Book Read Free

Destiny Rising

Page 7

by Lachlan Wells

  “This…” She pulled out the gem with a pop! and observed the black object.

  “Alright, I guess,” Parrish smiled. “I would have never seen that. Nice.”

  “Well,” she rubbed its surface. “The Quell seems to hold just as many secrets as the people who dwell in them, and I guess the Seeker part of me wants to seek those out, so to speak. There are a lot of personal quests that involve that sort of thing, I suppose.”

  “Ah.” Parrish nodded leaning back. “Just so you know, you’ll never need a personal quest with me. Ask me any questions you’d like, and I’ll answer. I’m an open book.”

  Adrianna looked at him, suddenly wary of his words. How many of those ‘pages’ had been torn out of his open book? Or drawn over with black ink?

  Insight Check. Is he really an open book? 12 +2 = 14. Failure.

  His face was steady, and his dark eyes looked at her expectantly, betraying nothing.

  Quest: Secrets of Joseph Parrish (Personal)

  You’re not certain, but you’re pretty sure Joseph Parrish is hiding something. One of the chapters in that book have been torn out, metaphorically speaking. It would be very nice to know the truth.

  Success Conditions: Get Joseph Parrish to tell you what he’s hiding.

  Reward: Experience. And someone gets to know his secrets.

  Refusal: Can you really resist the tempting promise of information.

  “I accept,” Adrianna replied with a smirk, “your offer.”

  Parrish looked at her strangely but let it go as Hancock started to stir. “Well, I guess it’s back to work for me. The big man is back.”

  Hancock leaned on his arm and looked at Adrianna who was staring into space.

  “You okay?” he called to her.

  “Yeah,” Adrianna nodded. “I’m ready to go when you are.”


  The journey to Bair Island was shorter than they thought it was going to be. Maybe it was because they rushed through the forest and avoided any potential encounters. Maybe it was just closer than they thought.

  The water of the anonymous lake was clear with reeds and grass growing at the edges. Fish swam casually as they approached the shoreline. A boat was wedged into loose sand just large enough to accommodate their party, as if waiting for them. The water calmly rippled toward the island which sat like a silent bastion. There was no visible connection to land but evidence of a long collapsed bridge lay in shambles, it’s stones crumbled into piles of debris. It was completely silent. No wind, no bird song, no voices.

  The party shoved off, without saying much to one another, the ominous feeling of inevitability looming over all of them.

  “I heard hags haunt its beaches,” Myra whispered as Parrish and Hancock rowed the boat.

  Adrianna perked up. “Hags?”

  “Like sirens, only they show you how big they are before you’re too close to get eaten.”

  “So if they exist, do vampires and fairies exist too?” Adrianna’s eyes went wide.

  “Oh yeah,” Myra nodded. “Most everything that books have warned about are real. Even stuff like ghosts. I heard that in this place called Death Valley, spirits are all over the place. Some people think it’s the afterlife, personified. But that’s silly.”

  “Why is it silly?” Parrish asked narrowing his eyes.

  “Well,” Myra put up a hand. “No offense, but there is no afterlife. If the books check out, then there’s nothing left after we’re dead. That’s just kind of it.”

  “If that’s what you believe,” Parrish shrugged, and got back to rowing.

  “Wow, you all are mighty depressing,” Hancock murmured.

  Adrianna wished she could take a swim but knew better than to abandon ship. Besides, sea monsters could be down there. It would be cool to meet them, but…She caught a reflection on the water and looked up.

  Another boat was there, gliding across the water. “Guys,” she pointed.

  The others turned to look at the boat as it started to speed up. Instinctively, Parrish and Hancock also started to row harder, pushing their boat faster towards Bair Island.

  Chapter 13: Party vs Party

  The other boat shoved onto land a moment after theirs. Adrianna grabbed her bag and leapt over the edge of the boat, both feet kicking up sand as she pulled her hood over her head.

  “Why are we running?” Parrish called, struggling to get out of the boat. “Why are we running?!”

