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Destiny Rising

Page 11

by Lachlan Wells


  “Is it the endless fight or the fact that he’s alone that scares him more?” Adrianna wondered, as she took off her backpack.

  “Ari,” Myra instinctively grabbed the backpack. “You can’t just jump in there without--”

  “Hold the fort!” Adrianna yelled and launched herself into the arena. She leapt back immediately as a paw slammed to the earth and dust got into her eyes. She slid under the beast’s body and immediately regretted leaving her crossbow with Myra.

  She pulled out her dagger and slashed at the beast’s legs before rolling next to Hancock. He only hesitated a little before he took his katana in both hands and slashed the edge across the beast’s throat, letting it fall into black mist once more.

  “You should back away,” Hancock gasped, trying to catch his breath. “They’ll keep coming. Everyone else has left me, I’ll be okay.”

  Adrianna frowned. “Yeah, no, we gotta get you out of here.”

  “You need to be protected at all costs, Adrianna,”

  “Shut up and focus on my necklace,” she pointed at her chest and Hancock frowned.

  “Your necklace?”

  The black mist started to reform and the invisible crowd roared in anticipation.

  “Come on, Hancock, only you can stop this. This is all from your head.”

  Hancock pushed Adrianna behind him and held out his blade again. “I made a vow to protect the ones I care about at all costs. No matter what.”

  “We don’t need protection!” Adrianna snapped. “We need to run!”

  The black mist kept building as a new shape grew bigger and larger, raw muscle snapping into place as the form congealed into a grotesque monster. Then a crossbow bolt pierced into its still forming shape and a hole quivered within it as the black mist lost itself for a moment.

  “KELLY HANCOCK!” Myra’s voice suddenly rang across the room, her piercing eyes glaring at the two and Hancock paused, scrunching up his brow in confusion.

  “Myra’s here?” Hancock murmured.

  “Myra was always here.” Adrianna rolled her eyes. “I got her first.”

  Hancock glanced down at her and gripped the handle of his blade tighter. “Great. That means I have to protect both of you.”


  Hancock suddenly let himself smirk. “I’d like to see her try--”


  Hancock hesitated. The monster was almost completely formed as he slowly lowered his blade and sighed.

  “There’s no shame in a retreat, Hancock,” Adrianna pressed. “The door was always open. You just gotta walk through it.”

  Hancock grunted and his blade disappeared. “Come on, then. I don’t need the Bard in my head.”

  Adrianna smiled and ran back towards Myra with Hancock by her side. The three turned to see the arena melt into an empty room, littered with sand and bones of past players who had also found themselves trapped in the oblivion of endless combat.

  Chapter 22: The Winds of Fate

  The last waypoint to get to Parrish was further than she thought it would be. The tunnels and corridors were twisting and seemed to change at every turn, as if the Maze was attempting to stop them from getting to their destination. That only made Adrianna go faster.

  “How do you know where we’re going?” Myra frowned.

  “I can see it,” Adrianna said waving her hand. “It’s how I found you guys.”

  “See it?”

  “The waypoints,” Adrianna gestured at the images in her sight and Myra shot Hancock a look. “They’re showing me where to go, whatever I’m looking for. I think it’s linked to the Seeker Scroll. As long as I have it, I know where to go.”

  Hancock shrugged. “The Seekers I’ve known all had the same thing. It has to be a class thing they all get.”

  “Is anyone else tired?” Adrianna huffed, the red tinge was getting worse, and she was pretty sure if she kept going without resting, she’d suffer the consequences in a not so good way.

  “I tried healing you earlier,” Myra frowned. “But it didn’t seem to do anything significant. Healing might be limited here.”

  “When we find Parrish, we’ll know for sure,” Adrianna nodded.

  Just as they turned around the final corridor, Adrianna spotted the door to Parrish’s waypoint. Standing between her and it were three red-robed figures loitering around the entrance. They all turned around as Myra and Hancock pulled out their weapons.

  “You sure he’s in there?” Myra asked.

