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Hers From The Start: A Collection of First In Series Reverse Harem

Page 52

by Laura Greenwood

  “He speaks the truth,” said Anthony. “The news of your death was the worst moment of my life. I’ve never sunk lower than the months and years after you died.” His eyes were full of unshed tears. “The joy in my heart when you walked in, Michael, it’s indescribable. I'm beyond happy to see you, my friend.”

  “Then how the hell did they find us? We hid successfully for nine years!” I rubbed my hands along Michael’s arms soothingly.

  “I don’t know,” said Anthony. “We tried to find out, but even after all this time, no one will tell us anything. They’re aware of how close the three of us were, so they're afraid we'll kill the one we thought killed you. The Junta forbade any more discussion on the matter.”

  Elias moved to sit beside Anthony on the sofa. “Michael, how’d you find us? We’ve traveled completely under the radar.”

  Michael looked at me. “I’m proud of you for not telling them.” He smiled and kissed my forehead.

  “Michael, what are you talking about?”

  “The dreams. I’ve sent you countless messages through your dreams.”

  “That was you?” I was completely shocked. “I did tell them! I thought it was some creeper from the Junta or something. Why didn’t you tell me who you were?”

  He looked at me in amazement. “Well, I assumed you’d recognize my voice, Riley. You’re my wife, remember?”

  “Michael, husband, the voice sounded nothing like you—and, what do you mean countless? I can only remember a handful of times!” I retorted.

  Michael’s mouth gaped like a fish. “I…I don’t know. Where I’ve been for the past five years is an excruciating story.” He hung his head.

  “We have a little time. Please explain how you found us. If you can find us, so can they,” said Anthony.

  “I found you with Riley’s blood,” he explained, looking up at me.

  I interrupted, incensed. “My blood? How'd you have my blood?”

  “I’ve been drinking from you for years, Riley. It’s been hundreds of years since the Supay allowed repeated drinking from the same human, but the ancient texts tell of a bond formed from long term drinking. Since our saliva causes euphoric side effects, you thought you were having vivid sex dreams. Don’t you remember waking me up in the night because you were horny?” he said, laughing.

  I wasn't laughing. He’d betrayed me—used me. “How could you?” I asked.

  “I’m sorry to laugh. I’m just so happy to be with you again.” He sighed when I stared him down. He wasn’t getting out of explaining. “It started because I ran out of bagged blood. It wasn’t always easy to get. I could entrance humans at the blood banks so they'd give me bags of blood, but in that instance, I’d miscalculated when I would need more.”

  He took my hand, and I thought about jerking it from his. I was pretty mad at the thought of him drinking from me without asking. “Riley, we were spending the weekend in bed, binge watching Netflix. We’d both been working like crazy, and we set aside time together. How was I supposed to explain to you that I had to leave?” He pulled me close, my face pressed into his chest. I breathed deeply and realized his scent was different. He used to smell like laundry soap and deodorant. Now, he didn’t really smell like…anything. I was disappointed in the difference, but I assumed wherever he’d been was thin on Tide.

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me the truth?” I mumbled into his chest.

  “Because they would’ve killed you. I was so selfish. Once I realized what a beautiful, extraordinary person you were, I should've ran far and fast. That would’ve been the selfless thing to do, but I couldn’t leave you. My only hope was that if you didn’t know the truth, they might not kill you if they ever found us. I was running out of time, though. When David started going through puberty I would've been forced to tell you. And…I was ashamed. Once I started, I couldn't stop. I didn't do it often, but I continued to drink from you.”

  “Whatever your apprehension about Michael taking your blood, my Coya, at least the Junta can’t track us the same way. We need to hear the rest of the story now.”

  Michael spent the next hour telling us his story and being grilled by Elias and Anthony. “When the goons from the council came to the house, the boys were in the backyard playing. I recognized them, of course. These men I’d trained with, fought beside, and learned from were on our lawn. I thought I’d been betrayed by you two, my confidants. Besides my wife, you were the two people I was closest to in the world.”