  Adrianna was once again leaving them all in the dust and she slid to a stop just in front of the other group of people. What now?

  The newcomers stared at Adrianna giving her a good view of each of them.

  There were two women and three young men in their party wearing an assortment of colors and armor.

  It was the two in front that caught her attention. They both had on t-shirts underneath bronze breastplates. The backpacks hanging from their shoulders had blades and arrows sticking from them.

  “Wait…” Adrianna pointed at the one with black hair and heavy green eyes, checking his head for confirmation. “You’re Jace.”

  Jace Harrison


  Level 6

  “In the flesh,” he nodded and squinted at her. “You’re that platinum blond from that one town we were in, remember Markus?”

  Markus Tsu


  Level 6

  The young man that looked almost exactly like him with a blue hood and a wry smile. “I remember,: he nodded. “It wasn’t that long ago.”

  “Did you leave the same day we did?” Jace grinned. “I didn’t know you were going to head out into the Quell like this.”

  Adrianna shrugged. “It was all pretty sudden.”

  “As are most of our journeys in life,” Markus sniffed. “We should get going.”

  “Who’s your friends?” Adrianna nodded towards the others.

  “Oh them?” Markus waved them over. “That’s Jo, Kathy and Umbra Prime. They don’t bite much.”

  The other three strode over and she looked at their heads.

  Jonathan Price


  Level 5

  Clad in metal armor with a red cloak clasped to its side in a dramatic fashion stood a warrior of six feet tall. The man had a boyish face with brown eyes that stared blankly at Adrianna. She couldn’t tell if he was fully paying attention, or just simply assessing her. He had a great sword on his back and a pair of ragged and dirty tennis shoes that wrapped around his large feet.

  “Hi,” he finally said, his face not breaking in any sort of emotion save determination.



  Level 5

  The woman next to him was wearing a white dress with a blue shawl over her shoulders. Around her neck was a silver crucifix with prayer beads that reflected the noon sun. Her gentle green eyes were bright and sharp, and in her hand was a red dagger.

  “I suppose you know her, then?” Kathy put a hand on Jonathan--Jo’s arm. “This isn’t going to end with any bloodshed?”

  “That’s the idea,” Markus nodded. “If anything happens, it’s on Jace. This was his plan.”

  “Then let’s not waste any more time,” the last one in the back spoke up.

  Umbra Prime


  Level 5

  Adrianna could barely see her from where she stood. Umbra hugged a staff close to her body and made herself small in green and gold robes. Wild black hair stuck out from her head, covering most of her face.

  “Where’s your team?” Jace grinned. “Or are you out here all alone.”

  “She’s never alone, Berserker,” Hancock stepped into view right on cue, brandishing his black katana.

  “Oh my god, you’re so dramatic,” Myra huffed along. “Sorry it took us so long, Ari, you’re pretty fast.”

  “I probably shouldn’t have run off like that,” Adrianna nodded, and Hancock visibly relaxed for a moment. “I met these guys back home. They were passing through town and
they told me about the Quell. That’s Jace and...well, I guess you can read their names.”

  “I remember them from the tavern,” Hancock nodded, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

  “Myra is a pretty name,” Jace smiled. “What’s a girl like--” Markus nudged him.

  “I think we’re all here for the same reason,” Markus said, adjusting his hat. “You just don’t take a boat to Bair Island for no reason.”

  Adrianna nodded in agreement. “Whoever is on this island can help up out. So, it seems we’ll be looking for the same person.”

  “We can work through this together. I’m not opposed to a joint party until we get through this. There are powers in numbers, and I won’t know the terrain or the type of monsters we’ll run into, so let’s temporarily merge.”

  “What’s a joint party?” Adrianna asked. She was perfectly capable of making the assumption, but she was curious to see who would be the one most willing to explain things to her.

  “A joint party joins our teams together,” the small voice from Umbra Prime volunteered, and Adrianna smiled. “The party leaders shake on an agreement, and the deal is made.”

