The Ruling Elite
Page 37
After Hitler went into Poland, Walter Cronkite, of CBS Radio, reported, “Hitler rose in the Reichstag to boast of his defeat over a defenseless people.” Cronkite, a proponent of world government,1016 referred to the Polish as defenseless. Yet, they were neither peace-loving nor defenseless. 1017 On September 3, Polish terrorists perpetrated the Bromberg Massacre, in which they tortured and murdered 5,500 Germans, a massive crime that officials concealed at Nuremberg. 1018 The worst atrocities perpetrated against the Germans took place between August 31 and September 6 and reached the height of sadism on “Bloody Sunday” in Bromberg and culminated on about September 17-18 when German troops liberated several victims who had been abducted near Lowitsch. The murderous thugs often herded the Germans together then took them to an isolated place to kill them. General Władysław Bortnowski, according to numerous witnesses, testified under oath on September 28-29. He said, “All Germans must be exterminated.” 1019
Most of the Polish terrorists, who spared no one, were between sixteen and twenty-five. They robbed, murdered, and frequently mutilated German women, girls, old men, invalids and children in cold blood. The terrorists shot their victims in the neck or head, smashed in people’s faces, amputated arms and legs, disemboweled people, or stabbed them in their eye-sockets. Many victims had their skulls crushed with rifle butts. 1020 In an effort to provoke retaliation, the Polish government permitted and even encouraged the terrorism. Polish criminals, whipped up by the Jewish-controlled press, went into a frenzied rage. They cut off women’s breasts and men’s testicles, impaled children with butcher’s skewers, and slaughtered thousands of innocent German residents. The Polish Corridor was not the issue; rather it was the unmitigated murder of German minorities living in Poland, something that NS Germany could not abide. Though the press in other countries knew of the extensive atrocities, they remained mute. 1021
Often, they triggered the systematic slaughter by an explosion or shot in a crowd. Someone would claim that he heard or saw a German fire a shot from his house. Instantaneously, people started shouting, “The Germans have started shooting! Catch them! Kill the Germans, the Huns, the Swine, the Spies!” They falsely accused Germans, as if in a highly volatile environment, a German would instigate his immediate death by shooting into a mob of hostile men. However, it gave Polish soldiers an excuse to shoot Germans, in pursuance of the Polish efforts to completely exterminate all Germans. The British war clique urged Poland into a state of stubborn resistance towards any friendly overtures from Germany. Poland, without that influence, would never have allowed things to disintegrate to such an extent. Poland acquiesced and gave the signal to the Polish military for the removal of Germans. The civilians, as well as the military, viewed this as the equivalent to a mandate for the slaughter and the butchery of Germans. 1022
Britain and her colonies, India, Australia, and New Zealand, along with France declared war on Germany on September 3. The Union of South Africa declared war three days later and Canada declared war on September 10. So Britain and her allies were suddenly concerned about the poor Polish people who had been invaded and, armed to the teeth, went after debt-free Germany, the country with wise economic principles. If Britain was so concerned about rescuing exploited and persecuted people, where were they when the Poles were killing the Germans? Where were they when Soviet thugs were starving millions in Ukraine?
