Book Read Free

Tag Forever Mine

Page 1

by Catherine Charles


  Forever Mine

  Book 2


  Catherine Charles

  Tag Forever Mine

  By Catherine Charles

  Tag Forever Mine

  Copyright 2020 by Catherine Charles

  Copyright 2020, Catherine Charles

  First Published April 2020

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author’s permission.


  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.

  Published in the United States of America.

  ISBN: 9798637238293

  Cover Photography: Alyssa Turner

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Other Books By Catherine Charles

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Two days ago I loaded up my truck, destination Surprise, Arizona. Eighteen hours away from everything and everyone I knew. My future completely unknown and in the hands of the Texas Rangers’ coaching staff. My gut full of rumblings as my nerves intensified. Each mile bringing me closer to where I would call home for a little while. Self-doubt nagged at me in the silence of the cab as the Arizona state line sign quickly came into my view. This was it, my chance to sink or swim, and as I looked at the sleeping angel curled in the passenger seat, it became clear, sinking wasn’t an option for me. She needed me to succeed for us.

  Presley Donovan said yes to me, and yes to our future, just moments before I pulled away from her grandparents’ house. Her feet were pulled up into the seat, while her body was shaped like an S, her pillow lay on the center console as she grasped my hand tightly in her sleep. I chuckled quietly, recalling her tossing the contents of her closet into suitcases and duffle bags, Tina and Mom making sure she had everything while Gramps and Mr. D pulled a few hidden bags out of Tina’s I don’t know where that came from closet.

  Her decision to come with me had been made in a split second, our goodbyes to our parents lasting no longer than a brief moment, a hug and a kiss for each of them before she climbed into the truck, and we left our sleepy little town. Her fingers tightly laced with mine seeking reassurance, she never let go of me. And now, after sixteen hours of driving, we were about to cross the state line into what would be our home until I was either sent to Texas or traded to another team.

  “Hey beautiful. It’s time to wake up. We’re almost there.”

  Tiny whimpers escape her lips as she stretches and moves to sit upright just in time to see the state welcome sign. “Arizona,” she says with a deep-seated sigh before looking at me, her lips turned up at the corners as she rests her head against the headrest looking in my direction.

  Her fingers massage the tension in my neck and shoulders as I inch forward slightly and readjust myself in the seat.

  “How much longer?”

  “GPS says an hour and a half.”

  “Do you want me to drive?”

  “Nah. I’m good.”

  She smiles and continues to absentmindedly massage my neck and shoulders while looking out the front window.

  After graduation, Coach called me down to the field house to give me my signing package for the Rangers. Everything I needed for the first two days was contained in an eight by ten manila envelope: directions to the apartment the team decided to put me up in, phone numbers and a small moving stipend. The team was generous enough to cover my housing which in turn helped to relieve some pressure from Mom and me. I had no idea how I was going to support Presley and myself on just $12,500 a year. It’s still a question, but now I don’t need to worry about us going homeless and can breathe a little easier.

  Presley ended up receiving a full ride to the University of Arizona after she submitted her acceptance, so her parents and grandparents have offered to help us out as well. The support is nice, but I want to prove to them I can take care of her. We both know money will be tight for a while, but we’ll figure things out together.

  The drive down to Arizona has been relatively quiet, neither one of us knowing what to say to the other. It’s been eight days since I told Presley I remembered my life with her, eight days of laughter and tears as I tried to persuade her to move with me, eight days of her saying no, and then finally a resounding yes, as I climbed in my truck to drive away from her. I know she’s questioning herself, but she has refused to let go of me for even a moment. “Whatcha thinking about over there, beautiful?”

  She turns her attention back to me, tears in her eyes as she says, “I’m scared, Robert. What if I can't do this? What if this was a mistake me coming down here with you? I didn’t even tell Liv I was leaving; Mom and I were supposed to go shopping for my dorm room, and now I’m sitting here, sixteen hours from home feeling as though I’m about to move in with a complete stranger. I’ve never lived with a guy, Robert. What if I’m no good at this? What if you hate the way I leave my makeup on the counter, or the way I hog the blankets? What if you can't stand my cooking and you starve and can't play ball because you waste away to nothing? What if you realize you hate me? That you only love me in small doses. We’re gonna share a bathroom, Robert, I don’t know if you’ve really thought this through. And I think I forgot my toothbrush.”

