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Deadly Surrender

Page 4

by Reus, Katie

Tension ratcheted up inside her. Five minutes wasn’t any time at all to mentally prep. Which was probably a good thing. Less time for her to stress out. She didn’t bother changing out of her school pajamas either. This was who she was and she wasn’t going to run around trying to find something sexy to wear. Besides, they were friends anyway. Just friends.

  Instead she started a pot of coffee because the man was always drinking the stuff no matter the time of day. Then she peered into her fridge.

  Old takeout boxes that she definitely needed to throw away. Taking a chance, she called a local Chinese restaurant that delivered and ordered his and her favorites. Because yeah, she knew his favorites.

  When the doorbell rang a few minutes later, she tried—and failed—to ignore that familiar rush of nerves she experienced every single time before she got to see him. Tugging open the door and seeing him for the first time in weeks sent another rush through her, but this one was pure, raw longing. How was it possible that he’d gotten even sexier in the last month?

  “I’ve missed you,” he said as she opened the door. In dark slacks, a plain white button-up shirt that did nothing to hide his hotness, and an open black jacket, he looked like his put-together self—and she wanted to jump him. Then that sexy mouth of his curved up into a wicked smile as he took in her attire. “And nice reindeer ears.”

  Oops. Laughing, she tugged them off. “It was pajama day at school.” She pulled him into a tight hug, fighting off that awkwardness that threatened to pull her under—and simultaneously tried not to sniff him like a weirdo. It was hard though when he was all masculine and delicious and looked as if he’d just stepped out of a cologne ad. Still, she somehow curbed the urge to shove her face against his chest and inhale. Because friends did not go around smelling each other.

  “I started a pot of coffee for you,” she said as she stepped back, tugging him inside with her.

  He shut and locked the door behind them. “You are a wonderful woman, Grace Foster.”

  Her cheeks flushed. Oh, the awkwardness was there, but she kept her expression normal. Or she tried to. She was not going to act all weird because they’d slept together. It had just been sex. Something she’d been telling herself for weeks. “This is very true. So how was all the traveling? It seems like you guys did a bit more than normal this time.” Weeks more. Not that she’d been counting or anything.

  “This trip got extended because the first deal fell through. I can’t actually talk about it for legal reasons, but one trip led to another. I’m glad to finally be home and I’m not planning on going anywhere for a month. Wyatt’s got me at the casino at least that long. I think he felt bad about all the travel.”

  That warm, fuzzy feeling inside her blossomed. Logan would be home for a whole month? Yeah, she really liked that. Waayyyyy too much. Still, she ignored all the tingling in her girly parts, because no way. They’d simply had a one-night thing composed of a whole lot of sex. But they could not repeat that. Her heart couldn’t take the eventual ending of things between them. Besides, he hadn’t brought anything up, and if he’d wanted to talk about it, they would have by now. And she’d convinced herself she didn’t want to talk about it either. So…things were good. Normal.

  “I also ordered Chinese food,” she said as they stepped into her kitchen.

  He, of course, went immediately for the coffee pot as he always did. “Is it because you have absolutely nothing in your fridge?”

  “I have stuff in there.” She paused. “All old takeout food.”

  He snorted as he lifted the mug to his lips. “You have the palate of a twelve-year-old.”

  She grinned because it was true. She’d never learned to cook well. And she didn’t care.

  “You should let me cook for you.” He watched her over the rim of his mug.

  Cooking for her? Oh, she definitely liked the sound of that. But they were veering into weird territory because friends didn’t cook for each other. Did they? No, definitely not. “So did you just stop by because you were in the area?” she asked, ignoring his offer because she didn’t know how to respond.

  He’d actually made her soup once when she’d been sick, and she was ninety-nine percent sure he hadn’t just bought canned soup and dumped it in a container. Because she’d heard his brother teasing him later about all the effort he’d gone to.

  “I have sort of a favor to ask.”

  She straightened, surprised but really glad he didn’t seem to want to talk about their one-night thing. “What is it?”

