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Betrothed To Jack Frost Box Set

Page 40

by Alex Gedgaudas

  “You won’t fall,” said Jack with certainty, sitting her down gently as he took a seat beside her. He looked disappointed, unwrapping his arm from her waist. Elle made to remove her hand from Jack’s only for him to tighten his grip on hers. He didn’t say anything, but Elle could see he clearly didn’t want their hands to stop touching.

  He tightened his grip again, silently showing he did not wish to let go. When Elle stopped looking at Jack’s pale face watching the outer banks of the city intently, that was when she saw what he was watching earlier. Hundreds of thousands of candles seemed to be floating themselves magically in the river. They followed the large coffin that was propelled out to sea earlier in the day. Having spent all her time indoors during her time here, Elle did not realize there was a very enormous waterfall that could easily give Niagara Falls a run for its money just on the outskirts of town. She could see it better since Jack moved them. Boreas’s coffin was heading right for the falls, followed closely by the thousands of candles.

  Jack shifted slightly in his spot, his grey eyes not leaving the coffin as he watched it slowly float down the river. Even though he didn’t show a lick of emotion, Elle felt his grip on her hand tightening as he watched. Over an hour passed by where neither she nor Jack spoke. They held hands, quietly watching the coffin move in the slow-moving current.

  Even though the large coffin eventually tumbled into the dark abyss, a decent-sized golden object still floated as it lazily started soaring up into the heavens similar to a large, misty balloon. “Wow,” Elle murmured, watching the beautiful orb soon disappear. Jack squeezed her hand, saying nothing. A tinge of sadness hit Elle as she remembered Boreas, causing her eyes to mist softly. She realized Jack was a lot more torn up about his father’s death than she thought.

  Jack didn’t say anything as his eyes continued watching the large area Boreas’s coffin had disappeared to. “I honestly don’t know why people don’t watch the aftermath of a funeral when a soul is ascending,” said Jack absentmindedly. “It’s far more interesting than sitting around eating and drinking with others who are only pretending they’ll miss a person.”

  Elle tilted her head up, her eyes going wide at the large number of twinkling lights and constellations lighting up the night sky as soon as the soul ascended. She had probably a million questions regarding souls and ascending, but at the moment when Jack was struggling probably wasn’t the best time to ask.

  The dazzling star display could be seen very brightly even though the crystal city was full of light. Stars gleamed and twinkled, causing Elle to stare at them in awe as she recognized quite a few constellations from all her times of watching them with Apollo. Never in her life had she seen as many glowing stars as she had in this moment. Usually in Connecticut, city lights prevented people from seeing them. “This is by far the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” she mumbled, not being able to peel her eyes away from the starry night sky.

  “I’ve seen something that surpasses this in beauty,” Jack replied casually, nearly causing Elle to look away. She couldn’t. The night sky was just that gorgeous. “She’s sitting right beside me,” he continued once he didn’t quite get her attention.

  It was this comment alone that caused Elle to try and inconspicuously look around to see what goddess had joined them. No one had; they were alone together.

  “Oh, kitten,” Jack tsked. “If you need any more hints, I’m watching the most divine thing I have ever seen as I speak,” he hinted, nodding his head. Elle’s cheeks reddened as she realized he was looking directly at her. Leaning down, Jack watched her with a curious gaze, shaking his head. “I think you are the first woman I have met who doesn’t automatically know how much beauty she holds.”

  With memories of Hera, Amphitrite, Khione, Artemis, and even Voluptas, Elle gently shook her head. She didn’t hold any beauty compared to them or any of the other goddesses. She was simply okay looking if she were the one to judge, but she would never dare compare herself to any of the goddesses she had encountered. “I d-don’t hold any.”

  Jack smiled wistfully, bringing their still clenched together hands to his lips before placing a cool kiss on the back of Elle’s fingers. Sitting up, he took a knee as he stared at Elle with a strange hunger. “I meant every word I said the night before, Elle. I want to keep you,” he breathed.

