prepping the party in that dress. He seemed thoroughly amused at my expense.”

  “I’m sure. We are doing great in here. You can go out there and help set up, go upstairs and check it out and change anything you want. Just stay out of my way.” Louis bent back over the meal he was working on.

  Turning on my heel I walked back out of the kitchen and toward the stairs. I was about to walk onto the first one when Noel called my name. I debated on ignoring him but turned instead. “Yeah?”

  “Hey, did you want to take a look at everything we got? I think it’s a good haul.”

  “Already checked it out. It looks amazing. You did good. I was about to go check out the rooftop. Do you want to join me?” It couldn’t hurt to invite him upstairs with me, could it?

  “Sure. I haven’t seen the decorations up there yet. I am sure they are amazing. And the view won’t hu
rt the part either.” He walked over to me, placing his hand in the small of my back and looking up.

  I glanced up and groaned. Mistletoe. Fucking mistletoe was everywhere.

  Noel grinned and pulled me close to him before leaning in and delicately capturing my mouth with his. This kiss was slow, romantic. Practiced even. I didn’t think he had kissed me like that ever.

  I pulled back from him shaking, my legs like Jell-O with the emotions rolling through me. I was falling and I was falling hard.

  Chapter 13


  Fuck. That kiss was going to ruin me. I hadn’t meant for it to be slow and sweet, but it seemed right at the time. Now I wish I had taken her lips like normal and pressed her against the wall. At least then I would feel more in control.

  I reached for her hand and took her up the stairs to the rooftop, where it was decorated just as elegantly as the downstairs. I couldn’t wait to come up here later, when it was dark out.

  “So, have you decided what you are going to do about the father-daughter dance? Madison is excited to finally be able to go to something. I guess I can say thank you for what you are doing for her.”

  Shit. That was today. I had almost forgotten.

  “You’ll see when I pick her up. Or are you going to stay the whole time and I pick her up from your aunts house?” That would be an important detail for me to know.

  “I need to see how the party goes. If it’s running smoothly when I need to start getting her ready, then I can leave. If it’s not, then I have to stay. I can always call Aunt Gracie and ask her to get Madison ready to go. She won’t have a problem with that.” Everly was fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. She really was nervous about leaving me with our daughter.

  “Hey,” I grabbed her chin and raised her eyes to mine, “everything will be fine. I give my word.”

  She looked away from me, uncertainty plastered to her face. I wished I could tell what she was thinking but was sure I didn’t want to know.

  “Let’s go back downstairs and finish setting up everything. I don’t want anything to be out of place when everyone arrives.”

  Two hours later and everything was almost in place. Half an hour to the party. Five hours to the dance. Everly still had to get dressed and put her makeup on.

  “Hey, I can take care of these last two things, let’s get you ready for the party.” I grabbed the box with her things in it and started toward the bathroom so she could get dressed.

  “But, what about…”

  “Stop. I will get these. You just get ready.” I walked into the bathroom and set her things down on the counter. She hadn’t followed me though. I walked back out to see her fiddling around with more things on the tables. By this point everything was ready, but she wouldn’t stop fiddling.

  I walked up behind her and picked her up.

  She squealed as I threw her over my shoulder and carried her to the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it behind me before I set her on the counter.

  Everly was breathing heavily, her chest heaving, her eyes dilated in desire. I couldn’t hold back as I leaned in and captured her mouth hard. There was nothing gentle about this kiss. It was fierce, possessive, demanding. Her fingers were instantly in my hair, her legs around my waist.

  My hands roamed her body, stopping on her tits as I tweaked her nipples. She moaned into my mouth, grinding against me. I stepped back, taking her shirt with me, exposing her naked chest to the air, her nipples pinching in the cold air.

  I smiled as I ran my hand down her throat, between her breasts, to the top of her pants. She arched her back, raising her hips to me, welcoming me to remove them. I hooked my fingers into the waistband and tugged them down, leaving her lying naked in front of me.

  “Look at that gorgeous pussy, glistening just for me.” I smiled as I knelt in front of her, spreading her legs wide for me. I ran my finger up and down her lips, reveling in her shivering around my touch. Leaning in I followed my finger with my tongue.

  Her gasp echoed through the bathroom and I grinned as I dove in. I suckled her nub, rolling my tongue around it, lapping as her juices flowed freely down my chin. I stuck one finger, followed by another into her and pumped, dragging her first orgasm from her. She clung to the countertop and whimpered.

