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Balance Point

Page 8

by Katherine Rhodes

  “She's tits and aalllggh--”

  Marin's grip closed off his air, and he took two steps to where he was holding the troll. “She's worth more than you could ever pay, and that includes your life.”

  There was an audible snap as the troll's head snapped violently to the side. He fell to the ground, and his grip on Aura's neck finally relented. She flopped to the ground, unconscious, and I just barely managed to skid under her to keep her from smashing her head on the rock floor.

  Chapter Nine


  I woke in a cloud of soft, warm flesh.

  It was possibly the most confusing and comfortable way I had ever woken up.

  Riffling through my brain, I tried to figure out what was going on. The last thing I remembered was the troll wrapping his fat, meaty, boil and puss covered hand around my throat. I had managed to get in a series of solid, hard punches before he kicked my shin and I heard the snap of my own bone.

  There wasn't much after that, except the vague memory of John and Marin, which I thought was a hallucination of a dying mind.

  So, was this bed of warm flesh the afterlife?

  I wasn't ready to find out, so I took stock of what I thought should hurt. The leg was fine. The shoulder was fine. Throat was fine. The arm was fine. Stomach was fine. And…that didn't take very long. I was going to have to face my afterlife sooner than I was really ready to. But I had to find out where I was now so I could prepare my fight or flight.

  Slowly, I opened my eyes. The light was low but warm and clean. The room was painted a pale blue, and it smelled welcoming. I brought my gaze down to what was right in front of me, and I gasped lightly.


  He was right there, sleeping, curled into me, his arm around my waist.

  What the hell was this? Where the hell was I?

  “Ssh, little demon. He's exhausted.”

  I turned my head sharply and found John there with a finger on his lips to hush me. He pulled his finger back, his hand resting on my arm, and lips finding the shell of my ear a moment later. “Come. Let's talk in the kitchen. I think you'll be fine to walk.”

  “My leg… What's…”

  He put his finger on my lips this time. “Shh. Kitchen. You can walk. The medical facility had you cleaned up and ready to go in just four days.” John slid backwards out of bed and carefully moved Marin's hand, and offered me his to help me out.

  He didn't let go once I was standing and sure I could stay standing. Smiling, he led me out of the room into a living room and then into a kitchen. Pulling out the chair, he helped me sit, and then kissed the top of my head.


  I nodded. I didn't trust my voice yet. His hand was slow to let go of mine, but eventually, he did and moved over to the food prep. I swallowed a few times, watching him move around the room in his underclothes. They fit him quite nicely.

  “What happened? What's going on?” The words finally came to me. “Why am here in bed with you and Marin?”

  “It was the safest place for you while you healed fully. Both of us could keep an eye on you. You were choked out by that awful troll, and hurt badly. I was just glad you were brave enough to drink that whole tracer. We found you through that and…”

  “And the link.” I nodded. “I was hoping.”

  “The link is why you're here in our apartment.”

  I was confused. “Our?”

  “Well, it was mine, but after what happened, I asked Marin to move in.” He shook something into a bowl. “I am also hoping you'll join us here.”

  “How do you know Marin?” Holding up a hand, I stopped his explanation. “Wait. What happened with the slavers? With Eldeban?”

  There was a visible hesitation. “He's dead. I killed him. Somewhat ironically, it was not my intention. I wanted to see him brought to trial. He'd kidnapped and sold so many women in the past six months, death was the easy way out. I meant to just knock him out.” John paused. “I forget how strong I really am sometimes.”

  “It's not a loss.” How angry had my vampire been? “But…”

  “There were a group of slavers who were trying to keep Marin and me from finding you in that disgusting room with that gross creature. We did get there before he had his way with you, but I'm afraid we weren't there fast enough to keep you from getting hurt.”

  “Don't.” The guilt was clear in his voice. “Don't do that. I'm alive and wounds heal. Have healed. I'm glad you found me. I have been abused too much…”


  “It's a story for another time. But I'm glad you stopped him. More than anything, that room was befouled, and it would have made things worse.” Shaking my head. “I know it sounds weird, but it's a coping thing. I'll explain it one day. Just know that I'm good, thanks to you and Marin.”

  It seemed he wasn't going to accept my explanation, but I wasn't in a place to really tell him the whole story. “So, you killed Eldeban. And the troll?”

  “Also dead. Marin lost his shit.” The shrug wasn't nearly as nonchalant as he thought it was. It bothered him that he'd had to kill someone.

  “So you both heard me scream when Eldeban first took me?”

  Resuming his tasks in the kitchen, John smirked. “Marin heard you long before that. He was more in tune with his powers, and he could feel your fear. He came to find me to see if I had felt anything. I hadn't until that moment. And then, as we were heading toward the club to see if we could find you, you screamed at us then blacked out.”

  “I got punched in the head.”

