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The Lawyer

Page 24

by Olivia Saxton

  “What,” Don said.

  “Yes. Not good news.”

  “Damnit, I should have checked her pulse before we left,” Don said with anger.

  “Well, you’re safe. She couldn’t identify you. Me on the other hand…I am in a lot of trouble.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She knows it was me. My picture was a late-breaking bulletin on TV. It’s rather chilling to see your picture on TVs on display in a store window. They also know David was taken- he just didn’t disappear.”

  “Shit!” Don said and started pacing.

  “Yes, shit is a good word to say at this point. I had to put my sunglasses on and my hood over my head. It’s a good thing I checked out of that dreadful motel early this morning. I’ve got wigs in the car, just in case. Glad I stay prepared.”

  “We need to finish this and get the hell out of this town before they start blocking the roads. We should have put him in the trunk last night and drove over the state line. Found an isolated place there. But no, you just had to play your mind games,” Don said as he continued to pace.

  “Oh shut up! I’m not a complete amateur.”

  “Right,” Don said sarcastically and headed for the table with the satchel.

  “What are you doing?”

  Don pulled a gun out of the bag and tucked it in his back pocket. He grabbed the bag and slung it over his shoulders. “I’m getting ready. We need to dump his car and do him.”

  “Not yet,” she said.

  “Why not?” Don asked with irritation.

  “This is the last time I’m going to see David. I want some time alone with him. Why don’t you go out and get us something to eat? They don’t know about you, yet.”

  “You are unbelievable. You had more sense when I met you a couple of years ago, but now…you’ve lost it.”

  “Just go, Don. Get some sandwiches or salads or something.”

  Chapter 40

  Teddy drove while Trish rode shotgun - checking a list of motels. Mrs. Shaw remembered that she had a picture of David and Heather together in one of her old photo albums at home. Teddy and Trish stopped by the Shaw house to find it.

  “After we check this place, we’re going to stop for coffee and food,” Teddy said.

  “Why? We just got started. We’ve only check three motels so far.”

  “Because we’re running on empty. I haven’t eaten since last night, I’m sure you haven’t either, and I need another jolt of caffeine.”

  “Teddy, you do think David is okay, don’t you? I mean, she wouldn’t physically harm him, right?”

  “I hope you’re right about that, but the way Mrs. Hinkle talked about what happened in the office,” Teddy said and shook his head. “And we know what happened to her.”

  “Yes, but Mrs. Hinkle is a stranger to Heather. If she truly loved David at one time….she couldn’t bring herself to hurt him.”

  Teddy pulled into the pothole-filled parking lot of Dale’s Motel. “I’m not going to lie to you, Trish. Heather never was a gracious loser. I never thought she would go this far, though. That New Year’s kiss that she laid on David - in front of you - is more her style. But, if she has really snapped, and what she did to Mrs. Hinkle proves she has….I don’t know what she is truly capable of, now.” Teddy parked the SUV and cut the engine off.

  Trish took a deep breath.

  “You holding up, okay?”

  “Yeah, come on,” Trish said.

  They got out of the car and walked to the office of the motel. Teddy opened the glass door for Trish.

  “Happy New Year,” the skinny middle-aged clerk in the plaid shirt said.

  “Happy New Year,” Trish forced out. The last thing she felt was happy.

  “My name is Ted, Mr. uhm..”

  “Dale. The Dale on the sign.”

  “Oh, you own this establishment,” Ted said.

  “Yes, sir,” Dale said proudly.

  Ted reached into his pocket. “Well, Dale, my colleague and I are looking for these two people.” Ted showed Dale the picture of Heather and David.

  Dale looked at it. “I’ve never seen the guy, but the girl, yes.”

  Trish and Ted looked at each other and then back at the clerk.

  “You’ve seen the woman? When?” Ted asked.

  “This morning. She checked out a few hours ago. Sorry you missed her.”

  “Did she say where she was going?” Trish asked.

