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The Scent of Love

Page 18

by Platt, Meara

“It’s about my formulas. I told you they were in a code that Fortesque would never be able to break.”

  “I remember.”

  “Well, the truth is, he’d never be able to break the codes because they are gibberish.”

  He shook his head, confused. “So where are the real codes kept?”

  “They don’t exist. The formulas are all in my head. I’ve memorized all seventy of them. Honey and I decided never to write them down. I’m sorry I lied to you about that. I wanted to tell you the truth but was afraid someone would overhear us in the shop and tell Fortesque it was all rubbish.”

  “Hen’s teeth,” he said softly.

  “However, we do enjoy playing with ciphers. And now that we’re older and wiser, we understand the need to actually jot everything down so these formulas, whether in code or not, can be passed on to the next generation of Farthingales…or Brayden-Farthingales.”

  Finn gazed at her in horror. “Belle, is nothing at all written down? What were you thinking? Your family business is built on your nose. Without those formulas…it would be worthless. What if something had happened to you?”

  “As it nearly did last night?” She nodded. “As I said, Honey and I understand that now. We meant to write them all down shortly before the trouble began. Then our father started acting strangely, and we put it off. But not a moment longer, I promise. This will be Honey’s and my new project. Of course, we’ll need to retain a business advisor. Preferably one who is tall, dark, and handsome. With gorgeous grayish-green eyes, if possible. Do you have any such man to recommend?” She kissed him. “I would be willing to exchange bedroom favors for his advice.”

  He laughed. “I think I know one who would be obsessively devoted to you.”

  “Thank you, Finn. We’d appreciate your help in getting our shops and products in good order.” She cleared her throat. “However, I’m worried about Honey. We may have managed to keep our secret quiet, but she is honorable to a fault. She will never marry a man under false pretenses. I don’t want her to miss out on love because of our circumstances. And she’s so proud. Too proud. She’d rather die a spinster than deceive the man she wishes to marry.”

  Finn nodded. “She’s beautiful and clever. Once everything quiets down, perhaps she’ll find someone she will trust enough to share her secret. He’s out there, I promise. She will find a good man who will love her enough that this heinous word, illegitimate, won’t matter.”

  “I hope so. But I’m not leaving anything to chance. I’ve given her The Book of Love.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “Belle, my love. Don’t you realize the book holds no magic?”

  “Yes, it does. How can you deny it? It brought you to me, and by some miracle, you fell in love with me.”

  “It was easy to fall in love with you. It didn’t take a miracle, only a cup of spilled tea.”

  She sighed, knowing he still remained doubtful. “We found each other the moment I was given the book. That is nothing short of a miracle.”

  He kissed her on the lips. “Yes, I suppose it is.”

  Later that evening, when they were once again alone, this time in a magnificent suite at Oxford’s fanciest inn, Finn showed her just how magical their lives as husband and wife would be together.

  Belle now understood what it meant when couples coupled. But it had a far greater meaning when two people in love shared their bodies with each other, as she and Finn had done twice this evening. As the light of dawn filtered in through the sheer curtains to mark the start of a glorious new day, Finn drew her up against his big, warm body.

  “Are you awake, Belle?”

  She nodded against her pillow. “Yes, did I accidentally jab you with my elbow?”

  “No, love. It was your breasts that woke me.”

  “My breasts?” She laughed sleepily. “They are nowhere near you. In fact, I am turned away from you, my back to your front.”

  “And that is the problem. I’ve been missing them terribly.”

  Smiling, she turned to face him, pressing herself to his chest as she snuggled in the circle of his arms. “Better?”

  “Lord, yes.” He cupped her breast and then bent his head to take one taut peak into his mouth. She sighed as he gently teased it, suckled it, and flicked his tongue over it with a hot sensuality she was helpless to resist.

  “Finn,” she said in an aching whisper, twining her fingers in his hair.

