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The Academy of Underachievers: Year One

Page 11

by Alex Dafney

  “What did you have for lunch?”

  I chuckle lightly, shaking my head. “I haven’t had lunch as of yet. I should probably do so.”

  He nods his head in excited agreement as I move my eyes to the next child, pointing to her.

  “Are you enjoying our knocking at night?”

  I draw my brows together slightly. “Knocking? On my window? You all are the ones responsible?”

  The children all nod at me, bright smiles lining their faces.

  “Uh, the knocking and scratching noises are very noticeable while I’m trying to sleep.” I don’t want to hurt their feelings if they believe this to be a friendly gesture, but now that I know who the culprit is, maybe I can get them to stop.

  “The witch said you would be happy!”

  I move my eyes over to a young girl who couldn’t have been more than six when she passed away. “The witch?”

  She nods her head excitedly. “Yeah! She said she would come and talk with us every day if we did our job, but we haven’t seen her.”

  I draw my brows together in question. “Does anyone know this witch's name?”

  They all shrug, shake their heads, or vocalize their lack of knowledge.

  Sitting up straight, I fold my hands in my lap, giving a bright smile as I glance around. “How about we make our own deal? I’ll come and visit every day if you all stop making noise at night. Deal?”

  They all talk excitedly about my future visits, asking for games and stories when I return, which I quickly agree to. As I spend the next hour answering rapid-fire questions from this group of children, planning things that we can do together, the worry in my mind of Mistress Penelope’s warning slowly leaves.

  Chapter Ten

  I glance up from the textbook in my lap as a low knock sounds on my dorm room door at six on the dot. Sliding the book from my lap, I uncross my legs, dropping my feet to the floor and crossing the room. Yanking on the door handle with both hands, it swings open, nearly causing me to fall at the sudden budge.

  Jet has one hand propped high on the doorframe, a natural smile on his face. “You look beautiful.”

  I roll my eyes as I look down at the simple pair of jeans and blouse I wear, paired with a chunky wedge shoe. After coming back from the haunted woods, I quickly threw on a casual outfit, pairing it with my best pair of shoes, even if the high heel is killing my knee. I look anything but beautiful.

  I push the door open further, turning to grab my purse that rests on the floor since my rickety desk broke. “Where are we going?” Hitching my bag on my shoulder, I face him, noticing the way his eyes roam my body. “Eyes up here, king of the campus.”

  Moving his eyes to mine, he gives me a cheeky grin, pushing off the frame and extending his hand toward me. “I can’t help it that you’re amazing.”

  I scoff as I place my hand in his, butterflies swarming my belly with the simple contact.

  Riding to the Italian restaurant in the town that borders the academy boundaries is uneventful. Filled with small talk about classes, and the fact that said classes were inhabited today, amongst discussion of cars.

  After pulling the classic car, that I now know is a Camaro, into a parking space before the quaint building, Jet turns to me, giving me a small smile. “I hope you like Italian. This is the only place around here to eat a decent meal.”

  I shrug a shoulder, pushing the heavy door of the car open. It’s not like I’m going to tell him pasta is my all-time favorite.

  Before I can step out, Jet pulls the door open further, having bounded around the car to help me out. I place my hand in his, pulling myself from the low seat.

  He pushes the door closed, linking his fingers through mine and moving toward the main entrance. Stepping inside, I’m pleasantly surprised by the dim lighting and candles upon each table that cast a delicate glow, making the atmosphere all the more charming and romantic

  “Langburne. Reservations for 6:30.”

  The hostess gives us a bright smile as she gathers menus in her arms, gesturing for us to follow as she turns, walking through the room. We’re seated at a table a good ways away from the few patrons in the room.

  Jet pulls my chair out for me, waiting until I’m seated to take the one across from me at the small table. As he sits, I lift the menu in front of me, quickly scanning the list of delicious sounding dishes.

  “We should have a glass of wine before dinner.”

  I lower the menu, giving him a pointed look over the top as he chuckles. The last thing I want to do is partake in any drinking of alcohol after last night, and by the humorous look on his face, he knows it.