  “Oh, that makes sense.” Adrianna stepped up and held out her hand to Markus. “Seems easy enough.”

  The two clasped their left hands and Markus held them firm for a second. “Just for today, so we can get through this island.”

  “Sounds like a deal.”

  A flash of blue light illuminated their hands.

  Joint Party Established! This lasts for 24 hours or until broken.

  Leaders: Adrianna Swann, Markus Tsu

  Jace’s eyebrows went up. “You’re team leader?”

  “Always has been,” Myra rolled her eyes. “Let’s get this done, we got stuff to do.”

  Hancock, who had been looking over the newcomers with a smoldering amount of suspicion, made his black katana disappear and adjusted his backpack. “Adrianna, let’s stay together.”

  She pursed her lips and nodded, she wondered how long that was going to last. The party began stepping through the grass into a wooded area.

  “How long have you all been together?” Jace suddenly made conversation with Myra. “Your part I mean.”

  “A couple of weeks. You?”

  “Off and on. Almost a year. Been with Markus the longest though.”

  Adrianna shifted her attention to the others. Kathy was whispering something to Jo, as the blank look on his face lit up in understanding. “I can do that,” he nodded furiously.

  “Good,” Kathy smiled and caught Adrianna looking. She waved and made her way over to the young woman. “I’m sorry if this is too forward, but how did you end up with a level 9 player?”

  Adrianna shrugged. “He was a part of my first quest--”

  “WHA!” Her attention was drawn to where Umbra had fallen. There was nothing to indicate what had caused her to trip in the path, but the reaction of the party was less than sympathetic as some of them just smiled and others looked away..

  Myra was already there, helping her up, checking to see if she was injured.

  “Oh, Umbra.” Kathy smiled. “She’s the one person in the Quell I’ve met to have negative numbers on her stat block. Her Dexterity is horrendous.”

  “I didn’t know that was possible.”

  “Me neither before she showed up. I thought she was cursed, but apparently, that’s just who she is. It doesn’t factor in much to be a mage, though. As long as she can cast her spells, she’s good.”

  “What about you, Jo?” Adrianna dared to ask. “Do you like being a warrior?”

  Jo paused, giving Adrianna a blank stare for an uncomfortable period of time.

  “Um…” Adrianna cleared her throat expectantly.

  “Give him a moment,” Kathy reassured.

  Jo nodded to himself and finally replied. “I like being a warrior. I can protect my friends.”

  Kathy smiled as Adrianna looked away. He seemed odd. Maybe content to be a warrior. Maybe she’d feel more comfortable with her class if it wasn’t a prestige one. Maybe life would have been simpler for her. Maybe her curiosity wouldn’t get the better of her and the temptation to know everything wouldn’t drive her every move. Maybe, just maybe--

  “So, when did you get your class?” Jace had switched conversations and Kathy scowled at him.

  “Are you done flirting with the other party?” Kathy asked, with a distasteful glance.

  “Yeesh,” Jace laughed. “You guys act like I’m gonna start giving away secrets.”

  “You have been known to do that before,” Kathy poked him hard in the side.

  “Hey, ow!” Jace batted her hand away as Jo laughed, entertained by the moment. He faced Adrianna with curiosity. “But you got a new class. And you’re already level five. That was fast. Feels like just yesterday that you were not even in the Quell.”

  Kathy and Jo wandered closer to Parrish and Hancock as they began talking.

  “I mean, yeah.” Adrianna nodded. “I’ve done a lot. Fought some trolls, saw the Council of Lions, killed some goblins.”

  “How does it feel to be a Seeker?” Jace nodded at her head.

  “I don’t exactly know yet. I’m pretty sure it’s not anything good though.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I mean, Seekers are supposed to be these selfish lone wolves that run around discovering stuff and finding new places and uncovering secrets, but only the latter part really appeals to me.”

  “Who told you the first part?” Jace frowned.

