The Lawyer

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The Lawyer Page 8

by Olivia Saxton

  “I want to watch you please yourself. Show me what you like,” he admitted without shame.

  Her cheeks warmed, but she did what he wanted. She pressed them together, then moved her hands to nipples. Her eyes glanced down at what she was doing. She squeezed the front of her breasts lightly. The buds became slightly peaked. Her manicured fingers rubbed and flicked them. She sighed and moaned. Between David’s leg caress, his finger massaging down below, and her playing with her mounds, Trish couldn’t keep a sane thought. She could only feel the pleasure and the expertise of David’s hands.

  “Do you want me as much as I want you? I want you so much, sweetheart. It’s everything I can do to keep from devouring you right now. But, I wanted to please you. I wanted you happy,” he said in a husky voice.

  She squeezed her breasts then let go and squeezed them again. She kept repeating the motion. “Oh, yes,” she moaned.

  “Yes? Yes, what, sweetheart?” he pushed.

  “Yes, I want you. I want this. I want….I want,” she faded into a haze.

  David began to move his finger in and out of her a little faster. His thumb kept the pace as well. “What? You want something else?”

  She whimpered.

  “Tell me. What do you want?”

  “I want….I want it all,” she admitted.

  David smiled. “I do, too. You’re so beautiful. So sexy, so-,” he stopped because he felt Trish’s body tense. He slowed down and started pushing his finger deeper into her.

  “Oh, yes. I like that. Just like that,” she breathed.

  He growled. “Yes, talk to me. Let me know what you like.”

  Her hips met his rhythm. She continued to pump her breasts. “Oh, yes… oh, David.”

  Trish closed her eyes, a smile curved her lips. Her walls tightened around his finger.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Let go,” he said as he watched her under lowered eyelids.

  Trish gave her breasts a good hard squeeze, and she cried out his name as her back arched up from the desk.

  David waited until she came back to Earth before he gently lowered her leg from his shoulder. He pulled his fingers away. Trish’s eyes fluttered open to see him licking his fingers. She hugged herself and turned her head to face the clock on the wall. David was gently rubbing his fingers around her folds again. He placed them back in his mouth - tasting her.

  Panic rose in her mind when she realized what she had let David do to her. The things she said- what he was doing now. Embarrassment entered her heart as she bit her lower lip. She cleared her throat. “David,” she whispered.

  “Yes, sweetheart,” he said quietly.

  “It’s almost 10:15.”

  A lazy smile crossed his lips as he continued to play in her wet center. “So.”

  “So, you have an eleven o’clock lunch with a potential client. Mrs. Layne’s attorney had to be excused from her case because of a family emergency. She owns three restaurants. If she likes you, maybe she will put you on retainer,” Trish said and sat up.

  She pushed David’s hand away and hopped off the desk. She quickly pulled her skirt back down and walked a few feet to fetch her sweater.

  “Trish. It’s okay,” he said as he walked behind her.

  She pressed her sweater against her to cover her chest. “No-”

  “Yes,” he said and bent down to kiss her neck.

  She turned around to face him-clasping her sweater in front of her. “No, it’s not. You need clients, and if you do a good job for Mrs. Layne you could get future business,” she said nervously.

  His eyebrows rose. “That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it.”

  Trish walked away from him. She headed towards the other side of the desk searching the floor for her bra.

  “Trish, talk to me,” he said as walked to the front of the desk.

  She found her bra next to his tie. Picking them both up, she threw his tie to him. He caught it. She turned her back to him and lowered her sweater to put her bra back on. She quickly pulled her sweater on.

  When she turned around, David was staring at her with his hands lazily his pockets. His collar on his shirt was pulled up around his neck. His tie loosely hung from around it. “It’s okay.”

  “There’s no time to- just make yourself presentable before you leave,” she said and started looking around again.

  “Now, what are you looking for?” he asked as he rolled his sleeves down.

  “Um…where are my panties?”

  The side of his mouth cocked up. “I don’t know.”

