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Page 23

by Rachel Dylan

  Piper threw up her hands. “You really are something. I should withdraw from this case.”

  Izzy leaned toward her, ready to plead, but Piper lifted her hand to stop her from talking.

  “But I understand why you did what you did. From here on out, there can be no more secrets, and if I find out that you’ve been hiding something else from me, I will withdraw. Is that clear?”

  “Thank you. I appreciate it. I’m sorry again.” Piper was being more than understanding about the situation. “How do we handle this now?”

  Piper gave her shoulder a reassuring pat. “It’s going to be okay. I assume they’ve figured all of this out, so we just have you own up to it.”

  “I did ask the women I talked to if they would speak to the detectives. I think only one of them was game, my former colleague at Arlington PD, and I don’t know if she ever reached out.”

  “Let’s find out.” Piper stood and opened the door for the detectives.

  “Are you ready to talk now?” Detective Stewart asked as she and Bryant retook their seats.

  Izzy looked at Piper.

  “My client has done nothing wrong, detectives. I believe you’ve already discovered what she has done, and hopefully you’ve quickly followed up on the leads and information she uncovered that might be relevant to this case.”

  “And what would that be?” Detective Stewart asked.

  Izzy jumped in before anyone else could speak. “If you haven’t found out yet, it’s only a matter of time before you determine, just like I did, that the sergeant had a pattern of abuse with women. I’ve only touched the tip of the iceberg, but I’ve seen enough to know that there are plenty of people who would’ve wanted him dead.”

  “Are you going to give us names?” Detective Bryant asked.

  Izzy shook her head.

  “Why not?” Detective Stewart asked. “Isn’t that the whole point?”

  “If they aren’t comfortable coming forward, then I’m not going to be the one who calls them out. You would think, if I was able to locate these women, that Arlington PD wouldn’t have any trouble.” She probably shouldn’t have added that last dig, but she couldn’t help herself.

  Detective Stewart drummed her fingers on the table. “I have to admit, Agent Cole, this is turning out to be quite the investigation.”

  “I want the truth, which is what I assume you want too, Detective.” Izzy could feel Piper’s glare about to cut through her, but she wanted to stand up for herself.

  The detective nodded. “Of course.”

  Izzy leaned forward. “Then you need to look beyond me and the people in my life to find out the identity of the true killer.”

  “Agent Cole, we have hard evidence against one person so far in this case, and that person is you. You, by your own admission, wanted to kill the sergeant and sent him threatening text messages to that effect. He was clearly obsessed with you. Maybe he came after you again, and you snapped.”

  The scary part was that the scenario the detective laid out could have been true—except that it wasn’t. “I’m telling you again, I didn’t do this. You need to talk to others who could have critical information and stop solely focusing on me because I’m the most convenient target.”

  Detective Stewart opened a folder. “Well, we have actually spoken to one of the women you found.”

  “Who?” Izzy asked.

  “Ann Marie Martinez.”

  That was surprising, given their conversation.

  “You look stunned, Agent Cole,” Detective Bryant said.

  “I got the distinct impression from my conversation with her that she didn’t want anything to do with this.”

  “You aren’t the only one investigating here, Agent Cole. We tracked Ann Marie down ourselves, and she didn’t have a lot of nice things to say about you. According to Ms. Martinez, you were harassing her about her relationship with the sergeant.”

  Izzy shook her head. “I handled her with kid gloves, and it was pretty clear from the start that she didn’t want to talk about any of this. I did not push her in any way.”

  “Then why would she make that accusation?” Detective Bryant asked.

  “Because I think she knows something and doesn’t want to talk about it. I believe digging deeper into everyone you’re talking to is worthwhile.”

  Detective Stewart crossed her arms. “Does that include you too, Agent Cole?”

  “Certainly. I don’t have anything to hide.”

  “You have strong motive to have killed Sergeant Tybee,” Detective Stewart said. “After everything he did to you, it would be natural to be struggling, and maybe one day it all became too much.”

  Piper lifted her hand. “I let you level that accusation once already, but a second time is too much. Now you’re just badgering my client, and I won’t allow it.”

  Piper’s fiery response put Izzy more at ease. Piper was fighting for her. Izzy wasn’t used to being in this position, but to know that Piper believed in her meant so much. Could she be a Piper one day? Could she advocate so passionately? She wasn’t sure if she had it in her, but she certainly wanted to try.

  “This interview is over.” Piper stood.

  “We’ll be back in touch soon.” Detective Stewart looked directly at Izzy. “Don’t plan to leave town without letting us know, okay?”

  Before she could answer, Piper spoke again.

  “We’ll cooperate, but it’s just because we want this investigation put to bed.” Piper grabbed Izzy’s arm and led her out of the room.

  Izzy could only hope that she hadn’t just made things a lot worse for herself.

  Since Layla didn’t have great options, she’d decided going to the safe house that Frank had set up was the best she and Hunter could do while they waited to see if Scarlett could come up with something outside the system.

  They’d gotten there late the night before—almost morning. The first twelve hours had been uneventful.

