Finding His Daddies
Page 12
“You okay?” I tilted my head at Reece.
“Uh…” He held up a finger and then wiped his face. “I have no idea. Everything’s so... tingly.”
I burst out laughing right along with Carsen. “That good, huh?”
“Fuck yes!” He groaned and shook his head. “I’ve jerked off before, sure, but that was something else entirely.” Slowly, he opened his eyes and glanced at us. “When can we do that again?”
I couldn’t contain my composure at the look of shock on Carsen’s face. Frankly, I probably had the exact same expression. I shook my head.
“Let the old guys rest up a while.” I laughed as I climbed off of the bed. “Let me get something to clean you up.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” he mumbled, his eyes already starting to close once more.
I had a feeling that he wasn’t going to be up much longer. It only took a few minutes to get a towel and get it damp. By the time I came back Reece was fast asleep with Carsen on his side running circles over Reece’s bare chest.
“I think we tired him out.” He looked up at me and grinned.
I shook my head and crossed to the bed before I sat down. “Poor thing. I’m sure he’ll be right back up tomorrow screwing with us.” I leaned down and kissed his forehead.
Carsen pulled me toward him. Our lips brushed together softly. Both of us were too exhausted to do more than kiss sweetly before we pulled apart. Carsen sighed and looked down at him.
“I guess there’s no going back now.”
I nodded. “Any regrets?”
Carsen’s smile widened. “Not a single fucking one.”
It felt so right being with both of them. Of course that little voice stayed in the back of my head telling me it was wrong, but I didn’t want to listen to that voice anymore. I didn’t want to be miserable my whole life because I wasn’t what my parents wanted me to be.
After last night and seeing how far they went just to make me happy, I had decided to go for it. Why the hell should I continue to be isolated and miserable when Lukas and Carsen wanted to make my life into so much more?
I smiled at both of them lying on either side of me. Carsen’s knee was thrown over my body like he wanted to keep me pinned there. Lukas’ hand was in my hair, scratching along my scalp until he’d passed out again early in the morning doing it.
I had never felt so safe.
The only downside of my current situation was the fact that I was pinned under two hot guys... that were asleep. Sunlight came through the curtains and not the morning blue that meant it was stupid early. I squirmed, but Carsen squeezed his leg.
Well fuck.
I tried to shimmy around to get away from under them, but nope. I was stuck. I had no phone and nothing to do but stare at the ceiling. That wasn't going to do. I also didn't want to wake them up, but... I did want attention.
Which one would be easier to wake up? Lukas was used to sleeping late so I went for Carsen. I pushed my finger against his nose and pinched his cheeks. When that didn't work I started to flick his nipple over and over again. He frowned in his sleep, his nose twitched and he slapped at my hand, but he was still fast asleep.
Damn. I found Lukas' phone on the bed and smiled. It was locked, but I didn't need it unlocked anyway. I swiped the camera open and started snapping shots of Carsen with his mouth hung open. I angled the phone and the flash blared across his face. Carsen shot up, his head swiveled around and finally, he focused a glare on me.
"What the hell are you doing, boy?"
I smiled innocently. "I was bored. So I had a little photoshoot."
Carsen reached for the phone, but I snatched it away. "Ah, ah, ah. These are mine to keep. As soon as Lukas wakes up I'm printing them."
"Don't you dare." His eyes narrowed. "I'm warning you."
"Ooh a warning. That sounds very serious."
Carsen dove for the phone again but I quickly moved out of the way. All of our scrambling made Lukas groan. He opened one eye and glared at both of us.
"Are we forgetting that I'm not a morning person?"
I hopped away from Carsen and snuggled up against Lukas. "Daddy's being mean."
Lukas wrapped an arm around me. "Is he? Carsen, don't be mean to the baby."
I beamed. "I'm the baby."
Lukas nodded with his eyes still half-closed. "Mmm-hmm the cutest baby. What are you trying to hide under my pillow?"
