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A New Time

Page 16

by Donna Steele

Dusty shifted Erica to a new position to hide her face from the video. “I had the impression he wanted to talk to regular people, someone who’s not an official or a politician.”

  “What did he ask you?”

  “Nothing in particular. He was interested that my wife held a position of physician.”

  The reporter nodded. “I don’t think women’s lib is big on Malvek.”

  Dusty grinned. “Their loss. We need to go.” He didn’t wait for the reporter to get out of their way. Dee allowed him to lead her to their car and slipped inside as he settled Erica in her car seat.

  He let himself into the driver’s seat and pulled out of the parking lot. “You okay?”

  “Yes, mostly. It’s weird to sit and talk to your nightmare and have him apologize. I’m not yet comfortable with people speaking directly to my mind unless it’s Erica.”

  “Yeah. I didn’t see that coming. Was it me, or did he feel lonely?”

  “I picked up something similar,” Dee admitted. “I’m suddenly exhausted.”

  “Let’s go home and order in.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Dee lay boneless in Dusty’s arms. Time had not diminished what he could do to her body. She hadn’t expected relaxation after the talk with Axal, but she did feel better. That was probably Erica, pumping confidence into her.

  I’ve got no complaints.

  Axal had apologized. What had happened to her had not been deliberate. The Malveks knew Dusty was not responsible for the time travel. They knew the Guardians existed. Why didn’t Earth have that knowledge?

  There had been no push for manned exploration beyond Earth’s solar system in space travel. Robotics harvested the asteroid belt and there were plans for a small colony on Mars, but the Malveks traveled throughout the galaxy.

  Would knowing there really were others out there encourage the same exploration here? Stupid question, of course it would. Axal was no doubt already being bombarded with questions about such abilities.

  Axal. She had picked up loneliness in his demeanor. She couldn’t blame him. He was completely alone on a world of strangers and strangeness. He had made plain he wanted to spend time with Dusty and her. Erica, staying in the background, would keep them safe. Dee didn’t doubt that for a moment.

  She was surprised to realize she wanted to spend some time with Axal, too.

  Chapter 39

  Home World of the Malveks

  Braxal ignored the looks and chatter around him as he entered the gathering place. He was famous, more so than when he had been known for his battles. Now great debate sprang up regarding what he and Gsark had done.

  He was aware of attempts by other Warriors to have their mind talkers reach the inhabitants of Earth. None had been successful. That didn’t surprise him at all. The news of the shield guarding the planet had not been announced.

  There were murmurs regarding his change in demeanor. Some saw it as a softening and scoffed at him. Such attitudes no longer bothered him. He was more than content.


  The thought of her soothed him. She had accepted accommodations in his private quarters, and he had given her permission to make whatever changes were needed for her comfort.

  The spawning with her had been more meaningful than any other he’d experienced, and they awaited word of new warriors. If not this time, he would not object to more experiences in the future. She slept beside him at night, warming them both.

  During the day Vion kept busy. He had authorized a school for the female younglings and other older females who wished it. That information remained close within his clan and Gsark’s. Ledda and Vion spent much time together and Ledda, her first student, showed great strides in her reading ability.

  Braxal spotted Gsark in the eating area and approached him. Gsark straightened and showed his teeth in welcome.

  “You appear very contented today,” Gsark remarked.

  Braxal gave a low, chuckling growl. “You could be blamed for that.”

  Gsark bowed slightly. “I would be most happy to assume the blame. Is Vion well?”

  “Very. We hope to have news from our spawning in a short span.”

  “I am most anxious to learn your news. My youngest warrior is having a naming ceremony soon. I would welcome a young companion for him in his training.”

  “Has Sark been in communication with Axal?”

  “I believe that is a constant. Axal’s activities on Earth have kept him very busy.”

  “Have there been problems?” Braxal hooked some meat and settled in for a conversation.

  “He is being well protected by what they call security on Earth.”

  Braxal’s head came up. “Has it been necessary?”

  “No, but the Earthlings were not aware of that. They now believe he can protect himself, however they continue their security. No one who has attempted any harm has been successful.”

  Braxal nodded. No need to bring information regarding the Guardians to anyone’s attention, be they Malvek or Earthling. The information was a tactical advantage and he was still a warrior.

  “Sark is working with the new ambassadors as well. Several Warriors have requested the boon of having mind talkers join with our alliance.”

  “None of the older warriors.”

  “You are correct there, though there are few mind talkers within their clans. I am also seeing females in public more often. I assume that is due to Vion and Ledda’s influence. I am not privy to their activities personally.”

  “Nor I. Vion did share that Ledda was the fastest of her students in the art of reading.”

  Again, Gsark bared his teeth. “She is motivated.”

  They ate for a moment, before Gsark spoke again. “I have reason to believe Sark will be requesting permission to join the Braxal clan when Axal returns.”

  Startled, Braxal looked up from his meat. “Why would he request such permission?”