  “Yup.” Adrianna pulled out her crossbow. “The waypoint leads right through there.”

  “I’m too tired for this,” Myra murmured. “I’m almost out of mana.”

  “I don’t know if I can take them on in my condition either.” Hancock uncharacteristically admitted.

  “I don’t need you guys to win,” Adrianna replied, loading a bolt. “I need you guys to stall enough for a miracle.”

  “It seems we have a few lost pieces of meat,” the first red robe said.

  “How are they escaping the horrors?” the second one asked. “If they won’t be food then--”

  “Enough,” the final one pulled out a dagger. “We’ll put them back in their place, or kill them where they stand. The beast must eat!”

  The three all exchanged glances. They were all equally unanimous: take them out, ask questions later.

  Adrianna didn’t bother to wait for initiative before leaping forward.

  Acrobatics Check. Evade the Red Robes. 13 + 3 (Dexterity) = 16. Success.

  She narrowly dodged the dagger strikes as Myra and Hancock went on the offensive. She knew she couldn’t be distracted by the combat behind her. Just survive long enough.

  Adrianna’s shoulder slammed into the door as she blindly fired a crossbow bolt at the red robes before pushing through the door.

  Parrish was on the floor, surrounded by darkness. Adrianna could barely seem him through the torchlight of the corridor. “Parrish!” She called.

  The roguish Cleric turned, a deep look of agony set in his eyes. He instantly started to crawl towards Adrianna, pulling himself away from the darkness.

  “Come on, Parrish,” Adrianna called. “It feeds of off--”

  “I know!” He snapped and held out his hand.

  Adrianna grabbed it and lifted him to his feet as she pushed them through the door. “What happened?”

  “Those guys happened,” he pointed at the red robes who were taunting Myra and Hancock as they were obviously trying their best to avoid getting stabbed. “And they took my coin.”

  “...meaning?” Adrianna frowned.

  “Meaning no coin, no healing.”

  Myra suddenly screamed as one of them stabbed into her leg. Adrianna cried out as Parrish growled. Hancock wasn’t faring any better. His sword arm was tired and sweat blinded him.

  Adrianna shouldered her crossbow, cursing under her breath. How many bolts do I have left? How much would it take to kill them before they took out my other two team members? What would it take to get Parrish’s coin back?

  “Four winds of…” Parrish’s words faded away.

  “What?” Adrianna asked aiming her crossbow.

  He grabbed her shoulder for stability and grimaced. “Four winds of the fate. Hear my call…I have served you all of my life…and I ask that you intervene just once. If it’s our thread of fate that needs us to get out of here...just give us something. Anything.”

  It took her a moment to realize he was praying. Praying to the forces that dictated chance and luck and the random order of chaos. How real was something like that? Parrish had to get his powers from somewhere didn’t he?

  “Give me just a stroke of luck,” he hissed. �
��You know how much I like to play my odds.”

  Yes, I do. A voice suddenly filled Adrianna’s ears in a tingling whisper that lingered in the air. The corridor lit up as light began rolling off of Parish. It took Adrianna a moment to realize that she too was glowing, gently rising from the ground.


  Adrianna gasped as she saw the red robes cover their eyes, blinded from the simultaneous level ups.

  Congratulations! You are now level 7. Your health is restored!


  Crossbow: You are now proficient with all crossbows.


  Careful Eye: Your wary nature has given you a bonus to notice your surroundings and details.

  Blessing of the Fates: You’ve been blessed by the winds of fate. Once per day, you change your fortune for the better. However, misfortune will befall something or someone else in order to keep the Balance of the Quell.

  Adrianna softly landed back on the ground and glanced at Parrish who held out a hand and flipped his coin with a grin. “Let’s kick their butts.”

  Myra let out a shout that knocked over the red robes. She was bright and radiant in the torchlight, the magic dripping from her lips like a gentle rainfall.

  Hancock pushed himself from the corner walls, looking no better with blood still evident on his beard.