  Frank had directed her to go radio silent with everyone—the DEA included—and she figured that might be the best course. They’d dumped their phones, and a CIA runner had delivered new phones without even seeing them.

  She could tell by the tone of Frank’s voice, however, that he was beginning to be on edge. She didn’t think he really believed she was working with Al-Nidal. The fact that he’d been so helpful since she called him made her think that she was persuading him back to her side.

  Hunter was working on his laptop, still intent on the DEA case for Mason. After Keith Hammond’s death, they’d run into a lot of dead ends. Cass had pretty much been ruled out, given the theft, but there was still a big question mark over Zane’s head, though she didn’t think there should be.

  When she heard a light knock on the door, Layla jumped up from the couch. Hunter lifted his hand to tell her to be quiet. He then pulled out his side arm, and she grabbed her gun from the coffee table beside her. No one should be at the safe house. Frank had notified her about the phone delivery earlier, and she hadn’t heard from him since.

  Layla and Hunter both moved slowly to the door, weapons drawn. Her pulse thumped loudly as she prayed this wasn’t another attack.

  She had almost reached the door when she heard a voice.

  “Layla, are you in there?”

  She knew immediately who was outside. Hunter stopped her from moving any closer, but she was no longer afraid.

  “Yes, I’m here.” She looked through the peephole and saw Nick on the other side. She opened the door, and he walked in.

  “Are you all right?” Nick asked.

  “Yes. What’re you doing here? I thought this location was completely locked down.” Or at least that was what Frank had promised.

  Nick didn’t answer, instead turning his attention to Hunter. “And you are?”

  “Hunter McCoy.” Hunter stood tall but didn’t offer his hand to Nick.

  Nick’s blue eyes flashed with recognition. He frowned. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

; “We’re working together right now,” Layla said. “The more important question is why you’re here. How did you find me?”

  Nick looked at her. “Frank and I talked. I got him to reveal your location because I have some breaking intel you’re going to want to know. I thought it best delivered face-to-face.”

  That got her attention. “What is it?”

  “We know who set you up for the IG investigation.”

  “Who?” Her voice cracked.

  “It was Bryce Wixom.”

  Her stomach dropped as a feeling of dread filled her body. “Are you sure Bryce betrayed me?” Even as she asked the question, she knew the answer wasn’t going to exonerate her old friend. She couldn’t afford to live in denial.

  “We have a team bringing Bryce in as we speak.”

  “Would he really go to such elaborate lengths to set me up?”

  “You did destroy his Agency career,” Nick said flatly.

  “And I was completely justified in doing so. He was the one playing fast and loose with the rules. Rules that were put in place to protect us all and make sure we don’t become a bunch of lawless mercenaries willing to flip for the highest dollar.”

  Nick touched her shoulder. “I’m not saying you didn’t do the right thing. I’m just speaking to Bryce’s motivation.” He dropped his hand. “We’ll know a lot more after Bryce is questioned.”

  She nodded. “Is the direction from Langley for me to stay put?”

  “It is,” Nick said. “But can I speak with you privately?”

  Hunter looked at her for permission.

  “It’s fine, Hunter.”

  “I’ll just be upstairs.” Hunter reluctantly walked away.

  Once Hunter was gone, Nick moved closer to her.

  “There’s something else?” As if all of this wasn’t enough.

  “Something seems very off here, and I can’t put my finger on it. Are you sure you can trust Hunter?”

  “Yes,” she answered with zero hesitation. “He saved my life. I wouldn’t be standing here right now without him.”

  Nick touched her arm. “I know you have strong feelings for him. It was obvious when we were together that you still loved him, but I worry about you, and I want to make sure you’re thinking clearly.”

  He seemed to be coming from a sincere place, and she saw his point of view. “It means a lot to me that you care enough to say those things, and I can see why you’d worry, but I can promise you that the threats coming at me are not from Hunter.”

  Nick looked down. “Where do you think they’re coming from?”

  She blew out a breath. “Besides the cartel, I’m not really sure. I’m worried about who I can trust at the Agency, if I’m being truthful. And then you add Bryce on top of that.” She hesitated for a moment. “You know, I thought I had a real friendship with Bryce, but if he’s behind the IG investigation, then that changes everything.”

  Kindness shone in Nick’s eyes. “Bryce wanted to cross lines with you, and that only fueled the fire. I still believe you were justified, but it was a bold move to do to a friend.”

  She’d lost a lot of sleep over reporting him, but she’d felt compelled. “Do you think I should stay here?”

  “I think you should be okay for now. Once we talk to Bryce, I’ll have a much better read on the threat assessment.” He looked at his watch. “Speaking of that, I should be going. I need to get back.”

  “You’re going to be involved in questioning him?”

  Nick nodded. “Yes. We didn’t end on the best of terms, but I still think the world of you and your ability to contribute to the mission of the Agency. If Bryce has done something to threaten you, then it’s my business to get to the bottom of that.”

  “Thank you. I really appreciate all you’re doing to help me.”

  “You’re special, Layla. I used to mean a lot of other things when I said that to you, but with the passage of time, I can say it to you in a completely platonic and professional way.”