  Standing quickly, I pulled my pants down and thrust into her. We didn’t have much time and I needed her as badly as she needed me. I looped my arms under her legs thrusting deeper and picked her up. The look of shocked awe on her face was perfect as I spun her against the wall and took her harder, driving myself to completion. A few rapid thrusts, and the tightening of her pussy around my cock and I emptied into her.

  I slid out of her and helped steady her on her feet. “Get ready. I’ll start greeting people as they show. You might want to do something with…” I waved my hand around my face.

  She nodded in a daze as I walked out of the restroom, a smile on my face. I was falling for her again. Yeah, it was again if I was willing to admit it to myself.

  The next three hours flew by, though I was sure most of that was my inability to keep my eyes to myself. I couldn’t believe the dress that Everly was wearing. It left little to the imagination. Slinky, lacy, and barely covering what needed to be covered it was driving me insane not being able to touch her in it.

  I walked up to her now, tapping her on her shoulder, bringing her attention to me. “Hey, do you want me to just go and you can stay here and mingle? I should be able to handle helping getting Madison ready for tonight.”

  “I don’t know. Do you really think that you can handle her?” Concern laced her voice as she wrung her hands again.

  “She’s just a kid. I think I’ll be fine.” I patted her arm and walked away, leaving the party.

  My car was parked in the back of the small lot, so it was a little trickier getting out then it was parking it, but I managed and went on my way to Aunt Gracie’s home.

  When I pulled up to her house and got out of the limo, I was greeted by a little girl running out of the house with her aunt fast on her heels. “Girl get ya tail back in that there house. What I tell you about running out the door like that?”

  “But Auntie Gracie it’s Noel! I was just going to bring him inside.” Madison hung her head in apology and turned back into the house.

  I looked at the driver who had also gotten out of the car and was snickering and shook my head. “Wait here, stay safe, I’ll be back when she is ready to leave. Thank you.”

  He just nodded and got back into the limo.

  I walked up the way to the front door where Aunt Gracie was waiting for me and smiled. “I’m here for Madison. I’m fine to wait until she is dressed to leave.”

  “I don’t know what game that niece of mine is playing, but if you hurt Madison, I will shoot you in the ass. I’m not afraid to go back to jail for my girls.” If looks could kill this one would have killed me.

  “I won’t hurt her. I don’t plan on it. I just thought it would be nice for her to do something that she hasn’t been able to do. Okay?” I hoped I was reassuring to the older woman.

  “You best not be lying to me boy. Because I sure as hell ain’t. Now get ya ass in here.” She moved to the side and let me into her home.

  I went into the living room and sat on the couch. I was amazed at how similar Everly’s and her aunt’s house looked. There was a couch, two recliners, and a table in the center of the room. It was homey. I missed homey. I was ready for homey.

  “Hello young man.” The deep voice that came from the corner of the room startled me. I hadn’t even noticed him standing there with his crutches.

  “You must be Uncle Ben. I’ve heard a lot about you. How’s the hip?” I tried to make some small conversation with the man while I waited. He hobbled over to his chair and sat down before raising the foot of the recliner.

  “It’s been better. But they said it’s healing well. I guess that’s all I can hope for. I could have more issues.” He stared at me, I assumed he was
trying to assess me.

  “Great. If you need anything you can reach out to me.”

  “Why would I do that?” He started to look at me out of the corner of his eye.

  “Just a friend of your niece offering help. That’s all.” I had to remember they had lived here for a long time and that favors probably came with stipulations.

  “Oh. Okay.”

  We sat in silence for the next couple of minutes until I heard quick thuds coming down the stairs and Madison came around the corner in a lovely blue dress and matching Chuck’s.

  “I’m ready! Can we go? I want to be early so I can surprise my friends. Puh-uh-uh-lease?” Madison stood, bouncing on her heels as she begged for us to go.

  “I’m okay with it, but what about your aunt and uncle?” I wanted her to ask the people she had known her whole life, that had her best interests at heart if she could leave with me. I wasn’t about to just walk out the front door without their permission.

  “Auntie Gracie, can I leave with Noel now?” Madison shrieked up the stairs of the little house.

  “Child, what I don’ told you about yellin’ in this house?” Her aunt reprimanded her as she came down the stairs into the living room. Looking at me she nodded. “You bring my girl home on time. One hour after the dance is over. If you are going to be late, call her momma. You got me?”

  I gulped. “Yes ma’am.”

  “What I tell you about calling me ma’am?”

  “Yes, Aunt Gracie.”

  “Good. Y’all get outta here.” She wrapped Madison in a hug and clapped me on the back, a nice hard warning that I better not mess with her family.

  I opened the door for Madison and let her exit the house first, before following her down the path to the front gate. The driver exited the limo and opened the door for us.


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