  “He and Axal do not wish to be separated. I believe they wish to mate.”


  “Live together. Obviously, there would be no offspring.”

  “I see no reason for Sark to change his clan for this to occur,” Braxal responded.

  “You have no objections?”

  Braxal mused for a long moment. “None. Why not have accommodations within both clans? They are valuable members to each of us. We would not have the success we now enjoy without either of them.”

  “I will inform Sark of our decision.”

  Braxal resumed eating.

  What new surprises were in store this span?

  Chapter 40

  Washington, D.C.

  “Dusty? May I communicate with you?”

  Dusty froze. It couldn’t be. Axal was in his mind. It was a damn good thing he was alone in his office. No way could he keep a poker face right now.


  “I apologize for contacting you without warning. I would like to speak with you and your mate again, in private. I am staying at the American Hotel downtown. If the two of you would arrive as though for dinner, then leave the restaurant and come to my suite with discretion, I would greatly appreciate it. I will order in your room service for a meal.”


  “If possible. I will not remain in Washington much longer. I have many countries to visit.”

  “Of course. We’ll get a babysitter and come over.”

  “What is a babysitter?”

  “Someone to keep our daughter while we are out.”

  “Ah, yes. Of course. Thank you for your trouble.”

  And Axal slipped out of Dusty’s mind.

  What the hell was that about? He grabbed his phone from his pocket and pinged Dee.

  “Hi, wasn’t ex
pecting to hear from you this time of day. Is everything okay?” Dee’s voice soothed him, making him realize the contact had unnerved him as well.

  “Axal has invited us to dinner tonight, for a private conversation.”

  There was a long silence on the phone.

  “Yeah, I had the same reaction,” Dusty murmured. “I’m gonna ask Leonard if he and Sherry want to keep Erica tonight.”

  “I’m not sure what to say.”

  “Wear something sexy.” Her shaky chuckle both worried and reassured him. “I’ll let you know if they’re available.”

  Rising, he went in search of his boss and friend.

  He found Leonard in the break room. “You seeing Sherry tonight?”

  Leonard blinked. “Excuse me?”

  “Dee and I need a babysitter for the evening. I realize it’s not appropriate to ask my supervisor to handle that, but I didn’t want to contact Sherry and mess up her plans.”

  “Bullshit.” Leonard grinned at him. “You know we’d both jump at the chance. If she can’t, I can. Probably be both of us.”

  Dusty straightened his shoulders. “Thank you.”

  “It’s nice to have you and Dee back on an even keel. Don’t spread it around, but I get a kick out of keeping Erica. I always feel good when I’m around her.”

  Dusty swallowed. “Me, too.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Dee looked like a million dollars when he got home. That neckline enhanced everything. She’d put back on a healthy amount of weight again, and along with nursing Erica . . .

  “What time did Sherry say they’d get here?”

  Dee laughed out loud. “Not late enough for that. But thank you. Go play with Erica a couple of minutes, before you get ready.”

  “Spoilsport.” He mock-moped, already jogging toward the nursery.

  “She sat up today,” Dee informed him as he scooped the baby out of her crib. “She was a little wobbly but didn’t tip over.”

  “Told you she was advanced.”

  Dee only shook her head. “I’ll leave you to your daddy/daughter bonding.” She headed for the living room.

  Dusty was just walking in with Erica as Dee answered the door and welcomed Sherry and Leonard. “Hot damn!” Sherry said, scoping out Dee. “I feel underdressed.”

  Dee laughed at Sherry’s ensemble of yoga pants and an oversize t-shirt. “You look perfect for playing on the floor.”

  “And that’s my goal tonight.”

  Leonard had changed too, into jeans and tee. He looked a lot more relaxed these days. Dee kissed Leonard’s cheek, the ‘thank you’ to their friend making Dusty smile. He’d confessed to Dee how Leonard had given him all kinds of heat about not talking to her. No secrets now.

  “Get your eyes off my woman,” Dusty ordered as Erica reached for Leonard.

  Sherry laughed. “She’s already a flirt, I see.”

  “We shouldn’t be late,” Dee began.

  “We’re not teenagers. Stay out as long as you like. It’s the weekend,” Leonard advised, not taking his eyes from Erica as she bounced in his arms.

  It occurred to Dusty Erica couldn’t communicate with him like she could with them. The Guardian had done something to them, altered their brains. Not what he wanted to dwell on tonight.

  Meeting Axal is enough.

  ~ ~ ~

  Dusty opted for the valet parking. He could feel Dee’s nerves.

  They made their way to the restaurant and asked about the wait. After being told at least thirty minutes, Dusty thanked the maitre’d and left a name—not their own. They headed back to the lobby, where Dusty called for an elevator.

  There were no security guards outside the room Axal told them to approach. Dusty glanced over at Dee and knocked.

  “It is unlocked, please enter.” Axal’s voice sounded in their heads.

  Dusty took a deep breath, then opened the door. Axal stood in the middle of the room and bowed to them.

