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Jumping Feet First

Page 14

by Melissa Stevens

  “I’m glad I could help. I’m not much help with the sheep, though if I have my way, I’ll get better at it,” he glanced at her then away again, “but I can cook. I can do other things to help out.” He was quiet a moment then spoke again. “I can find other ways to make you want to keep me around.”

  Ally laughed and shook her head as she stood. She took both plates to the sink and rinsed them before opening the dishwasher. Before she could load the first plate, James was on his feet and moving around the kitchen.

  “I was going to clean up.”

  “You cooked, I can help clean.” She put the dishes in the sink into the dishwasher to be run.

  In the end, James did most of the cleaning and Ally only loaded the dishwasher. Working together they got the kitchen cleaned up in no time.

  “What next?” James asked as he hung the hand towel off the cabinet handle where Ally kept it.

  “Next, I need a shower. I’ve been outside with the animals and working with wool and chemicals all day. I need to wash it all off before I do anything else.”

  “Now that sounds like a job I could get into.” James smiled as he tugged her against him. She resisted the urge to melt against him as he covered her mouth in a gentle, probing kiss.

  Ally’s world narrowed first to the room, then to just the two of them. Her hands came up to curl around his arms. The world swam and all that held her upright was his arms around her. His strength.

  When she broke away, she gasped, wondering how long they’d been standing there.

  “You want some help with that shower?” James’ voice had gone low and husky.

  “I think I rather would.” She turned and started for the stairs, stopping a few steps later to look back over her shoulder and give him a coy grin. “You coming?”

  Chapter 27

  Hell yes he was going, but James didn’t say that, instead, he followed her, sticking close as she climbed the stairs and started down the hall.

  “You go ahead, I put my bags in here earlier, I didn’t want to pressure you. Let me grab what I need and I’ll be right behind you.” James ducked into the bedroom he’d used the last time he’d been here, and dug out his hygiene bag and a clean pair of underwear before continuing down the hall to Ally’s bedroom. The door stood open, inviting him in. he stepped inside and looked around for the first time. He wasn’t surprised to find it mostly utilitarian. With only a few frills and decorative bits, a bit of lace on her dresser and a large intricate knit piece on the wall, both looked handmade and like they took hours. He wondered if she’d made them herself.

  “Ally?” He wasn’t sure which of the two doors she’d gone through, both were slightly open and lit on the other side, the only difference he saw off hand, was which side of the room they sat on.

  “In here.”

  James followed the sound of her voice, pushing the door open before leaning his shoulder against the door jamb as he watched her. Ally wore only a bra and panties as she stood in front of the single sink and scrubbed a washcloth over her face before dropping the cloth into a laundry basket in the corner on her way to the glass enclosed shower.

  “Wow. Not what I was expecting in here.” James couldn’t help but notice the room was twice the size he’d expected.

  “Right?” Ally turned on the water and adjusted the dial. “This was a major plus when I looked at the place, I think they took out a bedroom to get this much space.” Waved one hand around the room and James couldn’t argue. In addition to the shower, there was also a large tub to one side and a small walled off area held the toilet. That alone told him the remodel had been recent, the divided room hadn’t been popular for long. He’d always thought it was a little strange, but now that he was in the room with another person, he could see its advantages.

  “You’re probably right.” He turned his attention back to Ally and found she’d slipped off her bra and was in the process of sliding her underwear off her hips. James stood, unable to stop himself from staring as she stepped into the shower and shot him a tempting smile over her shoulder. It wasn’t until she picked up a bottle and made a show of adding a little to her hand and rubbing it into her skin that forced himself to move.

  James’s clothes came off in record time. He toed off his shoes and dropped the rest in a pile nearby before joining her in the shower.

  “Here, let me do that for you.” He took the soap and with it, washed every inch of her delectable skin, paying close attention to her reactions. This was a long, drawn out foreplay and he was going to milk it for everything it was worth.

  After they’d taken turns washing and teasing each other in the shower, James stepped out first and quickly dried off before grabbing a clean towel and turning back to where Ally had finished a final rinse of her hair and was now stepping out.

