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Cancer: Murders of the Zodiac

Page 10

by Alathia Paris Morgan

  Withdrawing myself from the mix was more difficult because I knew the information backward and forward.

  Mary Ann passed herself off as a fairly normal person who wanted romance and someone to spend her life with, but once she’d found you, she didn’t want to let you go.

  Her clinginess could be contributed to her childhood with abandonment issues or some other trauma that made her want to keep people she loved close. While she had wanted to be entwined in my life, she’d never really opened up to tell me much about her past. In the last weeks as I realized that I’d become the hunted, I’d done a little digging myself to become more acquainted with her.

  As a small child, her mother had died in a car accident leaving her to live with her father. He’d brought numerous women into her life trying to replace her mother. Then at about the age of twelve, just when she’d needed her dad the most, he’d left her at her grandparents for the weekend and never come back.

  I had tried to track down her father, but he had simply vanished from the earth. I had to wonder if she’d managed to find him when he got older and taken him out. She had mentioned that she had bouts with anger which could lead to throwing things. Thankfully, she had warned me about those, and I’d stayed away when she got upset.

  From what I’d gathered, she’d never been in therapy or had counseling which could have made a difference in how her life would have turned out.

  Her anger was fueling her movements and I had a good idea where she would go next. Wyoming held a few entanglements, but Washington was where more of the lumber communities gathered to work or engage in fun.

  There were three places that she might head to, but Adam was going to see what the local police had before they jumped onto another plane.

  It was time to take a walk through the building and see what I could gather from the team and their auras before calling it a day.


  The next morning I’d barely arrived when one of the receptionists tracked me down. “Agent Dalca there’s a phone call for you.”

  “Did they say who it was?” Galen asked.

  “A Flora Martin was wanting to speak to either, Detective Boxe or Fox. When I told her they weren’t available, she asked to speak to you.”

  “That’s curious,” He frowned, “I’ll take it over here.”

  “Yes, sir.” The messenger walked away.

  “This is Agent Dalca, how may I help you?”

  “Adam, I’ve been told that you’re a member of a special club. I tried to get the information to Leslie and Ryan, but it seems their phones are out of service or they’ve already been compromised.”

  “Flora, we haven’t had the pleasure yet, I’m Adam’s brother Galen. They should be safe at the moment because they’re in the driving somewhere in Wyoming to where the killer struck again.”

  “I have a special message for them. She’s going to be in an isolated cabin, but if they approach from the front, she’ll hear them and kill her hostage. They need to park further back and walk up from the back of the building. Several of their killers have been unhinged, but this lady is a whole new kind of crazy.”

  “Thank you. I’ll make sure they get this as soon as they can.”

  “Leslie’s spirit is completely closed off now and I can’t send her this thought. I guess I was starting to rely on her skills and with them out of commission it seems like we’ve gone back to the dark ages.” Flora gave a light laugh that sounded like a ray of sunshine to me.

  “Adam said, she had such a promising start. I’m not sure what happened. It’s like she burned out, but her aura doesn’t say that all in fact it’s quite the opposite.”

  “Do you think that she’ll be able to use it again?” Flora sounded doubtful.

  “With her shields closed it will take some time before she can work on getting them down again. After dealing with her past it was the only way for her brain to deal with the trauma. She used a lot of strength to take down that last killer and it will just take a little time for her to work through it.” I reassured her.

  “Yes, she’s the only thing standing in her way. Until she decides its time, those shields will be up and then in an emergency she’s going to drop them suddenly which will cause a major sensory overload.”

  “Crap, I was afraid that might happen. Now, that we’re friends it’s harder to see her future. I get visions about this case, but not about her personally right now.”

  “Thank you for helping her. I’ll keep an eye on her so maybe it won’t come to that. Adam needs her to on our team. If she can work past the block, then she’ll be a huge asset.”

  “My main concern is that she’s safe.”

  “I agree completely. She seemed like a very unique individual when I met her as do you. I hope that we can meet in person at some point. Maybe Adam can talk you into working for the FBI’s special division.”

  “Sorry, Agent Dalca, I have other obligations. We’ll meet when the time is right. Just take care of her for me.”

  A dial tone signaled the end of the conversation, but I smiled to myself. “One day, we’ll meet, Flora Martin and it should be interesting to see how our connections interact in person.”


  After hearing the warning from Flora, I knew the only way we were going to have a chance to catch Mary Ann was if I used myself as bait.

  I’d analyzed the data the team had been working on and come to a few conclusions about where they could change perspective to get a little closer to their long-term goal.

  The information that Adam had sent out to the main Unusual Crime team was trickling in and so far, the two guys were completely clean. They were still doing checks on a few other things before we marked them off the list.

  Now, it was time for me to go back to where it had all started and let Mary Ann come to me. I’d let Adam know when I got to the airport because while I really wanted to take her down, I wasn’t actually going to put my life in jeopardy.

  Chapter 12

  The cabin in the woods that Flora had seen was mine. I arrived from the airport and immediately drove straight there only taking the time to call Adam as I headed up the mountain.

