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Promises (The Kings of Guardian Book 14)

Page 9

by Kris Michaels

  “What?” Dixon and Drake spoke in unison again.

  “Again, stop that shit.” Joseph smiled at each of them. “They have fittings for their dresses tomorrow. The children will have a part in the ceremony. Jared, Christian and you will renew your vows with the rest of us. If you don’t do rings, that’s on you, but you will both be on that beach. Understood?”

  Christian nodded his head, and Jared chuckled. “Guess we can find rings, too.”

  He smiled at Christian, who nodded. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  “So, what’s the big deal?” Jacob put his hands on his hips. “This island has a Diamonds International on it. We walk in, point to what we want, and bingo, done.”

  Joseph shrugged. Tomorrow was Sunday and everything but the tourist stops would be closed. He’d also arranged to have Gracie and Gabriel’s plane down for maintenance. Chad and Jasmine had rented a private charter to deliver them and pick them up. It would force the men to wade through literally thousands of tourists to get to the store. Getting to the counter would be impossible. He smiled. “Glad you have a plan, little man. Glad you have a plan.” He nodded at Dan, who gave him a look like he’d gone insane, and they both headed to the bridge.

  Smoke closed the bridge door. “You realize cruise boats are going to dock tomorrow morning.”

  “I do.” Joseph sat down and put his feet up on the rail circling the counter.

  “And it’s Sunday.”


  Smoke chuckled and hit the button to lift anchor. “Oh, shit. They have a celebrity with them. Dude, that’s fucked up. That guy is a mega superstar in the music world. One person says his name and it will be mayhem.”

  Joseph snorted. “A minor inconvenience.”

  “Yeah, the same way a death sentence is minor. They’ll be lucky to get out of there alive.” Smoke sniggered and pushed the throttle forward. “Why are you being so nice?”

  Joseph sighed and dropped his head back, staring at the ceiling. “I think I’m mellowing in my old age.”

  Smoke glanced at him and started laughing. He stared at his friend and then glared at him. Not that fucking funny.

  The men huddled in a circle. “There’s a catch.” Jacob stared after Joseph. Jared crossed his arms and drew a deep breath. Yeah, there probably was.

  “But what?” Chad rubbed the back of his neck.

  “I don’t know. This isn’t a big issue. He dropped the announcement like it was something important, though,” Justin agreed.

  “It should be easy enough. We’ll all meet at Joseph’s tomorrow about noon, head down to the port, and go buy the rings.” Jared looked at everyone as he spoke.

  “There is something else,” Nic said from the chair where his ass had been planted. His inner ear imbalance was giving him hell, but he’d hung tough all day.

  “Ember’s pregnant, so he wouldn’t do anything at the ceremony.” Jason scrubbed his face. “So is Faith, by the way.”

  “And Jasmine,” Chad added.

  A round of congratulations, handshakes, and bear hugs happened before they all settled down again. The harbor grew closer as they stared out into the water. “You know, maybe he’s mellowed in his old age,” Jared suggested.

  “Joseph?” Jacob’s voice hit an octave no man’s voice should ever hit.

  “I stand corrected.” He sat down beside Christian. “So, you’re going to marry me again?”

  “I will and I am,” Christian laughed. “You’ve mellowed in your old age.”

  Jared lifted an eyebrow. “Is that right?”

  Christian drew away and smiled. “That’s right.”

  “Christian?” Jared leaned toward his husband.

  “Yeah?” Christian answered.

  “When we get to Joseph’s… run.”

  He watched his husband’s eyes dilate and heard the soft rush of air from his lungs. “Run fast.”

  Christian nodded and swallowed hard; his Adam’s apple bobbed. “Yeah, I’ll run, but you better be chasing me.”

  “No, I’ll be catching you. You better make it to our room, or we’ll be putting on a show.”

  Christian’s breath caught. “Fuck.”

  Jared leaned in and growled, “Exactly.”

  Chapter 13

  Dixon stared at the snarl of pedestrian traffic. “What the actual fuck? Cruise ships? He knew, didn’t he? He fucking knew.” The cars that had dropped them off had left, and they were on foot… in hostile territory.