  “I know, love. I can’t get enough of you. I’m sorry if I woke you.”

  “Heavens, I’m not sorry in the least.”

  “Thank goodness.”

  He settled between her legs, and as the birds outside their window chirped to welcome the sunrise, and the scent of dew-tinged roses swept into their room on the gentle breeze, Belle took him into her body and moved with him as he sought his pleasure. True to Finn’s protective and valiant nature, he took care of her first, but she hoped they’d reach their heights together.

  She clasped his shoulders as his manhood thrust into her, met his lips, and returned his kisses as hungrily as he sought hers. She was so aroused and on fire that she was ready and did not hold back, meeting him thrust for thrust, and knowing the moment when he met his release.

  “I love you,” she whispered and soared with him.

  When the waves of their passion finally subsided, he eased out of her, but she stopped him before he could roll off her. “Not yet, Finn. Please.”

  “Love, I don’t want to crush you.”

  “You’re not. You won’t. I love the way we feel together.”

  He kissed her on the lips. “So do I.”

  “I can hear your heart pounding.” He tried to ease his weight onto his elbows, but she stopped him again. “In a moment, Finn. I crave the warmth of your body a moment longer. Let me revel in the afterglow.”

  He arched an eyebrow and grinned. “Reveling, is it? You will make my head swell to insufferable proportions.”

  She closed her eyes and inhaled lightly.

  When she inhaled again, he growled in concern and shifted off her, rolling her gently so that she now lay atop him. “Belle, open your eyes. Are you all right?”

  She nodded and took another deep breath.

  He caressed her cheek. “What are you doing?”

  She opened her eyes and smiled at him. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m trying to memorize the scent of your male heat. How else am I to capture the scent of love?”

  “The scent of…? No! Don’t you dare!” But he was laughing and caressing her hair. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her on the mouth. “There is nothing remotely enticing about a sweaty, spent man. Don’t you dare think to bottle my…spillage.”

  “Ugh!” She sank back against her pillows and wrinkled her nose, but she settled back atop him a moment later, her eyes bright and her brain working at a fervent speed. “But it is an intriguing idea, isn’t it? The notion that love can be bottled. Can you imagine the frenzy if I concocted a love potion?”

  “No, don’t even think about it. A book on love is bad enough. See where it got us?”

  “Gloriously happy and making wild, passionate love to each other throughout our first night of wedded bliss. What is so bad about that?”

  “Nothing, but that isn’t the point.”

  “Then what is the point?”

  He growled low in his throat. “Hell if I know. Come here, my love.”

  “I am right here, lying atop you. Haven’t you noticed?”

  “Indeed, I have. But I’m not inside you. I’m missing your body again.”

  “What an amazing coincidence, I happen to be aching for yours.” She kissed him on his shoulders that were hard and muscled as though sculpted out of stone.

  “I love you, Belle.”

  “I love you, too,” she said and surrendered to the magic of the moment…but surely such a splendid thing could be bottled, couldn’t it?

  Finn growled again. “I can hear you thinking.”

  “Well, what are you goin
g to do about it?”

  He proceeded to use his lips and tongue to ready her so that she was carried over the edge to mindless pleasure as soon as he entered her. Perhaps Finn was right, this was their heat, their scent, their love to share only with each other.

  Afterward, she rested in his arms, knowing deep contentment. She wanted her sister to find this same happiness. Honey was now so resistant, believing herself inferior. Belle understood this better than anyone since she’d lived with this feeling all her life until Finn came along and captured her heart.

  But who would save Honey?


  London, two weeks later

  “You just happened to look at my calendar?” Finn was livid. He shut the door to his office so his clerks would not hear the berating lecture he was about to give his mother. He would not mince words. Lady Miranda Grayfell was no meek flower, and she had to be stopped before she unwittingly trampled over his and Belle’s privacy.

