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Magic & Memory Loss

Page 7

by Eleanor Rousseau

  I frowned and he bared his teeth in warning.

  “When did you become such an ass?” I demanded in a hushed voice.

  He stepped forward and purred as he nuzzled my legs.

  “I don’t forgive you,” I growled in a whisper.

  “Elsa.” The deep voice rolled over my senses like warm honey.

  I closed my eyes as I let my immediate reaction pass, then I turned to face him. His smile was hesitant, questioning. I smiled back.

  “Why don’t I take Jem and settle him down with Abi while Elsa starts baking,” suggested Julie.

  Vince nodded and let Julie take Jem from his arms. Trip bounded over to them. Vince barely spared the enlarged dragon a glance as he followed Julie out the room, and when they were gone he moved closer.

  I bit my lip and turned to the ingredients, setting my wine glass down. “He really seems to like Jem,” I said softly.

  “I’d say that feeling is mutual,” he said, his voice closer than before.

  I began to pour sugar into the bowel.

  “What are you making?”

  “Julie asked me to bake cookies,” I said, my voice sounding small, even to my own ears.

  “She’s a good woman, Julie,” he said.

  I smiled. “She is,” I agreed, measuring the butter before putting that in the bowl too.

  He stepped up to the table, into my field of vision. “Did you have a good weekend?”

  I paused, did he know I’d gone out with Adam? He was watching me as if the answer was important, or was that how he always looked at me? “It was okay, how was yours?”

  He grinned. “Took the kids to a family dinner, with the whole family, it was hell.”

  I smiled. “Do you have a big family?” I began to stir the mix with a fork.

  “I have a big extended family and they’re not all that keen on me.”

  I frowned. “Why’s that?”

  He sighed softly. “I guess I just never met their standards.”

  “I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t, you’re a great father and you’re clearly able to support yourself and Jem.”

  He smiled and I felt his gaze go right through me. “I think the problem is more theirs than mine.”

  “That’s a good attitude to have,” I said softly as I poured in the flour.

  “What about you, how is it living with the wolves?”

  I nodded as I started stirring again. “They’re pretty good as families go, they look after me.”

  “I’m glad. And you’ve got Trip, how long has he been with you?”

  “When I woke up two years ago he was just there, a piece of eggshell still stuck to his scales, he was a tiny thing back then.” I smiled and cracked an egg in a separate, smaller bowl.

  “It must have been hard, waking up without your memory.” He moved closer until he stood at my back.

  I whisked the egg, closing my eyes for a moment as I felt the heat from his body. “It could have been worse, I’ve made good friends.”

  “What can I do?”

  It took me a moment to realise he meant how could he help me with the cookies. “Um... you could mix this.” I poured the egg in with the other ingredients, set the bowl back down and moved to the oven, to put a little more place between us.

  I switched the oven on to the right temperature before covering a cooking tray in baking paper.

  “How’s this?” he asked.

  I stepped closer and dipped my finger in the bowl. I glanced at the mixture on my finger as he gently caught my hand and slowly pulled it to his lips.

  My mouth went dry and my stomach dropped right out of me as he sucked my finger into his mouth.”Vince-” I said softly.

  “Elsa,” he responded as his hand came around my waist and pulled my body flushed against his.

  I gasped in a sharp breath.

  “I won’t kiss you again,” he whispered, “Not until you ask me to.”

  “Vince-” I tried to protest again.

  He cupped my face. “I’ve never asked anything from you, I want only what you’ll willingly give,” he murmured.

  “What does that mean?” I asked softly.

  “It means I’ll be whatever you need from me.” He nuzzled my neck.

  “Anything I need?” I asked. Could Vince be a one night stand? My body desperately craved release. And his touch, I craved his touch so bad. I could give in to that craving, just for one night.

  He nodded. “Anything at all.”

  I stepped back. “Okay, we should finish these.”

  He watched me intently as I went about finishing the cookies.