  Why didn’t he level up? Adrianna wondered, as she fired a bolt and this time, it hit its target, tried and true, turning one of the red-robed figures into black mist. Parrish lifted his coin and murmured an incantation. A white light blasted its way through the hall and hit the second red robe, blinding him. Hancock followed up with a quick slash with his katana and it also exploded into black mist.

  The triumphant players all bore down on the last one, and the red robe threw up his hands.

  “Wait! Wait! Spare me!” he cried.

  They all stopped and Hancock put his blade to his throat. “Convince us to keep you alive.”

  “I’ll tell you where--where the other one is!”

  “Other one?” Myra snapped.

  “The traitor! That’s who you’re here for…?” The red robe hesitated. “The one with the staff, the arcane robes and the big beard? I thought--”

  “You were right.” Adrianna’s heart skipped a beat. “Where is he?”

  “The center of the Maze, where we keep him.”

  “Who’s he talking about?” Parrish asked.

  “My uncle! My uncle is in this maze!” Adrianna cried excitedly.

  Chapter 23: The Final Horror

  “We can’t spend another moment in here,” Hancock protested. “Every moment is a bigger risk of death or losing control of our minds again. This place feeds off of our life force and fear.”

  “Yeah, but we have enough necklaces now!” Adrianna argued. “As long we don’t get caught again we’ll be fine.”

  “We were lucky to have leveled up when we did,” Myra pointed out. “I’m all for getting your uncle, but how much can we afford to stick around? I never want to go through that torture again!”

  “I can’t just conjure that move again,” Parrish added. “That was a once in a lifetime thing. I’m not saying we can’t go get him, but we need to be cautious.”

  She looked up at her waypoints and frowned. There were two now, both of them the same color and size. Both equally urgent in her mind. “Guys, he’s the reason I’m here. The reason I travelled into the Quell in the first place.”

  “I’m with you on that, Ari,” Myra started again. “But--”

  “This shouldn’t be a discussion.” Hancock pressured. “We should regroup, redouble our effort and come back. Time doesn’t work the same way here. There’s a chance we could lose no time at all.”

  “And there’s a chance they could kill him before we come back!” Adrianna countered. “I can’t wait for that. Come with me, or escape, it’s your choice. I have to go get my uncle. He’s the only real family I have left.”

  The group fell silent for a moment before Myra shook her head. “Okay guys, let’s be honest with ourselves. We shouldn’t have to talk about this anymore. We’re sticking together no matter what. We bonded. We just learned we’re better together than apart. And Ari, for better or worse, whether we like it or not, is our team leader. She is the reason we’re out here. I’m staying with Ari. I made a promise and my word is bond.”

  “I’m paid to protect her,” Parrish looked pointedly at Hancock. “You just gotta stop the flow of coin and I’m out.”

  Hancock’s breath hitched as he looked to the floor. He finally nodded and took a deep breath. “I made a promise too. Forgive me for my fear, Adrianna. I don’t want to lose you down here. Any of you.”

  “I understand,” Adrianna nodded. She wasn’t expecting anyone to stay and it made her giddy to have the support.

  “But that means no running off, Ari.” Myra pointed, and wrapped her into a hug. “For the love of all that is outside the Quell. Just stay with us.”

  “I’ll try,” Adrianna nodded. She wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to stick to one spot. She moved fast and she didn’t expect anyone to keep up.

  The waypoint to her right illuminated and she nodded to herself. I’m coming uncle.

  She led the way, spearheading the final expedition to the center of the maze.

  They didn’t run into any more guards wearing red robes, but the center was blocked off by a massive door. The four stared at it and Adrianna could feel an alien power behind it.

  “Are you guys ready?” Adrianna called. “This is the point of no return. I won’t blame you if you wanted to--”

  “Oh shut up,” Myra rolled her eyes. “We’re already here.”

  The men stepped forward and pushed the door open. What was behind it was beyond Adrianna’s comprehension. Bathed in a candlelight, a massive creature with grey, bulbous skin quivering like an active brain stood in the center of the room, letting out a slow moan as the doors open.

