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In Bed with the Rancher

Page 12

by Sara Orwig

  The news hit Wade like a semitruck. “You’re lying,” he said, staring at his twin.

  “Oh, no, I’m not. And our real dad didn’t know it because Mom was just barely pregnant when Ethan was killed. At the time he died, neither of them knew she was pregnant and she’s never told Arlo. So live with that one,” he said as he snatched his drink and looked at Wade as he gulped it. “Our so-called dad doesn’t even know he’s not our father. You may be his favorite but you’re not his son.” He looked smug as he added, “And you won’t tell because that might give him a heart attack, so I know you’ll keep Mom’s secret.”

  As the revelation rumbled around in his head, he thought of his mother and the relationship she and his twin shared. And he felt sick to his stomach, disgusted and angry. “The one person on earth who is always good to you no matter what you do and you didn’t even give her the loyalty of keeping her secret.”

  “I know you won’t say anything to her because you won’t want to hurt her.” He pointed a finger at Wade and added, “Now you can think about that one and whose blood runs in your veins.”

  Wade wanted to punch his brother but he wouldn’t stoop to Wynn’s level. He took deep breaths and jammed his fists into his pockets, calling up every ounce of self-control. When he couldn’t contain his anger, he turned to go, to get away from Wynn. Walking to the door, he stopped.

  He turned around to see Wynn smiling because he knew he had gotten to Wade.

  He crossed the hall to speak to them. “He knows I have my memory. I’m going to call Dad and break the news to him before he walks in and gets it from Wynn without knowing how well I am.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Lucy said. “It won’t worry Dad nearly as much if he thinks you’re okay.”

  “And it’ll help for him to talk to you,” Jack added.

  “I’ll be outside,” Wade said and left, going down the steps and away from the house. He was stunned by Wynn’s news, but he didn’t doubt it was the truth. His dad was his uncle Ethan, a man who had been just like Wynn. So he and Wynn had Ethan’s blood in their veins and not the blood of Arlo Sterling, the man he called dad. Wade hoped his father never found out.

  Father. What was he thinking? Arlo Sterling was their dad—in all ways except by blood. He had raised them, taken care of them, showered them with love and guidance and wealth. He would always be the real dad to Wade.

  But he couldn’t get the blood inheritance out of his mind. Wynn’s words echoed there. Now you can think about...whose blood runs in your veins. That just fortified Wade’s determination to never marry and have kids.

  That made him think about Ava. They weren’t talking marriage, but still, he needed to warn her that he was definitely not a marrying man. He recalled his conversation with Jack. How much was Wynn like their uncle Ethan because of blood—or was it because their mother had always spoiled him and thought whatever he did was cute?

  Wade stood with clenched fists, gulping air, trying to calm down. He didn’t want kids because they might be like Wynn. He couldn’t risk it. But was he making a mistake?

  Ava wanted four or five kids, she had said. He thought about the odds on that. Four or five kids—if he married her and had five kids, two or three of them could be like Wynn. Hell, all five could be. What a thought.

  As usual Wynn had once again stirred up trouble at a time when Wade had been happy and enjoying his homecoming. He had been filled with joy to have his memory back. He was even happy that Olivia and Wynn had found each other, and best of all, he had been filled with eagerness and joy because he would be with Ava later tonight. And then Wynn had thrown a damper on the evening. And broken a promise to their mother, but she would forgive him as she always did.

  Wade stood outside in the dark, light spilling from the windows. As he called his dad, he again affirmed that Arlo would always be Dad to him. He listened to the phone ring and then heard his father’s voice.

  “Dad, I’m back and I’m fine. Good news—since I got home, my memory seems to have fully returned.”

  “Oh, son, that’s great news.” He could hear the relief in his father’s voice.

  “Look, we can talk more when you get home, but I’m so happy to be home and remember everything. I want you to know that I’m Wade. Wynn has been telling all of you that he was me.” He listened to his father swear and hoped he hadn’t made a mistake telling him on the phone.

  “No one was hurt and I’m fine now that I’m home. Let it go because I’m okay and I don’t want you to worry.” The words nearly choked in his throat, but concern for his father made him force them out.

  His father asked a few questions, his tone turning calmer with each of Wade’s responses. “I think Wynn did it to get Olivia,” Wade said, “and I’m glad because now she’s happy and I don’t have to go through breaking up with her.”

  His dad laughed. “I guess Wynn’s good for something.”

  “Listen, Dad, I’m bringing a guest tonight. She got me out of that canyon and took me to her home. I can’t wait for you and the family to meet her. But right now I better go back inside.” Before he disconnected the call, he added, “I don’t think I tell you often enough—you’ve been a super dad. I love you,” he said and meant it. “See you soon.”

  He sighed, knowing that his father didn’t deserve a son like Wynn. Which only made him more resolute in his decision never to marry and risk having a kid like his twin. He thought about Ava. At some point he needed to tell her how he felt. He didn’t want to hurt her, but they’d been together only briefly. Surely both of them could walk away after only a few nights. Or was he fooling himself?

  As quickly as that thought came, it was followed by another—he wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet. He wanted her in his arms tonight, in his bed, and he wanted to kiss and make love for hours.

