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The Billionaire’s Lawyer: Halstead Billionaire Brothers Series (Book 3)

Page 6

by Wood, Lauren

  Her lips parted, but then she paused. As if I had taken the argument right out of her. She considered my words carefully as she took her last bite of chocolate tart. I couldn’t help but laugh at the small trickle of sauce that trailed from the corner of her mouth.

  “Here, hold on. You’ve got something…” I leaned in to scoop it up with my thumb, but again she tensed up and turned away to let the napkin do the job instead. “Look what you did! That drop of chocolate is like gold and now it’s smudged all over the napkin.”

  “As opposed to your finger, where I guess you thought you’d seductively have me lick it off from, huh? And then what…we lean in for a kiss in the moonlight? Please.”

  “You’re a cynic.”

  “I’m a lawyer. It comes with the territory.”

  “You’re not a lawyer. That’s just what you do.”

  She rolled her eyes again, completely killing the mood. I didn’t have too high of hopes for sweeping her off her feet; the date was not going as planned. I watched her as she clung to her resolve of making this a terrible night, just to prove her point. It was disappointing that she couldn’t at least let herself enjoy the moment, even if she didn’t particularly care for my company.

  There was an awkward silence as we were shown down off the rooftop and back out into the bustling nightlife of the city streets. I walked her towards the cars waiting for us outside where she stared at me expectantly, taking in a big breath.

  “Well, what now? You whisk me away to some VIP club for drinks? Take me on a boat ride down the river? What other kind of expensive romantic experience did you plan for the evening?”

  “None actually,” I shrugged. “I’m afraid the date train stops here. Thanks for joining me for dinner, Liz. I hope you have a good night.”



  I couldn’t believe it. My blood boiled as I stood there on the street corner like an idiot, watching Eric stroll off into the night. I very quickly realized what he was doing and was not about to let yet another night of my life be wasted on this infuriating man.

  “Hey!” I shouted after him. “Stop right there!” I marched after him with my finger pointed, ready to lay into him. “Who the hell do you think you are? Was this your whole plan? You set it up to look like you put in so much effort for a good date, just hoping that I’d be a bad sport so you could tell yourself you tried. Now I guess it’s all my fault, huh?”

  “Well, can you say that I’m wrong? I tried to show you a good time. You’re obviously not interested. Maybe…maybe we’re just not a good fit.”

  “Not a good fit!? Any man would be lucky to have me!”

  “Oh, I agree. Unfortunately, I just don’t think that man is me,” he shrugged.

  He tried to turn around and walk off again, but I pulled at his shoulder and turned him back around. “What do you expect, Eric!? You’re so blasé about everything and you keep acting like you’ve uncovered some grand secret of life that you’re going to be kind enough to impart to me. I don’t need saving, okay? I may lead a busy life, but I’m happy. And I’ve worked hard to get to where I am. Now you come along and threaten to ruin it all.”

  “Ruin it?” he sneered. “How am I ruining it? All I tried to do was make up for the bad time that you hated me for.”

  “It’s all a show,” I blurted, before I even fully realized what I meant. “Romance is just a big show, and it’s even easier for guys like you, who have endless resources at your fingertips, to pull it off. Forgive me for not being impressed.”

  “It’s what you make of it. We could have talked over dinner and got to know each other better, but you were too hell bent on putting me in my place.”

  My face twisted as I bunched up with fury. This was not what I’d expected at all. The first time around I was more than willing to talk and get to know him, and now he was holding it against me that I wasn’t bending over backwards to be pleasant company for this stupid date that I didn’t even want to go on.

  But then a startling thought started creeping in. I remembered all the flowers and all the times he came chasing after me in our short time of being reacquainted. The dinner was lovely, and he was being a perfect gentleman. All he was asking me to do was live in the moment with him, and…was he right? Was I ruining it?

  He stared back at me trying to figure out what I’d do next. But his mind seemed made up. He was ready to walk off and likely call one of his other little girlfriends to take off to bed. Which I would have been happy to let him do, but I was not about to let him have the satisfaction of being right…even if I did secretly think he might have been. In my profession, you could never admit to the opposing counsel’s innocence out loud.

  “Come with me,” I huffed, grabbing his hand to drag him across the street.

  I pulled him into a loud and rowdy bar that I usually steered clear of because if I went out for drinks, it was usually just like going out for coffee. I needed a quiet booth in the corner to myself where I could spread out case notes and work with headphones in. The atmosphere was just a way of feeling like I wasn’t totally missing out on normal life.

  The reminder of that just made me even more afraid that maybe Eric was on to something, which only spiked my determination. If he wanted me to be free and wild and in the moment, then that’s what I’d do. I marched up to the bar and ordered the bartender to bring us a tray of tequila shots.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Living in the moment!” I shouted over the music as I threw back the first shot, shoving the other into his hand. “At this moment, I don’t have to work. I don’t have a mountain of paperwork waiting for me at home or a big pending case or a partnership on the line. It’s just you and me…and that dance floor.”

  I quickly threw back another shot and then another, before leading him out to the lit-up floor surrounded by blaring speakers. The music vibrated through us with the bass. Eric looked shocked but intrigued. It was my little secret that back in college I would go out dancing to blow off steam before a big final exam.