  She gave him a stern look. “You have them don’t you.”

  “Not sure. Maybe you should search me.”

  “Ha, forget it. Keep them. Besides, it wouldn’t be the first time I walked around without underwear,” she stated as she walked to the office door.

  His eyes grew wide. “What does that mean?”

  She opened the door and turned to face him. She had a smirk on her face. “You’re the clever one. Figure it out.” She winked at him and closed the door behind her.

  Chapter 17

  It took Trish fifteen minutes to get David out of the office before he was late for his lunch appointment. He couldn’t let go of her comment about walking around without underwear. He demanded details. She laughed at him and told him after his lunch with Mrs. Layne, he had to interview a new witness for the Manley custody trial. Then, he had to go to the law library to do research on a criminal case that was starting next week. He also had to go to court to represent a client who was arrested for a DUI at two-thirty. With any luck, he would be out of the office until four or four-thirty, and she was planning to leave the office around three to do some Christmas shopping.

  The door opened. It was Teddy. As usual, he was wearing his leather jacket and blue jeans. “Hey, beautiful,” he happily greeted.

  She smiled. “What’s up, Teddy? What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see if that knucklehead brother of mine was free for lunch.”

  “No can do. He’s having lunch with a potential client. He also has other things scheduled, and he probably won’t be back until four.”

  “Sounds like business is picking up.”

  “I think so. During the time I’ve been here he’s gotten seven new clients,” she said proudly.

  “That’s great, but I’m sure you had something to do with that.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “My brother may be the best attorney in Clary, but no one knows it because he is not a social butterfly. I mean he does the minimum to keep himself relevant, but he’s not a big networker. But, you. You’re very sociable and approachable; you know how to flatter people and make other people look good.”

  “I’m flattered by the compliment, but I haven’t lived here in years. My sociability, as you put it, isn’t that strong in Clary like it was years ago.”

  “Bull. I just bumped into Mr. Wine. He’s been having problems with one of his business partners. He said he saw you at the grocery store last week and you suggested that he make an appointment with David to see if he could help him,” Teddy said with a smile.

  “Well, maybe I’ve put a bug in people’s ears here and there,” she shyly admitted.

  “Did Mr. Wine make an appointment?”

  “I can’t tell you that. Lawyer-client-”

  “Privilege,” he finished for her.

  The phone interrupted their conversation.

  “Oh, will you wait? I just love our little chats,” she asked sincerely.

  “Of course.”

  She picked up the receiver. “Shaw Law Office.”

  “Trish? It’s Mrs. Hinkle. How are you, dear?”

  “Mrs. Hinkle. Hey, Teddy-”

  “I heard,” he said with amusement.

  “Is Teddy there with you?”


  “Well, put me on speaker phone, so I can talk to both of you.”

  Trish pressed the blue button and hung up the receiver. “
Mrs. Hinkle?”

  “I’m here, Trish. Teddy, you handsome devil, how are you?”

  “Missing you,” he flirted.

  Trish smiled as Mrs. Hinkle laughed. “Oh, Teddy, how’s the P.I. business? Still making the big money?”

  “You know it, and it appears my baby brother is going to catch up with me as long as he’s smart enough to keep Trish by his side.”

  “Really? That’s wonderful. I knew Trish and David would make a good team.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far. Let’s just say we get the job done. So, how are you healing?” Trish asked, desperate to change the subject.

  “I’m fantastic. I’ve been walking around without my cane for four days. The doctor said I’ve healed quicker than expected, and I can go back to work at any time.”

  “That’s great. You wouldn’t be interested in coming back early would you?”

  Teddy’s eyebrow shot up the same way David’s would, which unnerved Trish a little bit.

  “Well, I have been bored. I got an early start on my Christmas shopping and my daughter-in-law decorated my house for Christmas as soon as I got out of the hospital. There really isn’t anything for me to do around here. I won’t see my family again until Christmas Eve. I would love to come back on Monday, but what about you?”