  “My parents get into town tomorrow. They’re going to be here over Christmas break and I love them. So much. But…I’m tired of them asking me when I’m going to settle down. Now that Roman has Taylor, he doesn’t hear it anymore. And it’s like they’ve doubled up on me.”

  “Uh, how can I help?” She wasn’t sure where he was going with this.

  “Be my fake girlfriend.”

  Her eyes widened. She…hadn’t been expecting that. And she wasn’t sure how to respond. She couldn’t very well tell him no. Well she supposed she could, but after what he’d done when she’d run into her ex-fiancé, she would be a pretty crappy friend if she said no. And they hung out all the time anyway, so… “Okay, but is Roman going to narc you out?” Because that would be pretty embarrassing.

  “No. It was his idea.”

  She laughed aloud at that, even as a bit of tension settled in her chest. Being his fake girlfriend had some pitfalls—because she wouldn’t be pretending when it came to her feelings. “As long as your brother and Taylor are on board, then I’m in. Though I do feel kind of bad lying to your parents.” She’d never met them but she just felt bad in general about lying.

  “It will be fine, I promise. My parents are actually really awesome, I just can’t deal with the hounding this year.”

  She hesitated, pushing down her real feelings and hoping the truth wouldn’t bleed through. “Then I would be honored to be your fake girlfriend.” She would like a whole lot more, but that certainly wasn’t happening.

  He’d started to respond when the doorbell rang.

  “That would be our food.” Thankful for the interruption, she went to grab her purse but he waved her off and headed for the front door.

  She wanted to argue with him but had done this dance before. When he decided he was paying for something, that was that. Logan could be very stubborn.

  Sexy and stubborn… Nope, stop thinking like that. Logan was her friend. Well, now he was her fake boyfriend.

  Unfortunately now they were going to have to act like a real couple. It wasn’t like they would get into a full-on make-out session in front of his parents but still, they would have to be affectionate with each other. Or at least hold hands or something. Just great, Grace.

  But it was too late to back out now.

  Chapter 6

  Grace ignored the butterflies in her stomach as she pulled into Logan’s driveway. She saw Roman’s truck as well so he and Taylor were already there, thankfully. The four-door Honda CRV must be his parents’.

  Wind kicked up as she slid out of the driver’s seat and told those stupid butterflies to cut it out. Of course they didn’t listen because she was about to see Logan.

  Sighing at herself, she grabbed the bottle of red wine she’d brought along with her purse. As she made it to the front door, she didn’t even get a chance to knock before it swung open.

  She sucked in a quiet breath as she came face-to-face with her walking, talking fantasy.

  Logan looked sexy and delicious as always. His reddish-brown hair was slightly tousled and he hadn’t shaved in a couple days, giving him an even more rugged look. Oh sweet Lord, what was he trying to do to her? A rush of heat flooded through her as she smiled up at him. He was everything she wanted but couldn’t have.

  He pulled her past the doorstep and into his arms.

  “Grace! I’m so happy you’re here.” He kissed her on the mouth, the kiss teasing, lingering, and still over far too quickly. Heat flooded bet
ween her legs this time as she remembered how he’d kissed her hard before taking her up against that hotel room wall.

  What…was he doing? Why had he kissed her like that? It took her all of two seconds to realize that his parents were standing in the foyer as well, watching her with curious smiles. And she noticed that their suitcases were still there.

  “My parents just arrived. Their flight was delayed,” he said, his eyes sparkling.

  Oh, that was why he’d kissed her. Of course. “Oh, if we need to move the dinner, then—”

  “Absolutely not,” the woman who was very clearly his mother said. The redhead who was at least five feet ten, slender and lean stepped forward and pulled Grace into a tight hug. “We’re late but we’re so excited to see our boys and I’m so happy to meet the woman Logan has been talking about.”

  Grace hugged her back even though she felt a little weird about lying about the whole situation. “It’s nice to meet you guys as well.” She held out her hand for his father but the dark-haired man pulled her into a bear hug too.