  Sliding his menu away from him, he gives me a warm smile. “Tell me about your family.”

  I give him a scrutinizing gaze, closing my menu and pushing it to the edge of the table, knowing what I want. “I already have.”

  He gives me a roll of his eyes. “I don’t know anything about you.” Locking his gaze on me, his lip lifts ever so slightly. “Other than you enjoy school, can convince the unconvincing to attend class, and your clothes definitely fall off with tequila.”

  My cheeks blush as he snickers. Lifting his hand, he moves it over the white table cloth, resting it in the center with his palm turned up.

  I scowl at him, keeping my hands firmly in my lap. “Last night was a one-time thing. I had to prove that we all could have fun and still do great things.”

  He nods in agreement, keeping his hand open on the tabletop. His lip lifts to one side, waggling his fingers. “I think you proved yourself. I’ve never seen so many students attend class.”

  I lift my hand warily, placing it in his, and he gives a gentle squeeze.

  “I’m proud of you, Briar.”

  My cheeks blush at the compliment, ducking my head down as I move my hand back, the waiter placing our drinks in front of us, then quickly retreating away. “I have six brothers. Braxton is the oldest, followed by Bronson, Braden, Brody, Brinley, and Briggs.” Glancing up, I find Jet nodding his head slowly, intently listening to what I say.

  Giving a deep breath, I shrug one shoulder. “I’m the youngest. My parents thought it would be groovy to give us all names that start with B.” My lip twitches upward as I hear Jet chuckle lowly.

  “Are they protective older brothers?”

  I roll my eyes exaggeratedly. “Oh, yeah. My high school boyfriend wouldn’t even come to my house after a family dinner where they interrogated him.”

  Jet’s eyes widen as the waiter places are oversized dishes in front of us. My stomach rumbles at the delicious smell of the marinara sauce that wafts toward me.

  “Good to know.”

  I pause, my mouth open and fork midair. “Good to know what?”

  Jet gives me a killer smile. “Good to know what I’m in for since I plan to ask you out again.”

  My cheeks burn as heat creeps on them. Shoving the bite of pasta in my mouth, I chew slowly as he watches my every move.

  His eyes move to the ring that always rests on my finger. “Is that your family crest?”

  I nod as I turn my hand, gazing at the black stone. “It is. Do you have one?” I want to slap myself for the dumb question as soon as it leaves me, knowing damn well he has one.

  I wait for him to laugh at me, but he doesn’t. Only pulls a chain from under his shirt, holding it toward me so I can see it.

  “What color is yours?”

  He pulls it back, dropping it below his shirt. “Green.”

  My lip quirks up to one side, as I look into his dark eyes. “I would have thought a darker color.”

  He looks at me with almost an embarrassed look, lifting his hand and placing it to the back of his neck. “Green is my favorite color.”

  My lips tug into a small smile as he begins to eat his meal. “Mine is purply pink.”

  He gives me an amused smile as I roll my eyes exaggeratedly.

  “I got it when I was five. Not exactly my choice of colors nowadays.”

  Nodding his h
ead in understanding, a slight chuckle comes from him. “I think it suits you though.”

  The next hour goes by with easy conversation from both sides, and I have to admit I’m disappointed the night is coming to an end as we move outside of the restaurant.

  I start for his car, but pause as his hand grips mine, looking at him over my shoulder as butterflies dance in my belly.

  “It’s time for dessert.”

  Turning, I fall in step next to him, enjoying the warmth his hand provides mine as he continues to hold mine tightly. He stops in the middle of the next block, pointing across the empty street to a small store before leading us across the road. Pushing the door open, he holds it as we both step inside. My brows draw together in confusion when I find us standing in a small grocery store.

  Without explanation, he pulls me down the middle aisle, stopping in front of the ice cream selection in the freezers along the back wall.

  “I’m out of ice cream at the Academy.”

  I shake my head with a chuckle as he studies each container intently.

  “What’s your favorite, Briar?”