  He had a trepidatious grin as he approached me. I roped his tie between my fingers to pull him in closer and stood on my tip toes to purr in his ear, “This tie and jacket are going to have to go, mister.”

  He gave a nod as if to say – game on. He was going to play along. He stepped off to the side and stripped down to his button-up shirt, which he promptly rolled up the sleeves of, then joined me back on the floor.

  I lost myself in the feeling of alcohol buzzing through my veins and the booming music, but it wasn’t hard to notice that Eric was arguably the best-looking guy in the bar. I decided that’s all I would let him be in my eyes that night. I’d forget the two horrible dinners, even if one of those was my fault, and even accept that maybe we were better off this way – talking with our bodies rather than our words.

  He was a pretty good dancer, I had to admit. But things really heated up when a slower, sultry salsa number came on. He pulled me in close to him by the small of my back and began swaying with the rhythm with wide circles of his hips. He kept them pressed against my body and the energy emanating between us was intense.

  He twirled me out from him with a jolt, then slowly pulled me back in. It’s like I was a toy to him no matter what I did, but at least this way there was a sort of art form to it. As our bodies met again, he slid behind me, running his hands up and down my legs and stomach while we swayed.

  The smell of his sweat was intoxicating, and every move he made gave me a hint as to what he might be like in the bedroom. But even after over an hour of dancing, I wasn’t ready to give into him yet. Just when he seemed to really be settling in, I pushed him to the bar to pay our tab.

  “What do you have in mind next?”

  “Let’s just see where the night takes us!” I laughed in a half-mocking tone.

  I was very buzzed by then, and high on adrenaline from all of the seductive dancing. But I didn’t let myself cut loose like this often, so I was going to make the most
of it. I relished in the cool air across my hot skin as we stumbled out of the club.

  I hadn’t made it far before I felt a tug on my arm. Eric was pulling the same dance move from inside, twirling me back against his body. Only this time when I found myself pressed against him with our eyes locked together, his mouth devoured mine with the most delicious kiss. I made a point to let it linger, taking in every last flavor of his deliciousness.



  Who would have ever thought that underneath that prudish and hardened lawyerly shell, there was a wild animal waiting to be unleashed? Liz led the way on a drunken romp from bar to bar, and I was happy to oblige. Seeing her relax and have fun was one of the most thrilling sights I had laid eyes on in a while.

  As the crazy night winded on into the early hours of the morning, the bars were starting to do last call. I wasn’t sure what would happen next. So, when Liz invited me to walk her home, I was more than happy to oblige. It was a beautiful evening, and walking would give me more time with her than riding in one of my cars.

  I was trying not to get my hopes up as she led me to her front door, but the moment her feet touched the doormat, she flipped around and pulled me into her. My body responded with force, crashing my mouth into hers. She melted between me and the wall, urgently wrapping her leg up around me as the kiss deepened. The eager noises that escaped from her mouth were driving me crazy. She struggled to get her key in the lock without breaking away, so I took over and eventually we managed to finagle the thing open.

  From the minute we crashed in, all bets were off. I hoisted her up around my waist and pinned her to the wall. Her velvet tongue would move in long slow draws against mine until she couldn’t stand to take it slow anymore. Then she’d urge my mouth open wider as her hands clawed along my back. I thought I was excited to be kissing her, but she moved on me like a beast.

  I managed to wrangle her into her bedroom and quickly snaked her dress off her body. I stopped at the sight of her black lace bra and underwear.

  “God, you look gorgeous; did you plan on having sex with me tonight?”

  “Always be prepared,” she said innocently. But the innocence faded quickly as she used her legs to pull me crashing down back over her and purred across my lips with heavy breaths. “Just shut up and fuck me.”

  She gripped onto my shirt collar and rolled me onto my back. I was normally the one to take the lead in bed, but I couldn’t resist waiting to see what she’d do if I let her stay in control. She did not disappoint. She ran her tongue up my neck and along the edge of my ear, rolling her hips across the bulge in my pants. With my hands dug into the supple cheeks of her ass, I hissed through my teeth with need.

  “You keep that up and this won’t last long,” I warned in a low rasp.

  She pulled back and gave me a coy laugh but showed no signs of stopping. She teased her way down to my belt and took off my pants slowly. Then she worked her way up the buttons of my shirt, nibbling at my torso and chest every inch of the way. Soon there was nothing left between us but her thin lace panties and bra and my bulging boxer shorts.

  Licking her lips, she flashed her eyes across the strained fabric like it was a present. I lunged forward to kiss across her perfect skin, yanking at the clasp of her bra. Her luscious breasts were finally freed to bounce out in the dark room with the moonlight shining across them. I took each one into my hands and then into my mouth, darting my tongue across her nipples until she was moaning and grinding against me so much, I knew I had to be inside of her right then. But before I could reassume my position on top, she jerked down my boxers and began licking her way towards my throbbing cock. She teased it along her lips before slowly sliding it into her slick open mouth.