  Elle stared. Did he actually work on keeping his voice in such an attractively velvety way, or did it just come natural for him? She inwardly prayed her heart didn’t start beating erratically to show how fearful she was. He could so easily say something skin-tingling and not realize just how much it could affect a woman. It was so very easy for the lines to blur for Elle when Jack was around.

  “I know you feel I only look at you and see the possible misery that comes attached to your demise…”

  “And there it is.” Elle nodded, causing him to frown. “We went over an hour without you mentioning me dying and you just had to throw that out…”

  “I’m trying to show you more than words,” he said, suddenly standing. He could move so very fast, Elle barely noticed how he managed to move from kneeling to gently holding Elle’s shoulder while standing. “I have never stood in a woman’s company for as long as I have been in yours and enjoyed our time together,” he continued lightly. “I used to mock the individuals who would stargaze, but I could stay out here all night as long as it was with you. I enjoy every last thing we do together, whether it be arguing or escaping danger.” Jack pressed his icy-cool forehead against Elle’s. “I like that even after over two hundred years of immortal life, you are the only person I have ever felt warm around.”

  “Please stop,” Elle said, attempting to look away only for a cool hand to capture her jaw gently.

  “No. You have spoken your concerns, and now I’m explaining your worries are invalid.”

  “Invalid? You just yet again proved me right—you find my death is already written out!”

  “I am willing to overlook that detail.”

  “Overlook!” Elle snapped furiously, pushing him away. She had to remember there was not a lot of space on this small patch of roof. She couldn’t really escape him unless she jumped hundreds of feet to her death. “What’s the matter with you?”

  Jack’s expression hardened. “I’m trying to express I’m ignoring your ultimate demise because I hold very strong feelings for you.”

  “Oh yes, because it’s so romantic when a guy has to bring up you dying,” Elle snapped. She rubbed her forehead gently with her free hand, barely registering their hands were still tightly clasped together. Jack tightened his hand around hers gently.

  “Maybe people have a point,” Jack pressed. “Perhaps you and I were destined to be together a long time ago. If we don’t at least try and give that a chance…”

  “Well, according to you, if I stay away from Jack-the-talking-snowman, apparently I don’t die!”

  “For five minutes, will you stop being stubborn long enough for me to finish my question?” asked Jack, his grey eyes narrowing.

  “What do you want, Jack?” Elle pushed, shrugging her hand long enough for Jack to finally release it. “This feels like a game of ping-pong going back and forth. I’m seriously going to develop whiplash for how long this is playing out. What do you want?”

  “Simple, Elle. I want you to be mine,” he answered casually, as if she should have simply realized that automatically.

  “And what does that imply? You’ll ‘overlook’ my looming death?”

  “Well, yes,” Jack admitted, sounding unapologetic. “I’m er…what is that human terminology? Throwing caution to the wind.” He smiled wistfully. “It was watching you shiver gently last night when I realized that if you’re going to be shivering, I want to be the one who’s causing your body to tremble.” He grinned mischievously.

  Elle shuddered from just how casually he could say something that could turn her knees weak. His wording caught her on to something. “Wait…shivering…when was I shivering last

  “While you were sleeping.”

  Elle’s eyes widened comically. “You’re still watching me sleep?”

  Jack gave a nod of his frosted head as if this were something perfectly natural to admit to. “I watch you almost every night. It helps me relax.”

  There was no trace of a lie to him. “Stalker,” Elle accused, not sure whether she should be flattered or slightly disturbed this inhumanly beautiful man watched her while she slept. She resisted a groan realizing something unfortunate. “I slept in my underwear the other night!” she cried, remembering the moment jeans were so uncomfortable that she resorted to sleeping in her t-shirt and panties.

  “Really?” Jack said, his eyebrows raised with interest. “If I would’ve known such a fact, I would’ve gotten into bed with you.”

  It was Elle’s narrowed eyes that caused him to sigh. “I’m only teasing,” he defended, looking a tad embarrassed. It was Jack seeing the embarrassment that Elle was sporting that caused him to come forward and lock her in a tight embrace with both arms. “As you know, I’ve taken to bed other women before.”

