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Page 14

by Sawyer Bennett

  The harshness of his words shocks me and I notice two things at once as I glance around the room. Van's anger is lost on Lucas, who doesn't react at all, and Simone's eyes heat up with mischief as she looks back to Van, who is truly pissed off.

  Now that's very interesting.

  "Sorry," Simone coos innocently, but she doesn't offer anything more.

  Van mutters something under his breath and stalks off down the hallway, presumably to his room. I catch a hint of an amused smile on Simone's face before she turns away, but then Lucas has his hand behind my head and he's pulling me in for a kiss.

  For a moment I hesitate, because Simone is standing two feet away, but the minute his lips touch mine there's no more thinking for me.

  It's only about feeling, and I let myself just fucking feel. words at all to describe it.

  Lucas pulls back only slightly so he can skim his mouth over my cheek on the way to my ear, where he whispers, "Can't tell you how much I really like seeing you in my home."

  I shiver over the combined warmth and desire in his words, even as I feel uneasy that my being in his home is important to him.

  Pushing it aside, though, I change the subject as he pulls his head back to look at me. "You played an amazing game."

  His voice is still low, soft and meant only for me to hear. "Glad you think so. I feel like I struggled the entire time not to look at you because I knew you'd distract me."

  Oh wow. Not just a shiver. A full-body shudder.

  And a sweeping sensation of belonging overtakes me, at first feeling amazing and then overwhelming that I can affect someone that way. I step back from him and give a tremulous smile. "Don't say things like that. You know it freaks me out."

  He's not chastised at all, and this is a bolder Lucas Fournier I'm dealing with when he says, "You'll get used to it. Don't worry."

  My mouth drops open and he turns to Simone, swiftly hooking an arm around her neck and pulling her into him. His other hand curls into a fist and he rubs it quickly over the top of her head, giving her a furiously fast noogie. She shrieks, sloshes her wine, and tries to pinch him on the inside of his leg to get him off of her.

  I just watch, fascinated as two siblings wrestle playfully with each other, and it makes my heart hurt and feel good at the same time.

  "You asshole," Simone grunts as more wine spills from her glass and she tries to get loose.

  "Come on, Simone. What's the problem? You used to be good at getting out of these holds," Lucas taunts her.

  "I'm holding a glass of wine, for fuck's sake," she yells.

  Movement behind me catches my attention, and I see Van come back into the room. We haven't been officially introduced and I start to do so, but I notice his eyes are locked on to Simone, and whoa boy, I don't like that look. It's dark and filled with intense dislike from what I can read.

  Lucas abruptly lets Simone go and Van's face smooths out into bland impassiveness. He cuts his eyes to me and gives a lift of his chin. "I'm Van."

  "Stephanie," I reply, and then he pushes past me to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

  "I'm not staying," he says to Lucas. "Going to head out for a while."

  "You sure, man?" Lucas asks. "I got a steak with your name written on it."

  My eyes cut to Simone and I see she's disappointed but watching Van closely. He doesn't look her way at all but just shakes his head. " hot and dirty plans tonight."

  "All the more for me." Lucas shrugs, and my chest tightens a little as I see the hurt look on Simone's face.

  Van's gaze comes back to me and he gives me a quick smile. "Nice to meet you, Stephanie."

  "Yeah, sure," I say softly to his retreating back as he nimbly sidesteps Simone's purse still in the middle of the living room floor and walks out the door.

  Now there's a story there between them and I wonder if Lucas knows anything about it.


  "I think it's fair to say I've never been this nervous in bed with you," Lucas says as we lie on our sides staring at each other. His cellphone sits between us and his gaze drops to it.

  We're both still fully dressed, having spent a really nice few hours eating dinner on the back deck and talking to Simone. I heard story upon story about the Fournier family, and I reveled in learning what a normal childhood would actually look like. I actually memorized details and committed things to memory, intent on using them for my own knowledge on how to raise a child with love, patience, and absolute presence of body and soul.