  “The kids fell asleep,” said Julie as she walked in.

  I was just closing the oven door on the first two batches and I glanced out of the window at the darkening sky. “It is getting a little late.”

  She poured herself a glass of wine before passing me mine. “Once the cookies are done, I’m sure Vince wouldn’t mind walking you home.” She smiled.

  Vince glanced hopefully at me and I smiled hesitantly. “I’d like that.”

  His eyes lit up and I took a sip of my wine, pretending I hadn’t noticed.

  We talked casually, about the shop, the weather, Vince’s plumbing problems. Nothing important. Then the cookies were done and my wine glass was empty, maybe it was my second glass. I carefully put the cookies on a plate and took them to the table.

  Vince groaned after taking a bite and the sound made my knees weaken for a second. It conjured up thoughts of twisted sheets and bare flesh. “These are the best cookies I’ve ever tasted,” he told me.

  I blushed, from the compliment as well as my reaction to his groan.

  “I told you they would be,” said Julie.

  “I probably should be getting home,” I said hesitantly.

  She grinned. “Of course, I’ll bring the cookies into work tomorrow, if there are any left.”

  “I should just get Trip,” I said, biting my lip.

  She waved me off. “He’s fine guarding the kids, just go.”

  Vince took my hand. “Come, love.”

  He led me outside. I left the bike where it was, I could always pick it up tomorrow. “I’m not ready to be a mother,” I blurted as we stepped outside, my tone serious. If I was going to take the leap, I needed to lay all my cards on the table.

  He nodded. “I know that.”

  “Is there any way I can be with you without making that commitment yet?” I asked softly.

  His eyes darted to me. “Yes. You can be with me tonight, and whenever Jem stays with his aunt. We’ll make it work, any way you want.” He closed his eyes and cupped my face, resting his forehead against mine.

  I tilted my head back and kissed him. At first, he didn’t move, allowing me a brief moment to explore his mouth at my own pace, but then he took over, his mouth commanding mine with ease. This kiss wasn’t desperate like the one back at the house, it was slow and deep.

  I moaned softly and he scooped me up into his arms, jogging down the street. “Where are we going?” I gasped.

  “My house.” He kissed my neck.

  I laughed softly.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I shifted, pressing myself closer to his body as I pressed my lips to his neck. After only a few minutes, I felt a door against my back. He pinned me to it, holding me up as he pushed the door open and stumbled inside. He kicked the door closed and dropped me to my feet.

  I reached back to unzip my dress before letting it pool at my feet.

  He groaned and dropped to his knees, pushing me back against the wall as he kissed my stomach. His hand slid down to cup me firmly through my underwear and I moaned, my hips shifting restlessly against his touch.

  “Vince,” I gasped.

  He sucked gently at the skin on my stomach, his tongue teasing my flesh.

  I tugged at his shirt. “Please, Vince,” I moaned.

  He pulled off the shirt at my urging and I gasped at the perfection of his bare chest. No single father shou
ld be in such good shape. My knees went weak. He met my gaze, amusement shimmering in his dark eyes.

  He guided my panties down my legs. “I’ve waited so long,” he murmured.

  “Now, Vince,” I breathed, letting my head fall back against the wall as I heard him unzip.

  His hands found my hips, grasping firmly as he guided me down his body. I felt the head of his hard shaft press against my core and gasped as he filled me slowly. He paused deep inside me, holding me close for a long moment as our breath mingles in the air between us.

  Reaching behind me, he unclasped my bra and tossed it aside, freeing my breasts to his hungry gaze. Now, he didn’t look like the thoughtful, hardworking single father I’d come to know. He looked like a predator, and the thought gave me an unexpected thrill, driving my desire to new heights.

  He fell back, his hold on me drawing me down on top of him. Grasping my hips, he began to guide me up and down. His grip was firm and uncompromising, helping me find a rhythm that had him groaning, and me laughing breathlessly.

  I bit my lip, making soft sounds of pleasure as I rode him.

