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The Rogue Warrior: Navy SEAL Romances 2.0

Page 6

by Anderson, Cindy Roland

  He forced himself to finish reading the rest of the information about how Marcus had taken the small supplemental company and turned it into a huge corporation by marketing the products to outdoor athletes like hunters and fisherman.

  Logan was equally impressed by the amount of charitable contributions the company supported. Weslee’s insistence about attending the charity ball made more sense. Marcus Campbell wasn’t the kind of rich daddy that spoiled his daughter with expensive cars, yachts and hosted lavish parties. He and his wife spent most of their time giving away their money to help those in need, especially the families right here in the United States.

  Logan had traveled the world, witnessing firsthand the abject poverty people lived in, and wished he could do more than just take out bad guys. The statistics of equally destitute women and children without the basics like food, shelter, and clothing surprised him. It also made him want to help.

  He clicked on another page that featured the products available and decided to order a few things, especially since all the proceeds during the month of March were donated to help feed hungry children. It was shocking to know so many children in the United States were going without breakfast or lunch and sometimes dinner.

  What started out as an intention to order a few things grew into something more. He spent a lot of money on products and merchandise, but he knew it was for a good cause. Plus, his birthday was in a few weeks, so he’d consider it an early gift to himself. Before closing the page out, he noticed a link for the bone marrow match program. He moved the cursor over the link but didn’t get a chance to click on it. One of the men from Sutton’s was here to take over the night shift for him. Logan didn’t think it was necessary, but Jon wasn’t taking any chances if the stalker really had followed Weslee to California. He wanted someone keeping watch 24-7.

  The next morning, Logan was up before the sun. He never could sleep in, no matter what time he fell asleep. After making his bed, he dressed in a T-shirt and track pants, intent on doing his PT before Jenkins’ shift ended.

  Although he could hear activity from upstairs, no one was on the main floor, except Jenkins. “I’ll be back at 0530,” he said in a quiet voice. “Everything good?”

  Acknowledging Logan with a head nod, he yawned and said, “See you in a few.”

  Logan hated all-nighters, although skipping one night was nothing compared to the brutal five days of no sleep during the infamous hell week of BUD/S. That training had come in handy because most covert ops he and his team had gone on required no sleep or very little sleep. Thankfully, this security detail provided him with a comfortable bed and good food.

  He hit the hard sand at a fast pace, the air chilly and thick with moisture. The scent of the salty ocean filled his nostrils as he ran the lonely stretch of the semi-private beach. Listening to the sound of the waves rolling onto the shore, he focused on his breathing and mentally went over the plans for the day.

  Weslee had a meeting with the CEO of a spa and gym that had chains along the entire west coast. Unique to other combination facilities, Total Works Gym and Spa also had an indoor archery range. Ground Zero sponsored archery tournaments all over the US, and Total Works wanted to offer their clients products from Ground Zero. They hoped the cross promotion would boost membership at the gym and increase Ground Zero’s presence in California.

  Weslee had received a complimentary pass to experience some of the amenities the spa offered, which she planned on using right after the meeting and the photo shoot. Since Sutton employed several female security agents, he’d assigned one to accompany Weslee, sparing Logan from watching over her while she got a facial, manicure and other girly stuff. She also had an appointment with a hair salon to get ready for the charity ball this evening.

  Just thinking about dancing with Weslee made Logan sweat more than he already was. Even though a dance required him to hold her close, he’d keep a respectable distance to help him keep his head clear. Civilian life had obviously made him weak. He would’ve never allowed any personal feelings to get in the way when he was enlisted.

  Weslee made him feel things he’d never felt before. While he hadn’t dated much since retiring from the SEALs, the girls he’d gone out with were every bit as beautiful as Weslee, yet none of those girls made his heart pound erratically with merely one touch of the hand.

  That made her dangerous. Dangerous because loving someone like her meant the loss would be as detrimental as stepping on an IED. It would shred him to pieces, leaving scars that would last a lifetime. His mother was happy, but she’d never allowed herself to fall in love again. There had been nice men interested in her over the years, but she said she couldn’t risk loving someone and then losing them again.

