Book Read Free

Tag Forever Mine

Page 10

by Catherine Charles

  I hit number one on my speed dial and wait for Rick to pick up.

  “Hey babe. I wasn’t expecting to hear from you. Is everything okay?”

  “I’m sorry I haven’t always been the most supportive. I worry about the silly little stuff instead of the stuff that matters.”

  “Hey sweetheart. I know you’re not big on coming to games. It’s okay. You do a beautiful job of supporting me when I call you up and surprise you with having players over for dinner. I love you and whether you show up to the games or not isn’t going to change that.”

  His words are soft and tender, and I feel my heart swell as the guilt falls away from me. “Is Robert pitching tomorrow?”

  “No. He’s on today so tomorrow is his rest day. Why?”

  “I’m buying him a plane ticket to Tucson. He leaves first thing in the morning.”

  “Babe, we’re on the road. I can’t just let him leave. If I let him, then all the other players will be wanting to do the same.”

  “Richard Martinez, you listen to me. You make sure his butt is on that plane tomorrow morning or you’ll pay for it when you come back home. Just tell me where he needs to be two days from now and he’ll be back.”

  “Laura, what’s going on?”

  “Did you know tomorrow’s Presley’s birthday and the day she moves into her dorm? She’ll be attending school nonstop so she can finish and get back to Robert as quickly as she can.”

  “He mentioned something about it.”

  “Those two have something pure and genuine and I for one will not be the one making their lives any harder than it already is. So get him on a plane.”

  “I love your heart my love. I’ll tell him after the game.”

  * * *

  I woke up this morning to a text message from Presley saying she was going to bed. The time stamp reads 3:53 a.m. I missed her more than anything and my notoriety was beginning to get to me. I needed her to pull me back to reality, to help me feel normal again instead of this, well, whatever this was. The excitement around me grew after every game I pitched, and I wanted her by my side.

  I listened to the phone ring on the other side as I sat in the empty weight room. Joy surged through the phone line when she answered, and I immediately felt calmed.

  “God it’s so good to hear your voice Pres.”

  “I miss you too.” How’s life on the road?”

  “Lonely. I miss you and our little fur man.”

  She giggles and it tickles the air around me. “He’s not so little anymore. Did you get my picture yesterday? He loves playing with the ducks down at the park.”

  I can imagine Kringle attempting to play with the fat waddling things that pass as ducks. White feathers, orange beaks and black webbed feet. The so-called wild ducks turned domesticated by all the food the tourist feed them before and after games. Presley’s gotten close enough a few times to stroke their feathers, they just sit there and soak up the attention she gives them.

  “I saw it quickly between the game and the press conference. Presley, it’s crazy out here. You weren’t joking when you were telling me about my godlike arm. There is a ton of talk going on right now. I may not have to wait the full year like we were told.”

  “What! Robert that’s amazing!”

  I can picture her smile stretching from ear to ear. “You’d go to Texas with me right?”

  “No questions asked Robert. I go where you go.”

  I shake my head in awe of her devotion. “Listen I’ve got to go get ready for the game, but I just wanted to tell you I loved you.”

  “I love you too. Oh, Daddy says to only send your signal every few pitches. He said it was distracting and he thought you had a cold. But I love it no matter how often you do it.” She’s quiet, but I can tell she wants to say more, “Is it silly I sign back? I know you can't see it, but, it helps me feel closer to you in a strange way.”

  “I think it’s perfect Pres. Are you guys still going to dinner tonight?”

  “Yeah. I think we’re gonna try that new steak house that just came in.”

  “Let me know how it is. We’ll go celebrate when I come home.”

  “Okay. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  After hanging up with Presley I make two more phone calls before leaving the weight room to go get dressed and take my place on the mound to start the game off.

  The stands are full, and I’ve been told there is a rep for the Rangers attending with the sole purpose of studying me tonight. The sooner I’m signed with the Rangers the sooner I can ask Presley to marry me. Just pitch like you always do. I roll my shoulders to help relieve some of the tension in them. It’s only the rest of your life riding on this. I crack my neck and line up for the first pitch. No pressure. You’ve got this.

  The game starts and I’m having one of my best games yet. My average MPH is ninety-eight with a 78% strikeout average. I get pulled in the eighth inning just so I don’t stress my arm out. Martinez calls out to me over his shoulder as I sit on the bench watching the rest of the game.

  “West. Make sure your stuff is packed tonight. You’re taking a little flight in the morning.”

  “I am? Where?”

  “Tucson.” My heart begins to pound wildly and coach smiles “Laura bought you a plane ticket. You’ll have thirty-six hours with Presley for her birthday, so make them count.”

  I spring from my seat, excitement radiating from me as I pick coach up and spin him around.

  “Alright there, lover boy. Put me down.”

  I do as he asks and step back.

  “Under no circumstances is Presley to know you are coming otherwise Laura will throw a fit and I’d rather not go home to a pissed off wife.”

  “Yes sir! Thank you.”

  I finish watching the game and make my way back to my hotel room, grab dinner from the bar and eat it relaxed in bed. Luggage packed and ready for my 5:00 a.m. flight. I become anxious thinking about the surprises that were awaiting Presley tonight, and I can't help but hope everything was done according to plan and she loved every bit of it.