  “God, you feel so good. Kiss me, love,” he murmured, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck.

  I leant down to kiss him, still moving my hips against his. Pleasure washed over me in waves, feeling more intense than anything I’d experienced before. I pressed my lips to his.

  He kissed me greedily, burying his fingers in my hair. He rolled over, pinning me beneath him as he began to drive into me, harder and faster. I gasped, wrapping my legs around his waist as he claimed me. “Yes, yes!”

  A possessive, primitive growl built in his chest. Maybe he was part Werewolf. His hand slid up to my breast as his lips travelled down my neck, finding the sensitive spot just behind my ear. His thumb teased the rosy bud of my nipple and I could hardly stand the intensity of the pleasure that hummed through my body.

  His teeth scraped at my neck and I moaned softly. “You like that, beautiful?” he purred.

  “Yess,” I hissed as I dug my nails into his back.

  He tugged at my earlobe with his teeth. “That’s my girl.”

  Soon, he was driving me towards climax, the pleasure so overwhelming I could hardly stand it. “Please, please, please,” I murmured, writhing beneath him and clutching at his broad shoulders.

  “Yes, dear Gods, yes!” he groaned against my neck as we were both pushed over the edge.

  Sometime later, though, in my state of delirium, I couldn’t have said how much time had passed, we lay together, partially entwined. “Sorry, I got a little impatient. We can find a bed now.” He nuzzled me, the stubble on his jaw brushing my skin, as he lifted me into his arms.

  I smirked but couldn’t drag my gaze from his bare chest. The guy was built. “Mmm, a bed sounds good.”

  “Having you in my bed sounds good.” He carried me to his bedroom where he lay me down on top of his bed. How he still had the energy to do that, I couldn’t say. “Gods, do you have any idea how good you look? You’re the most gorgeous thing I have ever laid eyes on.”

  I felt myself blush. “Vince, I-”

  He kissed me. “Hush, let me show you how badly I want you.” He began to kiss his way down my body, his strong hands soothing over the dips and valleys of my body, exploring.

  VINCE GRINNED. “YOU have to get to work,” he told me, his eyes bright with contentment. I wasn’t sure I had ever seen anyone look quite so pleased with themselves.

  I stretched out, my body deliciously sore, and reached up to rub his shoulder. “Again,” I pleaded softly.

  He leant down to kiss my neck. “You’ll be late.”

  “I don’t care. Take me, Vincent,” I murmured, pulling him closer.

  “Yes, mam.” He didn’t need any more convincing, he sank into me as if he’d intended to all along and I squeak softly as his hips bumped mine. Soon after, his mouth was on my neck, tasting me, as we moved together.

  This time, the sex was lazy and slow, it left me feeling breathless and incredibly satisfied. His hands took the time to explore every inch of my body, unerringly finding every sensitive spot I had and exploiting them.

  I smiled and he stroked my face gently. “How do you feel, love?” he asked, playing with my hair.

  “Amazing, can we stay here, just like this?” I asked softly.

  “I would like nothing more, nothing in the world. But we both have responsibilities, as much as we might wish otherwise.”

  I leant over to kiss him slowly. “When can I see you again?”

  “You could come back tonight, after I put the kids to bed. I’m not sure I could go any longer than that without feeling you beneath me,” he murmured, a wicked look in his eyes that told me his thoughts had turned sinful.

  “Kids?” I asked.

  He hesitated. “Kit stays with me sometimes.”

  “I suppose I could come over, do they sleep through the night?”

  He smiled and nodded. “They can sleep through anything, so don’t worry about trying to keep quiet when I make love to you,” he teased, kissing my cheek.

  “Mmm, are you implying that I’m too vocal about expressing my pleasure?”

  “Not at all, I love how vocal you are,” he assured me, cupping my breast as smugness saturated his expression. Before his hand could do anything more to get us into trouble, there was a thud on the front door. Vince growled but kissed my forehead gently. “I’ll get it.” He climbed out of bed and I watched him go.