  “No. Actually she was pretty snooty.”

  “I bet. Was she with anyone?” Ted asked.

  “I don’t think so, but I wasn’t the one who checked her in. When she checked out she was alone.”

  “What kind of car was she driving?” Trish asked.

  “What room was she staying in?” Ted asked.

  “Uh why? Why are you two looking for this woman?” Dale asked.

  “This woman is wanted by the police. She pushed an old lady down the stairs last night and we believe she had my brother, the guy in the picture, abducted.”

  Dale’s light brown eyes widened. “You’re kidding?”

  “I wish,” Teddy said with an expressionless face.

  “Are you two cops?”

  “I’m a P.I. and Trish is my brother’s girlfriend.”

  “We would be grateful for any information you could give us,” Trish said.

  “I understand, miss. But, I think I should call the police and give a formal statement before I tell you anything else. They probably should do a search of the room.”

  “You can do that after you talk to us. My brother’s life is at stake. He’s been missing for almost ten hours,” Teddy said as he was getting rattled.

  Trish placed her hand on Teddy’s arm. “You know the man is right. The police can do forensics on the room. We can’t do that. Let him call and we’ll just wait here, okay.”

  Teddy was quiet for a moment. “Okay,” he reluctantly said. “Ask for Lit. Harry McDonnell, he’s working the case.”


  He called from a pay phone to find out what room Ruth Hinkle was in. Don pretended to be a relative of David’s. He told the clerk he wanted to send flowers. She was hesitant to give him the information at first, but Don’s flirting got him what he wanted.

  Don moved quietly throughout the hospital. He walked past Mrs. Hinkle’s room swearing to himself concerning the cop that was posted at the door. The cop barely paid attention to him. He went around the corner and went through a door that said exit. He slowly went down the stairs. No way he could get to Hinkle now, but he realized that it was no big deal. Before he came to the hospital, he confirmed that he was not identified - no way was he going to trust Heather’s word.

  When Don reached the parking garage he knew he had to cut this cord. No way was he going down for Heather’s crazy obsession.

  Chapter 41

  “What did you do to Mrs. Hinkle?” David asked.

  “All I know is she took a bad fall down the stairs,” Heather answered with an innocent look, but with an evil glaze in her eyes.

  David stared at her. “You pushed her down the stairs!”

  Heather looked at him coolly.

  “My God, Heather, you hurt Mrs. Hinkle, hired some moke to chloroform me, and drove me out to an abandon warehouse all because I rejected you,” David said with astonishment.

  Anger flashed in her eyes. “You did more than that. You spat on everything I’ve done during the past two and half years. I told you that I was with George for us – not just for myself. You couldn’t see past your pride to hear me out.”

  “I did hear you out!”

  “You heard what you wanted to hear,” she said and pulled a gun out of her purse. She tossed the purse on the floor, holding the gun at her side. “You thought I was lying. I know you did. Did you really think I enjoyed sleeping with that old sweaty windbag? He was disgusting. Some of the things he made me do in bed!” she shouted and shook her head with disgust.

  “You didn’t have to, Heat

her. You had a choice to walk away at any time. Or better yet, never got involved with him in the first place,” David said gently.

  “Yes and no. I explained to you why I got involved with him. In the end, I did walk away – with everything,” she said softly.

  “He died. If he hadn’t have died, you wouldn’t have come here.”

  She gave off a weak smile and slowly shook her head at him. “You really don’t have any faith in me at all do you? I loved you, David and I missed you, terribly. And I was sick and tired of him. George wasn’t you.”

  No. She didn’t. She couldn’t. “Heather, did you kill George?”

  Heather paused for a moment before looking directly into David’s eyes. “Yes.” As the affirmation hung in the air, Heather turned and walked away from him. David’s stomach curtailed as Heather disappeared into the shadows.


  Trish sat in a wood chair in the lobby of Dale’s Motel listening to Dale and the night desk clerk give their statement to a police officer. After they were finished, she went outside and stood in the crisp, cold air. She walked a few steps away from the door of the office and leaned her back against the brown brick. Bending her right knee, she placed her foot flat on the wall.