  “I’m glad we’re in a good place, despite the other circumstances.” She believed that he’d gotten past her in the same way she’d moved on from him. Had their relationship ultimately been what she needed? No. But she could sure use his friendship.

  After they said their good-byes, a few minutes went by before Hunter came back downstairs wearing a deep scowl.

  “I don’t like that guy,” he said.

  “I get it. But I actually think he’s looking out for me, and given the circumstances, I’ll take all the friends I can get.”

  “I know.” He sighed. “I wish I weren’t jealous, but I can’t help it. It’s one thing to know about people from our pasts, but to actually see them face-to-face makes it much more difficult.”

  She took his hands tightly in hers. “Hunter, what we have cuts through all of this. The lies, the past, the pain. What matters is where we are now.”

  He pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her. Then he leaned down and whispered in her ear. “You know I’d lay down my life for you. To protect you. It’s all I can think about.”

  Her breath caught. “You already have. Hunter, you don’t have anything to prove to me.”

  “Don’t I?” His voice cracked.

  “No. I told you before. I know the truth. The past is the past. And I love you with all of my heart.”

  “Losing you again isn’t something I can even begin to comprehend.”

  “Then let’s not even think about that. Let’s focus on moving forward with our lives together.”

  “Layla, if Bryce is behind this, you’re going to have to keep me away from him.”

  “I don’t think that’s going to be an issue. If the Agency thinks he faked those photos, then there will be consequences.” She placed her head on his chest and took a moment to calm herself.

  He pulled back for a second and placed his hands on her face. “I love you, Layla. I don’t know what else to say.”

  “That’s all you need to say.” Her heart felt like it might explode, because she knew he was all in, and in fact, he always had been.



  Zane entered a holding room at the DEA headquarters to meet with Cass, who sat at a small table, waiting for him. He got the sense that she’d been put through the wringer. Deep, dark circles hung under her pretty brown eyes. And yes, they were pretty. He was having a hard time getting back to where they’d been—the friend zone.

  This bombshell she’d dropped on him had somehow brought them even closer. She’d hidden stuff from him, yes, but he got it. He had an awful relationship with his family. The fact that she was willing to lay everything on the line for her brother showed what kind of woman she was. He only wished she had come to him. He had more money than he knew what to do with and could have easily helped her. Although it occurred to him that he’d never told her about his money. They both had their family secrets.

  All this Boy-Scout stuff had messed with his head. Did Cass really see him like that? He didn’t see himself like that, but he wondered if somewhere along the way he’d given her the wrong impression. Yeah, he had a problem with perfectionism, but he was far from perfect. And he was beating himself up, because maybe that had caused her to do something that threatened not only her career but her freedom.


  “I wouldn’t have held it against you if you hadn’t come. You still have your reputation to protect. You don’t want to be known as the man who partnered with a thief.”

  He took her hand. “Don’t talk like that. What are they saying?”

  She looked at him. “My lawyer is working with them, trying to cut a deal.”

  That gave him a little hope. “What kind of deal?”

  “One that avoids jail time, given my pristine record, but I won’t be able to be a DEA agent anymore.” Her voice sounded strained. “I have no idea what I’ll do.”

  “Why don’t we take it one step at a time?” Just the revelation that she would
n’t have to face jail time was huge and took a big burden off his shoulders. They could figure everything else out.

  Her dark eyes widened. “We? You can’t seriously act like you’re going to stand by me through this. I’ve hidden things from you, and let’s not even get into the other stuff I tried to pull.”

  “Yes, Cass. We. We’re stronger than that. Yeah, you messed up, but that doesn’t change our friendship. Our partnership.” And whatever else there might be to come.

  “It does, though. We’ll never work together again. I’m done.” Her voice got much louder.

  “You might be done at the DEA. That’s a harsh reality, but it doesn’t mean your life is over. If you’re able to take some sort of deal, you could start fresh. The DEA might be off the table, but there are other options.”

  “You mean in the private sector,” she said.

  “Yeah, totally, or there might be other agencies willing to overlook one lapse of judgment.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “You’re talking CIA.”

  “You know I am.” He couldn’t help but smile.

  She sighed. “Like you said, I’m not really in a position to make any plans right now. We can focus on one day at a time.”


  She studied him for a moment. “Why, Zane? I don’t get it. You had every right in the world never to speak to me again.”

  He took a deep breath, not sure what to say or how to say it. “You know, I’m not even sure myself. I just know that I really care about you.”

  “As a friend.”

  “For sure.”

  “As anything more?” she asked softly.

  He stilled at her words. He didn’t want to avoid the issue. That wasn’t his style, but this was difficult. “Honestly, Cass, I’m not sure what I feel.”

  She nodded. “That’s fair.”

  “We don’t have to sort all of that out today, but I wanted you to know that I’m here for you.”

  Her eyes misted.

  He couldn’t believe he was seeing this from tough-as-nails Cass. That let him know she was really having a rough time, and seeing her in this weakened state broke his heart.

  After Layla’s discussion with Nick, she realized she wanted to be a part of questioning Bryce. At first Nick had pushed back against the idea, but once she agreed not to be in the room, he had relented.


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