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The Academy of Underachievers: Year One

Page 17

by Alex Dafney

  Jet lets out a long breath, his eyes following her as she darts down the stairwell. “I need to speak with the Dean. She can’t threaten you like that.”

  Letting out a sigh, I reach for him, resting my hand on his arm. “Let it go, Jet. Seriously. She’s pissed and lashing out, nothing more.”

  He stays quiet, still facing the hallway.

  With a deep breath, I slide around him, stepping out of the room. “I’m just going to go to my room.” Spinning, I move toward the stairs to head down to my dorm, hoping it has indeed been repaired.

  “Wait, Briar.”

  I hesitate, glancing behind me to find Jet walking toward me.

  “I’ll go with you.”

  I shake my head quickly, needing some time to myself to process everything that has happened in the last few days. “No. I want to be alone.”

  He gives me a sad look, but takes a step back, shoving his hands in his front pockets. “Sure. I understand.” Dropping his eyes to the floor between us, his shoulders slump forward. “Will you call me later?”

  I turn, facing him fully, a small smile tugging at my lips. “I’m asking for an hour, not forever. Of course, I’ll call you later.”

  He lifts his head, his eyes meeting mine as his lip hikes up to one side in that crooked grin that he wears so well. “I guess I’d need some time to process if I were you.”

  I nod in agreement, widening my eyes exaggeratedly. “I mean, it’s a lot. Like a lot, lot.”

  He scoffs lightly, flipping his hand toward me in nonchalance. “It’s not a lot, lot.”

  I arch a brow upward, folding my arms over my chest as I rock back to one foot, holding my hand up and indicating one finger. “I totaled your car because whoever is after me decided that was a good idea.” I hold up a second finger, “you finally kissed me, and asked me to be your girlfriend.” Third finger. “I find out about your arranged marriage to the only person on campus that would love to see my head on a stake. I think those are grounds to qualify as a lot, lot.”

  His lips tug into a full smile. “Finally kissed you, huh? How long have you wanted me to?”

  I scoff, rolling my eyes slowly. “Seriously? That’s all you heard?”

  He chuckles as he moves into me, placing his hands on my hips as he stares down at me, his face becoming void of amusement. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first time you waltzed into the cafeteria for orientation, but I didn’t want to drag you into my mess.”

  I give him a shy smile. “Yet, you inserted yourself in my mess.”

  He arches one brow as he lowers his face toward mine. “And I’d do it again.” His lips meet mine in a sweet kiss. “I’ll give you all the time you need, Briar.” He whispers between us as he backs away, his hands sliding from my body.

  Turning, he moves toward his room, glancing at me one last time over his shoulder before he steps inside, leaving me standing dumbfounded in the middle of the hallway. At the sound of his door closing, I spin, rushing down the stairs, my mind moving as fast as my feet.

  Chapter Sixteen

  True to Angie and the Dean’s word, my dorm room is back to its previous state. Leaning desk, broken dresser, and pipes screaming through the newly patched ceiling, just like before.

  With my hands clasped behind my back, I pace from one end of the room to the other; my mind consumed with all that is Jet. In such a short time, he’s become an integral part of my life, and now that I have this time alone, away from him, I don’t want it.

  Shaking my head, I curse under my breath. “Dammit! You are not this girl, Briar.” I’ve never been the type to get hung up on a boy and have my entire world revolve around his. Never!

  Glancing over to the door, my lip tugs up at the sound of a knock, knowing Jet will be on the other side. Moving quickly, I jerk it open, my face instantly falling as I find Lana on the other side.

  “Don’t look so happy to see me, sugar!” She comes in without my invitation, glancing around as she sits on my bed, bouncing a few times before settling. “You’ve lost weight.”

  I look down at myself, shaking my head. “No. If anything, I’ve gained weight from snacking during movie marathons with Jet.”

  Lana rolls her eyes, giving me a pointed look. “That’s who I was referring to. Where the hell is he?”

  I narrow my eyes at her as she snickers, beginning my previous path of pacing. “He’s upstairs, I guess.” I shrug one shoulder, spinning at the wall and moving back across the floor at a hurried pace.