Poland’s army had 1.7 million trained men and thirty-seven cavalry units. They had a modern navy with five submarines, four destroyers, and six minesweepers suitable for the Baltic Sea. They also had an air fleet of almost 1,000 planes, including a long-range bomber. One of their planes had a speed that was forty miles faster than Germany’s top medium-sized bomber. The Poles shot down 285 German aircraft and killed 40,000 German soldiers during the relatively short invasion. While Germany had more weaponry, they were withholding it as to use on the western front. On September 7, Poland shot down fifteen German planes as they had an amazing early warning system. Germany only managed to destroy thirty Polish planes as they had carefully concealed them all over the country. The Poles also captured twenty artillery pieces and 180 vehicles. 1023
On September 4, London’s Daily Telegraph reported that German war planes, thirty-seven of which the Poles had shot down, had attacked Poland in a failed attempt to seize control of the Polish Corridor, an obvious attempt to conceal the actual facts and provide a long-running cover story that most people still believe. The report also claimed that the Germans had killed or wounded an estimated 1,500 people, including women and children. 1024
On September 12, Hitler forbade Göring, Brauchitsch, and Keitel from provoking the French. Wilhelm Canaris had been speaking with Keitel about how the foreign press would view Germany’s assault on Warsaw. When Hitler enquired about reports from the western front, Canaris responded that the French were gathering troops and artillery near Saarbrucken for an offensive attack. Hitler said, “I can hardly believe that the French will attack at Saarbrucken, the very point at which our fortifications are strongest.” David Irving said that Canaris had “deliberately exaggerated reports of a planned minor French attack in the hope of disrupting Hitler’s Polish campaign strategy, according to Colonel Lahousen, who accompanied him.” 1025 Hitler had planned to conduct a three-week campaign in Poland. He left the operations of the war to his generals. He then intervened and ordered the Fourteenth Army in a different direction so that they could surround Warsaw. Most of Poland’s forces were elsewhere. Germany appealed to Poland to surrender but without success. Poland assumed that the French and the British would come to their aid. 1026
The Polish government, for almost two decades had systematically persecuted and killed the Germans living under their jurisdiction. An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres prior to the 1939 invasion. Stalin attacked Poland on September 17, and then invaded several other countries. While Hitler and Stalin both invaded other countries, their motives were drastically different. While they both invaded Poland, Britain and France did not declare war on the Soviet Union. Stalin knew, based on his agreement with Churchill that Britain would not declare war nor did the Jewish-controlled League of Nations expel the Soviet Union for invading Poland. 1027
On September 16, 1939, at 3 pm, German aircraft disseminated tons of flyers throughout Warsaw warning the civilian population about an impending assault. The flyers instructed the people to evacuate the city within twelve hours using two secure roads. A little over twenty-four hours later, an official spokesperson, via the Deutschland Sender, invited officers from the Polish forces to meet at the German headquarters at 10 pm to negotiate. German officers would hand the Polish officers a document calling for the unconditional surrender of Warsaw by 8 am the next day. The Germans would assist in the evacuation of the diplomatic corps if requested. On September 18, by 11:45 am, not a single Polish officer materialized at the German lines. Hitler wanted Warsaw to capitulate without bloodshed and destruction and gave the Poles the opportunity to avoid such a catastrophe. 1028
Polish officials, who could have made the capitulation decision, including Beck, abandoned their people and fled to Romania, France and Britain. On September 17, two Soviet army units invaded eastern Poland. Germany and the Soviet Union had already established areas of interest adjacent to the four rivers, Pissa, Narev, Vistula, and San. 1029 By September 21, Germany decided to invade Warsaw, the capitol. They did not bomb other Polish cities such as Kraków and allowed 200 foreign diplomats to escape before they increased their onslaught of the city. On September 25, Hitler entered the area and visited the Tenth and Eighth armies. Otherwise, he watched the activities through binoculars from the roof of a sports stadium. The Germans targeted identifiable military facilities, enemy batteries, and vital systems such as gas, water, and power resources. On September 26, they planned to assault the city itself but not until they issued another invitation to Poland’s military command to surrender and end the attack. 1030
br /> Polish Ambassador in London Edward Raczynski sent an “open letter” to David Lloyd George dated September 25, in which he blamed him for the Polish defeat. He claimed that he, in 1919, had “awarded to Poland a ‘strategically indefensible’ frontier.” He said that he thwarted “the demilitarization of East Prussia” and “the restoration of the historic union of Danzig with Poland.” In the spring of 1939, Lord Halifax gave the Polish leadership an “unconditional guarantee against Germany.” At that time, Polish officials were claiming German colonies. The dominant Polish politicians were more internationalist, imperialist and expansionist than they were nationalist and they inculcated the Polish population with their warmongering mentality. 1031