  Wiping perspiration from his forehead, he pushed those crazy thoughts out of his mind as he turned around and headed back to the house. Focusing back on the mission, he finished his to-do list. He’d take a quick shower and then relieve Jenkins. Once Weslee was in the hands of a female agent, Logan would scout out the Hotel del Coronado. He needed to know exits and identify secure safe spots if he had to get Weslee out of the line of fire quickly.

  He also wanted to go over the list of staff and guests Sutton had already screened. The report had come in early this morning. He’d made a cursory glance, and none of the compiled lists contained any red flags.

  Slowing his pace the last few yards, Logan scanned the area around the house. The impending sunrise was lighting the sky in small increments like someone was slowly turning up a light switch dimmer.

  Before climbing the porch steps, he took a minute to stretch and steady his breathing. Movement from inside drew his attention as Weslee opened the blinds and slid the glass door open.

  “Good morning,” she said, stepping onto the porch.

  All of Logan’s determination to stay immune to her went up in smoke. She was wearing curve-hugging camo yoga pants and a snug black shirt with the Ground Zero logo imprinted on the front.

  Chapter 5

  Weslee was certain she heard Logan’s teeth grinding together as Trenton Williams, the CEO of Total Works Gym and Spa, made another not-so-subtle innuendo toward her. The female agent assigned to accompany her at the spa had been delayed, leaving Logan to take on the role as her assistant. She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. This deal with Total Works was important, and a grumpy bodyguard might alter the outcome of this meeting. At least he was posing as her assistant and not a possessive boyfriend. Trenton was fit and worked out regularly, but she doubted he was much of a match for a former Navy SEAL.

  She appreciated Logan’s protection, but this wasn’t the first time Weslee had experienced one form or another of sexual harassment in her line of work. Men came onto her all the time, making her very selective about where and when she met for private meetings like this one-on-one meeting with Trenton. Still, it was kind of nice having someone watch out for her. Daddy had always protected her. She’d thought Dax would take over that role but instead of protecting her, he’d stabbed her in the back with his betrayal.

  “I think we could be really good together.” Trenton’s eyes made a slow perusal of her, lingering on her chest. “Have dinner with me tonight, and we can explore all the possibilities.” He didn’t phrase it as a question. He looked at her directly, leaving no doubt in Weslee’s mind that the possibilities he wanted to explore had nothing to do with business.

  Before she could decline the offer, Logan did it for her. “Miss Campbell isn’t available tonight,” he said in an even voice.

  Trenton flicked Logan a dismissive glance. His attention focused back on Weslee, one corner of his mouth edging up into a crooked smile. “Is that right?” he asked as if Logan wasn’t in the room.

  “Thank you for the offer, but I do have a previous engagement that I can’t miss.” Weslee hoped her refusal didn’t change Trenton’s mind about doing business with Ground Zero. Having their products available in the Total Gym franchise was a big deal and would give the
m exposure across the west coast.

  “Perhaps another night?” Trenton asked.

  “I’m afraid that won’t be possible,” Weslee said. “Immediately after the charity event ends I’m flying back to North Carolina.”

  The man sat back, that crooked smile still on his face. He was movie-star handsome and probably at least twice her age. She could tell he wasn’t used to women rejecting him, but the gleam in his dark eyes suggested he was amused by her refusal. Like she was a challenge he intended to conquer. “Are you talking about the Children’s Charity Ball?”

  “Yes,” Weslee said, wondering if he planned on attending tonight’s event. She would never peg Trenton as a philanthropist. A philanderer? Yes, but not one to give away money. “My parents were huge supporters, and I wanted to continue the tradition in honor of their memory.”

  “Then I look forward to seeing you there,” Trenton said. “Total Gym is committed to giving back to the community. Perhaps you can save a dance or two for me?”