  I’ve already decided as soon as I get my offer from Texas I’m proposing to Presley, I don’t want it to just be a single night that she remembers, I want to build everything up for her. I want to give her months of unexpected surprises and everything starts tonight.

  My phone rings and it’s the call I’ve been waiting all night to receive.

  “I love you. I love you. I love you.”

  “I take it you got everything?”

  “Yes I did. Thank you. Everything was perfect. The flowers were beautiful, tall white orchids set against palm leaves and the cake; oh the cake was almost better than sex.”

  “Hey now!” pretending to be hurt.

  “I said almost,” she giggles, but it isn’t her usual giggle. This is the one where she toes the line between modest and that private side of her, my side of her.

  “I’m glad you liked everything.” I say with a smile in my voice. “What kind of cake was it? The restaurant just told me they would make sure to give you the best.”

  “Oh it was. Chocolate cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting, chocolate ganache and raspberry filling, dusted with powdered sugar and raspberries to top it off. It looked so pretty I didn’t want to eat it.”

  “Well happy birthday beautiful. You know if I could have been there I would have.

  “I know. Maybe next year.” Her voice quiets and the line is silent as I wait for her to say what’s on her mind.

  “Robert? Will you teach me about baseball?” I’m honestly kind of shocked at her request, but it shouldn’t have surprised me. When Presley finds something she enjoys she throws her whole self into it. She’s committed to this life with me, and I take pride in the fact that she wants to understand it.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything. I mean I know the whole three strikes and you’re out. I know there’s nine innings in a game, but I guess what I want to
know is why certain players do certain things. I want to know the rules behind the plays and all those other unspoken things only true fans seem to understand.” I smile at her eagerness.

  “I’d love to teach you baby. Write down any questions you have when you watch the games and I’ll answer them afterwards when we talk.” She lets out a faint sigh and I can almost hear her smile. “What time are you guys leaving in the morning?”

  The line’s quiet before she whispers out her answer, “Probably around eight I guess.” Fear and sadness coat her voice as she tries to speak past the tightening of her vocal cords.

  I wish more than anything I could wrap my arms around her and tell her everything will be okay. I wish I could tell her I’ll see her tomorrow and these next few months will fly by. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  She starts to cry, and it rips at my heart. Her night wasn’t supposed to end like this. “I’m leaving. I’m leaving our home and you’re not even here to say goodbye to.”

  “Hey. Listen. For as long as I’m in Surprise, our home, your home, will be that apartment, Presley. That dorm room is not your home, it’s just a place you’ll sleep while you’re at school. We’re gonna figure this out.” I want so badly to take all her pain and fears away. I want to spend tonight strolling down to the duck pond and sitting on the bench just talking. I want to make tonight feel as normal as possible for her. I want to wrap my body around her one final time and then drive her down to Tucson tomorrow.

  A few sniffles later she takes a deep breath and forces a smile, “I hope you like what I did.”

  “I know I’ll love it P.”

  “Go get some rest. You have a long day ahead of you. I love you, princess.”

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter Twelve

  I take one final look around the apartment and make sure everything is perfect before I leave. I may not be here when he gets back, but I at least want him to feel like he’s home, I place my favorite picture of us on his nightstand just as mom comes back inside. “Come on sweetie. We don’t want to get stuck in traffic.”

  I’ve left a few things hanging in the closet and then sprayed my perfume all over my pillow. Hopefully it will still be there when he gets back. I close the door and lock everything up.

  “Y’all be safe,” Daddy says as he hugs me goodbye along with Diane; Kringle whimpers from the back of the old truck.

  “You too. Diane, thank you for everything.”

  “Thank you for taking care of my son.”

  Kringle whines as I hug him one last time and kiss his nose. “I know boy. We’ll see you in a couple of months. Make sure your grandma’s take care of you.”

  We all finish saying our goodbyes and get into our cars. Mom has given me her white Toyota Camry, it’s old but will make the drive from Tucson to Surprise just fine. I slide into the driver’s seat, buckle in, and fist the steering wheel, staring at our door with the number C17 on it.

  “It’s going to be okay. You know that honey.” Mom says in a peaceful tone.

  I breathe in deeply. “I know. I’m just worried it’s not going to work out like we planned.”

  She pats my leg and I put the car into reverse. “Then you’ll make a new plan.”

  The two-hour drive to the University of Arizona is quiet. I’m focused on the nagging pit in my stomach that has been there since talking to Robert last night. It will be weeks before I’m wrapped in his arms again. Weeks before I feel the brush of his skin against mine, or taste his lips, and all of it better than my dreams. But this, this part, stepping away from him to pursue my goals is eating me up. This is what I wanted, and now I’m completely unsure.

  I follow the winding road through campus and find my residence hall, grabbing the last spot in the loading zone and stare up at the nine-story high-rise, reddish orange brick building that will be my home for the next ten months. Bikes litter around the main entrance, and the front door is propped open to allow students to move their things in easier.

  “Are you ready for this?” Mom asks.

  I had almost forgotten she was in the car with me.