  Elle raised an eyebrow. “If you’re really about to go into detail about your sex life right now, I’ll pass,” she scowled, causing Jack to press her tighter against him.

  “New game,” he said playfully, his cool breath fanning Elle’s forehead from their close proximity. “Every time you interrupt me, I’ll move one step closer to kissing you better and harder than you’ve ever been kissed in your young life,” Jack threatened with a smile.

  Elle opened her mouth, about to point out that considering he was the only man she had ever truly kissed, he didn’t have to work too hard for that.

  She thought better of it once she spotted the coy smirk on Jack’s face, a silent dare for her to try speaking. Elle closed her mouth, shrugging. Looking a tad disappointed, Jack continued. “Taken to bed is the wrong wording. I’ve never actually slept with a woman before.”

  Elle was about to object on her two memories of seeing him with Voluptas, only for Jack to shake his head. “I’m not referring to sex,” he scowled. “That is not what I am referring to. I’ve never slept beside a woman before nor ever cared to watch her sleep,” he finished, watching Elle with a hopeful expression. Leaning down, Jack pressed his forehead tight against hers as his cold arms kept her constricted in place. “You are the first only person I have watched sleep. You’re the only woman I’ve ever cared about protecting and the only woman I can imagine keeping by my side for all eternity,” Jack said quietly, slowly releasing her to get on bended knee.

  Elle raised a brow, confused to where he was going with this until he brandished a small, familiar-looking box out of thin air. All amusement fell from her face instantly. “Even though we are technically already engaged, I never officially asked you to be my wife,” Jack continued, looking strangely unnerved for someone who usually held an abundance of confidence.

  “Elle Darrow, will you do me the great honor of becoming my bride?” he asked carefully, almost timidly. He opened the box to reveal the largest diamond ring Elle had ever seen. Granted, the only time she had really seen such jewelry was when goddesses wore similar pieces. Never had she ever seen one of them wearing such a large stone.

  Even as Jack watched her with a hopeful expression while holding the large rock, Elle couldn’t help but feel overwhelmingly hurt by his sudden proposal. His strange words yesterday and today now became quite obvious; Jack wanted her to like him so she would say yes to marrying him. There was an ulterior motive behind it and one that she should’ve realized would inspire him to want to ask her since Boreas’s passing. Upon Elle marrying him, Jack would become king.

  Even though Jack Frost was probably expecting a very different response from her, Elle strongly felt he shouldn’t have looked so surprised after she roughly smacked him across the face.

  Chapter 6

  “And what are you so very angry about?” inquired Apollo, finding Elle hiding out on the balcony. Her slap had seemed to catch both her and Jack by surprise. The slap, of course, did not harm him. Jack’s face did not swivel upon impact or affect him in the slightest. Although he did not seem to know what to say after it happened. Elle, meanwhile, was just surprised she had the nerve to hit him after a proposal. Still, she felt the tiniest bit insulted. His timing fit his needs perfectly. At his father’s funeral, right when it was obvious he would not become the new king until he married her, Jack popped the question. Without saying another word to each other after the slap, Jack brought them back to the party, where he then went off somewhere. His expression after her slap was blankness. Elle couldn’t find herself caring where he went after that. She held too much fury in her.

  “Why do you think I’m angry?” Elle asked Apollo through clenched teeth, mentally noting her voice sounded quite upset. There was no hiding how angered she was.

  Apollo used a warm finger to gently tilt her chin up. His too-blue eyes watched her sadly. “If looks alone could kill, you would have strangled the living daylights out of those orchids in that vase,” he commented lightly. Elle pushed his hand away, continuing her harsh glaring at the innocent white flowers sitting in a large crystallized vase against the wall.

  “Don’t even pretend to be my friend. It’s gotten old.”

  “Oh, really?” asked Apollo. “You know, just because I’m a tad older than I first let on doesn’t mean I’m old.”