  Okay then, they were definitely huggers, which made her laugh a little. She could see where Logan had gotten his good nature from, if his smiling parents were any indication. Already they were such a contrast to her own mother and she liked it.

  Logan looped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, which she was thankful for. It might feel a little odd for him to be holding her like this, but it also felt…good. Soooooo good. Her lips were still tingling a bit from that kiss, making her feel lightheaded as it was.

  Multiple voices grew louder for a moment, and Grace knew that was more than just Taylor and Roman in the kitchen. She looked up at Logan quizzically.

  “Some of the guys from work are here too,” Logan murmured.

  “Look, we’re going to put our suitcases upstairs and get settled in if that’s all right. But we’ll be back down here in a few minutes,” his mom said.

  Logan nodded. “Sounds good. And I’ll grab the suitcases.”

  “Thanks, sweetheart.” His mom patted his forearm gently. “And Grace, I just want to be clear that even though we’re staying here, don’t feel like you can’t stay the night. We’re all adults and I know you’re important in my son’s life.”

  Grace felt heat flood her face and could imagine how pink her cheeks were. But she wanted to mess with Logan just a little bit because of that toe-curling kiss and this entire situation he’d sprung on her, so… “Oh, I don’t stay over here. I told Logan that until I have a ring on my finger, no sleepovers.”

  She kissed a shocked-looking Logan on the cheek as she hurried out of the foyer, wine bottle and purse in hand. As she made her exit she heard his mom say, “I think I like that girl.”

  She snickered to herself as she stepped into the kitchen and found a whole crew of guys from his work standing around plates of appetizers and going at them like rabid coyotes. Even though it would be weird acting like Logan’s girlfriend in front of some of their friends, it would also make this whole situation easier if it was a big party and not just his parents and brother and sister-in-law.

  Taylor threw her arms around her. “I’m so glad you’re here! The freaking sausage fest right now is out of control. And they’re acting like they’ve never seen food.”

  Behind her, Roman simply shook his head as he opened a bottle of beer, his mouth twitching ever so slightly.

  “Let’s head out to the patio so we can gossip,” Taylor said, linking her arm through Grace’s.

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” She set the bottle on the countertop and let Taylor guide her outside into the fresh night air.

  Multiple palm trees were lit up with twinkle lights, their fronds waving prettily around the pool. Even though it was too cold to use the pool right now, she was glad it wasn’t covered because of the way it glittered under the moonlight.

  “So you and Logan are ‘together’?” Taylor asked, using air quotes.

  Rolling her eyes, she nodded. “Apparently. I couldn’t say no to him when he pretended the same thing for me with my ex, and then looked at me with those puppy dog eyes.” The dismissive words hid her true feelings. Or Grace hoped they did.

  “He’s a sneaky one.”

  She frowned at her friend. “How so?”

  Instead of answering Taylor just snorted. Then her eyes lit up when her husband stepped outside with two glasses of wine in his hand. Roman, the perfect gentleman, handed both of them glasses. “I’m going to hang out here with you guys for a little bit. I’m about to lose a hand in there.”

  “Too much sausage for you?” Taylor giggled before taking a big sip of her wine.

  Grace grinned at her friend. “How much have you had to drink?”

  “I’ve only had two glasses. Well, now will be three—but I didn’t eat lunch today.” She giggled again at nothing in particular, making Grace smile.

  “So are you happy to have your parents in town?” she asked Roman.

  “Yeah, we don’t get to see them enough. They keep talking about moving here, and if you and Logan tie the knot, maybe they will.” As usual, Roman’s expression was dry. Seriously, how were he and Logan twins?

  She snorted. “Don’t you start on that too. I know you know the truth—” She cleared her throat as Logan stepped outside with his parents in tow.

  They’d shed their jackets and each had a glass of something in hand as Logan made a beeline for Grace.

  His beautiful eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he once again wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I’m going to get you back for that parting shot,” he murmured in her ear before gently nipping the lobe.