  All heads nodded north and south. Jacob swore, low and pissed off. “Yeah, the fucker knew, and he couldn’t have planned it better. Dixon, how long would it take to get Gracie to Miami?”

  Drake answered, “Not long, Skipper, but that’s not the problem.”

  Jason turned toward him. “What is the problem?”

  “Gabriel said he was going to have his pilots ferry both planes back to undergo maintenance while we were here,” Dixon replied.

  “Well, this is a problem.” Chad pulled his hat down farther and ducked his head. “Guys, if someone recognizes me, we’re screwed.”

  Zane stepped in front of Chad, blocking him from view of some of the people who formed a wall-to-wall barrier between them and the store where they needed to be. “We can get you there.”

  “Yeah, and what happens when someone recognizes him in the store?” Nic asked. “You saw what the people at the restaurant did to him.”

  “They have private areas for big spenders. They have to. With all of us buying rings, they’ll move us into one of the areas they have set up. Then it will be a matter of getting you back. The cars will pick us up here,” Jason spoke as he moved so he was blocking Chad from another angle.

  Jacob turned to face them. “Look, we have to do this, so from this point forward this is an op. Pure and simple. Chief, you take the point. Dixon, Drake, you flank us, Zane and Jason, you are on Chad like fucking glue, you are his last line of defense. Jared, you’re with Christian, and Justin, you’re with Nic—you are the roving blockers. If anyone seems too interested, you get in their way. Adam and I have our six. The store is one klick away north by northeast. We’ve covered rougher territory with more at stake, but I’ve seen this guy’s fans. They are feral. The LZ is hot, we have no weapons but our wit, and according to my wife, that won’t get us far, but we don’t have a choice. If we fail, Chad will become dog chow and our women will know we didn’t have a hand in this event. I, for one, liked the thank-you sex I got last night.” He glanced around. Dixon agreed. He’d obtained a nine-and-a-half last night. Even though his little assassin would never admit it, she dug the fact the rest of the women included her in the girly things.

  There was a grumble of agreement as they took up their positions. Chief made sure everyone was ready and stepped off. The mass of humanity that filled the port area decried any personal space. They moved forward, splitting the crowd of people coming off the cruise ships. They pushed upstream against the flow of swimsuit-wearing, coconut-smelling, suntan lotion-slathered tourists. Everyone stared at them. Dixon huffed and elbowed past people who’d stopped in the middle of the street to take pictures. Of course, they would stare. Their sizes alone would make them a spectacle, but the fact they were parting the crowd and hiding a man at the center of their formation drew even more eyes. They turned the corner, and he drew a breath. He could see the damn sign. Thank God.

  He saw a woman tap another’s arm and point to Chad. Damn it. They had less than a block to go. “Chief.” His one-word warning pushed them forward at a higher clip. Damn it. Joy wasn’t much for bling, but he wanted to get her a ring to celebrate their decision to start a family. Something she could pass down to their grandchildren someday.

  “Move.” Jared pointed to the store, and they darted to the tan building with the dark brown awning. They walked into the interior store area as one person, bringing every store clerk’s eyes to them. Mike walked up to the first employee he saw. “We need to see the manager immediately.”

  The woman blink
ed at him and swept her eyes past him to the men behind him. “One moment, please.” She put the ring she was showing back in the display case and locked it.

  “But I wanted that ring,” a woman sputtered as the employee scooted behind the counter.

  Mike glanced at the display and shook his head. He looked the woman up and down and smiled slowly. “You’d look better in rose gold.”

  Fuck. Dixon fought his smile when he watched the woman melt under Mike’s attention. Chief had game; he really did. Who would have known? The woman’s hand went to her throat, and she smiled in a kind of shell shocked way. “Do you really think so?”

  Mike nodded. “Absolutely.”

  The manager made her way to them. “Sir, may I be of assistance?” Chief leaned down and whispered in the woman’s ear. Her eyes grew large, and she nodded. “But of course. Right this way.”

