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The Mike Black Saga Volume 1

Page 30

by Roy Glenn

“Nothing. And don’t mention anything about a setup to anyone, especially to Shy. If he is the one, I want him to think he got away with it.”

  “I’m out,” Freeze said.

  As Freeze drove away, Mike and Bobby went back inside. They sat quietly in the waiting room, for what seemed like hours. Actually, it had only been forty-five minutes or so before Perry came out. Mike jumped to his feet.

  “How is she?”

  “I removed the bullet, but she’s lost a lot of blood. She’ll be weak for a couple of days and she should take in as much fluid as possible, but she’s going to be fine,” Perry replied.

  “Thanks, Perry.”

  “No problem. I’ll send you my bill,” Perry joked.

  “Damn, this is getting expensive.”

  “You’ll need to change her dressing every four hours or so. I’ll give you something for pain and an antibiotic for her. The question is, who is she?”

  “You mean you don’t know; well you better ask somebody. That’s Wonder Woman,” Bobby said.

  “Can’t be Wonder Woman, Bobby. Wonder Woman got those wristbands, bullets can’t hurt her. So, who is she, Mike?” Perry asked.

  “Her name is Cassandra. But you can call her Shy.

  “So, this is the infamous Shy. I figured that’s who she was. Wanda told us about her. You know nobody around here can keep anything. Well, don’t worry. She’ll be fine in a couple of days. I hope she’s not a bitch like Regina,” Perry said, as Glenda came out of the operating room. “How’s our patient?” he asked.

  “She’s doing just fine. Hi, Mike. Hi, Bobby. And no, she’s not a bitch. Pam says she’s nice.”

  “Y’all got a regular hot line going. Can’t get anything by you,” Mike said.

  “And if she hangs around a while, she’ll be in on it too,” Glenda said.

  “Yeah, well, that remains to be seen,” Mike said.

  “Do you want her to stay with us while she recovers?” Perry asked.

  “Can we move her?” Mike asked.

  “Yes, but don’t give her too many bumps. It may reopen the wound. You’re not taking her in the Vette, are you?”

  “I was gonna let Driving Miss Daisy here take her.”

  “Because I can call a friend of mine that runs a private ambulance service.”

  “Where are you gonna take her, Mike?” Bobby asked.

  “I’ll take her to my mom’s house. She can change her dressing.”

  “How is Ms. Black gonna feel about you bringing a drug dealer into her house?” asked an exhausted Glenda. “She hates dealers more than you do.”

  “Don’t worry, she’s expecting us.” But this wasn’t what he had in mind when he said it.

  Perry sat down and rested his head on his wife’s shoulder. “By the way Mike, how’d your, ‘I got no use for no drug dealer’ ass get hooked up with a drug dealer anyway?”

  “I guess since Glenda was in there you didn’t look at her,” Bobby said.

  “I asked myself that too.” He stared at her through the glass. “But I love her.”

  The ambulance got to Perry’s office about two thirty and took Shy to Mike’s mother’s house. He had Freeze send a couple of men to watch the house. Not wanting to wake Emily, Mike carried her in and took her to his room. For the next two hours, he sat holding her hand and staring at her. He wanted to be the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes. Once, he felt her squeeze his hand. The events of the evening strengthened his resolve to get Shy away from all this. He couldn’t stand to lose her. Finally, he got up and went into the living room and laid down on the couch. He drifted off to sleep shortly thereafter.


  Emily woke up early the following morning to find Mike asleep on the couch. She didn’t wake him; she went into the kitchen to cook breakfast. When it was almost ready Emily went back into the living room. “Michael, wake up,” she said several times before finally having to shake him.

  “Good morning, Ma,” Mike said, with a deep yawn and stretch.

  “What are you doing sleeping on the couch? You know it’s not good for your back. Anyway, breakfast is almost ready. Just come on when you’re ready,” Emily said on her way back to the kitchen. Mike gathered his thoughts and went into the kitchen.

  “Ma,” he sat down at the table. “I got something to tell you.”

