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Knight Awakening (The Scorpius Syndrome Book 6)

Page 6

by Rebecca Zanetti

  A knock on the door made both women jump. “Who is it?” Penelope called.


  “Come in,” she said.

  Greyson Storm moved inside, his stride somehow both graceful and threatening. He’d broken his arm in July but seemed to be moving all right without the cast now. “Somebody fired outside territory at us, and we sent a squad to investigate. Are we all good here?” His eyes were an intriguing combination of blue, green, and gray colors, all focused solidly on Maureen.

  She smiled. “Your baby is perfect.”

  Penelope forced herself to nod and smile. Perfect for now. Tomorrow always held surprises.


  It’s time to consolidate this country under my leadership, even if I have to blow most of it up first.

  —President Bret Atherton

  President Bret Atherton sat in his office at his newly fortified headquarters, staring out at the breezy waves coming off Lake Tahoe. Summer had been brutal, but the fall promised to be nice and calm. Maybe. A knock sounded and he called for them to come inside.

  His current vice president, a former freedom fighter from somewhere in Montana, walked inside wearing full camo. Head to toe green and brown, with several guns and knives tucked throughout. He was a beefy guy with a barrel of a chest, a dark beard, and eyes sharper than any eagle Bret had ever seen. He was the first VP Bret had chosen who hadn’t been in the government or military before, and considering he’d fought the government until Scorpius hit, most folks were surprised.

  Yet everyone needed something to believe in.

  Vice President Jim Bob Ford believed in Bret. In Bret and his Elite Force, which unfortunately included former gang members who enjoyed killing far more than they should. At the moment, beggars couldn’t choose, and all of that.

  “Status?” Bret asked, gesturing toward one of two leather chairs on the other side of his desk.

  Jim Bob sank into one and rubbed his beard. “There’s a lot to discuss today.”

  VP Lake would’ve never sat. Now there had been one tough bastard. Psycho, sure. But tough. Greyson Storm had killed him, while somebody in Vanguard had killed his successor. How long would Jim Bob last?

  Bret tried to look interested. “Start with soldiers.”

  “We have about four hundred here and in outlying areas, while another hundred are scouting across the country and reporting back. For now, we have enough batteries and radios to make it work, while we’re searching for and training folks on short wave radios.” Jim Bob scratched a mosquito bite on his hairy left wrist.

  Bret missed Lake. He really did. “Tell me about Vanguard territory.”

  “It’s now Vanguard-Mercenary territory,” Jim Bob said, his voice a low growl. “Our sources inside say that the two groups are still fighting it out a little bit, but that Mercury and Storm have become the best of friends. At least on the surface.”

  Neither of those two leaders could share a throne, so any detente would come to an end at some point. Bret wanted to end them himself. “How many sources do we have inside?”

  “About ten,” Jim Bob said.

  “Any high up?” An assassination attempt wasn’t a bad idea. The loss of either man would throw the rest of the organization into chaos.

  Jim Bob nodded. “High enough. We have one source quartered in the main headquarters for the soldiers, and he can get close enough to harm. Name is Larry Sowers, and he worked for Vice President Lake before going undercover in Vanguard. Said the place runs on gossip, anyway. You have a plan?”

  It was Jim Bob’s job to come up with plans, but apparently Bret would have to do this one on his own. “How many gang members do we have?”

  “About sixty. Many were members of Twenty before, and other folks have joined up,” Jim Bob said. “We’re doing a ceremony next week to draft them into the Elite Force, which they seem excited about. The more organized we get, the less we want a gang taking lead. Giving them T-shirts will assure loyalty.”

  Loyalty wasn’t that easy to get, but times were tough. “Take out their two top leaders first, and don’t let them know it’s us. Make it look like Vanguard did it,” Bret said.

  Jim Bob blinked. “You sure? The current leader has held the gang together for months.”

  “I’m sure.” A little bit of chaos would make the remaining members more than happy to forget about gang colors and join the force as his front line. Maybe Bret would send Jim Bob out with them on one of those suicide missions. That bastard should never question a direct order.