  “I don’t really think I have a choice at this point,” I say defeated, “it looks like a prison.” I never imagined this would be how I felt upon my first day at school. I’d always envisioned this happy moment, full of excitement, but now I want to run away.

  “It’s just for a short time. And hey, look on the bright side, at least you don’t have to worry about it ever feeling like home.”

  I smile recalling my conversation with Robert. “That place will never by your home.” Oh how right he was.

  “Come on. Let’s go check you in and meet your new roommate.”

  I roll my eyes at mom’s enthusiasm. I wish Liv had decided to come here, but last I heard, she and Trey had a huge fight and she was going to some place on the East Coast.

  Mom and I each grab a box before making our way inside, stopping at the front office to check in and get my key. The RA lets me know my roommate had already checked in and gave me his number in case we needed help with anything.

  We take the elevator up to the third floor and find my room. Keys dangling in my hand ready to open the door but it already appears to be slightly cracked open and I can hear a few hushed mummers come from within.

  “Sounds like your roommate is home.”

  I take a deep breath, readying myself for the person on the other side of the door and pull it open freezing where I am. Tears pouring from my eyes as I take in the sight before me.

  My room has hundreds of helium filled balloons on the ceiling and Robert is standing in the midst of the hanging strings. An extra smiley Liv is jumping up and down while Trey looks like he just won the biggest prize.

  I drop my box and run to Robert, jumping on him, wrapping my arms and legs tightly around him like a baby koala. He holds me firmly in place, both our hearts beating rapidly as my tears soak his T-shirt. “But how? Is this real? Are you real?” I bury my head against his neck and breathe in his cologne as he strokes my hair.

  “It’s all real baby girl. I’m here.” His lips press hard against my temple as he squeezes me a little tighter before I slide down him. “Once Laura found out it was your birthday, she bought me a plane ticket. I wanted to tell you last night, but honestly I’m a little afraid of her. We have thirty-six hours together.”

  I look over at Liv and Trey, Robert’s arm possessively wrapped around my waist has me tethered to his side. “And you two?”

  Liv is beaming, “I’m sorry P. It was all a lie. I filed my acceptance when we were in town a couple of weeks ago and Daddy pulled a few strings so we could be roommates.”

  Mom looks just as surprised as I do. “Mom?”

  “I wish I could take credit for all of this, but I didn’t know a thing.”

  “Happy Birthday,” the three of them say in unison, followed by a kiss on my temple from Robert. I close my eyes and lean into him as his kiss lingers.

  “I don’t even know what to say. Thank you guys. This is by far the best birthday ever.”

  Mom clears her throat, “Come on boys, we need to get Presley’s car unloaded. I’m sure she and Liv have a lot to catch up on.”

  “Yes Mrs. D,” the two of them say. Robert places a tender sipping kiss on my lip, his teeth nip my bottom lip just before he releases me, and I sway a little at the loss of his support.

  Liv helps to hold me steady as the guys leave the room. “Come on, I’ll help you unpack while they bring your stuff in and then we can all go out tonight.”

  Between the five of us, my side of the room is decorated in just a few hours. Whites and creams with natural wood accents and succulents compliment my side of the room for a very understated Bohemian styled dorm room. Mom takes my car back to the hotel and Liv and Trey head up to his room two floors up. The four of us agree to meet at seven for a night of fun at Top Golf. Mom declines politely, saying she wants to take advantage of the quiet and room service the hotel has to offer. She bumpe
d her flight up a day since my room is done and now that Liv is my roommate she doesn’t worry about me adjusting to my new life. Her and Robert’s flights are about the same time so after she drops my car off, they’ll ride to the airport together.

  We say our goodbyes to everyone, and the door closes to the outside world, leaving just Robert and me alone after being apart. He pulls me over to the bed and scoots on first, pressing his back up against the wall and I take my place in front of him, his breath hot on my neck. “Hey P, would you mind if we just took a nap? I haven’t slept well since I’ve been gone, and I could really use this right now.”

  I smile as I pull his arm tighter around me, bringing his knuckles up to my lips to kiss each one. “Sounds perfect.” I shimmy back into him and within moments we’re both asleep.

  * * *

  Presley’s birthday surprise couldn’t have gone any better.

  I look down at her, playing with her hair, slowly waking her up. I love the way her body moves when she stretches after she’s slept well. The little sounds she makes as she stretches out. Three years is going to be a long time, especially since I’m so ready to make her mine.

  She angles her head up to me and I kiss her nose. “Hey you.”

  A smile stretches across her face as she looks up at me through fluttering eyelashes and squeezes me tighter. “You’re really here.”

  “It’s the only place I want to be Presley. But we need to get up. Trey texted and said they would be down in thirty minutes.”

  “Do we have to?”

  “I promise we’ll be back by midnight.”

  She scowls and buries her head against my side. She’s so freaking cute when she pouts. “Fine. But just know my future idea of fun is laying on a couch with you and Kringle.”

  I laugh as she rolls off the bed, grabbing some clothes and making her way into their private bathroom. I’m not sure what Liv’s dad does, or how he was able to get the girls this room, but I’m almost positive they are the only ones with a set up like this.


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