  “What’s that, Michael?” Emily said, bringing him his food.

  “Actually,” he said, scratching his day’s growth of beard, “I need you to do something for me.”

  “Ask me what you wanna ask me boy.” Emily said sitting down to eat.

  “Remember I said that I’d bring Cassandra by today to meet you?”

  “So, what time are you going to bring her by?”

  “Well … she’s in my room. She’s been shot.”

  “Oh, God.”

  “Perry took the bullet out last night, but she is gonna need to have her dressing changed every four hours.”

  “When was the last time it was changed?” Emily asked.

  “Glenda dressed it about two, I guess.”

  “It hasn’t been changed since then?” Emily said excitedly, getting up from the table.

  “No,” Mike said, following her to his room.

  “My goodness, Michael, why didn’t you wake me up. Sometimes I wonder where your mind is. That dressing should have been changed hours ago.” Emily opened the door and went in.

  “Ma, this is Cassandra.” Emily sat down on the bed and Mike handed her the bag Perry had sent for her. She cleaned and redressed the wound.

  “She’s very pretty, Michael.”

  “I hope you like her. She really is wonderful,” Mike said, looking at her with pride.

  “Now I understand. You have to get her away from New York.” Emily said as she got up and went back to the kitchen.

  “I know that, Ma.”

  “You got to get her away from that life, Michael.”

  “I know that, Ma.”

  “She could have been killed.”

  “I know that, Ma.”

  “That’s a very dirty and dangerous business to be in, especially for a woman.”

  “I know that, Ma,” Mike said, feeling more like a kid each time he said it.

  “How did it happen?” asked Emily.

  “I don’t know. But I have a good idea,” Mike said.

  “I hope you’re not involved … what am I saying. I hope you’re not involved too deeply in this, are you Michael?”

  “No, Ma. She is very quick to remind me that this is her business.”

  Mike finished eating and got up from the table. “I have to go out for a while. I shouldn’t be gone long, but I have a couple of people outside watching the house. If you want, I can get one to stay in here with you.”

  “Is it really necessary to have one of them in my house?”

  “No, but I thought it would make you feel more comfortable,” Mike said.

  “No, having a hoodlum in my house wouldn’t make me feel more comfortable.”

  “I’ve got a cell phone that Bobby gave me. You can call me if anything happens.”

  After Mike left, Emily dusted off her old medical bag and went in to check on Shy. Shy still had not regained consciousness so she checked her vital signs and left the room.

  Mike called Bobby. He wanted Bobby to ride with him and told him that he would be there in about an hour to pick him up.

  “You’re something else, driving your own car and talking on a cell phone. And they say that miracles never cease,” Bobby joked. Then he called Freeze for an update.

  Freeze answered, “Yo.”

  “Where is he, Freeze?” Mike asked.

  “Nothing yet. I got everyone out looking for him,” Freeze said.

  “What about the rest of her crew?”

  “Tony’s dead. Jack’s in jail,” Freeze replied.


  “He’s dead, too. Two more of his people are dead; the rest are in jail. It was definit
ely a setup, Black. Cops got a tip that there was a big deal going down. No word on who the target was.”

  “Well, stay on finding E.”

  “Where are you gonna be?” Freeze asked.

  “I’m on my way home. Bobby gave me one of his cell phones, so call me if you get something. Freeze, find him; don’t kill him.”


  Mike went in his house. After a quick shower and shave he was back on the street. He got into the Seville, taking the briefcase that he had given Shy with him. On the way to pick up Bobby, he called Wanda at her office. Wanda’s secretary put him right through.

  “Good morning, Mike. How is she?” Wanda asked.

  “She hasn’t come out of it yet,” Mike said.

  “Glenda said she would probably be out for a while. She lost a lot of blood. Where is she?”

  “At my mother’s.”

  “Will she be safe there?” Wanda asked.

  “Freeze has some people outside the house. I’ve got a run to make, but I’ll be back there in a couple of hours,” Mike said.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Why don’t you meet me at my mom’s around one?”