  “Uh, did y’all have a fight?”

  I shake my head quickly, turning and counting my steps in my head as I make it to the other side.

  “So, you guys are good?”

  I shake my head as I spin, moving more quickly. From the corner of my eye, I catch Lana throw her hands up beside her as she lets out a frustrated growl.

  “Would you quit?! Stop pacing and start talking!”

  I pause, staring at her for a few seconds before moving to the bed, sitting opposite from her. A heavy sigh leaves me as I focus my gaze on the floor. “It’s complicated.”

  She chuckles lightly, tilting her head to the side and giving me a knowing look. “Isn’t it always? Spill it. I’ve got my own issues I need to bounce off someone.”

  “What issues? Maybe I can help.” I try to take the spotlight off of myself, but she’s quick to make a clicking noise with her tongue, waggling one finger at me.

  “Oh no, dumpling. You first.”

  I let out a groan as I flop back on the bed, letting my legs dangle over the side. “I totaled Jet’s car last night.”

  She gives an exaggerated noise of distaste. “No wonder he’s not talking to you. I think that car is his best friend. Well, it was. What happened?”

  Staring up at the ceiling, my eyes trace the lines of the new sheetrock as I tell her about the car being forced from the road, and Jet being in a trance. “Whoever was responsible for almost sending me spiraling from the roof, decided to take me out by automobile this time around.”

  Turning my head, I find Lana staring at me with wide eyes, her mouth slightly parted. Before she can respond, I pick up with the events from the night before. “I woke up in the grass to Jet slapping the shit out of me. I still owe him back on that one,” I say as I lift my hand, rubbing it over my cheek at the memory. “Then, he kissed me.”

  “What!?” Lana shrieks so loudly I’m startled. She clasps her hands under her chin, giving me a faux dreamy stare. “Was it magical? Did it take your breath away? Did you drop your drawers right there along the side of the road and rid us all of the sexual tension bubble that follows the two of you?” She laughs wildly as I sit up, pushing her shoulder with my hand, but not able to contain my laughter.

  As we quiet down, she gives me a sincere smile. “So, how was it?”

  I flop back to the uncomfortable mattress again, placing my arms behind my head as a wistful smile pulls to my lips. “It was perfect. It was so unfuckingbelievably perfect that I dropped my pants right there on the side of the road.”

  Lana gasps loudly, holding her hand to her chest with a look of fiend shock before we both burst into a fit of giggles. After a brief while, we both calm, each letting out a content sigh at the laughter we apparently needed.

  “Why are you here, without Jet, if it was so perfect?”

  I sit up on the bed, clasping my hands in front of me and twirling the black stone ring that rests on my finger. It’s always been my nervous tick. “If I tell you something, you promise to keep it between us?”

  “First of all, it goes against the bestie code for you to insult me by even asking. Secondly, of course, it won’t go any further unless it’s about how the headlights of a car bounced off your white ass while you were on the side of the roadway going at it like rabbits.”

  I roll my eyes at her playfully but return to seriousness immediately. “Jet and Angie are going to be married the day after he graduates next year.” She gives me a confused look as I nod my head slowly. “The
ir dad’s signed a blood contract before they were born for an arranged marriage.”

  Lana’s eyes widen to the size of tennis balls as her mouth drops open, and I continue to nod. “Holy shit. I haven’t heard of a blood contract since, like, the nineteen hundreds!”

  I shrug one shoulder up, not exactly knowing how to respond to her.

  “I can’t believe Jet would want to marry that psycho. The girl is a straight-up bitch and not the good kind that I am.”

  Just as I open my mouth, another knock comes from the door. Lana lets out a heavy sigh as she rises, moving to the door and jerking on the handle.

  “Twist to the left, then the right, then pull up as you open,” I explain as she struggles with the problematic door to my room.

  She shakes her head, muttering curse words under her breath, but does exactly as I tell her, the door springing open. Colton gives her a charming smile as she groans.

  “Go. Away.”