  I pull the truck over at the first exit I see, parking it along the side of the road and pull her into my lap, wiping away her tears with the pads of my thumbs. “Presley, we’re doing this together. It’s not just you and it’s not just me and I’m scared too.”

  She stares into my eyes. “You are?”

  “Hell yes, I’m scared. I’m scared of messing this up. I’m scared of failing you, of failing at baseball. I know you’re counting on me to make something of myself for us. I want you here Presley. I need you here to support me. You can leave your makeup all over the bathroom for all I care. You don’t hog the blankets, you have a better chance of snuggling me
off the bed more than anything, I love you, but I need space.”

  She snickers, nestling against my neck.

  “I’ve eaten your cooking for the last year, you have yet to make anything inedible, and I could never hate you. You mean more to me than you will ever realize. You gave me my life back even though it was difficult for you. I’ll be gone during the day at practice and then eventually I’ll be out on the road and you’ll head to Tucson for school. We’ve shared a bathroom before, and I’ll get you a toothbrush at the next gas station we stop at. What color do you want?”

  She laughs while I kiss away her tears. “Purple,” she whispers as I raise her chin up to look into her emerald green eyes which have darkened over the last two days due to worry.

  “Presley, if you don’t want to stay, I’m not going to force you to, but just know I really want to take this next step with you. We’ll figure everything out together. We have a few months until our folks will be down to visit and then you’ll be moving into the dorms. So what do you say; do you still want to start a life with me?”

  She dips her head and I place a kiss on her hair line.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why this is so hard for me.”

  “You’re a planner, Presley. You took a huge leap and expected me to catch you and I did. Now come on, we’ve got a couple more hours left, and we’ll finally get to see the place we’ll call home for the next year at least.”

  “You’re right.” She nods again and crawls back into the passenger seat. “I’m ready to start a life with you.”

  Our fingers interlaced, I bring her knuckles up to my lips and place a kiss on each one before merging back into traffic and continuing our final hour. She turns the radio on and by the time we pull into the apartment complex, the timid and nervous Presley seems to be a thing of the past.

  * * *

  I stare up at the orange and cream multi-story apartment complex while Robert hurries into the front office to sign his lease and get the keys to our new home. This was the first move I’d done on my own. As butterflies erupted inside of me, I contemplated what would be expected of me. It was now my time to put on a brave face for Robert and make the best out of the situation we had been given.

  Mom was always so good about calming my fears with each move we took on. She constantly looked for the positive, each empty wall was a blank slate and each new town was just waiting for memories to be created in it. I felt guilty for my momentary breakdown on the side of the road. Robert didn’t need to worry about taking care of a weak and scared child, he had enough to deal with and he needed my support and reassurance right now.

  I text our parents and let them know we arrived in Surprise and would call later after we got semi settled in.

  “You ready to see our new home?” Robert asked excitedly as he climbed back in the truck holding up a pair of gold keys, shaking them so a cute tinkling sound could be heard, his smile stretched from ear to ear and I notice myself mimicking his reaction, not out of falsehood but because of the way he said, “Our home.”

  There was no reason for me to be scared to take this next step with him.

  I inhale a deep breath, lean over the center console in the truck, and place a wordless I love you upon his lips before my words graze over his skin, “Take me to our home.”

  He chuckled before backing out of the parking lot and followed the zigzagged road, weaving its way in between the different apartment buildings until Unit C stared at us through the front window.

  Robert parks the truck and quickly trots around the front to help me out. Hand in hand we make our way up the sidewalk to Unit C17, a small front patio sits to right of the walkway while the door is cornered to the left. He puts the key into the lock, it opens without the slightest hesitation and I’m immediately scooped up in a bridal carry. I let off a shocked squeal as he moves us into the apartment before setting me down in what looks to be the living room. A single cream slipcover style couch sits along the back wall, while a TV and small entertainment center sit opposite of it. An empty space big enough for a small table sits between the living room and kitchen and off of the living room is a moderately sized bedroom with what looks to be a queen-sized bed and two nightstands. The bathroom is attached to the bedroom, a small vanity sink, and shower tub combo aren’t exactly something to write home about, but with a few decorations, this is perfect for our first place together.

  We look around and I can feel Robert’s anxious eyes studying my every reaction.

  “Coach Martinez said the league was going to slightly furnish the place for us. I know it’s not what you’re used to, but I’ll get it there.” His arms wrap tightly around my waist as we stand in the middle of our bedroom. “What do you think, princess?”

  He waits with bated breath as I scan the room a final time.