  “Do we still have eyes on the Century City Bunker?” Bret asking, knowing damn well they did.

  “Affirmative.” Now Jim Bob tried to sound like a soldier? “Vanguard lieutenants Tace Justice and Sami Steel are at the Bunker, leading things. We don’t have any sources inside, but considering they haven’t made a move out for weeks, she must not be able to hack that thumb drive any more than our guys can.”

  Bret snarled and then caught himself, smoothing out his expression. Presidents didn’t snarl. “I have three former hackers on that drive, and nobody can tell me anything.” He’d taken the USB drive from Greyson Storm after Storm had taken it from a Bunker. There had to be more information on other Bunkers on that damn thing, but nobody could crack it. Or whatever those geeks did. “Anything else?”

  “Yes. Apparently, Vanguard is out of water.”

  Bret smiled, his mood finally lifting. “We knew it was only a matter of time after that summer. They’re in the middle of a dead city, for Pete’s sake. What’s their plan?”

  “Sowers hasn’t been let in on the plan yet. He’ll get word to us when he can.” Jim Bob kind of sat to attention as the door opened again.

  Georgia poked her head inside. “Am I interrupting?”

  Bret smiled. The woman knew she was interrupting, but since she looked a lot like his Lynne Harmony, she could do what she wanted. Until he brought Lynne home, of course. “Come on in, sweetheart.”

  She walked inside, her blond hair piled up on her head just like Lynne used to do. She’d made up her greenish eyes to enhance the green and wore a white lab coat over nice linen pants and a silk shirt. Skirting Jim Bob, she walked around the desk and perched in his lap, making sure to rub her tight ass against his rapidly awakening groin. “Vice President Ford. I hope I didn’t miss your report on Vanguard.”

  Jim Bob’s gaze dropped to her perky breasts and he swallowed.

  Bret fought irritation. Apparently it was time to look for a new Vice President. “He hasn’t updated me on your project yet.”

  Jim Bob looked up. “Oh. Sorry. Yes, Marcus Knight has moved into the main headquarters, and he seems to be getting closer to his brother as well as Dr. Penelope Kim. According to our source, Knight has started to go out scouting and on raids.”

  Georgia purred. “Isn’t that lovely? I’ll have my pet home very soon. Right, honey?” She widened her legs on either side of Bret’s and pressed back.

  His eyes nearly rolled back in his head. “Absolutely. We’ll get Marcus Knight back for you to play with, Georgia.” She was a scientist and a dangerous woman, just like his Lynne. “Go away, Jim Bob. Come up with a plan for us to take Knight into custody.” Without waiting for an answer, Bret leaned into Georgia and bit her lightly on the neck.

  Georgia watched the hick leave the room and shut the door, planting her hands on the desk. “When you get me Marcus, I’d love it if you brought Penelope with him.” That bitch needed to be broken and now. How long would she last? Probably not nearly as long as many other women had, and certainly not as long as Marcus had. He was special. “I want my pet back.” Just the thought of it hardened her nipples.

  “You’ll get whatever you want.” Bret cupped her breasts and squeezed. “You’re so perky just for me.”

  She forced a moan and tried hard not to roll her eyes. The president was a necessary evil. Her desire lay with the man she couldn’t break, especially since she’d broken so many while working in the Bunkers. Marcus Knigh
t would be in her cell again, soon. “Before I forget, Dr. Ramirez killed another one of your soldiers earlier today. I think the guy is getting desperate to provide you with results.”

  Bret snuffled along her neck, irritating the skin. “The perfume isn’t quite right. It’s close, but not as floral. Keep looking.”

  “Of course,” she said smoothly, biting back any hint of temper. This trying to be Lynne Harmony, the moron who’d gotten her heart turned blue, was getting old. She’d tried every damn floral perfume out there, and she couldn’t explain to Bret that scents mixed differently on different people. She’d never smell just like Lynne. “I’ll find the right scent for you, baby.” She rubbed her butt against him, hoping for an interruption.

  Nobody knocked on the door. Damn it.