  She heard Logan shift beside her and hoped he wasn’t going to speak for her again. She wasn’t sure if she liked his interference or not. He was her bodyguard, but that was it. Despite the crazy attraction she felt for him, she knew a relationship with him was a bad idea. Not only did they live on opposite sides of the country, but she also wasn’t ready to get involved with another man. She clearly wasn’t as mentally healthy as she’d believed. It had only taken one email from her ex-fiancé to set her off.

  Thinking of Dax reminded her that she’d felt an instant attraction for him too. Clearly, she needed a relationship that wasn’t all fireworks. When the fireworks fizzled out there was nothing left but smoke.

  “I’m happy to hear that Total Gym is involved in humanitarian aid,” Weslee said as she scooted back from the table. “I look forward to seeing you this evening,” she added, hoping the man wasn’t going to pin her down to a commitment. “I’m sure my dance card won’t be full.”

  He got to his feet, a gleam of challenge darkening his eyes. “Good to know,” he said, coming around the table to shake her hand. However, when she placed her palm against his, he lifted her hand and pressed a lingering kiss on the back. “Like I said before…I think we could be good together.” He kept a hold of her hand, giving her fingers a little squeeze. “Outdoor Energy is eager to get their products into Total Works. I only have room for one line of products, and I’d like it to be Ground Zero.”

  A cold feeling of dread settled like a stone in the bottom of Weslee’s stomach. Dax was always one step behind her. She didn’t know how he did it. Unless there was a mole inside the company or he’d hired a PI to follow her around. It was tempting to ask Mr. Williams how recently Outdoor Energy had contacted him. Instead, she offered him a bright smile. “I’d like that too.” She pulled her hand away. “Thank you for your time. And thank you for the complimentary gift certificate. I’m looking forward to soaking my feet in the mineral footbaths.”

  “I hope you’ll do more than just a pedicure.” His eyes traveled the length of her. “We have top masseuses employed here. Ask for the full body massage. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  Weslee kept her smile in place, although she wanted to bolt out of the room. The man had just undressed her with his eyes. She almost wanted to cross her arms over her chest like a shield. “I’ll keep that in mind,” she said. “Thank you.”

  She quickly made her way to the exit. Logan held the door open, his face looking fearsome and thunderous. Once she passed through the threshold, he pulled the door closed, placed his hand on her elbow and propelled her forward. “You are not dancing with that slime ball tonight,” he said, still seething at the obvious proposition. “And I’m ordering a thorough background on him. He could be your stalker.”

  “You don’t really believe that, do you?” She glanced over her shoulder, grateful that Trenton’s door was still closed. “And I don’t need you telling me who I can or can’t dance with, Mr. Steele.”

  They rounded a corner, and Logan came to an abrupt stop. “You’re wrong about that, Miss Campbell.” His eyes flashed with irritation. “It’s my job to protect you, so, yes, I will tell you who you can and can’t dance with.”

  For some reason, his declaration made her frustrated. She felt trapped again. “I can fire you, you know,” she said with equal irritation.

  “Mr. Curtis hired me, not you.” Logan’s eyes narrowed. “As your boyfriend, I might add.”

  “Maybe I don’t want a boyfriend.” Need. She had meant to say she didn’t need a boyfriend, not want. Before she could launch another argument, the hard lines in his face softened. “Weslee, I’m only trying to protect you. Trenton Williams is a player. The intel I have on him indicates he’s had multiple affairs with women of all ages, regardless of their marital status. Aside from his shady morals, my gut instinct says you need to steer clear of him.”

  Weslee couldn’t argue with that. Her instincts were screaming the same thing, but now that Outdoor Energy was vying for the same contract, she couldn’t turn her back just because some man had made advances toward her.

  “I’m not stupid or naïve,” she said, toning down the annoyance in her voice. “Regardless of someone’s reputation, I make it a practice to never go to a meeting without bringing Jon or one of my assistants with me.”

  His blue eyes studied her with an intensity that went straight through her. Finally, he nodded his head. “Good.”

  Good? That’s all he had to say? It was silly to want more from him. Sillier still that she looked forward to him playing the role of her boyfriend.

  He’s only here to protect you. She needed to remember that this evening. Dancing with him was going to be torture. She already knew how it felt to be in those impressive arms of his.