  Simone left a little while ago, snagging Lucas's car keys and saying she was going to head to the mall for some shopping. Not sure how a girl trying to get her own apartment and a job has money to shop, but I didn't say anything. Simone's a bit of a mystery still to me, and I think there's some tremendous discord between her and Van, but Lucas seems oblivious to it so I don't give it much thought. Not my place anyway.

  "We don't have to do this right now," I suggest, and I'm a little hopeful he'll agree with me.

  Lucas's gaze comes back to me and he grins. "Let's just get it over with. Me first, then you."

  I take a deep breath, drawing through my nose and then letting it out slowly through my mouth. "Okay. Let's do this."

  We look at each other for just a moment more, perhaps trying to convey confidence and strength to the other, and then Lucas reaches down and dials his mother's number. When she answers, he puts her on speakerphone.

  "Hi, sweet boy," his mother says in a lilting voice.

  "Not a boy, Mom," Lucas says dramatically, and then grins at me.

  "Always you are," she returns sweetly, and then says, "You and Max were wonderful tonight. Did Simone go to the game?"

  "Yeah, she did," Lucas says as his jaw tightens with resolve. "But listen...I need to talk to you about something important. Is Dad around he can get on the phone?"

  "He's not," she says, and I can hear the worry in her voice. "He's on call tonight at the hospital. Should I dial him in on this?"

  Lucas shakes his head although his mother can't see this. "No. It's nothing bad, at least I don't think so. You can fill him in later."

  "Okay," she says with no hesitation, trusting her son implicitly, which I find to be very endearing and also very weird because it's beyond my imagination. "What's up?"

  Lucas takes a deep breath and lets it out. I give him a nod of encouragement, reaching my hand over to take his. "Okay...not sure how to lay this out to you, but bear with me."

  "Whatever it is, I'm sure we'll get through it the way we always do, supporting each other," she assures him, and damn it, my eyes actually start to prickle over the unconditional acceptance and love she's showing. It's almost unreal, and part of me can't even understand it, while the other part feels like my heart is going to swell and burst out of my chest.

  "So, I'm seeing someone," Lucas begins.

  "Oh honey...that's fabulous. I can't wait--"

  "Mom...let me get it all out," Lucas interrupts her.

  "Okay. I'm sorry. Go on," she says with a laugh.

  "Her name is Stephanie and she's here on speakerphone with me." He's begun with the end of the story and not the beginning.

  "Hi, Stephanie," his mother gushes. "I'm thrilled to talk to you."

  "Hi, Mrs. Fournier," I reply as I watch Lucas roll his eyes. "Nice to meet you."

  "Please, call me Marilyn."

  "Mom...Stephanie...please," Lucas growls. "Let's get this on the table before you become besties."

  His mom falls silent but I can't help chuckling.

  "Okay," Lucas starts again, and then pauses to make sure he's not interrupted. I incline my head toward the phone, prodding him to get it done. "Okay, we're seeing each other now, but it didn't start out that way. It actually started out as sort of a brief encounter and unfortunately--or fortunately as the case may be now--our method of birth control didn't, um...hold up very well."

  I drop my eyes from Lucas before I burst out laughing over his awkward a
ttempt to explain a shredded condom, even though I know it's highly inappropriate to be laughing at this point.

  "She's pregnant," Marilyn breathes, and I hear neither anger nor joy in those words. Just wonder, perhaps a bit of bit of censure, but mostly an underlying tone of acceptance.

  "Yes," Lucas says softly, and his hand squeezes mine. "She's pregnant. We didn't want to tell you until she had her first doctor's visit and we were sure things were okay with the baby."

  "Oh wow...a baby," Marilyn murmurs, now with more wonder and a definite hint of joyful surprise. "A baby. As in I'm-going-to-be-a-grandma baby?"

  "A baby," Lucas says in an emotional sort of whisper, and I can tell he's deeply touched by his mother's response so far.

  His mom is silent for a moment, but when she talks again, we can hear clearly that she's crying. "Oh, Lucas...a baby. I can't even...just...I wasn't ready for this, but actually, wait...I am ready for this. You're clearly ready for this so I'm ready for this. And you'll make a wonderful father, and we can't wait to meet Stephanie, and I need to call your dad. We'll need to book a trip to Raleigh to all sit down and talk about it, and Stephanie...I can help you plan, involving whoever else you want, of course. I'm not going to butt in or be a busybody, but I'm here if you need it and just...Oh my God...a baby!"