  She couldn’t think of any sort of witty response because she felt that nip all the way to her core. Because suddenly she had a flash of that night in the hotel room. Him behind her, thrusting hard, wrapping his fingers gently around her throat as he leaned forward and bit down on her earlobe, whispering dirty things. Making her come.

  That man and his wicked, wicked mouth.

  Blinking, she realized she needed to keep her shit together because his mom was now looking at her and asking her about working in the school system.

  “It’s great,” Grace answered. “I’m definitely going to enjoy my Christmas break, but I love what I do. The kids are all fantastic. Whenever I hear people talking about ‘kids today’ and how awful they are, I wonder if they actually know any children because they’re simply wonderful. And they make me feel hope for the future.” And the kids she worked with were in high school and so ready to get out there and change the world.

  “Yep, I knew I liked you.” His mother beamed at her.

  Another dose of guilt wormed its way inside her. This woman was so nice and Grace didn’t like pretending to be something she wasn’t.

  “Tell my mom about the new program you implemented,” Logan said.

  She was so used to deflecting talking about herself or simply listening to others—a huge part of her job as a counselor—that it felt weird to be almost bragging about herself.

  But when Logan looked down at her with clear admiration, she brushed aside her stupid insecurities. Logan always made her feel important, as if she had something valuable to contribute and say.

  Just another reason she wished this arrangement was real instead of a charade.

  Chapter 7

  Grace steered her car into Logan’s driveway, smiling to see him already outside with all of his Christmas lights. It looked like a tangled mess. She was actually surprised he’d decided to put up lights so close to Christmas at all, and she had a feeling it had more to do with his parents being in town than anything else.

  Before she’d gotten out of the driver’s seat, he was right there in well-worn jeans, a long-sleeved T-shirt shoved up to his elbows and a sexy grin that competed with the roped forearms he was showing off.

  “Hey.” She handed him one of the coffees she’d picked up on the way here. A breakfast blend with a hint of sugar—his favorite.

y yourself.” He kissed the top of her head and she wished it had been her mouth instead. “I’m surprised you showed up.”

  She narrowed her gaze. “Why? I said I’d be here.” Last night as she’d been leaving, he’d asked if she wanted to come over and help put up Christmas lights. She’d assumed it was for part of the show with his parents.

  “I know. It’s just early and I know it’s your break. I thought you’d sleep in a bit.” He glanced back as she popped the trunk. “What’s in there?”

  “You’ll see.” She grabbed her purple and blue vinyl foldout chair in its carrying bag with her free hand—which he immediately took from her even though it weighed maybe four pounds.

  “What’s this for?”

  “I plan on watching you hang up all the lights while I enjoy my coffee.” She was kidding. Mostly.

  He laughed in that full, deep way she felt all the way to her bones as he shut the trunk. “So by helping, you actually meant supervising?”

  “You know it. If I’m going to be part of this farce, I figure I need to act realistically. This is my Christmas break and I’m not planning on doing any extra work. This is Grace in holiday mode.” She took a sip of her coffee. “Besides, I already put up all my stuff a month ago. You’re kind of a slacker.”

  His grin was gorgeous, revealing one of his dimples. “Fair enough.” She followed him across the lawn where he set up her chair in seconds. “Now you have a perfect view of me and my sexy ass.”

  She simply rolled her eyes but sat in the chair, crossed her legs and sipped her perfectly doctored coffee, watching him expectantly. “Well? You better get that sexy ass in gear. Those lights aren’t going to hang themselves.” Oh, she shouldn’t flirt but she couldn’t help it. This had been them “before” the sex. Before the hotel room. Before all the orgasms that had clearly rattled her brain.

  That wicked smile never faltered as he picked up a bundle of white lights. “So you do think my ass is sexy?”

  “I’m not going to answer that. Your ego is already big enough. I don’t need to stroke it any more.” He opened his mouth and she could tell he was going to say something about the word stroke. So she held up a finger, grinning. “Leave it.”


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