  “I know. You’re so sweet, trying to please me.” He pulled her against his chest and shot a hand down her abdomen to the front of her pants.

  She jerked and then made her body relax.

  “Oh, you’re wet,” Bret whispered, his fingers finding her.

  The very idea of Marcus inspired her. She’d been so close to getting him right where she wanted him, and that bitch had interrupted the entire plan. Penelope Kim would suffer for that. Horribly.

  “You want me?” Bret asked, his breath hot on her ear.

  She pressed her lips together and nodded, leaning back against him completely and spreading her legs. Her eyes shut, and she imagined Marcus Knight behind her, touching her. Taking her. Her breath sped up.

  “I love how responsive you are.” Bret slid his fingers too far to the right.

  If he would just stop talking, she could keep Marcus in her head. She twisted her hips enough that Bret’s finger landed right where she wanted. “There, baby. Right there.”

  He chuckled, the sound too high for Marcus.

  She opened her eyes.

  He kept rubbing her. Was she going to have to fake it again?

  “I know you love me, Georgia,” Bret said, deflating her desire like an old balloon. “Tell me how much. Forget that. Show me.” His strokes increased in strength, too much and nowhere near the right place.

  She gasped and built up to a fake orgasm worthy of an Oscar nomination. Jesus. She was going to be raw if he didn’t stop. Finally, she went limp against him with a soft sigh. “Oh, you are so good.” She almost gagged on the last word.

  “I know.” In a surprisingly smooth motion, he yanked down her pants, stood, and shoved her over the desk.

  She coughed. “I—”

  He shoved inside her with one hard push. Pain rippled through her, and she shut her eyes, breathing through it.

  “How’s that?” Bret asked, grabbing her hips and hammering into her like a wild teenager.

  “Too good,” she gasped, throwing in a moan for good measure. When he was done, she could get back to work. The cells downstairs were almost ready, and she had a special one for Marcus.

  Desire flared inside her again.

  “God, you’re perfect, Lynne,” Bret whispered.

  So much for desire. At least he only called her Lynne when he was inside her. Georgia rested her weight on her elbows, wondering what the cook had in mind for dinner.

  The door across from them opened. “I forgot—” Jim Bob stopped cold, his chin dropping.

  Bret stopped moving, embedded inside her. “Well? What did you forget?” He ripped his hand down her shirt, opening it and revealing her breasts.

  Jim Bob swallowed audibly, his gaze predictably dropping. “Ugh.”

  Georgia met his gaze, unwilling to show weakness. There was no way in hell Bret would ever let any other man see Lynne’s body. He’d probably kill anybody who tried. This was just further proof that her time was limited, and she had to get Marcus in place before Bret caught Lynne. Someday he would.

  Was he just playing with her until he did? Sometimes she thought she had the upper hand, and then things like this happened.

  “Isn’t she pretty?” Bret crooned, pulling on her left nipple until she gasped from the pain.

  Jim Bob nodded his stupid head. “Yes. Wait. I’m here because I just thought of a way to hit Vanguard. The way—the best way. My plan is foolproof, and we will finish them.”

  “We’ll have to talk later. For now, I’m busy. She’s mine,” Bret said, reaching for the other one. “Aren’t you, sweetheart?”

  “Yes,” she gritted, wondering which desk drawer held a gun. If she just killed them both, could she declare herself the president? Unfortunately most of the soldiers probably wouldn’t follow her since she was just a lab tech. Or so they thought. “Bret, honey? How about some privacy?”

  He pulled out and shoved back in. “I don’t know. If you hadn’t just faked that orgasm, then I’d be all for it.”

  Damn it. She’d followed all the motions. “What? I didn’t—”

  “Keep lying, and I’ll let him use your mouth,” Bret whispered in her ear.

  She fell silent.

  He took a long time to finish this time and Jim Bob seemed to enjoy the show, finally leaving when Bret buckled his pants back up.

  Georgia turned. “That wasn’t necessary.”

  Bret looked at her reddened and aching nipples and idly flicked one. “I think it was. You’re here because I want you here, and I can make your life good or horrible. Your decision.”

  “I take good.” She remained in place.