  Considering what happened this morning, Trish had to get away from David before it was too late. She wasn’t ready for another relationship or even a fling. She couldn’t bear for her heart to be broken again. “That’s perfect. Don’t worry about me. I’ve paid David the retainer I owe him with money to spare - just like you planned.”

  “Yes, but what about you? Don’t you need a job until your divorce is final?”

  “Don’t worry, Mrs. Hinkle. I’m sure I can get Trish some work- if she wants it. I could use some help around my office,” Teddy said.

  Trish didn’t know if he really meant that or if he was saying it to keep Mrs. Hinkle from worrying about her. Either way, she was grateful. “Yes, don’t worry about me. After all, I only had another two weeks to go anyway. You coming back to work early would be a nice surprise for David.”

  “Definitely a surprise,” Teddy said with a little sarcasm, and he looked at Trish like she was pulling the biggest con job known to man.

  Trish rolled her eyes and said, “You know, Mrs. Hinkle, you should come in tomorrow, so I can catch you up on everything. That way you’ll be able to hit the ground running on Monday.”

  “I’d love to, dear, but answer me this. Why are you so willing to leave early? Are you and David still bickering?”

  Teddy chuckled.

  Trish gave him a stern look.

  “Not really, ma’am. I mean we squashed a lot of things during my time here, but there is still some…uneasiness. I really think this is for the best.”

  “Oh, that’s too bad. You know, I was hoping…well I probably shouldn’t say,” Mrs. Hinkle said.

  “Oh come on, Mrs. Hinkle. Don’t leave us on the hook. What were you going to say?” Teddy asked.

  “Where’s David?”

  “He’ll be out of the office until four. What was it you were going to say?” Teddy asked again.

  “I was going to say that I hoped that you two would spend enough time together where nature would take its course. Oh, Trish, I know David can be strict, tense, has no sense of humor, and is downright… Oh my, I’m not doing him justice. Nevertheless, he wasn’t always like that. Ask Ted.”

  “It’s true,” he interjected.

  “There was a time he was a fun loving, charismatic, even charming young man. But, something happened in New York. I don’t know what. I never could get him to open up to me, but whatever it was, it robbed him of his joy. I thought an attractive girl like you could bring it back. Yes, I figured you two would fight like cats and dogs for the first week or two, but like I said, I thought nature would eventually take its course,” she admitted with disappointment.

  “Mrs. Hinkle, I’m not David’s type, and he’s not my type. It’s sweet that you tried to do something for him, but I am not the one for him.”

  “I disagree,” Teddy said.

  “What?” Trish said.

  “I said I disagree. All my brother needs is a nice woman who is supportive, yet smart enough to run her own life. That’s you, Trish,” Teddy said.

  “Exactly. It’s a shame you two didn’t get together years ago, but then again you were so in love with Robert Jameson,” Mrs. Hinkle said.

  “Yes, and now that you are divorcing that weasel, I can come out and say that he’s a weasel and wasn’t good enough for you,” Teddy spat out.

  “I agree. There was something always weaseling about him. Your father said he was the type of young man that was always looking for the best deal, and at that time you were it. One of the prettiest girls in town, both parents had good jobs, your grandmother owned a restaurant…” Mrs. Hinkle trailed off.

  “What a minute, my father spoke to you about Robert before he died?”

  “Oh yes. Your mother had passed on by then. He would come by the house once or twice a month to have lunch with me. He hated Robert, but at the same time, your father didn’t want to destroy your happiness. So, he kept quiet. He was also worried about you being alone after he was gone. I told him that he didn’t have to worry because James Jacobs was his best friend, and he’d make sure you would be okay no matter what lay ahead of you.”

  Trish was stunned. Her father did such a good job acting like he liked Robert. Matter of fact, everyone did a good job acting like they adored Robert. “Were you guys the only three that disliked Robert?”

  “Hell no. Oh excuse me, Mrs. Hinkle,” Teddy said with embarrassment.