  She exhaled. Light smoke signified her warm breath. Trish wondered how she could doubt David. Of course, he wasn’t a womanizer. Other than their heated exchanges in the past, he always been a gentlemen. She had never heard of him leading a woman on. Robert’s betrayal affected her more than she thought. At the time, Trish didn’t bother to confront David and Heather at the ball. She just ran off and labeled him a liar and a cheat. Turning her back and cutting her loses, she didn’t try to fight for him or their relationship. She shook her head.

  Trish called herself a fool for underestimating Heather. It was obvious that she was a wolf from the moment Trish met her. A woman like that wasn’t going to back down when she really wanted something. Trish understood why Heather wanted David back. Yet, Heather had snapped. Perhaps if Heather couldn’t have him, no one could.

  “Pop, if you can hear me, we could use your help down here. Ma, Gran, feel free to chip in, too. David is in serious trouble. Yes, I know you’re shocked like everyone else, but really he’s a good man. He doesn’t deserve to be taken out by a femme fatal. And well…I love him. It’s New Year’s Day, we should be curled up on the couch watching cheesy parades on TV. Not separated with one of our lives at stake.”

  As if someone was standing beside her, she heard a faint female voice. Get in her head. If she wants to hurt him, she would want privacy. No one in hearing distance.

  “Where would she take him? A place no one could hear him call for help. No one could hear a gunshot. Somewhere…”

  “Somewhere?” Teddy repeated as he and Harry walked up to her.

  She didn’t acknowledge them. She almost had it. A memory flashed of her, Robert, Marcus, Daisy, and Melanie when she was eighteen. It was winter break. She just finished her first semester of college.

  “Trish?” Teddy said uneasily.

  On New Year’s Eve they drove out to Westback Mill. It had been shut down for three years. Teenagers and college kids would sneak out there to party and make out in their cars. That night, Melanie swiped a bottle of vodka from a restaurant she worked at. They went to the old mill, squeezed through the shackles on the door, and partied like there was no tomorrow or anything called a hangover.

  “She’s in shock,” Harry said.

  Teddy took a hold of Trish’s wrist. “Trish!”

  She trembled out of the memory. “What!”

  “What is wrong with you? What were you thinking about?” Teddy said.

  “I was thinking if I was Heather, where would I take David.”

  “I’ll bite. Where?” Harry asked.

  “Westback Mill.”

  Harry just looked at her like she lost her mind.

  “Trish, that might make since if Heather knew the area, but she doesn’t,” Teddy said.

  “Right,” Harry said.

  “It’s not that hard to find the place. It’s huge, old, and it looks abandoned. Besides, didn’t the lieutenant suspect she’s working with a pro. A professional hitman or mobster would seek out a place like that to do a dirty deed or keep a hostage.”

  “It’s only five miles outside of town. I don’t think there’s a house within two miles of it.” Teddy mumbled.

  “We’re already on the city border- on the road that takes us right to the mill,” Trish said.

  “You two can’t be serious. It’s a long shot,” Harry said and shook his head.

  “Hey, don’t doubt her. One of her long shots paid off all ready. Trish could be on a roll,” Teddy said.

  “Yeah, what long shot was that?” Harry said.

  “Checking motels,” she answered flatly.

  Harry took a draw of his cigarette. He blew out. “Well, checking out an old sawmill sounds more exciting than hanging out with the boys on the roadblocks they’re setting up.”

  “Roadblocks?” Trish asked.

  “Yeah, but I’m not sure what good it will do. Heather checked out of this dump a few hours ago. She could be long gone, so let’s hope your long shot pays off….for David’s sake,” Harry said and looked over to a patrolman. “Hey, Ballstic! You want to go on a wild goose chase?”