  Lucas's face tilts to me and our eyes lock. We both grin at each other while his mom continues to ramble on, and I breath out a sigh of relief at how easy that was. I know she's going to have lots of questions and this is still a big shock for her, but I lay my head on the pillow and settle in while Lucas starts to tell mom exactly what's going on in his life.

  Chapter 15


  "Your mom," Stephanie says after I disconnect the call and look back to her. "She's unbelievable."

  "Told you," I reply with a smile, and she nods. Because yes, I've been trying to reassure her that my parents were going to be supportive of us, but I knew she'd never believe it until she heard it with her own ears.

  "You're very lucky," she says, eyes soft with happiness for me that I have the parents I have. Not one ounce of jealousy within, just complete satisfaction that I have something amazing in my life.

  That right there tells me Stephanie cares for me a lot more than she'll ever admit, and that's okay by me. I've figured out well enough that I'm in this for the long haul. She's not going anywhere, as we're going to always be connected by our child, and I'm fine with her coming to a slow realization that she can actually open her heart up to a relationship.

  "Shall we call mine and get it over with?" she asks while wrinkling her nose in distaste at the idea, and I'm immediately filled with both anger and sorrow for her.

  Fucking hate her parents.

  Fucking hate that look on her face right now, especially after watching her wonder and delight as we talked to my mom.

  I grab my phone and toss it behind me before reaching an arm out to pull Stephanie closer. She lets out a huff of surprise as I move in, pressing our bodies tight. "We'll call them later."

  "Later?" she asks, but then she purrs as my mouth comes to hers.

  I'm filled with elation over my parents knowing and supporting us, and sadness that Stephanie will never know that from her own. I want to distract her, and show her there's more to life than what she knows, and so I do it in the easiest manner for her to handle such closeness.

  My hands roam over her body, dipping beneath clothing, touching and caressing and pinching, all the while my mouth moves over hers. Hearing her tiny breaths and silky moans fuels me on to take more and more from her. It could be hours or minutes, but time stands still as our clothes come off. I know it's not possible, but I feel like we do this without ever breaking contact, and that's because we're lost to sensation and growing lust.

  "Luc," Stephanie whispers as I bring my hand to her pussy, lightly stroking and teasing her flesh there. Her hips rotate and flex toward me and she gives a tiny growl of frustration when I won't give her more.

  "Easy," I tell her softly. "I'll get you there."

  "Not before I die," she admits on a soft breath. My heart clenches over her admission and a need wells up inside of me.

  A need to possess her and make sure she understands that at least at this moment, she's all mine and I'm all hers.

  My fingers get slippery and I roll them over her clit while I move my mouth to her breasts. Her body arches and she fucking pants out her needs.

  "Please, Luc...right close."

  And when she does finally break apart while riding my fingers, I can feel her partly submit to the knowledge she is indeed mine and I'm hers, hopefully forever, if I have my way.

  I want to make sure that knowledge stays embedded in her heart and mind, so I roll her to her stomach and bring my body on top of hers. My legs push down between hers and then spread, causing hers to open up. My mouth goes to her shoulder blade and I give her a tiny bite.

  "Mmmmm...what are you doing back there?" she asks in a sated voice.

  Way too sated. I need to wreck her again.

  I rear up to my knees, pulling her up at the hips as she lets out a tiny grunt of surprise. "You know what I'm doing back here."

  Her laugh is husky. Delighted. Wanting.

  My hand goes between her legs and two fingers easily slide into her from behind. "Tell me how bad you want it, Stephy."

  She just moans with her head turned on the pillow, her eyes closed in rapture as I slowly pump my fingers in and out of her.

  "Tell me you need it," I murmur, adding another finger.

  "Luc," she huffs out as she pushes her ass backward, seeking more.

  "Tell me, Steph," I urge, going a little harder, feeling her flesh hugging my fingers tightly.

  "I want it," she gasps as I graze my thumb between her ass cheeks. "I need it."