  “Flora had a vision. Don’t approach the house from the front because she’ll kill the hostage. What she didn’t know was that I’m the hostage in the cabin. I’m headed there now. I have no idea when Mary Ann will show up, but she will be there. It’s the only way we can catch her.”

  “I wondered why I could sense you again. I’ll let them know and don’t take stupid chances.”

  “It’s not stupid if it saves lives. We both know that she’s only going to come if I’m physically there. I’m the one she’s after and if it will save more men from her terrible crusade then I’m willing to do it.” I held the phone to my ear as my truck rattled over the dirt roads up to my cabin.

  “We’ll be there.” He promised.

  “I sent you a text with the coordinates so you can find it.” I hung up and muttered, “I sure hope so.”

  Everything looked just as I left it. Mary Ann had even closed the door and turned off the lights which considering her rage at the next scene was something.

  With a sigh, I dialed her number. All of the information on file said this was her current phone number and I could only hope that she answered.

  “Hello, Galen. I see you’ve made it back home. Are you ready to stay there and face the music?” She cackled in my ear.

  “Not really, but I have to stop the deaths from occurring. I’m willing to take what you’re dishing out with no tricks.” I promised.

  “That’s good because I’m right behind you.”

  The door opened and the prongs of a taser shot out from her hands.

  “Well, that will hold you for a while. I need to get things ready.” She stopped and grabbed my arm dragging me across the floor.

  “Wait, I don’t have to hide anymore. Everyone knows it was me, but I’d hate to get blood on this gorgeous floor.” She took a pair of ha
ndcuffs out of her back pocket and put them around my hands.

  My body was still spasming from the taser, but I didn’t try to resist when they clicked shut.

  “Are these the cuffs I used to use when we dated?”

  Ignoring me, she left me laying there on the floor and walked around spreading out a tarp.

  “Mary Ann, how on earth did you know I was back before I called you?”

  “I put a tracker on your truck. It dawned on me that you must have run to your family for protection and it was the closest airport. Your truck was sitting in the long-term parking. It wasn’t a hard guess.” She rolled my body onto the middle of the tarp.

  “Hmmpf, I’m a profiler and I wouldn’t have thought of that.” I tried to get a little more comfortable, but it was hard when I was handcuffed and exhausted.

  “Ha, you never gave me much credit in the brains department, but he did.”

  “Who’s he?” I tried to play dumb.

  “The Zodiac Master that’s who.” She continued to get things ready.

  “He’s using you, you know. It’s all part of his plan to make you do his dirty work and get away with no actual blood on his hands.”

  She turned toward me and traced a finger down my cheek. “Oh, you, silly boy. Of course, I know that he’s using me, but if I get to exact my revenge on you then I don’t really care.”

  “Okay,” I protested, “I get that you’re mad at me, but why would me leaving make you want to kill me? It wasn’t the best option, but you were starting to stalk me in the not good kind of way.”

  “You think this is because you left me?” Her laugher filled the air. “I guess in a way it was about your leaving, but that wasn’t all of it.”

  The chainsaw landed with a thud on the floor next to my head.

  “I saw the way you were looking at me those last few days and knew that you were going to leave me. When I asked you what was going on, you acted like it was no big deal. There was a reason I went a little crazy on you back then,” She paused taking a deep breath.

  “It was the hormones. I was pregnant with your baby. I didn’t know it then, but after you ghosted me, I tried to find you.”

  “Pregnant? You weren’t just crazy?” The words were out of my mouth before I could help it. The rule book said not to antagonize your captor and I’d just called her crazy.

  “We had a baby together. I guess that some might call me crazy, but wouldn’t you be if your boyfriend knocked you up and then left you to fend for yourself?”

  “You know I wouldn’t have left if you’d have told me there was a baby. Besides your behavior was much more than just a few hormones out of whack.”

  “I do know that I’ve become crazy over the years as I’ve thought about all that you took from me.”

  “Now, you’ve confused me. I took something from you.” I yelled at her, “How on earth is not telling me I had a kid, keeping something from you?”

  “You really don’t know, do you?” She stared at me in amazement.

  “When you left, I couldn’t deal with things for months. I started drinking and doing drugs which prevented me from working. A kind neighbor found out I was homeless and pregnant, so she invited me to stay with her. The baby arrived, but I honestly don’t remember much of it.”

  “They put me in rehab immediately and took the baby because it was in withdrawal from the drugs and alcohol. When I got out, they told me the baby was gone. I’ve blamed you. If you hadn’t left, then I wouldn’t have started drinking and the baby would have lived. You’re the reason my life is all twisted.” She spat at me.

  “Now, the only thing I can do is stay alive long enough to kill you. It won’t make up for what you did to us, but it will even things out so neither one of us gets a happy ending.”

  “How does killing other men help bring justice to you and the baby? They’re innocent and you’re killing them. Taking them from their families for nothing.”