  How was it possible for this meddlesome woman to stop by his office in the ten minutes he’d stepped out, rummage through his desk drawers, and happen to stumble upon his calendar and the notation Appointment with Lady X marked in four consecutive days on it?

  “Who is Lady X? How can you do this, Finn? You’re a married man now! I will not have my son cavorting with—”

  “I am not a three-year-old you can spank if he misbehaves.” He frowned back at her, knowing he had to regain control of the situation from his strong-willed mother. Hah! Strong-willed was an understatement. Lady Miranda was a warrior of a woman, with blazing red hair. Henna, of course. But she’d crush his skull with a battle mace if he ever dared mention it.

  “Such women will give you the pox. Is this what you want, Finn? To die childless and diseased before you ever reach the age of thirty? And what if you give this awful disease to poor, sweet, trusting Belle?”

  Gad, could this get any worse?

  “Out,” he ordered, taking her by the elbow. “If you interfere in my marriage, so help me, I will evict you from my townhouse.”

  She gasped. “You don’t mean that. You’d never be so cruel to me.”

  Of course, he wouldn’t.

  He loved her. “Don’t put it to the test.”

  When tears began to form in her eyes, he groaned and gave in the slightest bit. “I am not an idiot. Why must you always jump to the worst conclusion? That notation is a month old and not at all what you believe it is.”

  “You must confess this to Belle and beg her forgiveness.”

  “Confess what?” Belle asked, walking into his office at that very moment. “I was nearby shopping and thought I’d stop in to see you, my love. What must I forgive you for?”

  He smiled and came around his desk to kiss her. “My mother and I were talking about a matter that is extremely delicate and has to do with a financial situation.”

  “Financial! Hah!” His mother reached into her reticule, and for a moment, Finn wondered whether she was going to pull out a pistol and shoot him. Thankfully, she withdrew her lace handkerchief instead.

  “Yes, financial. This is what I do, as you well know. It has nothing to do with my lustful urges.”

  “Finn! Watch your language. I’m your mother.” She glanced in panic at Belle. “And your wife is here.”

  “Thank you for alerting me to that fact,” he said dryly. “How are you, my love? Enjoying your day?”

  Belle nodded. “Yes, very much. Especially now that I’m here with you. But I only stopped in to give you a kiss. My sister and cousins are waiting downstairs. We’re done shopping for the day and thought we’d stop for tea and cakes at one of the local shops before returning to Uncle John and Aunt Sophie’s. Care to join us? And you, too, Lady Miranda. We’d love to have you with us.”

  His mother muffled a sob by placing her handkerchief to her mouth.

  Belle frowned. “Oh, dear. Is something wrong?”

  Finn sighed and handed her the calendar. “She’s caught me, Belle. And now I must confess my love for Lady X.”

  “Finn!” His mother looked at him as though he’d just lost his mind.

  “No, Mother. You’re right. Belle must be told. I’m sorry, Belle. She’s the only one for me. The only woman I shall ever love.”

  “I have it on good authority that Lady X loves you to distraction, too. She will never love anyone but you.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Now, you must stop being so cruel and tell your mother.”

  “Tell me what?” His mother still looked dazed.

  Belle, being too softhearted, gave his mother a hug. “Oh, Miranda! I’m Lady X. How can you think Finn would ever be unfaithful to me? There’s no one else. I came to him seeking help with my family’s business, and he jestingly put me into his calendar as his mysterious Lady X. He’s the most wonderful, noble, honorable man in all of England. You’ve raised a magnificent son.”

  Miranda sank into a chair, shaking her head with relief. “I am obviously losing my touch. But watching my boys turn into men has been quite difficult for me. Now Ronan and Joshua are determined to sow their wild oats, and I was afraid they’d led Finn astray with their behavior.”

  Belle frowned at Finn. “Have your brothers been misbehaving?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Honest, Belle. I haven’t been paying attention to them. My thoughts have all been on you.”

  “Oh, thank you, my love.”

  He turned to his mother. “What’s been going on?”