  He pulled his phone from his pocket and stared at the screen. “Your security agent is here.” He kept his head bent and typed in a quick reply. “She’s meeting us at the front desk.” He placed his hand on her elbow again to nudge her forward. His touch sparked a heated awareness as if he had a direct line to every womanly cell in her body. She pulled her arm away just to think straight again.

  They reached the front desk, and Weslee was introduced to her new security agent, Kate Bradley. She was far too cute to be a bodyguard. How could someone so petite actually protect her?

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Kate said with a wide smile. “How can she protect me, right?”

  “I’m sorry,” Weslee said. “I know what it’s like to be stereotyped.”

  “No worries.” Kate winked at her. “I’m a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu. Just last night I took down a three-hundred-pound guy.” She rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m stoked about this assignment. I could really use a massage.”

  Weslee laughed, liking her new bodyguard. “Let’s go get pampered.”

  “Have Miss Campbell back at the house by 1730,” Logan said. “I have a feeling traffic is going to be backed up.”

  “Traffic is always backed up,” Kate said with an easy smile. “I’ll have her back in plenty of time, Steele.”

  The pampering was exactly what Weslee needed. Kate was a lot more talkative than Logan. It was like having a best friend with her. Something Weslee hadn’t had for a while now. In her grief, she’d shut out her friends until they stopped trying to contact her.

  Weslee made it home within in minutes of Logan’s request. He was on the back deck talking on his phone and didn’t appear to be ready for the ball unless he planned on escorting her in track pants and a tight T-shirt, which he looked very good in. Before he turned and caught her eyeing him, she went up to her room to finish getting ready while Kate went outside to talk with Logan.

  With her hair fixed in a fancy updo, Weslee felt like a princess when she slipped into the coral colored evening gown. The silky material wrapped around her body with a rounded neckline that showed only a hint of her curves. Sheer material created a cowl-back bodice that flowed into a straight-cut maxi skirt.

  “My goodness, you’re beautiful,” Inez said, indicating for Weslee to turn around so she could make sure the backless bra wasn’t visible. “Mr. Logan is going to have a hard time keeping his eyes off you.” Inez made a tisking noise. “Maybe he isn’t the best choice for a bodyguard tonight.”

  “I thought you said he was my destiny?” Weslee teased. She turned to look in the full-length mirror and caught her nanny’s eye. “Or have you changed your mind?”

  “I have not changed my mind, Miss Smarty Pants. I still believe he’s meant for you.” She fanned herself with her hand. “Trust me, sugar. When you see him in his tux, I think you’ll agree with me.”

  Weslee didn’t need to hear about how good Logan looked in a tux. She was already nervous enough. “By the way,” she said, opening a silver clutch to put a tube of lip gloss in it as well as her cell phone, “I found out that Kate is also attending the ball tonight so I’ll have double the protection.”

  “Good,” Inez said with a grin. “Like I said, Mr. Logan isn’t going to take his eyes off you.”

  “Good thing keeping watch over me is his job then,” Weslee said with a light laugh.

  “I’ve known you your entire life, young lady,” Inez said, waggling a finger in front of her face. “And you only deflect when you don’t want to admit the truth.”

  Inez did know her all too well so she didn’t bother disputing the claim. Still, regardless of her former nanny’s predisposition for romance, Weslee was determined not to let her imagination get caught up in romantic fantasies.

  She kissed the older woman’s smooth cheek. “Thank you for helping me get ready.”

  “You’re welcome.” Smiling affectionately, Inez turned Weslee around and gave her a little push out the door. “Go on now. And please try to have some fun.”

  Logan waited for her at the bottom of the stairs, looking dangerous and devastatingly handsome in his tux. The cut of the dark suit molded to his body perfectly, enhancing his already impressive physique. His dark hair still looked a little damp from a recent shower, his clean-shaven jaw appealing to her more than it should. It wasn’t fair that he looked so good. Even with the serious expression on his face, he was, quite honestly, a beautiful man.


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