  “That’s cool. I’ll see you there. Mike, I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks, Wanda,” Mike said, arriving at Bobby’s house. Bobby came out and got in the car.

  “Where we going?” Bobby asked as Mike drove away.

  “Yonkers. And don’t you say a thing,” Mike said.

  “I wasn’t gonna say anything,” Bobby said laughing.

  “I’m getting out, Bobby.”


  “I’m leaving the country with Shy,” Mike said.

  “Don’t you think you’re overreacting?”

  “No. I got to get her away from here. I should have done this before. I could have handled all her business for her,” Mike said.

  “She told you that it is her business. What were you supposed to do?”

  “We shoulda just stayed in the Bahamas. If we had, none of this woulda happened.”

  “Mike, come on, you can’t blame yourself for this. It’s a rough business she chose to be in.”

  “It is my fault, Bobby, as if I had pulled the trigger myself. I shoulda been there for her.”

  “Okay, I understand your wanting to get her out of here. She shot at least one cop, so they’ll be all over her. But please, man, give this some thought.”

  “I have, even before this happened. Think about it Bob, we don’t need to live like this anymore. We got plenty of money. Until recently we really haven’t been involved in the business anyway.”

  “I guess you’re right, Mike. Pam’s been at me to get all the way out since we started getting back involved. But what would we do? Where would we go?”

  “I’m going back home.”

  “To the islands?”

  “Yup. Open up a little spot on the beach. All I’m asking you to do is think about it. Shy may still die, and I can’t stand to lose any more friends.”

  Mike parked outside of Angelo’s spot. Uncharacteristically, there was no one outside. Bobby got out and went in, but he was stopped at the door.

  “Can I help yous two?”

  “I’m looking for fat ass Jimmy,” Bobby said

  “Is that fuckin’ Bobby? Is that fuckin’ Bobby I hear? How the fuck are you? How’s the family?” Jimmy asked.

  “They’re fine Jimmy. I’m trying to keep up with you. I heard that your wife had another baby.”

  “That’s six. We’re working every day on number seven,” replied Jimmy.

  Angelo came out of his office. “Is that fuckin’ Bobby? I don’t fuckin’ believe it! Pam let you out?” Mike came in carrying the briefcase. “I knew this guy couldn’t be far behind. How’s it going, Mikey? Come on back, gentlemen.” Angelo led them back to the office. “What’s in the case Mikey?”

  “The quarter mill our friend owed you, plus fifty grand for making you wait.” Mike replied, handing Angelo the case.

  “Look, Mikey, I heard about what happened. I’m sorry. Is she all right?”

  “She’ll be fine in a couple of days.”

  “Anything I can do, anything at all, just tell me,” Angelo said.

  “I need to get her out of the country, Angee.”

  “Tell me what you need.”

  “I need an airplane, Angee.”

  “Tell him the rest, Mike,” Bobby said.

  “Rest of what?”

  “I’m going with her.”

  “Are you surprised, Bobby? I’d follow her too. No disrespect to you, Mike. You thinking about getting out, huh? You need money or anything?”

  “No, Angee, just the plane. I’ll be fine once she’s safe.”

  “You ever need anything, and I mean anything at all, you make sure you call, Mikey. I’m serious. You call me and let me know where you are.”

  “Bobby will know where I am. You take care of yourself, Angee. I’ll be back to see you after things quiet down,” Mike said, attempting to shake Angelo’s hand.

  “Sorry, Mikey, but that’s not gonna cut it.” Angelo got up from behind his desk, arms extended. Angelo hugged Mike and kissed him on each cheek.

  “Isn’t this just the most touching scene you ever wanted to see. You can call this gangster love,” Bobby said.

  “I’m gonna miss you, Mikey,” Angelo said, as he watched Mike and Bobby leave his office.


  Tony, no!

  Shy could see the police open fire on Tony and watching as he fell to the ground.

  Shy took a deep breath, she tossed and turned. She was having a nightmare.