  “See, I told you, that is Chad Nelson.” The woman Dixon had noticed earlier pointed to Chad.

  “Oh, shit.” Chad crowded past Jason and followed Chief. Zane moved up to lead the way and Jason was glued to his back.

  The rippling murmur that went through the crowd grew louder. Dixon was never so glad to be shoehorned into a small room with too many people. The manager turned to them and smiled. “Now, what can we help you with?” She sized them up the way a tailor sized up a suit.

  “We each need to buy a ring,” Jason explained.

  “But of course. I will be glad to help. Who is first?”

  Mike spoke. “Platinum band, oval stone, baguettes on either side in the first display case on the right. Sized to a size five, please.”

  The manager’s eyes widened. “You’ve been looking at our collection. An excellent choice. One minute.”

  “How the fuck?” Jacob looked at Mike.

  He shrugged. “It was the ring the woman was looking at. I liked it and I think Taty would, too.”

  Seven hours later, Jacob was over the entire concept. Adam was the last to choose his ring, and it was being sized.

  He motioned over the manager. “We need a way through the throng of people and back to where our cars are going to pick us up.” He’d just called Tori and asked her to have the cars pick them up where they’d dropped them off.

  She smiled at him. “Sir, there is hardly anyone out there. Three of the ships have already set sail, and the last is waiting on a tour that has obviously been delayed, or they’d be gone, too.”

  She opened the door of the room where they’d waited. “We’ll close after we’ve finished sizing your friend’s purchase.” The employees in the outer area smiled. “But if I may, would Mr. Nelson be able to sign a few autographs and pose for pictures with my staff?”

  “Absolutely.” Chad gave one of his smiles and Jacob watched the woman melt. He went out into the store and did the whole meet-and-greet thing.

  Jason moved over beside him. “I couldn’t live that way. I had no idea it was so bad.”

  Jacob nodded. “He doesn’t have much freedom. I think that’s why he likes the family events. He can just be himself; he doesn’t have to be ‘on’.”

  Adam pocketed his ring, and they all meandered out to the front of the store. It took another ten minutes for Chad to satisfy all the selfie requests, and Christian took several group photos for people.

  “I need a drink,” Mike grumped from beside him.

  “We all need a drink,” Jason agreed. Jacob snapped his head around to his brother. Jason chuckled and shook his head. “Ginger ale. I’m fucking thirsty.”

  Jacob’s heart slowed a bit. His brother was a rock for the organization and under a lot of stress, but he’d made a meeting every day while on the island.

  “Let’s go.” Chad rubbed his hands together and headed to the door. Zane caught up with him and dropped a hand on his shoulder. “Whoa there, partner, let me make sure we are clear.”

  Chad stopped and motioned to the door that the manager had unlocked and opened for them. Zane walked out, looked right and left, and then turned back to the crowd. “We are home-free.”

  “Thank God.” Jacob breathed the words as they left the store. They’d been treated very well by the attentive staff, but damn it, Joseph was going to pay for that shit.

  “You know,” Jacob said loud enough so that the entire group could hear him. “He’s going to have to pay for this.”

  “No.” Adam shook his head. “I will not be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.”

  “No shit,” Chad agreed. “Today was okay because the staff was amazing, but it could have gotten really ugly.”

  “I say let him have his revenge and leave it alone,” Nic gave his two cents.

  “I’d love to punch him in the face, but the smart play is to let it go,” Zane concurred.

  He glanced over at Dixon and Drake. They smiled and winked at him in complete unison. Fuck, that was weird as shit. Well, at least he could count on the Wonder Twins.

  “I’m going to stay out of it. The vacation idea was great, but I’m not getting into a feud with Joseph. We will not win,” Jason added.

  “Not worth it,” Chief interjected his opinion into the conversation.

  “What he said.” Jared pointed at Mike.

  Christian nodded. “I’m with him.” He pointed at his husband.

  Jacob walked up to the waiting cars and opened the door. “I am very disappointed in all of you.”

  Jason chuckled. “Don’t be stupid, Jacob. Your kids need a father.”

