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A Charming Lady for the Intriguing Baronet: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 27

by Bridget Barton

  “Yes. Forgive me for frightening you, Selina. I clearly did not think this plan through.”

  “That is all right, Sir Russell. Thank you for catching me. Now I must be going–my father seems to have sent me on a wild goose chase.”

  She turned from him–quite in a hurry, he might add–and took a step before he interrupted her.

  “You have no need to leave, Selina. Your father sent you to me. I spoke with him.”

  “You?” she asked, sounding confused.

  She had not yet turned to face him, so he stood up and went to her. Her head went down, but that didn’t deter him.

  “I have a surprise for you, Selina. I am hoping that you would come with me to see it.”

  “Why would you have a surprise for me? After how I have treated you, I imagined that I would be the last person who deserved a surprise from you.” She looked at him. “Unless it is a bad surprise?”

  She looked so unsure of herself as she stood there, staring at him. He wanted her to feel comfortable with him, but that wouldn’t happen until they had cleared the air between them.

  “It could never be a bad surprise, Selina. You mean too much to me to do that to you.”

  Even in the dim light, he could see her cheeks become rosy.

  “Oh, w-well, that is kind of you to say.”

  “Perhaps we should lay our little spat to rest now, hmm? I think that we were both to blame for the misunderstanding between us.”

  “Oh no,” she argued. “It was I who refused to listen to you.”

  “But it was I who refused to understand you, Selina. You tried to explain your situation to me, but I was so set in my ways that I failed to acknowledge the truth of your words. You were right; I was a self-entitled fool accustomed to the freedom that my title and gender afforded me. I should have listened to you. I apologise for that. Would you forgive me?”

  “You would ask for my forgiveness when it is I who should be asking it from you? I insulted you, Sir Russell, more times than I care to remember. I was so embarrassed not to have known that you were a baronet that I became quite angry with you. I assumed that you were like any other man of your station, not caring for the lives of others, but I was wrong. The truth is that you are the kindest and most generous man with a heart of gold.” She looked away. “Somehow it seemed easier to rope you in with the other gentlemen that saw no problem in adversely affecting the lives of others. But you are not like that.”

  It warmed him to hear her speak of him in this manner. It gave him hope.

  “Now that we have both apologised to each other, can we begin again?”

  “Do you truly wish to do that?”

  He nodded. “More than anything.”

  She smiled and held out her hand. “Sir Russell, my name is Selina Seymour, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance.”

  He took it, surprising her by removing her glove.

  “Selina Seymour, it truly is a pleasure. I would be happy if you would call me Alex.”

  He kissed her trembling hand before curling his fingers around hers. She didn’t pull away.

  “Would you permit me to escort you to your surprise, Selina?”

  “I would like nothing better, Alex.”

  Selina could hardly believe that Alex was looking at her adoringly as he held her hand. She couldn’t see where they were going, but she found that she trusted him wholeheartedly. I cannot believe that I fainted! I have never fainted in my life, and here I choose to do so with Alex. Mama was right, you cannot choose when you are going to faint, it merely happens. It had been an odd experience, to say the least.

  One minute she was standing, and the next the world had gone dark. I imagine it was a mixture of heightened emotions, fright, and relief. And then to have woken up in his arms ... I could not believe it at first. My whole body was tingling with the nearness of him, but my mind was denying it. I could not help but lose my nerve and think of fleeing his presence. But then he had stopped her and actually apologised to her! More than that, he understood what I had been trying to tell him. What other man of his status would ever admit to being wrong?

  “The room is just up ahead,” Alex said. “It will not be long now.”

  “Do you suppose you could give me a hint of what I should expect?”

  He laughed. “Certainly not! But I daresay this will be a surprise you are likely to remember for the rest of your life.”

  “I have never been the most patient of people, Alex. Surely a small hint would not affect the outcome of the surprise?”

  “You will not sway me otherwise, my dear Selina.”

  She sighed. “Very well.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Do not sound so disappointed, my darling. The wait will be worth it–I guarantee you that.”

  She blushed at his term of endearment. He had never called her that before. Surely he would not just throw the word around? Could I be the woman he spoke of earlier on? No, do not get your hopes up too quickly, Selina. You must not think of it or assume anything until he tells you his true feelings. But it was a difficult thing to do when she felt so warmly towards him.