  He looked at his watch and couldn’t wait for her arrival. Twenty minutes later, Ava turned into the long circle drive and Wade went down the porch steps to meet her.


  Smiling at him, she stepped out of the car, looking like an angel, her silky blond hair framing her beautiful face. Her black dress almost covered her knees and the scoop neckline was not cut low enough to reveal her cleavage, but he knew every curve of her body intimately. She took his breath away just looking at her. He wanted to walk up to her, take her in his arms and kiss her.

  Instead, he waited as she walked toward him. “You look fantastic. And I can’t wait to get you home,” he said in a husky voice.

  “Thank you.” Her smile broadened. “I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that you remember your past life.”

  “You know what I remember most of all?” he said, knowing his voice was deeper, something that happened when he was aroused.

  “What?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “Making love with you.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “I think we need to change the subject right now. Why don’t you tell me the names of everyone I’m about to meet?”

  While they walked to the house, he told her the names of his family. They went inside and he introduced her to everyone. He could see curiosity in Wynn’s eyes, but his twin stayed at Olivia’s side, merely giving Ava a curt wave. Lucy and Jack were happy to talk to Ava and hear about the storm and Wade’s wreck. His mother stood talking to Wynn and Olivia. And then his dad arrived. He walked straight over to greet Wade, thrusting out his hand and then giving Wade a hug.

  “Thank goodness, you’re home,” he said. “I’ve had business and wasn’t home sometimes when Wynn was here as you. And the few times I was here with him, I just didn’t pay attention. He’s a good actor.”

  “Oh, yes. And he knows me well.” Wade didn’t want to talk about Wynn’s charade. There was a more important reason to talk to his dad right now.

  “I want you to meet Ava,” Wade said, taking his dad’s arm and crossing the room to where she sto
od with Lucy and Jack. “Dad, meet Ava Carter. She came to my rescue and I think she saved my life. Ava, this is my dad, Arlo Sterling.”

  “Mr. Sterling, I’m so happy to meet you. And I think Wade would have survived on his own, but I’m sure he had a better stay in my place out of the storm,” she said, smiling at his father and offering her hand.

  “I’m sure he did, too, Ava, and we’re all grateful to you for what you did to take care of him.”

  As they stood talking, Wade studied his dad and realized he didn’t look as good as he had only a couple of days ago. He wondered how much Wynn’s constant annoyances had hurt their dad’s health. His attention shifted to Ava and he wanted dinner to be over and for them to be able to go. He wanted her all to himself and it seemed far longer than just earlier today that they had last been together.

  By the time dinner was over and they had visited for an hour, Wade felt they could leave. Goodbyes took time and finally he walked to Ava’s car with her. She slid behind the wheel to drive.

  “I keep extra keys in my dad’s safe, locked away from Wynn,” Wade said when he was in the car. “So now I have my condo key and my car keys. The pickup that went into the canyon was one of my ranch vehicles. Let’s go to my place. That way I can get my car and I can entertain you.”

  “Sounds like a deal. I can’t wait for you to entertain me,” she said in a sultry voice, her eyes on the road.

  “You shouldn’t do that when you’re driving because answers like that, said the way you did, tend to cause me to want to put my hands on you and kiss you and I can’t while you drive.”

  “That’ll just make you look forward to being home with me again,” she answered.

  “Ava, I’ve been looking forward to getting home again with you since I stepped out of your car this afternoon. You can’t imagine how much I’ve thought about you since then.”

  “We better change the drift of this conversation because I need to keep my attention on the road. You’re definitely distracting.”

  “And you are definitely sexy and hot.”

  Ava glanced his way for a second, then averted her eyes back to the road and sat up straighter. “You have a nice big family. Four kids is wonderful.”

  “Three of us are and you’re changing the subject.”

  She laughed. “Oh, yes, I am before I throw myself in your arms and wreck the car.”

  “Next time, let me drive. I’ve developed the knack of driving and talking at the same time,” he answered, amused, excited to be with her and aware his condo was closer than her house. He couldn’t wait to get there.

  “What part of what I said do you not get?”

  He smirked, though he knew she couldn’t see it. “I can’t help it. You are sexy and hot.”

  “Stop,” she said, smiling, but keeping her attention on the road ahead and city traffic. “How many more blocks to your place?”

  “About another couple of miles. Want me to drive?”

  “No, I don’t. Your twin seemed charming tonight.”

  “Oh, he can be, especially to a beautiful, sexy woman. He can turn it on whenever he wants. He keeps on Mom’s good side and she adores him. Believe me, you’ll always see his good side.”

  “I’ve seen identical twins before and I could tell them apart, but I can’t with the two of you. I can see how he gets away impersonating you—except you have a scar on your left hand.”

  “Didn’t you see a band aid on his hand?”

  “Yes, I did. I figured he cut himself.”

  “And that’s what he would tell you, but underneath that band aid is no cut and no scar. He wears that so women who know me and know I have the scar think he has a cut where the scar is. He’s devious and he’s an actor. In high school he constantly passed himself off as me with girls I dated and only a few of them ever caught on. But he won’t be able to do it so easily anymore.”