  “Who came for you, Michael?” asked Elias.

  His eyes shifted between the three of us before looking away. “I can’t remember.”

  Anthony cocked his head. “What do you mean you can’t remember? You’re the only one who can tell us since the Junta refuses.”

  “I remember their faces, remember the pain of betrayal. I could feel the love I had for those men, but I can't remember their names. There were three of them. They walked up to our little patio where I sat watching the boys play. They told me to come quietly, that the last thing they wanted was to hurt me or our children. What could I do? I was outnumbered.” He sounded helpless and lost. “Riley, I’m so sorry. I didn’t fight. I didn’t resist. I can’t tell you how badly I wish I’d fought. Until today, I’ve wished I’d fought so that they would’ve killed me. Death would've been preferable to what I’ve endured.” He sucked a deep, calming breath in through his nose and out his mouth. “But I have you again, so it was worth it.”

  “Michael,” I said, “all of your belongings were gone. The boys’ stuff—gone. All that was left to me was their memory boxes. Who took everything? Who left the house empty of our life together?”

  “I have no idea. They put the three of us in a minivan. As soon as I slid into the seat I felt a prick in my neck, and I lost consciousness. I don’t know what they injected me with since we're resistant to drugs, but when I woke up, I was in a room with no windows. It was a comfortable room, but I couldn’t leave. The door was steel and reinforced. I broke my hand trying to punch through the walls. I could not get out.” So they’re strong, but not like a superhero.

  “Ohh, God,” I whispered, watching his face as he spoke. I took his hands in my own and rubbed his knuckles. Anthony’s face was stone, and Elias's fists were so tight they were turning white.

  “Breathe, guys. I survived. I’m here. It gets a lot worse, so you have to stay calm.” Michael gave them a pointed look and nodded his head toward me.

  Smooth. “I’m okay, Michael. Yes, it’s emotional, but I need to hear what happened. I’m—by far—not the same person you knew.”

  He let out a long breath. “Okay, Ri. You’re right. You've always been strong. If the past five years hardened you, we'll have to work to break you down.” I wasn’t sure I wanted to be broken down, but it wasn’t the time to argue.

  He looked my body up and down. “You look great, by the way. But, I liked the old you. I hope you're still soft in the right places.” He nuzzled his nose into my cheek then kissed it.

  I ducked my head and looked at Elias and Anthony through my eyelashes. They didn’t look happy with Michael’s display of affection. I squeezed Michael’s hands so he’d continue with his story.

  “Any time they opened the door, I fought. They stopped coming in for days at a time, so I would be weak with hunger and unable to fight.” He rubbed his eyes, tired. “They kept me in a gilded cage, even gave me a T.V., but they'd only bring in one tiny bag of blood every four days.

  “I passed the days watching television.”

  He paused for a few moments, eyes focused on nothing. “I tried. I tried so hard to ration the blood, but by the time they brought more I couldn't stop myself from drinking it. I hoped to be able to learn to control my urges, but I no longer think it is possible.”

  Michael pulled away from me, and my heart broke imagining how painful it must've been for him to tell us his horror. “I was kept in that room for a year. I used the bathroom in a pot in the corner. Since I was dehydrated I rarely needed to
use it. I bathed with a bucket of warm water they brought in every couple of weeks.

  “Voices through the door begged me to give up, to swear that I would let you go. If I would give in they’d take me to my children. But I refused. Every few weeks I would destroy the room. Daily, I spent time at the door, screaming and yelling that they must return me to my family.

  “After a year went by, they changed tactics. On a feeding day, when I was too weak to fight, they brought in a sorceress. She tried spell after spell to alter my memories. It might have worked if I wasn't pureblood Supay.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “In a way, it did work. There are things I can't remember. I don’t remember how we met, Riley. I don’t remember the various locations they could be keeping the children. And I can't remember the faces of our children. I can’t see them.”