  Adrianna notched her crossbow. “Guess that’s what’s being fed by the maze.”

  Encounter! Start initiative!

  The beast suddenly let out a loud pulse that knocked them all back.

  Adrianna barely landed on her feet as she slid back and snapped her head up. She had one goal in mind.

  Perception check. Where is my uncle? 13 + 2 (Wis) + 5 (Careful Eye) = 20. Success.

  “I see him!” Adrianna called. He was hanging from a wooden post, dangling and unconsciousness.

  “Cover Adrianna!” Hancock called. “Make sure she gets to her uncle!” He pushed himself forward, black katana brandishing in the air. It flashed in the torchlight and bit into the eldritch horror’s flesh. Hancock suddenly held his head, crying out as he retreated. “OW! What the...HELL?”

  Myra didn’t bother to figure out what was wrong with him as she spoke, her words laced with magic. “Hear me, beast of horrors! I will rend your flesh into two pieces with my voice and you will hear nothing but the silent scream of your victims for the rest of your worthless life!”

  The beast only reacted with a low moan, edging forward towards them.

  “Damn, that was supposed to scare it,” Myra said disappointed. “I just taught myself that spell.”

  “It sounded pretty scary,” Hancock nodded, sweat dripping down his face. “Consider me afraid.”

  “Something tells me it can’t be scared.” Parrish said as he leapt to his feet and tossed his coin into the air. “Capturra!” He shouted and the coin suspended itself into the air. White chains launched themselves from the coin and wrapped around the eldritch creature and the horror froze in place, the moaning suddenly suppressed. A portal opened behind it and Parrish pointed. “Help me push it in!”

  “Good call!” Adrianna yelled. “I’ll get my uncle!”

  He gave her a curt nod and she turned back to face them.

  The horror struggled in its binding and three blobs shot from its flesh towards them. They all narrowly dodged out of
the way, the blobs sizzling into the ground with a sharp hiss!

  Adrianna released a crossbow shot nailing it in one of its flesh pods before running past it. A flash of loneliness rippled into her mind as the bolt struck flesh and she almost stopped to wallow in the despair of it. Almost. Knowing her uncle was on the other side of this massive beast was the one thing that kept her moving.

  She tumbled to her feet and landed in front of the wooden post her uncle was strapped to.

  Her uncle hung in the center, chained and beaten.

  “Hey, Uncle,” Adrianna called rushing up to him.

  His eyes fluttered open and a look of concern crossed his face. “ did you get here?” he rasped.

  “I came out here looking for you and I found you. I did it.”

  “You’re not supposed to be here, my dear girl.” Her uncle insisted. “You’ve made a mistake. I told you not to come looking for me!”

  “You told me to go find Kelly Hancock. I did. We travelled the Quell and now we’re here. Now I’m getting you out.”

  Adrianna glanced over the chains and found the lever to release his body back to the floor. An angry roar in the background told her that they were going to run out of time. “Come on, Uncle no time to argue.”

  “Listen to me child!” Her uncle collapsed. “Listen to me well. I am not who you think I am.”

  “You’re probably part of some sort of cult that has to do with this Maze of Horrors and you wanted out because of my parents, I assume and you’ve been taking care of me ever since to atone for your mistake. The other guys called you a traitor, and that’s what I think.”

  Her uncle slowly nodded. “That much is correct. Yes. But there is more. Look at me, dear child. Truly look at me to learn the truth you were ignoring your whole life.”

  “We don’t have time!”

  “Do it!” Her uncle pushed away. “Before you make your final decision of me.”

  Adrianna groaned but humored him, glancing quickly over his thick frame and tattered red cloak. His beard hadn’t grown very much, if at all, and the old look on his face seemed absolutely timeless. Adrianna chalked it up to the way time worked here, but there was something she was missing. Some instinct she had subconsciously ignored. Something that was on the edge of her vision...


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