  “I think it’s perfect, Robert. You’re right; this place isn’t what I’m used to, but it doesn’t mean it’s any less special. This is our place, and together we’ll make it a home.”

  Chapter Two

  After touring the place I would call home, Robert and I quickly get the truck unpacked. Four suitcases, a couple extra-large bags from Home Goods, and three boxes hold the only personal items we will have until our parents come down. I hang our clothes in the oversized master closet and then focus my attention on the shopping bags stuffed with bedroom and bathroom textiles. Mom must have had a feeling I would decide to leave Montana with Robert.

  “Hey, I’ve got to call Coach Martinez and let him know I’m here, but I’ll help you with everything as soon as I’m done.”

  “It’s fine. It shouldn’t take me long to set up our bedroom. Go call your coach and then we’ll go out to dinner.”

  He kisses me on the cheek before moving to the living room and I close the door behind him. I always feel more creative when I’m alone.

  Piece by piece I empty the contents of the shopping bag on the floor around me, thankful for a neutral color pallet of grays and whites, mom picked out for our bedroom.

  Our bedroom.

  Our bed.

  No longer would I be begging Robert to stay the night with me, but instead this room is where we would take our relationship to the next level. Night after night I would fall asleep in his arms, the thought alone seemed to settle the building butterflies inside of me. I quickly make up the bed, gray linen sheets topped with an overly stuffed white comforter and a gray waffle print throw blanket resting on the foot of the bed. A small glass vase placed on either nightstand with faux greenery spilling over the rim, and two black and white prints are hung on the wall in place of a headboard.

  Robert is still on the phone by the time I finish, so I opt for a nice long bath instead of disturbing him. Two exhausting days on the road and I’m in desperate need of relaxation. I turn the water to scalding, pour in a cap full of bath salts and bubble bath and sink down as low as I can go. The heat from the water melting away any and all tension as I rest my head on the back of the tub and close my eyes. Time stands still and I’m unaware if I’ve been in this position for minutes or hours. The water has cooled to room temperature and I’m shocked Robert never attempted to come in.

  I pull the drain plug and wrap a towel around myself, opening the bathroom door to a trail of rose petals leading to the bed. The sight of Robert blissfully asleep under the covers causes my heart to beat faster. He at least removed his shirt, his tanned skin a stark contrast against the white comforter, his toned biceps twitch ever so slightly with each breath and all I can think about is how I long to be tucked into his strong protective arms.

  Dropping the towel in the bathroom, I make my way over to him, hesitantly sliding under the covers and molding myself into him. His boxers are the only material between us, but as his heavy arm drapes across my waist I give into the hypnotic sound of his breathing, eyelids growing heavy with exhaustion, and lose myself to sleep.

  * * *

  Presley closes the door behind me as I make my way into the living room to cal
l my new pitching coach, Rick Martinez. He has been one of the Rangers’ head trainers for the last five years and has produced some of the best pitchers in the league. To say I was excited to work with him would be an understatement. I sit on the couch and dial the number I found in my signing packet; he picks up on the third ring.

  “Martinez here.”

  “Coach Martinez. Robert West. I was just calling to let you know I’m here. Just picked up the keys to the apartment, sir.”

  “Great, kid. Sorry we couldn’t do more. How’s the apartment?”

  “It’s perfect for us. I’m grateful the league decided to take care of my housing. It’s a huge relief.”

  “It was no problem. Compared to your other team mates here, you’re the baby of the bunch. The Rangers see your worth Robert. You’re an incredibly valuable asset and the team wanted to make sure you were taken care of.”

  “Thank you sir. I was also calling to find out what time I needed to be at practice tomorrow. I couldn’t find anything in my packet.”

  “Just be at the clubhouse by noon. We’ll get you fitted for your uniform, assign you your number; how does thirty-five sound, huh, and then introduce you to some of the higher-ups and your competition.”

  “My competition sir?”

  “Look son; I’m gonna give you one piece of advice, and it’s the same I give everyone else when they step through the stadium gates for the first time. You were invited by the Rangers to join their minor league team just like everyone else on that field. Some of you will get called up to the majors, while others will spend their entire career on a minor league field. At the end of the day, it all comes down to who hits the ball the hardest and with the most accuracy, who runs the fastest, and who strikes out the greatest number of batters.

  “You have speed on your side and your strikeout ratio is impeccable. But you’re young, and some of these players are gonna use your naivety to their advantage. They’ll do anything to get you to mess up or slack off.


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