  The flutter of her heart, the sensation of butterflies in her belly, the slight catch of her breath whenever he was near, or the tingling feeling she had whenever he took her hand ... this had to mean love for her. And she trusted him, respected him, and loved being with him. Surely this is love? But how will I feel should he decide to be with another? The thought was so painful that she stopped walking.

  “Selina? Is there something wrong?”

  She took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she found the words to say. I cannot tell him that the thought of him being with another woman hurts me. I cannot confess my love for him until I know how he feels about me. She smiled, putting on a brave face.

  “No, Alex. I am perfectly all right. Let us continue.”

  She took a step forward, but he didn’t budge.

  “I can tell that there is something wrong.”

  “We can speak of it later. Right now I am anxious to see my surprise.”

  “If you insist ...”

  “Yes. Come, we should get moving. It will not be long before people realise that we are both missing from the ball.”

  He didn’t say anything but kissed the back of her hand and continued to lead her towards the surprise awaiting her. They eventually came to a building standing detached from the house.

  “This is it. Please stand here for just a moment while I ensure that everything is ready for you.”

  She nodded, suddenly feeling bereft as he let go of her hand. He disappeared into what she assumed was a type of house, but she was not frightened as there was more than enough lighting about the place. It wasn’t long before Alex came outside again.

  “Come, darling. There are two people who would love to meet you.”

  “People?” she said, holding back. “Why?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  She answered without much thought to it. “Yes.”

  “Then come,” he said and held out his hand to her.

  She took it, feeling slightly nervous about who she would meet inside. He led her into what was most definitely a quaint house with a little kitchen in the front and two more rooms branching off. He led her into the first room that resembled a sitting room. She stopped when she saw two figures standing by the window. One was definitely a woman, slender and blonde. She looked familiar, but she couldn’t think why. The other figure was a young girl as fair as her, holding her hand.

  “Can we turn now, Mama?” she asked.

  The woman nodded and slowly turned to face them. Selina’s jaw went slack. She vaguely felt Alex kiss her hand before releasing her.

  “Selina?” the woman said. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “Jane?” she whispered. “Is that really you?”

  Tears streamed down her dear friend’s face as she nodded.

  “But how? When?”

  Selina didn’t feel as though sh
e could move. She turned to Alex, searching his eyes. He only smiled down at her, his eyes wrinkling at the corners.

  “Go to her, Selina. I know how much you have missed her.”

  Her feet started moving, and before long she had covered the distance between her and Jane. She stopped in front of her, just staring at her face.

  “You are here; you are actually here. I cannot believe it.”

  She was almost too afraid to touch her only to find that she was merely a figment of her imagination.

  “Do I receive an embrace after all this time?” Jane asked.

  Selina didn’t need to be asked twice. She went to her friend and circled her arms around her, holding her close.

  “You are actually real,” Jane whispered against her hair.

  Selina chuckled. “I was thinking the very same thing.”

  “Oh Selina, you have no idea how much I have missed you!”

  “And I, you! I tried looking for you, but no one would tell me where you went.”

  They pulled away from each other but still kept their hands linked. Both their faces were wet as they looked at each other, Selina still not quite believing that her friend was really here.

  “My father believed that it would be best for me to break off all contact and start my life afresh elsewhere. But I missed you every day, always hoping that I would one day run into you.”

  “I actually searched for you, but no one would tell me where you went. Eventually, my father asked me to respect your wishes to leave our home and let you begin a new life. It hurt me to do so, but I thought about you nearly every day. My life has not been the same since you left.”

  “Oh, I am so sorry, Selina. I had no choice but to do as my father said. He only had my best interests at heart, but it did not make leaving all that I have known since a little girl any easier. Speaking of little girls,” she let go of Selina’s hand to bring her daughter forward. “Please meet Merida Rosely.”

  Selina’s eyes widened. “Merida?”

  Jane smiled. “I named her after you. Merida Katherine Rosely.”

  Merida was Selina’s second name, a reminder of her father’s Scottish roots. She bent down in front of the little girl who had latched onto her mother’s dress.