On the evening of September 26, the Germans disseminated millions of new flyers throughout Warsaw, without any response. That morning the Germans changed the target area to the city itself. Göring ordered 1,776 sorties within twenty-four hours and finally Warsaw surrendered the next day, without further resistance. 1032 On October 2, General Erwin Rommel evaluated the situation and reported to Hitler, “Warsaw is in bad shape. There is hardly a building not in some way damaged or with its windows intact… The people must have suffered terribly. For seven days there has been no water, no power, no gas, and no food… The mayor estimates there are forty thousand dead and injured . . .”1033
Germany conducted an extensive investigation, including the collection of documents, into the atrocities against Poland’s German minority. Before November 17, they had discovered numerous mass graves and uncovered 12,857 bodies before the heavy frost made further discoveries impossible. The Central Office for the Discovery and Interment of Minority Germans determined that, according to the records available on February 1, 1940, the number of dead or missing was at least 58,000. That is just the figure for the area around Posen and Bromberg. There were other mass graves in Silesia and Central Poland which would indicate that there are many more than the 58,000 victims who were slaughtered during the Polish reign of terror. 1034
Before Tehran, FDR decided that Stalin would get Finland, the Baltic States, the eastern half of Poland and Bessarabia. According to FDR, they would divide the world into spheres of influence—China would have the Far East; the United States the Pacific; Britain and the Soviet Union would have Europe and Africa; and they would dominate Europe. He planned this out more than a year and a half before the war ended. 1035 FDR, with reference to the Soviet Union, said, “We should not overlook the magnificent economic achievement of Russia… Their finances are sound. It is natural that the European countries will have to undergo tremendous changes in order to adapt to Russia. The European people (which includes France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Norway and of course our wartime enemies Germany and Italy) will simply have to endure the Russian domination in the hope that in ten or twenty years they will be able to live well with the Russians.” 1036
General Franz Halder, chief of Staff of the German Army was the chief architect of the invasion of Poland, September 1, 1939 and the May 10, 1941 invasion of France and England, whose armies fled from Dunkirk, and the invasion of Russia on June 22. The alleged Holocaust began with the invasion of Russia. Hitler told Halder “a number of times that it was beyond doubt that England and France were merely bluffing” over a “strip of land called the Polish corridor.” Yet, the Allies declared war on Germany and during the first several months, with very little warfare activity, people called it the “phony war.” After Poland surrendered, Halder said, “It was the general understanding in Berlin that the war would soon come to an end” as peace negotiations were in process via various avenues. 1037
On December 3, 1939, Ribbentrop stated that Polish authorities were influenced by Britain’s veiled desire for another war, especially after the Munich Pact. The British government, puppets for the Rothschild bank, manipulated Polish officials to facilitate their long-planned war. Britain opposed Germany’s efforts to liberate herself from the shackles of Versailles and unscrupulously used the German-Polish issue to maneuver Europe into war. 1038
On June 9, 1940, Paul Reynaud, France’s interim prime minister, sent Roosevelt a telegram asking for more financial assistance to continue the war. In 1939, FDR promised assistance and now France was prostrate and abandoned by the people who goaded her into a war that she was not ready to fight based on that promise. Bullitt had persuaded Premier Daladier to “stand firm” against Hitler. Georges Bonnet claimed that Bullitt did everything he could to urge France to go to war. He also lied and said that Germany was not really that militarily powerful. Colonel Charles Lindbergh and Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy knew that Germany had superior air power and would win. Bullitt urged France to go to war, despite their situation, as ordered by Roosevelt. 1039
Bullitt, a warmonger, conveyed directions from FDR to Kennedy in London and to U.S. Ambassador Anthony Biddle in Warsaw. On February 11, 1941, Biddle became an ambassador to the governments-in-exile of Belgium, Greece, Czechoslovakia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Yugoslavia. He arrived in London on March 14, and stayed through 1943. Bullitt knew that Britain would not fight in 1938 and that France would not proceed without Britain. 1040
If Poland had allied with Germany, together they could have stopped Stalin and communism as the Poles had assaulted the Soviets almost twenty years before. In August 1944, at Stalin’s request, via a radio broadcast, the Poles orchestrated an armed uprising against the German occupation authorities (1939-1944). The Germans then reduced Warsaw to rubble, more than during their assault in 1939. The Red Army, just outside of Warsaw, watched without raising a hand. Stalin ordered his forces to let the Poles “stew in their own juices.” The Soviets had their revenge. Britain and the United States relinquished their pawn, Poland to Stalin at Yalta (February 4-11, 1945).