  Chapter 42

  David thought about how he was going to get out of this. Surely, people had figured out he was missing by now. Hopefully, the cops or Mrs. Hinkle made the connection between Heather and his disappearance. If not, hopefully Ted had. Trish was so mad at him, she probably didn’t care where he was. Why didn’t he tell her he loved her while he had the chance? Now, he might die and the woman he loved was mad at him and didn’t know how he felt.

  David had a feeling he wasn’t far from Clary. This could be the old sawmill outside of town judging by the old machinery in the warehouse. Hopefully, Heather or Don left a clue to this place that the police or Ted could follow. He had to stall for a little longer. An idea popped in his head. It made his stomach churn, but he had no other options. He had to make it good and sincere. Heather slowly walked back into the warehouse- still carrying the gun by her side.

  “Where did you go?” he asked with concern.

  “There’s an old office in the back. I went in there,” she said solemnly.

  “Heather, I understand.”

  She slowly looked up at him. “Understand what?”

  “Why you did away with George. He was a vile human being.”

  “Oh, David, he was so sexually depraved. After the first three months of our marriage, he asked me if I was up for playing dress up. Ha….I thought he wanted me to wear a nurse’s outfit or a scathing piece of lingerie. Do you know what he wanted me to wear?”

  David shook his head.

  “He pulled out a pink dress with lace. Told me to put my hair up in pigtails. He even gave me two pink ribbons to tie my hair with. I did, but I felt…sleazy….and strange. When I came out…George was more turned on than I had ever seen him. He instructed me to call him Daddy. I-,” she stopped. “I didn’t think I could feel sicker than I did that day, but I was wrong. The worst was when he made me wear the dog outfit. I threw up afterwards.”

  David couldn’t help the nausea that showed on his face. George was more of a sick bastard than he thought. He sympathized with Heather, but at the same time, she stayed – she did those things. Heather was living proof that money wasn’t worth a person’s self-respect or sanity. “I- I’m sorry. I should have fought for you. Let you explain.”

  A tear ran down her cheek. “After what you walked in on…how could you? After a few weeks, I understood how you felt. That’s why I didn’t pursue you back then. I tried to live with the life I chose and what it cost me….but I couldn’t anymore. It was hard to live with a pervert like George after being with a man like you.” Heather stepped a little closer to him.

  “Is it too late for us to start over?” David asked.
r />   “I’m afraid it is.”


  “David, could you really live with the knowledge that I killed George?”

  “Yes. Now that I know what you had to endure, I can. He was sick. Making you dress up like a little girl. God knows when he would have wanted the real thing.”

  “Yes, I thought about that at the time. I wondered if he ever molested a child. Yet, there were no rumors or proof. It could have been only a matter of time. Indirectly, I saved a child,” she said with pouty lips.

  “Yes,” David said and slowly shook his head. “For that you’re a hero.” David hated to admit it, but Heather could have saved a child’s innocence. Even though, what she did was wrong as well.

  “What about Hinkle? Can you forgive me for that?”

  David was silent for a moment. “She survived. If she died, then no. But, she’s okay. Let’s call it a lapse in judgement and not speak of it again.”

  Heather took another few steps towards him. “Because of what I did, the cops will take me away. I have to leave the country.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll come with you. I can’t have my Southern belle traveling to Europe alone.”

  “I have accounts in Switzerland. We’ll be set for life. We’ll have to get you a fake passport and other papers, of course. That shouldn’t be too hard. Don can take care of that for us. I already have fake documents. When the NYPD got suspicious about George’s death I had Don set some up for me. I setup the accounts overseas a year ago.”

  “That’s fine. Actually, it’s brilliant,” he complimented.

  She gave off a shy smile. “Thank you, sugar. I…have to know something first.” Heather got closer to him and got on her knees. She was now face to face with him.

  “What is it, Belle?” he asked sweetly. Hoping that his old pet name for her would soften her resolve.

  “Do you still love me?”

  “Yes,” he said quickly and passionately. Inwardly, he felt like he had heart burn.


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