  “It’s not for nothing. The Zodiac Master has a plan and he has to have people to help him. I’ll be rewarded even if it’s in the afterlife. It’s worth it to know that you’re suffering. I can’t draw it out long enough like you did for those years, but I can have a little fun beforehand.” She looked at her watch, “We’ve got about twelve hours before I have to make sure your dead. I’ll make sure you don’t bleed out until it’s time.”

  “That’s a comfort.”

  What I didn’t say out loud was that I’d told Adam how to get into the house from the back. I could only hope that they’d arrive before Mary Ann could carve me up.


  I wasn’t sure where she got the syringe from, but as she approached, I could hear her muttering.

  “He needs to hold still until I get started or he’s going to bleed out too quickly. I still need him awake to know what’s happening to him.”

  As the effects of whatever was injected took hold of me, I couldn’t even move anymore, and it wasn’t for lack of trying.

  “I have to show him I messed up and that I can get back on track. He’ll be proud of me this time.”

  Laying there on the ground unable to move made each of the minutes seem to stretch into infinity. The clock on the wall showed it was only about thirty minutes had actually passed since I’d walked through the door of my cabin.

  Without a way to know how far away the FBI was, I had no idea if they were going to make it in time to save us.

  A sound from outside sent Mary Ann scurrying to the window.

  “Did you call someone?” She screeched.

  “When did I have time to call someone? You’ve been right here with me the entire time. How would that be possible?”

  “Where’s your phone?” She demanded as she walked over kicking me in the side with her foot.

  “It’s in my back pocket and the signal doesn’t work very well up here.”

  “We’ll see about that,” she huffed shoving me onto my stomach and taking the phone out my pocket. “You made a call to your brother. What did you tell him?”

  “Um, hard to breathe.”

  “Ooh, right.” She rolled me back onto my back and I took a deep breath.

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That I’d flown back and was running up to my cabin before I went to me them.”

  “Great, now you’ll have to die sooner because they’ll be here.”

  “My brother didn’t have a clue where my cabin’s located. He’s never been here and I’m supposed to meet him not the other way around.”

  “They’re still trying to figure out where you’re going to strike next after leaving them that bloody scene again this morning.”

  “Ah, yes. That was fun. After the other one, I decided that using my axe was more fun and personal. There were too many neighbors this time and they would have wondered about a chainsaw going off in someone’s house.”

  “That would be a problem, but I think they’re tied up working the mess you left this morning.”

  “Good, then I’ll get to enjoy more time with you.”

  She walked around checking all of the windows to make sure I was telling the truth.

  “I don’t see anyone lurking, but the sooner I get started the better.”

  I had to find a way to delay her from chopping me into little parts.

  “Aren’t you going to miss me once you do this? I’ve been you’re driving focus for so long that you won’t have a reason for being anymore.”

  “Won’t need one because I’ll be dead once this mission is over. I took this gig as a way out. He promised to end it for me if that’s what I wanted. I’ll either be completely free and able to get back to living or he’s offered a way to end it all with the happy knowledge that I’ve righted a wrong.”

  I could hear the doors slide in my back entrance and I needed to distract Mary Ann until they got inside.

  “Did you ever really love me or was it all lust?”

  “Love? I’ve never know what love is. I thought I was in lov
e with you, but when you left I realized that it wasn’t the real thing. If you had loved me then you wouldn’t have left me alone and pregnant.”

  “You didn’t tell me you were pregnant.” I yelled at her as Adam walked in behind her with Ryan and Leslie.

  She was facing away from them, but must have sensed something because she turned with the axe held tightly in her hands.

  “Put the axe down.” Adam warned, “I don’t want to shoot you.”

  “Well, that’s my only alternative now. He won’t let me live and if I’m going to die then it doesn’t matter anymore.” She took the axe and aimed for my heart as bullets roared from three different guns.

  The axe hit the floor inches from my head as her body toppled over mine.

  She was gasping as she turned to me, “I named the baby, Lex. I hope you’re happy because I’ll be out of your life forever.”

  Her eyes stared at me and I had never wished to be able to move my body.

  “Hey, guys. Little help here, paralyzed and can’t move.”

  “I’ll bet you say that to all the girls when they’re on top.” Ryan joked now that the threat had been neutralized.

  “Sure. I love to let the dead sleep on top of me.”

  They went to move her over, but the second Leslie touched Mary Ann’s body a tremor ran through her.

  She sank to the floor next to me as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

  “Oh, that isn’t good. Is she okay?” I moaned as they picked me up to helped to carry me to the couch propped against the cushions.

  “I think she got a psychic shock.” Adam was kneeling next to Leslie, but I couldn’t see what he was doing.

  “Don’t touch her,” I yelled as a precaution.

  “Ryan, I can’t touch her. Whatever connection she has with Mary Ann’s spirt can still jump to me.” He motioned to Leslie lying next to the body.

  “Leslie, can you hear me?” Ryan scooped her up and put her in the recliner. “What do we do now?”

  “You’re going to need to call the team up here and I’m going to need an ambulance. This could last a few hours or longer and they need to check me out to make sure that Mary Ann didn’t put anything else into that syringe.”


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