  “That would do it.” The chuckle from John was a harmless acceptance of what happened. “He got called to the Alpine club because someone there was overdosing and they wanted him for crowd control.” John walked me through the whole day from his point of view, including the gory scene he and Marin had left in the tunnels. They had ended up rescuing me, and four other women that day. There were plans in place for another ten kidnappings before the auction, and they had assumed they were going to ship at least seven of us offworld to the Human colonies.

  And now the whole ring was busted, the Intra were going to begin patrolling the tunnels, and both Marin and John were working for the Climintra.

  I accepted the bowl of gronpoats--a sweet and salty grain from Vaimm that nearly every Meta remembered from childhood. It was a staple and comfort food, and I couldn't believe how good it tasted as I spooned some up.

  “So now. How do you and Marin know each other? I never introduced you two.”

  “You didn't. We met on our own.” John sat across from me with his own bowl of gronpoats. He nearly choked from laughing when he saw the look on my face. “I don't need food, but I can enjoy it once in a while. Which is how I came to meet Marin. I was desperate for blood. He was willing to give the donor thing a try. It started out fine, but…well…”

  “Turned out I was turned on by the sex part of it, and realized I was bisexual.” Marin was standing in the doorway when I turned around at the sound of his voice. He leaned against the door and winked at me. “Feeling better?”

  “Yes. Wait. You two have been seeing each other?”

  “Yup.” John's nonchalant shrug worked this time.

  “I had no idea I was interested in males until six months ago when I first met John. It just all seemed to work out.”

  My spirit sank a little bit. “So you guys are an item?”

  “Yes…” Sitting down at the table and stealing John's bowl, Marin gestured with his spoon. “But that doesn't mean that we're not also interested in you.”

  This wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I was on the verge of tears. “So I still get to sleep with you guys, but…”

  “But nothing,” John said, stealing the bowl back. “You get to sleep with us. And us with you. And us with each other. And maybe, all three of us in the same bed at the same time, doing all the sexy things.”

  Resting his head on his fist, Marin considered me. “You can't tell me you didn't enjoy waking
up between us just now.”

  “Well…it was very nice.” I looked between them. “So I get to visit you both.”

  They looked at each other again, and Marin stole the bowl back.

  Their proposal slammed together in my brain. “Hold up. You don't want me as a side piece at all do you? You want me here, all the time. You want me to be a part of this...”

  “A threesome, yes,” John said. “A bonded one.”

  “Legally? I don't...” My head was spinning.

  “You don't have to say anything or make any decisions.” Marin leaned forward in the chair.

  John pushed the bowl to the side and shared a smirk with Marin. “Shall we show her how our proposal will work?”

  The heat in John's eyes was consuming me. “Oh, I think it's important we do.”

  My legs liquified, and before I could say a thing, Marin had helped me stand so he could pick me up and carry me back into the bedroom.

  John was behind me, and slipped the shirt I was wearing up, and over my head, his hands find my breasts instantly.

  I wasn't being given a chance to voice dissent: Marin's lips found mine and his hands wrapped around my hips, pushing my pants down, one hand palming my ass and the other—

  The other found John's cock, and I could feel the slow, reverent strokes of his hand, pumping slowly.

  Holy shit, that was a turn on.

  “I want you to slide Marin's cock into that hot pussy of yours.” The breath of John's words tickled my ear, and I wasn't going to disobey. His hands slid down from my breasts to find the button at the front of Marin's pants, and the whole thing slid down, landing on the floor. I watched as John's hand found Marin's hard cock and stroked him.

  It was hard to be rational in the middle of mutual masturbation.

  The sexual desire off the two of them was already starting to fill my need already.

  Breaking away, Marin led us to the bed as he sat and slid up the bed where his cock jutted out proudly, waiting for me. I wanted to be on it, immediately. There was no reason to wait, either. I crawled up after him, taking my time and enjoying his body as I slid up. He was an amazing kisser, and I took pleasure in the deep penetration of his tongue.

  John's hand ran down the seam of my ass, to the lips of my sex. He found my clit and ran his fingers over me softly. He dipped a finger into my entrance. “Right here. Mmm. You want him in there, don't you? She is so wet, Marin. So very wet.”

  Marin groaned against my lips, sending a thrilling vibration through me. “You want me, Aura, don't you?”

  “I need you.”

  “Lean back, gorgeous.” John's arm wrapped around my breasts and pulled me to him. He kept me kneeling and reached for Marin's cock. “I want to watch him slide into you, Aura. I want you to watch while he claims your body.”

  I was putty in their hands. I glanced down to see John's hand guide Marin's dick to the entrance he had just been playing with. Sliding him up and down my waiting cleft a few times, the three of us were focused completely on the point where Marin would enter me.

  I couldn't stop the trembling orgasm that overcame me as I watched him slip inside. John's hands grasped my breasts, squeezing them hard, but not painfully.

  “Magnificent. You're amazing, little demon. Such a welcoming little pussy. What do you think, Marin?”

  “Tight. Wet. So good.” He pulled me back to lay on his chest, kissing me as he moved ever so slowly inside me.

  I knew exactly what they were up to.

  Glancing behind me, I saw John with his hand wrapped around his own dick, moving slowly, watching us.