  I pull the glass door open, reaching inside and grabbing a pint of pistachio, holding it up and gesturing my head toward the carton.

  “Get two.”

  I grab another, remembering him saying that was his favorite as well. After a brief moment, we’re both moving toward the front of the store, each with armfuls of containers.

  “I’ll let you know the location of the goods as I move them.”

  I giggle as we place the ice cream onto the conveyor belt. “I think you have a problem.”

  “You’d be right about that. He’s in here twice a week restocking.”

  My eyes widen as the young sales clerk speaks.

  Jet gives me a shy smile as he pulls his wallet from his back pocket. “It’s a vice.”

  I reach for a bag as he pays, holding it in front of me. He grabs the other, holding his free hand out toward me. Without hesitation, I slip my hand into his large one, strolling out of the store side by side.

  Pulling to the front of the school, Jet leaves the car running, hopping out and running around the front to open my door. “I’ve got to park the car. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

  I grab both bags, moving up the stairs, and hit the button on the wall to open the entry doors. The hairs on the back of my neck suddenly stand as I get the feeling someone, or something, is watching me.

  As the wooden doors inch open slowly, I glance around in the dark. Something stirs in the bushes, and I will myself not to scream. Moving to the edge of the landing, I peer down into the dark hedges, waiting for movement. Color catches my eye as I move the bags to one hand, the purply pink of my family crest glows brightly in the black stone that rests on my finger. Letting me know something of the paranormal degree is around.

  A hand lands on my shoulder, and I let out a piercing scream as I spin, dropping the bags and ready to bolt. Jet stares at me with wide eyes as I stumble backward, my foot slipping over the landing. My arms flail, trying to stop myself from falling into the bushes. Jet moves quickly, encircling his arms around my waist and pulling me to him.

  My heart pounds in my chest, and I’m not sure if it’s from our proximity, or my almost tumble.

  “Why is your ring glowing?”

  I lift my chin, looking up to Jet’s concerned face as he scans the darkness behind me.

  “Let’s get inside.”

  Allowing him to lead me toward the open door, I eagerly step inside the dimly lit foyer, turning as his arm leaves my waist.

  He steps outside, leaving me standing with my heart still racing in my chest. A brief second and he’s walking back in the door, hitting the button on the wall to close it as he holds up the bags I dropped. “Can’t forget our ice cream.”

  I let out a forced laugh as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, leading us toward the cafeteria.

  “I’m sure it was one of the ghost children from the haunted forest.”

  I nod my head in agreement as he moves away from me, walking toward the refrigerator in the back of the kitchen.

  “Pistachio for you?”

  I clear my throat, “yes, please.”

  He gives me a tight smile over his shoulder before disappearing inside the large metal room. Letting out a deep breath, I hop onto the stainless table, letting my legs dangle over the side as I look over to the door, waiting for something to come through and get me.

  “Here you go.”

  I jolt, clutching my hand to my chest as Jet touches my arm. “Dammit,” I mumble as I pinch my eyes shut, my cheeks blushing with embarrassment at my actions in the last few minutes.

  Jet places the container beside me, sitting next to me. “It’s alright, Briar. The ghosts come out from time to time, and we do go to an Academy that’s full of witches, vampires, ghosts, and even a werewolf as the teachers.”

  I give a quick nod, reaching for the ice cream for something to occupy my busy mind. “I know. I just, I had this dreadful feeling when I was out there. Like, whoever was out there wasn’t a friend.” Peeling the lid back on the pistachio ice cream, I lift the spoon from beside me, shoving it inside.

  Jet picks up another spoon, dipping his in as well. We stare at each other as we take our first bite, both of us moaning as the delicious, cold concoction dances over our tastebuds.

  “Has something happened? Other than the shit with Angie, of course.”

  I shake my head quickly, not wanting to tell him about my earlier warning from Mistress Penelope. “No.” My voice comes out too high, and too fast.

  Jet tilts his head to the side, giving me a pointed look as I keep my gaze on the container in my hand, as I try to stuff a large bite in my mouth.