  “Let me,” he said as she reached for a towel. He blotted the water from her skin, occasionally kissing a droplet away instead of using the towel. Dry, Ally took his hand and tugged him into the bedroom.

  They stood for a moment next to the bed, until Ally tilted her head back and looked up at him. He wondered for a moment what she was thinking but when she went up on her toes, he no longer had any doubt. He met her half way, their mouths met but he let her set the pace. She stepped closer and James wrapped an arm around her waist. Her naked body pressed against his and he couldn’t keep his body from reacting, he didn’t try. Blood thundered in his ears as her smooth skin slid against his. His dick throbbed. Ally’s hand slid along his hip and even if he’d wanted to, he couldn’t keep his cock from becoming rock hard.

  “I’ve been waiting for this.” Ally’s hand slid up his chest. “Dreaming of this.”

  James’s breath caught in his throat.

  “Dreaming of you.” She trailed kisses along his skin.

  James groaned and ran one hand up the smooth warmth of her back. He’d thought about it too. Fantasized about how she’d taste, how she’d react. How well they would fit. They’d only just begun, but so far? There was no comparison. His imaginings paled into dim memories at the scorching reality of Ally in his arms. Her touch seared his awareness and every caress of her lips made him ache.

  After a moment she pulled away, just enough to smile up at him as she pushed him back against the bed. James’s legs hit the edge of the mattress. She kept pushing, so he sat. He tried to pull her down with him, but instead she nudged his knees apart and stepped between them. There was so much to distract him, her body there, in front of his face waiting to be touched, licked, teased, but he restrained himself and looked up to find her watching him.

  “I want to enjoy this. To take our time. You wanted to wait until the time was right. I want to savor the moment.” Ally trailed one finger along his jaw then down the side of his neck. “To take my time and make the most of every touch. You held off until this was more than physical between us, now I’m going to make sure we both feel it all the way to our souls.” Her hand flat against his chest pushed him back till he lay staring up at her as she moved to kneel on either side of his hips. “I’m going to knock your socks off.” She glanced down toward where his legs disappeared over the edge of the bed. “If you were wearing any, that is.”

  It started with a kiss. A sensual brush of lips, the teasing brush of a hand, and soon all concept of time was lost. James didn’t care what time it was, what day it was, or even what century. All that mattered was the woman in his arms and their growing passion.

  James let her touch him however she wanted, lost himself in her touch, until all he could think of was the next brush of her lips against his skin. She pulled away. The urge to pull her back, to roll over and take over, showing Allison exactly how crazy she’d driven him was nearly overwhelming. He bit the inside of his cheek and reminded himself of her words. She wasn’t gone long and when she came back, the look on her face told him she was almost ready. He welcomed her into his open arms and reveled in the way her body fit against his. Soft where he was hard, her curves seemed made to fit
his body as she leaned against him.

  “You ready, baby?”

  He searched her face, memorizing every detail. Her flushed cheeks, eyes dilated with pleasure, her reddened lips from his kiss. This moment, this look, he wanted to remember it forever. His breath caught as she lowered herself down over him. Her slick heat slowly enveloping his erection. The world tilted and fell away. All that mattered was her. This woman. His woman. Ally. She lifted and slid against him, his hands caressed her skin and he tried to show her with every touch how precious she was to him. He didn’t know if he was succeeding, but if not, he’d try again. James swore to himself, in that one shining moment just before pleasure peaked and washed away all thought that he’d try to prove to her every day how much she meant to him. Even if it took a life time to convince her, he would do it.

  Chapter 28

  Ally lay still for a moment, trying to remember how to breathe normally. She was no stranger to sex. It was a need and one she didn’t have a hard time meeting when it arose. But this had been different. She’d had a few long-term boyfriends, and a couple she’d thought she loved, at least until things fell apart and she’d realized her emotions hadn’t run as deep as she’d thought. Even her deepest, most heartfelt encounters had never come close to what she’d felt with James.

  After cleaning up, she turned out the lights and slid beneath the blankets, James cleaned up and joined her just before she turned out the light. She curled on her side and closed her eyes. It didn’t surprise her when he curled up behind her, wrapping one arm around her middle and holding her close. She fell asleep wondering if life could get any better and what would she do when he found work and left again?