  I growled and clenched up, doing my best to hold on. She could tell she was pushing me too close to the edge and eased up, lifting off me. Once again, I reached up to throw her down to the bed, but she quickly pinned my hands down then moved one hand to my neck.

  Leaning down to my ear with a seductive voice she said, “Be a good boy and stay right there.” The words themselves were enough to slay me, but then she ran her tongue along my ear again and I knew I had slipped into some alternate dimension. I didn’t know what the hell had gotten into her, but I sure was glad she decided to let this side of herself show. She had officially transformed into the sexiest woman I had ever encountered.

  She slid her panties down her long, smooth legs then returned to straddle my hips. Just as she had done with her mouth moments ago, she took a firm grip around me and teased around her wet lips…only this time between her legs. She was hot and dripping, and it took everything in me not to pounce on her.

  Easing down over me slowly, she let out a long sigh with groaning relief. Her hands ran across her body and up into her hair, like she was still dancing. But then she picked up her pace and my head went flying backwards. She rode me fervently, and all I could do was dig my fingers across her thighs to try and hold on.

  “Liz,” I murmured. “Dear God, woman…you really are going to have to stop if you want this to last.” Her only reply was to ‘shhh’ me again. “I want you to cum.”

  “I would, if you’d shut up,” she cried out, pinning a hand across my mouth as she continued to work her way up and down, angling me in and out of her tightly stretched muscles in all the most perfect ways.

  Just as she promised, I felt her body begin to shiver as she cried out with blissful satisfaction. She came so unabashedly, moving my hands wherever she wanted them while she moaned and swayed with the feeling. She slowed down as her own climax faded, and I had to beg her not to. I was teetering on the edge. With another mischievous grin she began riding me again. It didn’t take long until the pleasure was rocketing through me with force.

  I was breathless and blown away, which is how I’d intended to leave her by the end of the night - if I’d managed to get her into bed. I watched her as she crashed down on one of the pillows at the head of the bed, still writhing in drunken but content gratification. Slowly she realized that I was gaping at her, still surprised at what had just happened.

  “What?” she giggled.

  “You were…were amazing. I mean, you were like a banshee, but…damn. I didn’t see that coming.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I guess I thought I’d have to do a lot more to lure you out of your shell if things got this far tonight.”

  “Ooooh,” she chuckled. “You thought you’d have to teach the stiff, pent-up lawyer how to let go? No way. If you ever saw me in the courtroom…I’m like a tiger. And I’m no different in the bedroom.”

  “I can see that now,” I huffed with a smile, pulling up to the pillow next to her.

  She curled across me and quickly fell asleep, but I was going to have a hard time closing my eyes after that.



  The moment I opened my eyes, the memories of the night before came flooding over me mixed in with dread. Had I really done everything my brain was telling me I did?

  It wasn’t so surprising. I was no stranger to the idea of working hard and playing harder when the time was right. But for many years, the time had never been right. I hadn’t let go like that since college. And even with my best hopes for the evening as I got ready for our date, I certainly didn’t think I’d ever let Eric see that side of me.

  Eric…who was my client. I started to panic as I jumped forward in bed and looked down at him. He was snoozing like a baby and did he ever look gorgeous. His perfectly chiseled chest and muscular body were on display, barely covered by a thin strip of the sheet. I tried to cover him up to remove the temptation, but he stirred awake.

  “Good morning, gorgeous,” he beamed immediately.

  “Uh-huh,” I grumbled, pressing a palm to my aching forehead.

  He leaned forward and ran one hand around my naked breast, kissing up and down my back. It threatened to stir everything up in me again, and I had to put a stop to i

  “Okay!” I shrieked, leaping from the bed, taking the sheet with me. I paced a little and quickly saw his fully naked body in the broad daylight streaming through my windows. “Cover up!”

  But he pointed gleefully towards the sheet I had stolen and wrapped around my own body. I yanked a blanket from a nearby chair and tossed it in his direction.

  “Oh, come on, you’re not honestly acting shy with me after last night, are you?”

  “Last night shouldn’t have happened. I mean, I knew it was a possibility, but I…I don’t know. I wasn’t…Wait,” my eyes grew wide with terror. “You didn’t tell anyone you were going out with me last night, did you?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Okay, good,” I exhaled. “Keep it that way.”

  “And I won’t tell anyone I took you to breakfast either.” He moved to the edge of the bed and began sliding on his boxers.

  “No! No breakfast.” I scrambled for my phone which had fallen onto the floor as we came crashing through the apartment in our passionate, animalistic make out session. The memory of it made my heart pound, but I could not allow myself to get swept up in it. I checked the time, realizing it was already several hours past when I would normally be awake on a Saturday.

  “No breakfast,” I insisted again, trying to pull myself together. “You have to go. And I have to get back to work.”

  “It’s the weekend,” he scoffed, pulling on his pants. Somehow, he looked even sexier standing there in pants and no shirt with his tan abs accentuated. “Don’t you ever take a day off?”

  “No,” I shot back in disgust. “Days off don’t amount to getting made partner. Neither does sleeping with your clients who are under investigation.”

  “Ah, I see. So, last night was just drunk Liz. Day time Liz is a buzz kill who follows all the rules and doesn’t know how to relax.”


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