  She laughed. “Oh, honey. I’ve heard worse in my day.”

  “Half the town couldn’t stand him or his parents. Walking around like their you-know-what didn’t stink. Loads of people couldn’t understand why you were with him; people that really liked and respected you and your parents. That’s why no one said anything bad about him while you were in hearing distance,” Teddy confessed.

  Trish felt like someone struck her. “I don’t believe it.” How could she not notice that people were pretending to like Robert for her sake? “Wow.”

  “You know who else didn’t like him?” Teddy asked.



  “Oh, please. Why would David care who I was seeing? We hated each other anyway.”

  “Yes, but he saw what most people saw. A smart, yet sneaky young man,” Mrs. Hinkle said.

  “That’s right, cutie. You made the right decision getting rid of him,” Teddy stated.

  “Yes. Anyway. I better go. I don’t want to tie up the line. I’ll see you tomorrow, Trish. Goodbye, Teddy,” Mrs. Hinkle said.

  “Goodbye, gorgeous,” Teddy said.

  “Goodbye, Mrs. Hinkle, and thank you,” Trish said and pressed the blue button again to end the call.

  “Talking about Robert, did you find out anything… irregular?” Trish asked.

  “Not yet,” he answered as he played with the pens in the pen holder on her desk.

  “I figured there wouldn’t be any surprises.” David wanted to hire Teddy to make sure Robert didn’t have any hidden assets or another girl on the side, but Trish couldn’t see how Robert could have another woman. When would he have the time?

  “I didn’t say I didn’t find anything. I just said not yet. David’s instincts are right on with this one. I just have to connect the dots.”

  Trish shrugged her shoulders. “Okay.”

  David perched himself on Trish’s desk. “So, tomorrow is your last day?”

  Trish just looked at him.

  “What are you doing? David is going to smash something over you leaving early. Why did you lie to Mrs. Hinkle? You two are getting along the way she hoped.”

  “Teddy, I don’t want to talk about your brother with you.”

  “But, he likes you - a lot. And you like him. Don’t try and d
eny it.”

  Her heart jumped. “He told you that he liked me?”

  “He didn’t have to. The sparks were flying during that dinner at Mr. Jacobs’s house, and I’m not just talking about when we spent the night in your apartment. During dinner, David could barely take his eyes off you. You two made eye contact a few times, but you kept looking away. I also know what happened that morning in the office, too.”

  “Oh, my God, he told you about that,” Trish said putting her hand on her forehead in embarrassment.

  “He felt bad about it because it seemed like he mauled you. I guess he needed to talk to someone. I don’t think he realized how much he liked you until that night.”

  Trish shook her head. “Well, whatever. It’s not going to happen.”

  “Why? You two are perfect for each other.”

  “We are not. We have nothing in common.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “Can we change the subject please?”

  “Sure. So, you’re in the job market again. How do you feel about working for me?”

  “Doing what?”

  “Being my secretary. I love my job, but I hate typing reports. I may ask you to do some personal errands for me like pick up my dry cleaning.”

  “Dry cleaning. You have other clothes other than a leather jacket, blue jeans, and two T-shirts?” Trish asked with sarcasm.

  Teddy chuckled. “Of course, I do. I even own a couple of suits.”

  “Suits! My God, I think I’m getting light-headed,” Trish said mockingly fanning herself.

  Teddy laughed. “Do you want the job or not?”

  “How long do you need me for?”

  “For as long as you want to work for me. What do you say?”

  Trish pretended to think. “Hmmm. We’ll give it a try.”

  “Great. Come by Monday afternoon to get a feel for the office because the first thing I want you to do is redecorate. The place needs a woman’s touch.”

  “All right.”

  Teddy stood up and reached for his wallet. “Also, I need you to do some shopping for me. Christmas shopping.”

  “Okay, for who?”

  “My parents, David, and other various family members. I’ll give you a list. Oh and I want you to get lingerie for Mary, Tina, Charlene, Debbie…hmm, who am I missing?”


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