  Tony’s dead.

  Then hearing Orlando’s voice.

  This way, Shy!

  Then seeing him die.


  The cop fired.

  Shy sat straight up in the bed and looked around the room, wondering where she was. She tried to get up, but she was too weak. Emily heard stirring coming from Mike’s room and went in.

  “Hello. How do you feel?” Emily asked.

  “It feels like my shoulder is about to fall off. I’m a little groggy, but other than that I feel fine,” Shy said as she lay back down in the bed.

  “Let me change this dressing for you,” Emily said.

  “Thank you.” Shy laid still and quiet while Emily changed her dressing. Once she was finished, Shy said, “I hope you don’t mind me asking you this, but who are you and where am I?”

  “I am sorry. I don’t know where my manners are. My name is Emily, I’m Michael’s mother, and you’re in his old room at my house.”


  “You know, Vicious Black. I guess I’m the only one who still calls him Michael.”

  “It’s a real pleasure to meet you. I didn’t know he had a mother,” Shy said, not thinking about how that sounded.

  “What did you think; he was created in a laboratory or something?” Emily said with a smile.

  “No, it’s just that he never mentioned you or his father. We walked by here, I guess it was here, a couple of weeks ago. But he never talks about you.”

  “I’m not surprised. Michael and I didn’t speak for ten years. I just couldn’t deal with what he had become.”

  “What brought you two back together?”

  “Wanda came to see me one day. She said Michael was going through a bad time. And he wanted to see me. How could I refuse? My son needed me.”

  “How long ago was that?” Shy asked.

  “About six years ago,” Emily replied.

  Shy did her math and knew that the bad time was Regina. “I know it couldn’t have been easy for you. I hear Black was a bad boy back in the day. But he’s not like that anymore.”

  “I know he’s not, but back in the day, as you say, I thought that I had failed him.”

  “I think you did a fine job. He is the sweetest person I ever met.”

  “That’s because you’re in love,” Emily said.

  Shy let out a little laugh. “Yeah, maybe I am.” But it hurt.

  “Here take this. It’s for the pain. I know he thinks a lot of you, too.”

  Shy and Emily sat there for more than an hour. They talked about a little of everything, but mostly about Mike. Emily told Shy how she felt about what Mike did for a living. She spoke of how those feelings led to their ten-year separation. How the pain of not speaking to him finally outweighed the hurt that she felt about what he had done.

  “I still don’t approve of what Michael does, but he has done some good things too. So, what’s your story? Why is my son so in love with you?”

  Shy smiled and told the short version of her life story. She was quite candid about what she felt were the mistakes she had made. “I should’ve gotten out years ago, soon as Randy graduated. My first excuse was that he wouldn’t be able to afford to pay for me to go to grad school on residence pay. But I was only fooling myself. If I was serious about going back to school, I would have been putting money away. If I had Ms. Black.”

  “Please call me Emily.”

  “If I had, Emily, I wouldn’t be laying here now. But I would have never met Michael.” Shy paused briefly. “Michael … I think I like the sound of that. Anyway, it’s definitely better than calling him Black.”

  “Why didn’t you want to go back to school?” asked Emily.

  “The money. I was making more money than I ever thought possible. And the power. I was surprised at how much I got off on the power. To me it was all just business. This is what I went to school for, management, and marketing. I was managing people and marketing a product. I was the CEO of a four point two million dollar a year company.”

  “That all sounds good, but that’s a far cry from where you are now. What went so wrong?”

  Surprisingly Shy told her the whole story and how it led her to be in need of Emily’s nursing skills. Emily was easy to talk to, so she told her about the attempts on her life. “This is the third time in as many weeks that Michael has either saved my life or been responsible for saving my life.”

  “Is that why you love him?”

  “I’ve asked myself that question over and over again. Each time I come up with the same answer, no. He’s just a sweetheart. He’s considerate and he’s so much fun to be with. I love talking to him. He’s easy to talk to, just like you.”


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