  I gave in. It was time to embrace the wanton nature of my whole being. I had these two, and they would do anything for me, for each other, for us. I could just let sex be fun, finally.

  “Do you want my ass, vampire?”

  “Sweet shit, yes I do.”

  “It's yours. Take it. While Marin fucks me from the front, I want you in the back.” I turned back to Marin. “And next time, I want you there. And then I want to see you two fucking.”

  “Well, well.” Marin's words were teasing. “There's that infamous succubus lust.” He speared my pussy hard once, twice. “I like the dirty mouth on you.”

  “I'd like to put my dirty mouth on you.”

  John grunted as a cool sensation ran down to the tight bud waiting for him. “Oh, a spitfire. Mm. I like.”

  I leaned comfortably on Marin's chest and looked back at John. “Shut up and fuck me, vampire.”

  “Have you ever had your ass claimed, demonling?”

  I nodded giving him a smirk. “I am a succubus, after all. We like sex. A lot.”

  “John, shut up and fuck her. She's just too good not to share with you.” Marin tucked my hair behind my ear and softly kissed along the shell. “She's perfect.”

  I felt the head of John's heavy cock press against the tight bud of my ass. The cool sensation of more lube dripped on my body made me shiver, and a moment more the tip of his dick pushed in. I let my whole body go limp to allow him in—and he was more than welcome. He filled me, slowly, working in a little at a time until I felt him pressed against my flesh completely. He held himself above me with bulging muscles and moved inside me slowly.

  “Isn't she exquisite?” Marin whispered.

  “So perfect.”

  And they started moving inside me, opposing their rhythms, sliding in and out, overwhelming me with the sensation of being utterly full, used in the best way, complete. They handled all of the work of fucking me well—I just had to be there. And there was no doubt that I was going to come and fast. I needed nothing to stimulate me anymore than these two males, fucking me, making love to me.

  It was a slow, easy orgasm that worked its way in and covered me like a blanket. I shook and shivered in between them, gasping wordlessly in pleasure. They drew me out and worked me in ways that kept my climax growing and changing until I just about passed out.

  I cracked my eyes open in time to see my two mates sharing a deep, passionate kiss over my body. It was so incredibly hot to see them kissing as they moved in me that I came again. My second climax made the two of them come as well, filling me with their cum and drawing me into the kiss in an odd, but passionate, confirmation of what we were all feeling right at that moment.

  Complete. Satisfied.

  Our own perfect balance point.




  Where the hell was he? The Complex had to be emptied by 1800 hours, and he was off screwing around in the bedroom.

  There wasn't even a bed in there anymore.

  Aura shook her head; she was always amused by us—and more so since we'd found out she was pregnant.

  It was Marin's biological child. I couldn't have children; it was a price of immortality. But we were all thrilled, and there was no doubt we were all the parents. It would be fun to have a little one around.


  “What!” He came in the main door, and here I had thought he was in the suite. Looking between us, he walked over to the table and slapped something on the surface. “I...uh...”

  I watched the expression slide off Auralym's face as she studied the document on the table. She looked up at Marin.

  “Do you know what this is?”

  He nodded.

  “Are you sure?”

  I leaned over. “What is it?”

  “A Needs Contract. It's a legal document stating that we are mates. There is no reneging on this.”

  I spun the contract to read it, and immediately noticed that all three of our names were on it. I didn't say anything. I wanted to see where he was going with this.

  “I know what it is. I know what it means. I had to dig up someone who could draw it up, which wasn't easy with everything shutting down.”

  “I don't understand...” Our little demon was truly confused.

  “I know we've all always said that labels and contracts and ceremonies don't mean
anything to us. We are what we are. But, we've been assigned to the security forces on Pinao, and that's where my family is. If I go there, and I am not legally bound to a mate, they can legally force me to impregnate other females. They can go so far as to make me a stud if I'm unwilling. And I already have eleven children I will never see and never know. I won't have any more against my will.” He sat down and laid his hand over hers—and mine. “This is for us. For the three…four of us. I don't want to be used or legally made to stud. I want this. What we have right here. I'm doing this because I love this. Us.”

  The implications of this guy, who could go out and sleep with as many women as he wanted on Pinao hunting down a legal document that included the three of us, was enormous. And I fell a little more in love with him right there.

  “We don’t have to sign it right now.” Marin tripped over his own words while Aura read over the sheet. It was quaint that he'd had it printed up on paper with ink and color decorations. I knew he was going to suggest we frame it once it was registered.

  We were meant to be. We had been happy all this time. It wasn't even a guess that we would stay together after the Complex shuttered and the experiment was weighed. By the end, I would have said it succeeded. We were about to find out if it fostered the good relations we all hoped it did.

  Marin wanted not only that experiment to succeed but this one. Our little family.

  It was clear that Auralym got it too. She gave him a blinding smile.

  “Got a pen?”

  The End

  Thank you so much for taking the time to read my novella from The Complex!

  All reviews are appreciated.

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