"It's just your phone." I smiled. "I took some pictures and the meanie doesn't like it."
"I was asleep!" Carsen gripped my shoulder and slammed me down against the bed. I gasped and squirmed when he climbed on top of me. "I mean it. I better not find any pictures later. Do you understand me?"
Oh, I understood him. I also knew that I had just found the perfect thing to do with my day. Carsen's hand went around my throat. I moaned.
"If I say no will you choke me harder? I didn't think that would feel so good. I get why people are into it now."
Carsen sat up and threw his hands into the air. "That's it. I'm done. I'm gonna go shower for work."
I grinned. When I glanced up at Lukas he was stifling a laugh. He waved me over and I happily crawled up and cuddled against him.
"Stop driving Carsen nuts." He teased.
"He likes it. Even if he pretends he doesn't."
When Carsen came out of the bathroom he glanced at the two of us all cuddled up. Sometimes I wondered if I would create problems for them being the third, but then I saw the way he smiled at us and I relaxed. Carsen put on his uniform and then walked over to the bed.
"I'm heading out." He leaned down and kissed Lukas. "I love you. Call me if you want me to grab dinner on the way home."
Lukas smiled. "Thank you, hon."
Carsen glanced at me, but hesitated. I sat up. "Don't I get a kiss too?"
He smiled and tugged me forward. Our lips brushed against each other’s before his tongue traced mine. Slowly, he kissed me until my knees felt weak and my head was spinning. I moaned softly and clung to him.
He transfixed me with those heated, intense eyes. "Behave yourself for Daddy Lukas."
I shivered. "I like it when you call him that." I ran a hand over Lukas' leg. "I'll be very, very well behaved for Daddy Lukas."
"Good boy." Carsen smiled. "If I find out otherwise when I get home..."
"I'll get a spanking?" I perked up.
"You are not supposed to be happy about that." Carsen kissed my forehead and then Lukas’. "I'll be home later."
We both called goodbyes until Carsen was gone. I glanced at Lukas and he looked back at me. It was our first time together without Carsen. It felt a little weird. I toyed with the blanket.
"Breakfast?" Lukas asked. "I have to work today, but you're welcome to hang out in the office while I do."
"Really?" I frowned. "I won't be too much of a distraction?" I scratched the back of my head. "I need to figure out what I'm going to be doing here. I can't just leech off of you and Carsen forever."
"Hush now, no one's worried about that right now."
I tilted my head. “You guys will be eventually.”
“That’s true, but only because we want you to be fulfilled and happy.” He smiled at me. “What were you going to school for?
“Music.” I smiled at the thought of it. “I can play piano, guitar, violin and I sing. I was thinking about doing something classical or maybe becoming a rock star!”
“A rock star?” He thought about it. “I could see that. You have a ton of energy. You should get back into it.”
I nodded. “I want to, but I don’t have my guitar or violin or anything anymore.” I sighed. “I had to leave all of them behind because when I tried to take them my father hid them away from me.”
Lukas caressed my cheek. “Well, he can’t take shit from you anymore. We’re going to figure all of this out.” Lukas pushed himself up. "Go get me a cup of coffee and I'll make you something to eat.
I perked right back up. I hopped up and planted a big kiss on his lips. "Okay!"
"What are you doing over there?"
I'd asked to borrow Lukas' phone not long ago. He had another laptop that he only used in emergencies and happily let me use it and his cell. Bad move on his part. I scrolled through the pictures before I stopped on one and whistled.
"You are really, really naked in this picture." I smiled at the image of Lukas on his knees on the bed, his chest pushed out and his knees open just slightly enough to show how hard he was. "And it is really fucking hot."
Lukas peered over my shoulder. "Is this why you wanted my phone? Nudes?"
"Well not at first, but it's a really nice find." I gasped. "Can we take pictures like this and send them to Carsen?"
He grinned. "Do you want to?"