  Dixon and Drake shot each other a look. Dixon shot him a look. “Hey, Skipper?”


  Drake shrugged, “We’re out.”

  Jacob groaned. He got in the car and stared out the window. A smile spread across his face. Even with all the bullshit with the crowds, today had been fun. Hell, the entire vacation had been damn near perfect. Tomorrow they’d line the beach and reaffirm their promises. For the future, for their families, and for love that bound them to the women and man who made this crazy life worthwhile.

  Chapter 14

  Frank put his arm around Amanda. The sunset beach ceremony had been perfect. He watched as his grandchildren ran up and down the beach and the men and women he loved, his family, laughed and celebrated with champagne.

  The vows they’d repeated were profound and fitting. Knowing Joseph had written them had made them emotional for everyone. The words he’d memorized along with all the others filtered through his mind.

  Our love has grown every day. This ring symbolizes my promise to continue to love, honor, and cherish you. Time has only strengthened our union. I will be there for you, in good times and in bad. I vow to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to fulfill my promise. My promise is forged by life, strengthened by your love, and made without reservation.

  “Is this what Joseph told you and Gabriel about before we left?” Amanda leaned into him. A piece of her hair blew across her cheek.

  He tucked the strand behind her ear and nodded. “Joseph arranged everything.”

  Amanda laid her head on his shoulder. “That is quite the sight.”

  Frank chuckled at the words. He’d said the same thing many years ago when he first watched the family gather for Talon’s christening. “We have an incredible family.”

  Amanda lifted her head and smiled up at him. “But they’re still a handful, aren’t they?”

  He laughed, “God, yes.”

  Gabriel and Anna moved over beside them. “Look.” He pointed toward Dixon, Drake, and Jacob.

  “Oh, no.” Amanda shook her head. “Will they ever grow up?”

  “God, I hope not. This is going to be fun.” Anna’s hand covered her mouth, and she laughed.

  “Oh, no. Jade’s in on it,” Gabriel chuckled.

  Jade pulled Ember away from Joseph, pointing the opposite direction from where Dixon, Drake, and Jacob were coming from. Instinct must have clicked in, but Joseph was a second too late. All three men grabbed Joseph and carried him into the surf.

  “I think the idea was to get Joseph wet,” Amanda laughed as Joseph dunked Jacob. A shouted whoop came from Jade, who tackled Dixon and sent him into the water. Jared took down Drake and then all the grandchildren flung themselves into the water. Jason gave a war cry and ran into the surf with Reece on his shoulders.

  Frank laughed until tears formed. Gabriel brought a hand down on his shoulder. “I’ve said it before, but those men and women are our nation’s future. I couldn’t imagine how the world would look without them.”

  Jewell and Zane walked up to them. Jewell carried her laptop clenched to her chest. “I’m sorry for interrupting. I hate to bring up work when everyone is so happy, but I think I found out what was on Vista’s hard drive.”

  Gabriel looked at Frank, and they excused themselves from their wives. They moved over to the corner of the deck. “Go ahead.”

  Jewell cleared her throat and opened the tablet. “There were extra letters and numbers in the duplicate code. Vista got more information than we thought, but I don’t think we were his only data-mine because he wouldn’t have gotten this. Not from us. I’m not sure if this is the truth or if the bastard is playing games with us from the grave.”

  “Explain that for them.” Zane put his hand on her arm. Whatever she’d found had rattled her. Frank watched as his daughter’s hand trembled so badly she clenched her fist.

  “Gabriel, I wouldn’t know the significance of this if I didn’t work this case for you years ago.” She cleared her throat and showed them a screen with random numbers. “I made a program to put the letters into words and then form the most logical sentence from those words. It came up with thousands of sentences, most gibberish, but this made my heart stop.” She pushed the space bar and the following words appeared.


  Both he and Gabriel recoiled. “The numbers?” Gabriel shot the question out quickly.

  “They could be longitude and latitude. The variables, when using them in random order, put them all over the globe. I’d need to get back to my office and go through a process of elimination.”


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