  “Is it safe for you to leave the door unlocked?” Dusty asked.

  “I have difficulty with your ‘doorknobs.’ I asked the security guard who left last to leave it open. You may lock it now.”

  Dusty secured the door as Axal continued, “Thank you for attending me this evening. The need for privacy is acute, for your sake more than mine. I have ordered a meal for you. I hope it is something you enjoy.” Axal indicated the small table set up near the window.

  Rather than move toward the table, Dusty found himself staring at the sight of a dinosaur, draped in a cloak that appeared to be made of wool.

  “I see you are gazing at my apparel.” Axal spread the dark green cloak slightly. “I find that I am often chilled on your world. In order to make my quarters comfortable for you, we have lowered the temperature. I donned this garment to warm myself.”

  “We appreciate your doing this, Axal,” Dusty said. “I see you don’t wear the leather across your chest that Braxal does.”

  “Oh, no. That is the garb of a Warrior only. As a mind talker, I wear the . . . skin of the—” Clicks and a low growl accompanied Axal’s hesitation. “There appears to be no translation or comparable animal on Earth. All mind talkers wear this . . .” He gestured at himself. “Would you call it an apron? That does not appear correct.”

  “I would use kilt,” Dusty offered.

  “Yes, that would more closely describe it. Whenever this kilt is seen, it is known that the entity is a mind talker. This is true of all strata of Malveks.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Dee had been staring at the table. “I see there are only two plates. Will you not be eating with us?” she asked.

  “I have already eaten. Earthlings to do not enjoy watching me dine.” There was a hint of amusement in his thoughts and Dee couldn’t help her smile. She hadn’t wanted to like this creature who had caused her such pain, as well as her estrangement from Dusty, but he was actually charming.

  “Please, eat while it is still warm,” Axal encouraged.

  Dusty removed the domes to see petite filets, asparagus with hollandaise sauce, and golden mashed potatoes with a dot of caviar on top. “This is quite nice. Thank you.” He held Dee’s chair and motioned for Axal to join them.

  They were quiet for a moment, savoring the delicious food. No alcohol was present. Water sat at both plates.

  “Forgive me for not supplying wine. I do not understand alcohol.”

  “It’s unnecessary,” Dee assured him. “I’d like to keep my mind clear tonight.”

  Axal inclined his head.

  “While we’re on the topic of clothing, what do the females on your planet wear?” Dee asked.

  Axal blinked for a moment. “Females have never been considered sentient and therefore are not clothed. Although there was a female on our ship.”

  “So this female—”

  “Vion,” Axal offered.

  “Vion was nude on the voyage here?” At Axal’s blink, she amended, “Without any clothing.”

  “No. Vion disguised herself as a worker in order to escape her compound. That is the skin of a—” Again, a series of clicks with what sounded like a sneeze in the middle. “Their kilt is larger with many . . . pockets to facilitate whatever task they are on.”

  “That sounds very efficient. I have often wished my own clothing had the same pockets as the clothing our males wear,” Dee put in. “I’m glad someone thought to offer you something for warmth. Are the people traveling with you aware of your needs?”

  “My security guards. Yes, they are becoming familiar with me and therefore more comfortable. We now have conversations and I have learned much from them. That would not happen on Malvek.”

  “Speaking of your security,” Dusty began, “have there been problems for you? I heard there were two incide

  “There have been six. I am not popular among a large section of the populace of your planet and frighten many. That is one of the reasons I need to travel to other countries and have them meet me.”

  “Six?” Dee sputtered. “You haven’t been injured, I hope.”

  “No. Cael has guaranteed my safety.”

  “Cael. The Guardian?” That name was becoming familiar to them.

  “Yes. When someone approaches me to do harm, they become paralyzed and their weapons cease to function. My ‘security guards’ only have to remove the perpetrator.”

  “Cael can do that?”

  “I have not found anything in my studies the Guardians cannot do.” Axal’s mind voice was soft. “May I ask you questions?”

  “Of course.”

  “I would like to know what you experienced when you time traveled.”

  “You mean what happened while we were in the past?” Dusty asked.

  “No, I mean the sensations you felt during the process.”

  “There weren’t any.” Dusty looked at Dee for confirmation. “We were in our car and it felt like we struck a solid barrier. When we came to, we were in the past.”

  “Was there disorientation?”

  “There was the sensation of having been in a car wreck and the airbags deployed which stunned us. There was nothing outside of what would happen in any accident like that. When we returned to the present, we only woke up in our bed.”

  “So, no physical trauma due to the travel?”

  Dee shook her head. “None we recognized. I’m a trauma doctor. We had bruises from the impact of the airbags, but nothing I saw which could only be caused by time travel.”

  “That is fascinating. My partner and I were especially curious about that aspect.”

  “Your partner? Do you have a mate?” Dee asked.

  Was she imagining embarrassment from him?

  “It is highly unusual. Our species does not mate, and only our Wa-er, Leaders can reproduce.”


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