  His smile falters, but he quickly rights it as he looks over to me, giving a nod of his head. “Hey, Briar.” His forehead bunches as he looks around my room. “Where’s Jet?”

  I let out a groan of my own, falling back to the bed.

  “It’s girl time. I’ll come and see you later. Don’t call me, don’t look for me. I’ll find you.”

  Rolling to my side, I prop my head up with my hand, my elbow resting on the mattress as I watch Lana press both of her hands to Colton’s chest, pushing him out the door and slamming it shut.

  She rolls her eyes as she faces me, sliding onto the bed next to me, curling onto her side in the same position. “Where were we? Jet and Angie are getting married because of a blood contract, and you’re now the side chick? Does that catch us up to speed?”

  I narrow my eyes at her, even if it’s technically the case. “He doesn’t want to marry Angie.” Lifting my hand, I press my thumb and forefinger to the bridge of my nose, pinching my eyes closed. “He told me he’s falling for me. We were going up to his room to, well, you know, and there she was. Jet told her he’s not interested in her that way, but it doesn’t matter. It’s a freaking blood contract! Ughhh!”

  I keep my eyes closed, letting my elbow slide along the bed and resting my head on my arm.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s no way out of a contract other than death, right?”

  I keep my eyes pinched shut, giving a simple nod in response.

  Lana blows out a long breath, her hand reaching over to me and resting on my hip. “Damn, muffin. I thought I had problems.”

  I open my eyes, giving her a scrutinizing gaze. “Why do you never call me by my name? It’s always sugar, cupcake, muffin, honeybun, or some other off the wall instant nickname.”

  She shrugs her shoulder, giving me a nonchalant smirk. “Part of my southern charm, dumpling.”

  I can’t help the eye roll that comes from me. “I told you mine. Your turn.”

  Now it’s time for her to be uncomfortable. She sits up, rising from the edge of the bed. “Colton is smothering me. I like him a lot, but I don’t want to look like a fool when he decides this isn’t what he wants.”

  I push up on my elbows, watching as she starts to pace the same path I had earlier. “I don’t think that’s the case.”

  Scoffing, Lana doesn’t break her stride. “Colton’s a partying, popular, upperclassman, who can have any girl in this school. Probably already is. I don’t want to look like an idiot when this all comes crashing to the ground.”

  I push myself to stand, stepping in her path and looking up to her with a sympathetic smile. “You’re wrongly assuming his intentions.”

  She braces both of her hands to her hips, glaring at me. “How do you know?”

  I pull my bottom lip in my mouth, chewing nervously. I can’t tell her about the private conversations I’ve had with Colton, but I also can’t let her ruin something that’s a good thing for them both.

  Deciding to take a play from her book, I rock back to one hip, jutting the other out as I place my hand to my waist, holding my other hand up to her with one finger up. “Firstly, it goes against the bestie code for you to ask me.”

  She opens her mouth, and I quickly speak over her, holding up two fingers.

  “Secondly, being Colton’s friend, I’m privy to information you know nothing of.”

  Her mouth snaps shut, but her eyes shoot daggers as I hold up a third finger.

  “Thirdly, trust me. You don’t want to end this over a maybe.”

  We stare at each other for a long moment before she relents, letting her arms fall slack to her sides. “If you’re wrong, and I end up looking like a dumbass, I will stand next to Angie at her and Jet’s wedding.”

  I wince as I drop my bitchy pose, my shoulders dropping in defeat.

  “Too soon? I thought we could make jokes now. It’s been like ten minutes.”

  I give her a look of annoyance as she chuckles.

  Stepping toward me, she wraps an arm around my shoulder, leading us toward the door. “Let’s get some dinner in the cafeteria. I’m starving.”

  Even though I have no appetite, I let her guide me out the door, waiting as she slams it closed behind us.

  “I’m not hungry, and I promised I’d call Jet later. That was hours ago.”

  Without hesitation, we move toward the stairs that will lead to the main floor, taking each step together.

  “You can call him when we get back.”