  “Why is that?” she asked.

  “If you ever wonder if you’re really with me, ask to look at my shoulder. Molly said I’m going to have a scar. And Wynn isn’t going to be able to do anything to match the way I’ve got my shoulder scarred.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she teased him.

  Wade continued looking out the window. “I recognize everything. Molly was right. My memory came back and it seems to be all there. All this is familiar like I never had a problem.”

  “I’m glad.”

  He turned to gaze at her. “Best of all, I can fully remember last night with you.”

  “I’m not even going to answer that and then you’ll have to stop.”

  “That’s okay if you don’t join in my conversation. I’ll just tell you about last night and how we showered together and—”

  “If I wreck the car, you’ll be sorry.”

  He laughed, enjoying teasing her and talking about sex. “You won’t wreck the car. You’re concentrating while I’m remembering the moments, holding you, kissing you—”

  She began to sing softly and he laughed. Then he remained quiet because they were almost to his condo, six blocks off the busy highway.

  He had a private entrance and the minute the door closed behind them, he turned to wrap his arms around her. He looked into her big blue eyes and felt his heartbeat race. “Finally, you’re here and I can kiss you,” he whispered. “I’ve waited forever for this moment.”

  * * *

  Ava shivered as his gaze held hers and she could see his intent in his expression. She shrugged the strap to her purse off her shoulder and let it fall to the floor. There was only the soft light in the entryway, but she was oblivious of everything except Wade, who looked so incredibly handsome tonight.

  Her heart pounded in eager anticipation as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him in return, forgetting everything else.

  He crushed her against him, kissing her passionately. She trembled with wanting him, feeling as much urgency as he seemed to feel. As he kissed her, his hands were at the zipper of her dress, slipping the zipper slowly down the back.

  He raised his head for a moment and pushed away her dress. It fell in a heap around her feet. His muscled chest expanded as he took a deep breath, placed his hands on her waist and took a step back to look at her. While his gaze ran over her, she tingled with the need to kiss him again. “Wade,” she whispered, tugging his forearms lightly.

  Instead of reaching for her, he undid two buttons on his shirt and yanked it over his head to toss it aside.

  Then he turned his attention to her remaining clothing. He unfastened her bra and dropped it. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered as he pushed down her lacy panties so she could step out of them.

  After he shed his slacks and shorts, he sheathed himself with a condom and walked back into her embrace, and she could feel his thick manhood, hard and ready, pressing against her.

  “I’ve thought about you constantly,” he whispered between showering kisses on her throat and down to take first one nipple and then the other in his mouth. He ran his tongue over her and teased her with slow, wet strokes, his warm breath on her while he cupped her breasts in his gentle hands.

  She gasped while each stroke of his fingers heightened her desire.Urgency built to make love, to have him fill her, to love her until she felt she would burst with her climax as only he could bring her to.

  With a cry, she brought his head up. The desire she saw in his brown eyes made her stand on tiptoe and kiss him while she caressed his manhood.

  When he picked her up, she locked her legs around him as he let her down slowly and entered her.

  She gasped with an aching need for his loving.

  As they kissed, he pumped hard and fast while she moved on him and held him tightly. Longing built, driving her. He went harder and faster while she clung to him and finally cried out with her climax, consumed by bliss. He thrust one more time and followed
her into ecstasy.

  When she finally lowered her feet to the floor, she was grateful for his embrace because her legs felt too weak to support her. Perhaps sensing it, he swept her up in his arms.

  He carried her to his shower, switching on lights as he went. Unaware of her surroundings, she could see only him as he gazed down at her while he carried her through his condo. Basking in the afterglow of the orgasm he’d given her, she showered light kisses on his throat and his ear, as her hand played across his nape and she wound her fingers in his thick hair. He was a marvel to her, their lovemaking carrying her to heights she had never been.

  “Sexy man, so, so sexy,” she whispered.

  He stopped walking, turning his head to kiss her passionately again while he held her tightly against him. Finally he raised his head and continued into a large bathroom with a king-size shower. As they showered together, she ran her hands over his exciting body. They dried each other with thick, fluffy red towels, then once again he picked her up and carried her into his bedroom.

  In minutes they were in each other’s arms in the bed with a sheet pulled over them and a low light on a table beside them.

  “Ava, I’ve thought about you constantly since the last time we made love. You’re special,” he said, showering feathery kisses on her face. He leaned away to look at her. “I don’t want to ever hurt you.” She shifted so they were facing each other and he toyed with her hair, his brown eyes intent on her.

  “You won’t hurt me,” she said, certain he wouldn’t. He had been considerate of her feelings since the first time they were together.

  With his fingers he combed long strands of her hair from her face and gazed at her seriously. “Ava, I want to tell you something right now. You’ve been hurt badly by your ex-fiancé. I don’t want to add another hurt.”

  Suddenly Ava felt chilled and wondered what was coming because he looked solemn. Whatever it was, he probably hadn’t remembered it until he got back to Dallas, to his home, and his memory returned. It couldn’t be a wife, so she was puzzled, but she had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be good news. He looked far too worried.


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