  The view was pretty spectacular.

  A moment later a familiar scaly creature came bounding into the room. I quickly pulled the sheet over my bare chest. “Trip, what are you doing here?”

  He hopped up on the bed and turned to show me the bag around his neck. I pulled it off carefully and unzipped, finding a clean set of clothes.

  “You were right, they do look after you.”

  I glanced up to see Vince standing in the doorway, one arm braced above his head, wearing only a pair of boxers. God, that man was sexy.

  “You’ll want to shower,” he said with a small smirk.

  I patted Trip’s head. “Go home, boy,” I said softly.

  He huffed before darting out of the room. I dropped the sheet and walked over, I took Vince’s hand and led him to the bathroom. He switched on the spray of water and tugged me into the shower, grinning devilishly.

  I kissed my way down his neck and over his chest before dropping to my knees.

  “Oh boy,” he murmured.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Well, good morning,” greeted Julie brightly as we stepped into the shop later that morning. By some miracle, I wasn’t even late.

  “Where’s my boy?” asked Vince her, pinching my ass as he passed me.

  “Hey!” I blushed furiously.

  He grinned wickedly back at me, completely unrepentant.

  “In the pen with Abi,” said Julie, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Despite the change of clothes, provided by the wolves, she clearly knew a walk of shame when she saw one. Though, I was feeling less shameful and more liberated.

  “Papa!” exclaimed Jem.

  “There’s my monster,” Vince beamed at the toddler. He scooped Jem up into his arms and I tried not to stare at the way his biceps flexed. “Were you good for Julie?” he asked.

  Jem nodded, grinning adorably.

  “That’s my boy.”

  Jem pointed to me. “Wicca.” He clapped his hands.

  I tilted my head to the side. “Is your son calling me a Witch?”

  Vince grinned. “Well, that is what you are.”

  My eyes widened. “Really?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t know?”

  I shook my head. “How did you know?”

  “Your eyes, they turn silver whenever you’re... excited.”

  I blushed. “They do?” I didn’t even know that was a thing that happened to Witches.

  He grinned and nodded. “I’ll see you later, love,” he leant dow
n to kiss my cheek before walking out. My blush deepened and I turned to Julie. Might as well get the ‘I told you so’ out of the way.

  She beamed at me. “Somebody had a good night.”

  “I swear to God that man is the devil incarnate,” I murmured.

  She chuckled. “How was it?”

  “Like if great and amazing had a baby and gave him the looks of a rock God and the body of an athlete.” I sighed wistfully.

  “I told you he was a good one.” She grinned.

  Good? He’d knocked my socks off, as well as every other item of clothing.

  AFTER WORK, THE REVELATION of my supernatural status prompted me to take a trip to Arcton’s local library. The library was in a small, squat, grey building just down the street from the Elementary school.

  But however unappealing the outside might have been, the moment I stepped inside, the scents of the place greeted me like the embrace of an old friend. It was official, I was a book lover. Who else would be able to tell the smells of paper and ink of freshly printed books, from the musky, almost sweet smell of the older tomes?

  I offered Miranda, the librarian, a small wave before wandering into the stacks. After a brief wander around, I found the shelves labelled ‘Supernatural Culture’. There were two stacks full of books and I wasn’t entirely sure where to start.

  One book did jump out at me, though, it was an old one with a thick leather binding. There was no writing on the spine, and it also lacked the thin plastic covering that protected most of the other books.

  There was some kind of crest on the cover, and then the word ‘Grimoire’.

  A grimoire was a book of supernatural creatures. I didn’t recall ever having that explained to me but I knew it, the same way I knew how to breathe. Would it tell me about Witches? Or were we technically human and therefore not included?

  Holding the book to my chest, I headed over to the tables near the front desk. I sat at a table to open the book and tried for a contents page. It didn’t work. The paper slipped through my fingers like water. I blinked and tried again but I had no more luck.


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