"Will it fuck with him?"
Lukas raised a brow. "Why do you want to fuck with him?"
I grinned and shrugged. "It's kind of fun. Admit it.”
"It is kind of fun." Lukas grinned back at me. "Sure, let's have a photo shoot. I could use a little break anyway."
I bounced excitedly in my chair. "Hold on, I just have to do one thing first."
Lukas walked off to meet me in the bedroom. I continued to scroll through the pictures until I found what I was looking for. I printed off the morning's pictures, snagged some tape and began to put them up around the house. Two even ended up outside, one on the mailbox and one on the front door. I said I would behave for Lukas, I never mentioned behaving for anyone else today.
When I walked into the bedroom I handed Lukas his phone. He had a questioning look on his face, but he didn't say anything. Good, the less he knew the better. I grinned and slipped out of my clothes for the day. I felt comfortable once again ditching my usual boxers and was wearing white, lacey panties with garters underneath. Lukas' fingers slid over the lingerie and he whistled.
"You look amazing," Lukas purred and ran his fingers over my skin next. "Get on the bed."
"Yes, Daddy." I leaned against him and we kissed briefly before I hopped onto the bed. "How do you want me?"
Lukas grinned. "I have so many answers for that and none of them involve taking pictures." He shivered. "I'll show you how to pose."
In the end, we sent three pictures. One with me posed like Lukas from the pictures I'd found, one with Lukas showing off way too much gorgeous ass that made me want to die and one with the two of us. That was my favorite. Lukas had set up his camera and did timed pictures and the one that looked the best had me sitting on his lap with his hand shoved inside of my panties and a mischievous grin on his face.
"Just sent them," Lukas laughed. "Carsen's probably going to murder us tonight."
"Oh, you have no idea." I leaned up and kissed him softly. "I can't wait until he gets home."
I always wanted to get home to Lukas, but it was worse today. Every time I stared at the clock time seemed to be dripping by so slowly. I wondered what they were doing? Was Reece okay after our night together? Had he spiraled back into depression again? He had his first therapy session this week and I was worried that he might end up feeling bad again.
“Where’s your mind?” Collins perched on the edge of my desk and he smiled. “You’ve been staring at that computer all day.”
I glanced up at my partner and scratched my head. “Just distracted I guess. Home shit.”
Ryder frowned. “Are you and Lukas having problems?”
I snorted at the thought of Lukas and me having problems. Sure, we had our fights just like any couple but he was the most stable relationship I had ever been in. Add in Reece and things had just gotten better, not worse. I couldn’t reveal the fact that I had another boyfriend though. I had to keep that close to my chest.
Boyfriend. I paused. Was that what he was? Damn, there were so many nuances to starting a new relationship. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions and call him our boyfriend, but it felt right.
“Hey,” Collins snapped his fingers in front of my face. “Seriously, man. What is going on?”
I smiled. “I just had a long night and I can’t wait to get home.” I signed my name in a file and then set it to the side. “I’m going home and spending the night with my boyfriend. We’re perfectly fine.”
“Well something’s got your mind all scrambled.” He poked my chest. “Just make sure you can focus on work.”
I grinned. “When have I ever let you down?”
Collins nodded. "True, you are fucking fantastic at your job."
My phone buzzed. "Of course I am. If you start to doubt me I'll have to kick your—" I opened up my messages and choked.
“You okay? Malone?” He slapped my back hard and I quickly turned off my phone so he wouldn’t see why I was choking like an idiot.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay.” I yanked up my bottle of water and downed some of it before I coughed and wiped a hand across my mouth. “Fine. I’ll be out in a minute. I need to finish up some paperwork and then my shift is over.”
Collins tilted his head, but finally he nodded slowly. “Alright... Maybe you need some rest. Might be a good idea to take tomorrow off, partner.”
“Maybe you’re right.” I smiled at him. “I have been working a shit ton lately.”