When Germany invaded Poland, Danzig’s government affirmed that Danzig belonged to Germany, thus abolishing the Free City. In 1945, the Soviets invaded the area and targeted and slaughtered German residents. They confiscated their properties and forcibly expelled all German survivors. The city was renamed Gdansk and placed under Poland’s dominion. They relocated Polish people to replace any remaining German occupants. Following World War II, the Allies dismantled Germany into four allied zones and then into two separate countries, the Federal Republic, or West Germany, and German Democratic Republic (GDR), referred to as East Germany. Poland and the Soviet Union received German territories that the Allies had seized. This required the deliberate, enforced removal of millions of Germans.
In 1951, Viking Press published The Forrestal Diaries. Archibald M. Ramsay affirms that Defense Secretary James Forrestal was a man of “high integrity,” who resigned on March 28, 1949, submitted to psychiatric treatment and then died suspiciously on May 22 in the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, while under the care of Navy psychiatrist Captain Dr. George N. Raines. In his diary, on December 27, 1945, Forrestal wrote that he had played golf that day with Kennedy and had asked him about his conversations with FDR and Chamberlain from 1938 on. He said “Chamberlain’s position in 1938 was that England had nothing with which to fight and that she could not risk going to war with Hitler.” Kennedy said, “Hitler would have fought Russia without any later conflict with England if it had not been for William C. Bullitt’s urging on Roosevelt in the summer of 1939 that the Germans must be faced down about Poland; neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a cause of war if it had not been for the constant needling from Washington.” Kennedy said, “Chamberlain stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war.” 1041
The Peace Mission of Rudolf Hess
Rudolf Hess
Hitler appointed Rudolf Hess, a member of the NSDAP since July 1, 1920, as Deputy Führer of the NSDAP on April 21, 1933, and on December 1, appointed him as Minister without portfolio which allowed Hess to avoid the many duties of managing a government department while maintaining a certain amount of authority. According
to the Führer, Hess, his deputy, had full power over the leadership of the NSDAP and represented Hitler. Hess also held jurisdiction over foreign policy, technological issues and organization and was in charge of racial policy and university matters and policy. He created the People’ League for Germans Abroad, for Germans living in adjacent countries and for the purpose of keeping expatriates informed about what was going on in Berlin. 1042 Hess, a vegetarian, also had other interests, including homeopathy, a major interest of the NSDAP, which sought to minimize the growing influence of the various profit and chemical-based pharmaceutical interests in Europe and America. 1043
After war erupted, Hess, with Hitler’s approval, asked Albrecht Haushofer to contact certain individuals in the British establishment, as both Hitler and Hess were convinced that there were people within Britain who wanted to end the war. Haushofer’s efforts in behalf of Germany also assisted his own anti-war activities. Haushofer was a member of the von Hassell-Popitz group largely because of his relationship to the lawyer Carl Langbehn, a friend and neighbor of Heinrich Himmler. 1044 Hitler repeatedly sent people to Britain, specifically to the dedicated peace forces, numerous groups who opposed Churchill and Britain’s war efforts. The Germans also contacted the British Peace Party in Rome, Madrid, Switzerland and elsewhere. However fervent people were against war, Hitler misjudged the Peace Party’s strength and influence. Many Brits had no interest in harming Germany but rather only wanted to crush the Bolsheviks. After all, the British King had Germanic roots. They were also weary of the German blitz.