Sonata Form
Page 48
A life could begin in the midst of war, it could end because of it, it could take on new meaning as a result of it, or it could lose what made it a life worth living. Ellis had only been a small part of a larger story, when it came down to it, but this one that he was living right now, this story was his.
Ellis Morgan, Milo Priddy—they were not names carved in marble. And this was absolutely not The End. Nor was it quite And They Lived Happily Ever After because there was no such thing.
Once Upon a Time Ellis wrote on pages that were not ruined but only empty, waiting, a glissando echoing in pause before the symphonic swell carried on to the next movement.
Once Upon a Time there was a man who only wanted to live in the brilliance of his moments, and broke himself trying to save everything he loved.
Once Upon a Time there was a man who loved the other man, loved every broken piece of him, and decided that as long as he got to live in the brilliance with him, there were a lot more pages of their story that needed filling.
And They Lived…
Author Bio
Carole Cummings lives with her husband and family in Pennsylvania, USA, where she spends her time trying to find time to write. Recipient of various amateur and professional writing awards, several of her short stories have been translated into Spanish, German, Chinese and Polish.
Author of the Aisling and Wolf's-own series, Carole is currently in the process of developing several other works, including more short stories than anyone will ever want to read, and novels that turn into series when she's not looking.
Carole is an avid reader of just about anything that's written well and has good characters. She is a lifelong writer of the 'movies' that run constantly in her head. Surprisingly, she does manage sleep in there somewhere, and though she is rumored to live on coffee and Pixy Stix™, no one has as yet suggested she might be more comfortable in a padded room.
...Well. Not to her face.
More Books by
Carole Cummings
Sonata Form
Blue on Black
The Aisling Trilogy:
Beloved Son
Don’t Fear the (Not Really Grim) Reaper
The Queen’s Librarian
The Wolf’s-Own Series
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Copyright Information
Published by
P. O. Box 847 – Stanwood, WA – USA
SONATA FORM Copyright © 2020 by Carole Cummings. All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. All characters in the publication are fictitious, or are historical figures whose words and actions are fictitious. Any other resemblance to names, incidents, or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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Front cover art © 2020 by Zaya Feli
Cover content is for illustrative purposes only, and any person depicted on the cover is a model.
Kymbrygh map © OllieR (
Library of Congress Control Number: 2020918337
ISBN: 978-1-951293-18-5 (trade paper)
ISBN: 978-1-951293-17-8 (e-book)