  Michael broke down at that point, sobbing. My heart broke into a million pieces. I climbed into his lap and hugged him as tight as I could. Elias came to the bed and sat behind Michael, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. A hand touched my shoulder, and I looked behind me to see Anthony crouched beside me. My heart glowed to see these three astounding men in one room, safe and comforting each other.

  Stop with the warm fuzzies. I rolled my eyes at myself. You are attracted to three men and married to one of them. Whatever Elias and Anthony thought Michael might have wanted when they were younger, he spent nine years with me alone, and he might not be so keen on the idea of an open relationship.

  When Michael composed himself, he began again. “The sorceress made me drink potions after potions. My body burned with one and froze with another. She brought in a man with strange carvings on his chest and they worked a spell together over my withering body. Nothing worked though, nothing took. They thought a few times they might be successful, but as soon as they gave me blood and my body strengthened, so did my mind.

  Shudders racked his body. “I’m not sure how long they continued the spells and potions. At least a few months. Weeks would go by without a word and then she’d return with some new torture.” I looked at Elias and Anthony, worried. Michael stopped talking, and a few minutes passed.

  “Michael?” I squeezed his hand. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, sorry, I was just…Well, when they exhausted the sorceress’ abilities, they began torture. In my weakened state, I would be whipped, flogged, and my fingers were broken. I was stabbed, burned, and my skin peeled off. They even tried immersing me in freezing cold water.”

  “Michael, no!” I wanted to wrap him up in a hug and never let him go. It was hard to hear, much less live through.

  “We didn’t know, man.” Elias's fists hit his knees in frustration. “We would've been searching for you! We thought you were dead.”

  Anthony stood and looked out the window without saying a word.

  “It didn’t matter how much they hurt me. I never gave up. I never stopped yelling your name. I never stopped dreaming of you.” He stared at me with longing. Anthony, still by the window, gave a small sniff, his only show of emotion.

  “Eventually the torture stopped—it didn’t work anyway. I was back to waiting, watching television, the time passing slowly by. Every once in a while I would be force fed another potion, or a witch or warlock would come in and try another spell.

  “About three weeks ago, an idea popped into my head. All I had to do was fake it. All I needed to do was pretend I couldn’t remember you. It was that simple!”

  Anthony turned. “Why didn’t you do that before?”

  “I just didn’t think of it.” Michael looked lost.

  “The next potion was brought in, and I pretended to collapse after drinking it. In reality, it had no effect on me.” He shrugged. “But I put on a big show with convulsions, then I faked passing out.

  “I laid there with my eyes closed until I really did fall asleep. When I woke, I acted confused. I yelled through the door for you two, my brothers, to come save me. The men heard me and came and questioned me.”

  He laughed, triumphant. “It worked. They asked me my name, birthday, that sort of thing. My age and the current year. I told them I thought it was the year before we met, Riles. I fed them some shit about the three of us searching for our mate.

  “They told me I’d been in a terrible accident, something about a rock slide. They said many years had passed and I’d been unconscious. I was told to lie down and rest and my mother and friends would come get me. Then they locked me inside again.

  “They questioned me once or twice a day.” He smiled at me. “In the end, they believed me. They told me you were on your way, but that you’d been delayed.”

  Michael stood and joined Anthony at the window. “I started to get small bouts of freedom. I was allowed to walk in the gardens, under their supervision, of course. They said they feared I might relapse and couldn't be left alone outdoors. I was allowed bathroom and shower time.

  “I began trying to contact you, Riley.” Michael pleaded with me to understand. “I honed in on our blood bond and talked to you constantly. I could tell when you’d hear me. It was like the words would begin to resonate in my head. I could feel you hearing me.”

  “Michael,” said Anthony, “who's they? You keep saying they.” Anthony’s voice was nasally, like he was stuffed up. He was fighting tears.

  “It was always the same three. They wouldn't tell me their names, but I’d recognize them if I ever saw them again. Once a few days passed without incident, they began allowing me to have more blood. Then the day came that they let me out for a walk with only one of them to watch over me. The others were called away.”