“I’m always right.” Collins hopped down and snagged the file he was looking for. “Take it easy.”
“Yeah, I will.”
I glanced after Collins. He was my partner and I had been forced to lie to him. He knew I was gay, but he was the only one in the precinct who had that information. Even that was pushing the envelope. I couldn’t explain that I was polyamorous as well. That wasn’t accepted and even asking him to be okay with it was a fucking lot.
“Later.” I pushed away my concerns. Things weren’t going to change overnight. I finally stared down at my phone.
My cock stirred and I groaned under my breath. What the hell were those two doing! They looked so happy and cute together. And Reece in those panties? I wanted to go right home and bury myself in both of them. I checked the time. Almost the end of my shift and then I would be home like the devil was on my ass to get to my man and the little brat that we’d started falling for.
Each minute that dragged by made me more anxious. It was like the universe wanted to keep me away from them for as long as possible. The minute my phone read six I snatched up my shit and was out the door.
I made it home in record time and climbed out of my car. It was routine for me to grab the mail so I strolled to the box and stopped. There was a picture of me stretched out in the bed, mouth wide open. I knew exactly who had taken that picture. I snatched it down and the one on the front door before I stormed into the house.
Lukas popped his head into the hallway from his office. “He’s out back about to clean the pool. Why are you yelling?”
“First of all, pictures.”
Lukas smiled. “Did you like them? We thought you might want some entertainment for the day.”
“I almost choked to death and Collins almost saw them.”
Lukas’ lips parted. “I’m... I’m so sorry. Did you get in trouble?”
I pulled Lukas forward. “No, it’s okay. And I really liked them.” I pushed him up against the wall and kissed him until he slid down and I had to hold him up. “My issue is this.”
I handed Lukas the picture. There I was in all of my half sleep and half naked glory. Lukas looked it over and then slapped a hand over his mouth. He couldn’t muffle the cackle that slipped out.
“He’s such a little shit,” he barked out and laughed in earnest. “I kept wondering what he wanted to use my phone for today.”
“Don’t encourage his bullshit!” I released my boyfriend and stalked down the hall. The first part was clear, but when we walked into the kitchen it was littered with more pictures. So was the back door which was damn near completely covered in printed out pictures of me sleepin
g. “That’s it. I’m going to tan his hide.”
“Carsen, no,” Lukas laughed. “He’s just trying to rile you up.”
“Mission accomplished.” I yanked open the sliding door. Reece stood near the pool in the same white, frilly panties that he’d worn in the pictures. I crossed the space between us quickly and gripped the back of his neck. “What did I tell you this morning?”
Reece squealed. “You said that I had to be good for Lukas! You never said I had to be good for you.”
Lukas barked out a laugh. I glared at him and he quickly pressed his lips together, but it was crystal clear that he was enjoying every second. I tried to hide the fact that I was slightly amused myself. I grabbed Reece by his arm.
“I warned you, didn’t I?”
Reece pursed his lips. “I wasn’t really clear on the threat.” He swirled his finger on my chest. “I don’t do well without clear boundaries.” His lips tugged into a smile.
I nodded. I didn’t say a word as I pulled him over to one of the lounge chairs near the pool. I settled into one and then I yanked him down onto my lap. Reece pressed his palms against the ground. His butt was left up, vulnerable. I ran my hand over his lacey clad ass. Reece shoved it up against my palm and wiggled.
Okay, so he was a complete and total brat. If I’d thought he was bad before, I clearly had no idea what I was talking about. Reece’s brattiness had grown and he seemed even more confident than he had previously. I didn’t mind the confidence, in fact, I loved it. That didn’t mean I was going to put up with him being a little shit.
I lifted my hand and swatted Reece’s ass. He jolted forward, a squeal on his lips. My cock stirred. I brought my palm down against his skin over and over again. Reece squirmed and tried to kick himself free, but my other palm pressed against his lower back prevented that from happening.