  “Well,” Adrianna gestured vaguely, and Jace shook his head.

  “Don’t listen to them. Make it what you want to make it. Look at me,” Jace waved to himself as he stepped over a gnarled root. “I’m supposed to be one of the most dangerous people around and always angry at something , acting all barbaric, running around with a loincloth or with a belt of skulls or something. We’re all just normal people. Regular mortals that are just trying to make ends meet in the messed-up world that we’re in. So what, they think they know what a Seeker is. They don’t know you as a Seeker. Embrace your nature and be who you are, not who people think you should be. It’ll only bring you pain in the future.”

  Adrianna soaked up his words. Maybe he was right. But what if she did end up that way? She saw the way the other party members looked at her. There was always a hint of suspicion behind their eyes. Was she automatically not to be trusted now?

  She glanced over to look at Hancock but was met with a suddenly appearing shroud of fog.

  “Hey guys?” Adrianna called and Jace looked up as well. She saw Myra and Umbra talking, but they stopped as Adrianna called.

  “What the hell?” Myra pulled up her boot, which was covered in mud. The land had shifted before their very eyes. What was once a casual forest, now held a foggy swampland, complete with the sound of buzzing insects that dodged around their heads.

  “Guys!” Adrianna called, searching frantically for the rest of her party.

  Perception Check. Locate the party. 8 + 2 (Wis) = 10. Failure.

  Hancock and Parrish were nowhere to be seen. The thick fog shrouded the air and the woody grass and wet mud stuck to her boots as well.

  “Kathy! Markus!” Jace bellowed into the fog. He released a low growl as there was no response.

  “Come on, guys,” Myra pointed deeper into the Island. “The best way to get past this is to find whatever it is that’s in the middle of the island. We’ll all be going to the same place.”

  Adrianna knew she was right, but part of her wanted to start looking for them immediately. It was best that they stayed the course. If anything, Hancock would come looking for her. Despite his demeanor, he had grown on her as the grumpy old mentor. It was like having another uncle.

  The four walked in silence for a moment. Jace took out a torch to keep most of the insects at bay while Myra kept an eye out for anything suspicious.

  “What I wouldn’t give for a Hunter right now,” Myra mu

  “If we had Markus, maybe,” Jace agreed. “They have a better chance at finding us than we do finding them.” They continued their trek, in what they assumed was the direction of the center of the island.

  “I wanted to ask you about being a Seeker,” Umbra’s small voice was behind her and Adrianna turned. Now that the mage was close, she noticed that they were the same height, and had the same bright blue eyes. Her gaze kept drifting towards Myra, before refocusing on the conversation. “I’ve never seen one around here.”

  “I’m sort of new to it,” Adrianna shrugged again, noticing a nervous tic on Umbra’s eyebrow. Now that her surroundings had changed, nothing felt real except her internal compass, pinging like a beacon in the back of her head, telling her the way she had come. “I’m still exploring the little stuff.”

  “I’ve never seen a Seeker in a party,” Umbra repeated. “I guess what I’m trying to ask is, why aren’t you alone?”

  Adrianna looked at her and started fiddling with the hem of her green cloak. “I don’t want to be alone.”


  “Look,” Adrianna took a deep breath. “I’ve never been alone in my life. There was my uncle or the townsfolk, or someone to talk to, or a new traveler to meet. To be alone now when I have a whole world to explore? That’s seems a little overwhelming.”

  “So…” Umbra furrowed her brow. “You work with them, because you don’t want to be alone.”

  “You could say that, yeah,”

  “I think…” Myra suddenly jumped into the conversation, nodding her head toward Umbra.“I think she’s worried about her own party.”

  Umbra blushed and looked away. “Wha-what makes you say that?”

  “You’re standoffish and don’t interact with them a lot,” Myra pointed out. “No one was in a rush to help you, but they all watched you, meaning you’ve probably conditioned them in the past to not help you, because of the insistence that you could do it yourself. Were you the last one to join the party?”


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