  “I’m not sure. But I overheard them talking. Snippets, really. Unfortunately, I couldn’t catch most of what they were saying. But I think Ronan is secretly running around with a betrothed young lady. That boy is shameful!”

  Finn arched an eyebrow. “I’d say the young lady is the one behaving shamefully. She’s the one breaking her vows before she’s even married. What about Joshua? What has he done to overset you?”

  “I think he’s seeing an older woman. A shameless hussy of a widow. No doubt her husband left her wealthy, and now she’s set herself up in a tawdry lair—”

  “Also known as a fashionable townhouse,” Finn said, unable to resist laughing.

  “It isn’t funny, Finn. You mustn’t mock me. Your brothers need to spend more time in church. I despair of saving them from the path of ruin.” She sighed and turned to Belle. “I pray you have biddable daughters. Sons will make your hair turn gray prematurely. Fortunately, mine has stayed naturally red.”

  Finn made a choking sound, then coughed and turned away to stare out his window at the flowing waters of the Thames.

  “See, boys are the very devil. But daughters are loving and sweet. I do adore you and your sister. Too bad Honey has shown no interest in my boys. And now she’s leaving town for Lord Wycke’s country party. Well, I hope she has a nice time. But do warn her about that handsome cad. He can be quite persuasive when he turns on the charm, and I don’t believe he is seriously looking for a bride.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  Miranda nodded. “Although he would be quite a catch. Handsome, wealthy, and an earl. What is there not to love?”

  Belle exchanged a smile with Finn. “I’ll warn my sister about that handsome beast.” She invited Lady Miranda to join her and her family for tea again, but she declined, hugged her fiercely, and hurried off in the same whirl of wind that had brought her in.


  He took her in his arms and kissed her on the brow. “Yes, love?”

  “Do you think the Earl of Wycke is the man meant to fall in love with Honey? His name has been coming up with hers all day. It’s odd, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know. But you’ve given her that Book of Love, so who knows what will happen?”

  Belle nodded. “After that terrible ordeal in Oxford, our horrible secret…”

  “I know, love. I wish there was something I could do to fix the cruel and undeserved taint.”

  “There’s nothing any of us can do. It happened. Honey and I will have to live with the knowledge for
the rest of our lives. But I’m worried about her.”

  “She’s strong and smart.”

  “But she takes things very much to heart. We had originally accepted Lord Wycke’s invitation. Honey wrote back to him and politely bowed out. Do you think she made a mistake in doing so? Shall I convince her to go? No one else but Lord Wycke knows she has declined.”

  Finn’s arms tightened around her, and he kissed her on the cheek. “Don’t meddle, love. If that book is magical, as you seem to think it is, then let it do whatever it’s meant to do.”

  “But Farthingales always meddle. What if I’m meant to convince her? What if I ruin her chance at happiness by staying quiet?”

  He groaned. “Fine, do what your heart tells you to do.”

  She kissed him again, wanting very badly to remain in his arms. “I had better go. Everyone’s waiting for me. I love you, Finn.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “I’ll see you in your boudoir later this evening…Lady X.”

  Also by Meara Platt


  My Fair Lily

  The Duke I’m Going To Marry

  Rules For Reforming A Rake

  A Midsummer’s Kiss

  The Viscount’s Rose

  Earl Of Hearts

  If You Wished For Me

  Never Dare A Duke

  Capturing The Heart Of A Cameron


  The Look of Love

  The Touch of Love

  The Taste of Love

  The Song of Love

  The Scent of Love

  The Kiss of Love

  The Hope of Love


  A Match Made In Duty

  Earl of Westcliff

  Fortune’s Dragon

  Earl of Kinross

  Pearls of Fire


  Garden of Shadows

  Garden of Light

  Garden of Dragons

  Garden of Destiny


  Nobody’s Angel

  Kiss An Angel

  Bhrodi’s Angel

  About the Author


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