  A screaming alarm woke her, she slapped it into silence and threw the covers back. Morning was here. It wasn’t her best time of day, but she knew it wouldn’t be long before the animals needed milking. Secretly, she looked forward to the next few weeks where they slowly quit giving milk and her morning chores where cut by more than half. Plus, with the later sunrises, it would mean more sleep. She looked forward to more sleep.

  She shuffled out of the bathroom where she’d pulled on a night shirt and underwear and headed for the kitchen. Coffee was the only way she was going to make it through the day. She’d barely made it half way down the stairs when the scent of coffee hit her. It almost caused her to stop in her tracks, but the aroma teased her into the kitchen for her first cup. Her brain needed the kick start of the caffeine.

  As she reached the kitchen she found James in front of the stove, much like she’d been the first time he’d stayed. The coffee was somehow already done and he had bacon already sizzling in the pan. Had she been in the bathroom that long?

  Without a word, she poured herself a cup of coffee, adding enough sugar to get her eyes open until the caffeine could kick in, then leaned her hip against the counter and watched James. He wore a pair of jeans, and as far as she could tell, that was all.

  “Thanks for the coffee.” She was finally able to string the words together to say something. That mornings weren’t her thing was an understatement. It usually took her at least thirty minutes and two cups, before she could hold a conversation.

  “No problem. You didn’t look like you were doing well this morning.” He turned to check on her. “You always like this in the morning?”

  “Pretty much. At least until I’ve had a couple cups.” She lifted her mug in salute, then took a sip.

  James chuckled and turned back to the stove. “How do you want your eggs?”

  “However, you want to make them. I’m not picky.” She took a couple more sips then topped her cup off before going to the table to sit. She didn’t have the coordination to get on a bar stool this early. She’d tried once. It had taken two weeks for the bruises to fade from her fall. Now she stuck to the table for her morning coffee. “I wanted to ask you something, and I want you to think about it.”

  James shot her a frown. “Okay, what?”

  “Why don’t you move in here? Not just stay till you find your work again or here and there to visit, but stay. Come back here every time you have time off, like you did with your apartment.”

  He turned and watched her a moment. “I’ve been here less than a day and you’re asking me to move in?” He shook his head and turned back to the stove without answering or waiting for her answer. “I don’t know,” he said after a while. “This is still new, and I don’t want to crowd you.”

  “I know it’s fast, but I’ve been thinking about it since you told me you were turning your apartment back.” She fell quiet while she drank a little more of the brain food in her cup. “I missed you and wanted you around more. Wanted to be able to ask when you’d come home, and have you call it home too.” Shit, she was screwing this up. Why couldn’t she just say what she felt? “Then you surprised me last night and I was so happy to see you. I want to feel that all the time.” She stared into the inky liquid in her cup, trying to gather the courage to say the words that felt like a stone in her throat.

  “Are you sure?”

  His words made her look up. James sat on his heels next to her, putting him eye to eye with her. Ally swallowed and forced herself to say what she’d been holding back.

  “I don t know exactly when it happened, but I’ve fallen in love with you, James. I want you here. I won’t ask you to stop fighting fires, but I want to spend every moment I can with you. Especially when I know what a risk you take every time you go out on one.” She took a deep breath and met his gaze. “I don’t want any regrets and not telling you how I feel would be a big one. I don’t expect you to feel the same. Like you said, it’s fast.”

  He cupped her cheek with one hand. “Lambchop. I’ve known for weeks. Why do you think my parents want to meet you? I already told them you’re the one for me.”

  Ally’s heart thundered in her chest and tears pooled in her eyes.

  “We can take things as fast or as slow as you’d like, but I’d love to stay here with you. You already have my heart, you might as well have the rest of me.”

  Thank you for reading Jumping Feet First. If you enjoyed it or even if you didn’t please consider leaving a review!

  The next book in the Highland County Heroes series is Detonated by Seduction, I hope you’ll enjoy that one as well.

  For more information about my other books as well as reading orders please check out my website at

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