  "Beg for it, baby," I groan as my other hand goes to my own aching dick to stroke it.

  "Please, Luc. Don't make me wait any longer."

  A harsh breath escapes through my nose and gritted teeth and I remove my hand and replace it with my cock. As I nudge her entrance, her hips roll with an urgency to bring me inside of her. I bring my hands back to her hips, and with a smooth forward push of my hips, I slide into her all the way.

  "Fuck," I mutter at the sensation of her slick, hot flesh cocooning around me. "Fuck."

  Stephanie pushes up onto her hands, but her head hangs low, almost as if she's been defeated. I stay still within her and ask, "What are you thinking, baby?"

  She doesn't answer me right away, her head just hanging down. But then she rolls her hips and brings her head up, twisting her neck so she can look at me over her shoulder. Her voice is rough, as if the words are hard to get out, but she slays me when she says, "I've never had this before."

  "What's that?" I urge her softly to let her feelings out, because I know she's not talking about great sex.

  Stephanie shakes her head, as if she doesn't want to admit it, and her eyes slide away. I press my fingers into her hips and encourage her. "It's safe with me. Whatever it is."

  Her gaze comes backs to me, locks in place, and she murmurs, "Such a desire to let go of everything that I ever believed in."

  My cock thumps in response to that, even though I know she's again not talking about sex. She doesn't have to spell it out for me, but she's talking about the lock on her heart and the closed door on her trust. I can see even admitting that little bit to me is painful for her, and I don't want to push too hard.

  "Then just let go for right now," I tell her with a smile, rubbing my thumbs soothingly across her skin. "I swear you're safe with me."

  She smiles at me and says, "Okay."

  And then she lets go.


  "Relaxed?" I ask Stephanie as we lie side by side on my bed, staring up at the ceiling again, breathing back to normal, bodies thoroughly sated. Our normal position, as if the ceiling has all the answers to our dilemmas.

  "Mmmm-hmmmm," she purrs.

  My hand slides across the mattress and grabs hers. Our heads roll on the pillows so we look at each other, and she grins. "I think you broke me."

  "Good," I tell her with a return smile. "I like you broken, and pliable and amenable to all my demands."

  Stephanie snorts and looks back at the ceiling. "I guess we better get this over with."

  "Let's do it," I say encouragingly as I push up and slide back to rest against the pillows and headboard. She also pushes up and doesn't resist when I pull her closer to me and tuck her into my side, my arm protectively over her shoulder.

  "Where's your phone?" I ask her.

  "Let me use yours," she says, and I blink at her in surprise but grab it from the mattress beside me and hand it over. "Why mine?"

  "Because my mom won't answer if she sees it's me calling," she says matter-of-factly, and it still amazes me how much Stephanie has accepted what douches her parents are.

  "Seriously?" I ask with disgust.

  Stephanie's eyes come to mine and she gives me a sympathetic smile. "Don't get too aggrieved. I don't answer when she calls me either."

  I don't understand it and probably never will, but I have to make peace with the fact that this is what Stephanie knows, and until me, probably all she ever knew.

  She dials a number and gives me the same courtesy I gave her by putting it on speakerphone. It's answered on the second ring, right as I pull Stephanie back into me.

  "Maris Frazier speaking," a brisk, no-nonsense voice answers.

  Holding the phone between us, Stephanie says, "It's me, Maris."

  Stephanie had told me that she's always called her parents by their first names, Michael and Maris. She said this was instilled at such an early age she doesn't even remember being taught that. She was also sort of blown away when she got to boarding school and found out that most kids called their parents Mom and Dad.

  There's a moment of silence before her mom finally says, "Did you get a new phone number?"

  No warmth and joy at hearing her daughter's voice. Just an understated curiosity about her cellphone.

  "No. Just using a friend's phone," she says.

  Another moment of silence, and then a slight cough before her mom says, " are you doing?"

  "I'm pregnant," she responds, and I suck in such a surprised lungful of air I start coughing. My head spins to catch Stephanie's eyes while I hack into my elbow, and she just gives a nonchalant shrug at me.


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