  He smiled and drew her shirt back together. “That’s my girl. Now go find that perfume, would you?”


  I have several pregnant women who are waiting for me to find a cure and save their babies. In addition, there are several more pregnant women in the church who haven’t been infected by Scorpius, and they won’t let me in to examine them. Marcus has been gone all day with Jax, and there’s been a guard on my door. It feels wrong having Marcus so far away. I know I’m supposed to keep this journal professional, but my skin feels too tight today.

  —Dr. Penelope Kim, Journal

  Penelope finished with the journal entry and set it aside with the case reports she’d filed earlier. A lantern illuminated her desk, but the hallway was dark. Although no doubt the guards still remained posted at either end of the clinic. Nobody would ignore Marcus’s order like that. Her body felt heavy and more than a little exhausted, but her brain was running fast.

  A lion made some noise somewhere in the distance, and hopefully somebody had remembered to feed him. Jax had named him Marvin, and supposedly soldiers left raw meat for the cat when they could.

  A light bobbed closer and Vinnie stood in the doorway, her hair mussed around her face, and her shirt half untucked. “It’s been a helluva day. I heard you had bourbon.”

  “I do. Almost a half bottle is left, and it’s one of those big bottles.” Penelope stood, ignoring the voice in the back of her head that tried to remind her of the aching temples she’d had this morning. That was eons ago.

  “Did I hear somebody has bourbon?” Lynne Harmony bellowed from farther down the infirmary.

  Penelope sighed. “Why did we expand the clinic so we each had an office?” They just should’ve used cubicles.

  Lynne came into view, her heart glowing bright blue through her shirt. “We drinking?”

  Vinnie nodded. “The soldiers are out on some mission, so let’s have some girl time. We could play cards if you want.”

  “I’d rather just have a drink,” Lynne countered. “Too bad Sami isn’t here. I asked April earlier if she wanted to meet up, but I guess there’s some game night with the kids going on. She wrangled Damon to help her, so at least he’s not out getting shot at.” April Snyder was in charge of the orphaned kids in Vanguard-Merc territory, and she was engaged to one of the nicest guys ever in Damon Winter, a former SWAT cop.

  “Shot at?” Penelope asked, jerking her head toward the door.

  Lynne nodded. “Yep. I’ll tell you over drinks. Too bad April can’t come.”

  “True,” Penelope said. She loved spending time with
April. “I’m meeting with her tomorrow, so I’ll find out how the night went. For now, I guess it’s just the three of us.” Sami had to return from the Bunker soon, hopefully with that thumb drive decoded.

  Lynne paused. “What about Moe?”

  Penelope shook her head. “She’s still suffering from morning sickness that lasts all day, and I know she wanted to get some sleep tonight. Let’s not wake her up.” She stood and followed Vinnie and the lantern out of the clinic, nodded at the guard, and then crossed through the cafeteria to the stairs leading to apartments. “Is Marcus out getting shot at?” she asked when they reached her door and she unlocked it.

  “Yes,” Lynne said, waiting until Penelope had ignited two more lanterns before taking a seat on the threadbare sofa.

  Penelope took the bourbon bottle out of the cupboard along with three clean jelly jars. She sat in the green chair while Vinnie perched next to Lynne and then poured three full glasses. They might as well make it good. “I miss this,” she murmured, tears pricking the back of her eyes.

  Lynne accepted a glass. “Girl time?”

  Penelope nodded. “Yeah. I miss my sisters and cousins. We had a lot of fun together.” She believed with everything she had that she’d see them all again someday, but this life was hard without them.

  Vinnie lifted her glass. “To those we’ve lost. For now.”

  Penny’s heart warmed and she clinked glasses. “For now.” She took a deep drink of the whiskey and let it warm her right down to her toes.

  “Damn, that’s good,” Vinnie said, turning to the vacant spot next to her. “No. You can’t have any. You’re not real.” She rolled her eyes. “Sorry. Lucinda is being a pain today. She just won’t leave me alone. All day, she’s been wearing purple boots and bell bottom jeans, singing some song about disco.”


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