  “Has anyone ever told you you’re a shit liar, Briar?”

  Looking at him from the corner of my eye, I see the small smirk on his lips. Placing the carton between us, I move my hands behind me, leaning back and looking up to the ceiling.

  “Only every time I’ve ever tried to lie.”

  He chuckles as he leans back, matching my stance. “I can talk to Angie. I’ll make sure she leaves you alone.”

  A long sigh escapes me as I shake my head slowly. “It’s not her. I mean, yeah, it’d be nice if she’d ignore me.” I quiet, debating if I want to tell him about the other things that happened today. Dropping my head back to its rightful position, I slide down from the table, Jet following. Turning to face him fully, I clasp my hands in front of me, toying with the ring on my finger nervously as I gaze up at him. “Can we go back to my room?”

  He nods as he swipes the ice cream from the counter, moving toward the refrigerator to stash it. Just as quickly as he left, he strides back out, stepping to my side and offering his hand. I link my fingers through his, still trying to decide if I’m going to tell him.

  As we hit the last step to the basement, a large group of students mill around the hallway, talking loudly and laughing even louder over the obnoxious music.

  I spot Colton as we move toward my room, the music growing louder with every step. I squint my eyes in the dim lighting to see who the girl is that is practically sucking his face off. My eyes widen as we pass by them, finding Lana to be the culprit. Colton catches us from the corner of his eyes, lifting his head and grinning wide.


  Lana looks over to me as she wipes the back of her hand across her swollen, puffy lips. “Briar! Have a drink with us!”

  I shake my head quickly, not wanting to partake in another night of shenanigans. Dropping Jet’s hand, I hold both of mine up, palms facing them as they come toward us. “No way. Last night kicked my ass. I need a break.”

  Colton makes a psh noise as he flips his hand at me, moving straight for me. Before I realize what’s happening, I’m being jerked behind Jet, him stepping chest to chest with Colton, a glare on his face.

  In Colton’s visibly drunken state, he doesn’t take the situation seriously, keeping t
he goofy smile on his face as he laughs. “Calm down, bro. You can stay and have a drink too.”

  Jet lets out a low growl as Lana places her hand on Colton’s wrist, urging him back as she gives me a look of concern. I move between the two massive guys, placing a hand to each of their broad chests and pushing them back to create some space between them.

  “I should’ve knocked your ass out at the bar last night.” Jet’s gaze never wavers from Colton’s over my head.

  Colton lets out an obnoxiously loud laugh as Lana and I do our best to separate them. “Like you could have. So what? I kissed her. I apologized, we’re still friends, end of story. Right, Briar?” He reaches for me, gripping one of my wrists and attempting to pull me toward him.

  Within a millisecond, Jet is between us, his hand gripped tight in Colton’s t-shirt and shoving him back roughly into the wall. Colton lets out a harumph as the air leaves his lungs at the sudden force.

  “Don’t fucking touch her, Price.” Jet’s low, menacing tone seems to snap Colton out of his drunken stupor as Lana, and I watch helplessly.

  “Dude. I know she’s yours now. I’m just a friend.”

  Jet slowly releases his hand, Colton leaning back against the wall, a smug smile pulling to his lips.

  I shake my head frantically behind Jet, hoping with everything in me he won’t say something to provoke him.

  “Shit. You need a drink worse than anyone I’ve ever seen. That pus—“

  His words are cut off instantly as Jet grips him by his shoulder, forcing him into his dorm room.

  I try to get to them, but a crowd of onlookers flock around the doorway, blocking my view and entrance.

  “Dammit. Colton’s got a great mouth for making out, but not so great for keeping his thoughts to himself.” Lana pushes up on her tiptoes, trying to peer over the sea of bodies that block us from the room.

  “You’re so worried about me when you should be worried about your fucking psycho girlfriend, Angie! She’s the one causing problems for Briar. I’m just being a friend.”

  The music suddenly dies down, letting their raised voices float out to us.

  “If I ever hear of you speak about her like that again, I will end you, Price! Am I clear?”


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