  He waved his hand toward me. “It makes sense now. They left to chase after you three. At the time, I was thankful for the reprieve. A few weeks passed, and the solitary guard came to take me to shower. I was ready—I was strong, and I’d dismantled the bed. I waited behind the door and when he stepped in the room, I bashed his head in with the bedpost. I killed him. I don't know his name, and I killed him.”

  Michael looked me in the eyes as he told me he killed someone. I nodded, and he paced the room as he finished his story. Elias moved to sit beside me, and put his hand on my back. It was instinctive to lean against him, I didn’t even notice my movement. Michael opened his mouth to speak and stopped, staring at me leaning against Elias.

  “When did this happen?” he asked, gesturing to us.

  “Mike, man, this has been a long time coming. When we were told you were dead we started watching over her. I made my way into her life as a trainer. Anthony watched from the sidelines, never truly meeting her, but we were both entranced. You know better than anyone, she’s completely alluring.” It was fascinating, listening to Elias talk about me as if I wasn’t there. I didn’t stop leaning against him—he’d been my rock for four years. As thrilled as I was to see Michael, I needed to feel Elias's steadiness behind me.

  “What do you mean a trainer?” Michael asked.

  “I posed as an ex-Marine. She’d been training in every self-defense class she could find. I offered to take her on and train her to fight. She was a woman obsessed,” he said, looking down at me lovingly. “I’ve never been so proud of someone, Michael. I would trust her against any human and half the Unseen out there. She was born to fight.”

  “I was tired of being scared.” I needed to explain my life change. “I was terrified whoever took you was going to return. I spent the first year terrified. Once I made up my mind to never be scared again, I started training. I learned my way around a gun too. Now, I’m not scared anymore. At least, I wasn’t until I learned there are people, creatures out there so strong that I don’t stand a chance.” I glared at Anthony, the memory of how easily he’d disabled me in my mind.

  Anthony burst out laughing. “My Coya, you were a little hellcat the day I met you. If I’d been a human male you would’ve kicked my ass.” He chuckled and leaned back, his eyes glued to mine. “When you drink from the spring you'll grow even stronger. With the training
Elias gave you, you'll be able to challenge any Supay alive.”

  He looked at Michael’s stupefied expression. “We love her, Michael. I believe she cares deeply for us, though she may not be in love yet. I’m sure she still loves you. We may still be able to have our dream of loving a woman together.”

  Michael’s mouth fell open. “I can’t think about that yet. I’m too overwhelmed by being with the three of you again. We’ll sort that part out,” he said, sitting down on the couch beside Anthony.

  “Once I got out of the building and off the grounds, I had to figure out where I was. I was near salt water—I smelled it. I traveled toward the smell and found an elderly couple sitting alone on a private beach.

  “I used my ability and put them in a bit of a daze. They told me I was in Barred Harbor, Maine.”

  Elias's body jerked. “You weren’t with the Supay, Michael. You were with the Fae. The leader of the Junta had to have known where you were. The Fae have a hidden home in Eastern Maine.”

  “I may have been in a home of the Fae, but my guards were definitely Supay,” Michael replied. “It was far too easy to get out of the house. I think my guard was the only other one there at the time. The house was enormous, so instead of getting lost inside, I made my way to the gardens and scaled the wall.

  “The elderly couple supplied me with my location. Then I grilled them about their own financial situation. I’d lucked out and stumbled upon two wealthy people. I urged them to give me money, and the man gave me several hundred dollars from his wallet.”

  “I got their business card too. We’ll return the money, Riley,” Michael was quick to reassure me, seeing the shocked expression on my face. “The money got me a cab into the city of Bar Harbor. From there, I was able to charm blood from a small hospital and get another cab to the airport outside the city.

  “All along I was trying to contact you, Riley. Once I had plenty of blood in my system our bond intensified. I felt you were south of me. At the airport, I charmed my way onto the plane. I flew to Atlanta. I wanted to see if I could narrow down your location.


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