  I fiddle with the ring that rests on my finger, trying to convince myself she’s right. “Fine. But let’s make this quick. I want to get into bed early since I missed classes today.”

  I can feel, instead of see the eye roll she gives me as we step into the foyer of the Academy as she stares down at her phone, moving toward the cafeteria.

  Stepping into the vast room, I’m surprised to see so many students milling around the long tables that sit sporadically in the broad area.

  “Spaghetti night. It’s always packed.”

  A smile plays at my lips at Lana’s words.


  I spin to the voice coming from behind me, my eyes widening as Jet smiles down at me.

  “Uh, hey.” I manage, glancing between him and Colton, who stand next to each other.

  “Colton said we were all having dinner together.”

  Glancing over to Lana next to me, I give her a smirk. “Of course, it’s spaghetti night.”

  I hope my words come out casual, even though I’ve been surprised with this impromptu double date. Looking back to Jet, I can read the uncertainty and concern in his eyes, instantly making me feel guilty. Stepping toward him, I press up on the tips of my flat shoes, holding my cheek up to him. He lowers his face, his soft lips leaving a brief kiss to my cheek.

  “We should get in line before it gets even more out of control.” I reach for his hand, lacing my fingers through his.

  Colton and Lana move ahead of us, already getting into the long line to wait for food. As I turn to follow, Jet grips my hand, unmoving. Turning back to him, I take in the sad look on his face.

  “You didn’t know I was going to be here.” He says it as a statement, not a question.

  Hoping honesty is the best policy, I shake my head. “I didn’t, but I’m glad you are.”

  He lets out a sigh, his dark eyes staring into mine. “Enjoy dinner with your friends, Briar.” His hand slips from mine as he turns his back to me, walking toward the exit.

  “Jet!” I call after him, but he doesn’t turn.

  With a deflating sigh, my shoulders slump forward. It seems every time we start to get on the same page, someone rips that page away, and we’re forced to start anew. I jolt as a hand lands on my shoulder, turning to find Lana giving me a sad smile.

  “My bad. Go after him. I’ll have something protein-packed sent to his room for after the bow chicka wow wow.”

  With a groan, I jog toward the door, hoping to catch Jet before he makes it to his room. Scanning the foyer as I move toward the stai
rs, I find no one in sight. Nerves course through me as I place my hand on the railing, taking them two at a time in haste. My breaths come in short heaves as I make it to the third floor, turning to the right in the hallway.

  Instead of knocking, and possibly being ignored, I punch in the access code on the panel next to Jet’s doorway, placing my hand to the handle as the light flashes green.

  As my hand touches the smooth metal, an electric jolt rushes through my arm. “Son of a bitch!” I yell as I jerk my hand back, the current still running up my arm as I shake it wildly at my side.

  A loud bang sounds overhead, causing me to look up as I clutch my arm that continues to tingle. The overhead light that sits directly above me begins to spark as it rocks on the ceiling, swinging down to one side as orange flames emit from it. Jumping back, the light misses me by a mere inch before crashing to the ground.

  At the loud clatter, Jet’s door swings inward, him glancing from the broken light fixture to me.

  “What the hell happened?”

  I flex my hand as I step over the broken glass, moving toward him. “Your door shocked the shit out of me, and then the light decided to take a swing at me.”

  He shakes his head, gesturing his hand for me to come inside. I move by him, walking directly into the sitting area of his large dorm room, turning to face him.

  “You didn’t have to run off. I was looking forward to sitting down and having a normal evening.”

  He gives me a sad smile. “I’m giving you the space that you asked for. Even if it’s the last thing I want to do.”

  I roll my eyes as I step into him, resting both my palms against his chest. “I don’t need space.” Pressing up on my tiptoes, I tilt my head upward, hoping he meets me halfway.

  He raises one brow, his lip curling up to one side as he slowly moves his face toward mine. “Are you sure? Once you have me, there’s no going back.”

  I huff at his cheesiness but soon forget all about it as his lips press against mine. The kiss starts soft and sweet but soon becomes a feverish competition to see who can undress the other the fastest.


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