The Emotional Foundations of Personality
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The following are simple hand scoring formulas for the six primary-process ANPS 2.4 scales, which use a 3 for the highest response and a 0 for the lowest response for each item.
SEEKING score = +(anps1) +(anps17) +(anps33) +(anps49) +(anps65) +(anps81) +(anps97)
+(3 -anps9) +(3 -anps25) +(3 -anps41) +(3 -anps57) +(3 -anps73) +(3 -anps89) +(3 -anps105).
FEAR score = +(anps2) +(anps18) +(anps34) +(anps50) +(anps66) +(anps82) +(anps98)
+(3 -anps10) +(3 -anps26) +(3 -anps42) +(3 -anps58) +(3 -anps74) +(3 -anps90) +(3 -anps106).
CARE score = +(anps3) +(anps19) +(anps35) +(anps51) +(anps67) +(anps83) +(anps99)
+(3 -anps11) +(3 -anps27) +(3 -anps43) +(3 -anps59) +(3 -anps75) +(3 -anps91) +(3 -anps107).
ANGER score = +(anps4) +(anps20) +(anps36) +(anps52) +(anps68) +(anps84) +(anps100)
+(3 -anps12) +(3 -anps28) +(3 -anps44) +(3 -anps60) +(3 -anps76) +(3 -anps92) +(3 -anps108).
PLAY score = +(anps5) +(anps21) +(anps37) +(anps53) +(anps69) +(anps85) +(anps101)
+(3 -anps13) +(3 -anps29) +(3 -anps45) +(3 -anps61) +(3 -anps77) +(3 -anps93) +(3 -anps109).
SADNESS score = +(anps6) +(anps22) +(anps38) +(anps54) +(anps70) +(anps86) +(anps102)
+(3 -anps14) +(3 -anps30) +(3 -anps46) +(3 -anps62) +(3 -anps78) +(3 -anps94) +(3 -anps110).
Please note that women tend to obtain higher CARE scores than men. Also, individual scores tend to reflect a degree of “social desirability” such that scores for the FEAR, ANGER, and SADNESS scales tend to be lower than the scores for the SEEKING, CARE, and PLAY scales depending on how concerned the individual is about the ANPS results making a good impression.
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