  Elle spared him a dirty look. “You pretended you were seven months older than me,” she countered. “I think actually being well over three thousand years old is a bit different than a few months,” she snapped, her temper rising.

  “Age is just a number.” Apollo winked, sparing her a dazzling smile. He frowned, realizing Elle wasn’t in the mood for joking. “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing I want to talk about with someone who couldn’t be bothered to tell me a prophecy that says I’m going to die,” she replied stiffly.

  Apollo’s face fell. “Who said you’re going to die?”

  Clutching the back of her head with both hands, Elle tried to catch her breath. “Ohh, just Frosty-the-Snowman, my mother…who, by the way, made it clear why my dad ran away from her.”

  Apollo looked guilty at the very mention of the word prophecy. “It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to die…”

  “There’s not one person who’s not a liar in my life,” said Elle, ignoring Hermes, who beckoned her over to speak with him and Ajax in the ballroom. “You’ve all lied.” Ever since Jack’s impromptu proposal, she had felt light-headed. Elle made a swift walk toward the back of the balcony a few feet away, ignoring all the glamorously dressed gods and goddesses as she went outside for some fresh air.

  “Yes, I lied.” Apollo followed her. “But you were happy, Ells,” he said quietly, “content. You didn’t want or need your life to be uprooted before it had to be.”

  “Before it had to be! Are you kidding? At least a sliver of a heads up could be thrown my way!” Elle whispered incredulously, feeling angrier than she had ever been. “If this was my fate for years in advance, you, Hermes, or my own dad could’ve said something! Anything! I’ve been engaged since before I was even conceived! I’m some demigod princess with a crazy homicidal mother, my dad was killed not by cancer, but by angry gods, I have a prophecy that says I’m going to die by my own sister I’ve never met, I can’t go home, and now the man I have feelings for only wants to marry me to become king…” Elle trailed off, breathing heavily as she started to feel she was having a panic attack. She had reached her breaking point. Jack Frost asking her to marry him officially threw Elle over her mental edge.

  “Elle…slow breaths…what’s wrong?” Apollo asked, sinking to his knees as Elle slowly brought herself to the ground.

  Asking what was wrong seemed like a joke considering her heavily detailed list, but Elle figured he was asking what was physically wrong as she gently broke with a cold sweat. “I don’t feel right…” she confessed,
gently shaking. She felt so incredibly angry with Jack’s proposal, it felt as though something snapped inside her. Listing all the reasons that were troubling her in addition to the proposal just seemed to cause Elle to reach her true breaking point. With a trembling hand, she held onto the banister of the balcony, feeling something was incredibly wrong. “What’s happening?”

  “It’s your abilities,” he muttered, holding a hand to her forehead. “Ah, Styx. You’re burning up.”

  “I don’t feel hot,” said Elle, gently wobbling on her knees. “I just feel…angry…really, really, angry.”

  “All manifestations for demigods are different,” explained Apollo hastily. “A vast majority of the time, demigod offspring are solely blessed with slightly enhanced speed, strength, endurance, or a type of artistic ability. Very rarely are they given the godly abilities their parents possess. Your ability to develop flames is possibly because you’re Pele’s heir.”

  “She said I can’t be,” Elle disagreed, slowly realizing she was probably ruining her pretty yet gothic dress given how she was on her knees. “She said heirs develop their powers when they’re children.”

  “Not necessarily,” Apollo argued gently, rubbing her bare back with a warm hand. “Each case is different. For the longest time, everyone thought Ajax would become Poseidon’s heir considering his powers to control water developed long before Triton’s. Now, he still holds abilities even though Triton has proved to be far superior to him. You could be a late bloomer, only coming into your abilities the more you’re set off mentally.”

  “Make it stop, please,” Elle near begged, not enjoying the sudden dark feeling she had to cause Apollo pain for all the times he lied to her. Her anger felt as though it was mentally and physically eating her. A strange physical pain similar to growing pains was taking over her body, causing her to shudder.


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