  “Hi, Merida. It is lovely to finally meet you. My name is Selina.”

  Merida slowly loosened her grip on her mother’s dress, a small smile about her rosebud mouth.

  “I know. Mama told me to look for a lady with hair like the ribbon in my hair.”

  She shyly turned around and showed Selina the ribbon.

  “And what a pretty ribbon it is.”

  Merida reached out and touched her hair, tugging on a ringlet.

  “You have pretty hair. I wish my hair was red like yours.”

  “But I love your hair, too. I always think that little girls with curly blonde hair look like angels.”

  Merida looked up at her mother. “Selina says I look like an angel, Mama. I like her.”

  Jane smiled. “I’m glad that you do, poppet because we are going to see a lot of Selina.”

  Selina gasped, standing up. “Does that mean you will be coming home to live with us?”

  “Not exactly. Sir Russell somehow found us and convinced us to come with him. He has kindly hired me to work on this estate, Selina.”

  She was flabbergasted. Alex had done all of this? Why?

  “He has promised to take care of Merida and I for the rest of our lives, Selina. And Merida, well she’s going to have the best education available. Sir Russell truly is a good man. I cannot thank him enough for all that he has done and is going to do for Merida and I. And he reunited us!”

  Alex! In her joy she had forgotten all about him. She turned around in time to see him enter the cosy sitting room.

  “Did I miss anything?” he asked, smiling. “I thought I would leave you two ladies alone to catch up.”

  Selina went to him and took his hand, staring up at him with all the admiration and love that she felt for him.

  “Thank you, Alex. Thank you.”

  She threw propriety out of the window and put her arms around him, hugging him close. Alex was at first stiff in her arms, but it didn’t take long for him to return her embrace. A little giggle interrupted them, and she pulled away, her cheeks rosy from holding on a tad too long. She was too embarrassed to look at Alex, so she turned to Jane instead, who stood there smiling at the both of them. Merida had a hand covering her mouth, but her little giggles could still be heard.

  “I think that we should go up to the ball,” Alex said. “They must be looking for us.”

  “Yes, Mama and Papa will be happy to see you again. I think that Ophelia still remembers you.”

  They walked up to the house, Selina’s hands linked with Jane’s. Alex trailed behind them, carrying Merida who was merrily chatting away. She clearly was quite attached to Alex, but then again, so was she. A thought suddenly occurred to her. What if the woman Alex was talking about was Jane? Her friend was a beautiful woman with a kind heart and a quiet spirit. She may be better suited for him than I ever will be. She certainly would not have insulted him as I have done. ’Tis my temper that does it.

  “Selina, you seem deep in thought. I am used to you being talkative unless you have changed in the years that we have been apart?”

  What could she say to Jane? She could not tell her the truth. If she were the one that Alex spoke of, then she would be happy for them. She loved him enough to let him go, and she wanted Jane to be happy. It would be history repeating itself. Alex’s father married a common woman and Alex will be doing the same. Perhaps this is fate. I shall be happy just to be friends with them. Perhaps I will never marry. I am sure that there are jobs for women like me. Mama and Aunt Dorothy may not like it, but I do not know if I will be able to find another man like Alex. And if I should get married, it will not be fair for my husband as I will be comparing him to Alex. No, marriage may not be the life for me.

  “I am just happy, Jane. I have my best friend back, and I am just taking it all in. I am still in shock, you know.”

  “If that is all it is, then I am happy to walk in silence with you and let Merida do all of the talking. I have never heard her talk so much. Alex must have the magic touch with children.”

  He will be an excellent father to Merida. That is what she needs.

  “Yes, Alex seems to be a man of many talents.”

  “I never did think that I would ever see you again, Selina. You are even more beautiful than I remember. Has no man made an offer for your hand yet?”

  “No. I am afraid that my brain and tongue are not what they want. I seem to be popular up until I open my mouth and talk.”

  “Then they cannot be the right men. What of Alex?”

  Selina gave her a side look. “What of him?”

  “He seems to be quite taken with you. He looked for me because of you. He has shown that he cares for you without having to say anything. Not many men would look for a common woman who had a child out of wedlock just to please someone, but he did it for you.”


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