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Mastered for Their Use (Ventori Masters Book 5)

Page 5

by Ivy Barrett

  Oseth chuckled at her rambling question. “Traveling from Tavor to Earth by spaceship takes between eleven and fourteen months, depending on the ship. Obviously, that won’t work for Urrya and me.”

  “Then how does Azra get you there?”

  “Interdimensional portal. He’s a gatekeeper.”

  She just stared at him, sandwich halfway to her mouth. “Are you serious? Azra can open wormholes any time he wants?”

  “What you call a wormhole takes you from one position to another within the same universe. What Azra does is different. He manipulates the space between dimensions, allowing us to pass from one dimension to another.”

  “Sorry, but it still seems like it would be easier to just stay on Earth.” She continued eating while she waited for his response.

  “It’s not an option anymore,” he finally admitted. “Chancellor Savator banished Azra. Most feel he deserved it, but we’re a pod. There was no way we’re going to abandon him.”

  “Can I ask what he did?” It was rude to ask, but she was curious by nature.

  He grinned. “Not my story to tell.”

  They chatted while she finished eating, but each time she ventured near anything important, he skillfully changed the subject. She pushed her plate aside as she asked, “If Urrya can’t get back to Earth until Azra wakes up, where did he go?”

  “Urrya woke Azra just long enough to form a portal. Azra was not happy about the interruption, I can assure you.”

  “When was this?” She should be relieved, but that wasn’t at all what she was feeling.

  “While you were in the shower. Azra is really out now, so Urrya is probably stuck on Earth for a day or two.”

  Quickly averting her gaze, she whispered, “I see.”

  Oseth pushed back his chair and stood. “You sound disappointed. Are you bored with me already?”

  “No.” She stood as well, not wanting him to storm out and leave her alone.

  There was no reason to worry. He carried her empty plate to the recycler, then paused as he studied her. “Would you like a tour of the castle? This side of the complex is much more comfortable, but the castle has more personality.”

  “I’d love that.”

  And so they spent the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening exploring the twisting corridors and shadowy chambers of the castle. Oseth regaled her with the tragedies and triumphs that had taken place in many of the rooms. Their final stop was the crenelated roof where they stood and watched the twin suns go down.

  “Still think Tavor looks like Earth?” he whispered as the sky turned violet and streaks of lavender and pink outlined the horizon.

  “Not so much,” she agreed, but she couldn’t drag her gaze away from the mesmerizing sunset.

  * * *

  Oseth studied Erin’s lovely profile as she watched the sunset. The hazy light gave her unusual hair a crimson sheen. Was the color natural or had she chosen it to accent the pale smoothness of her skin, delicate features, and bright blue eyes? Either way, the combination was enthralling.

  He moved closer, but didn’t touch her, though he wanted nothing more. “How did you spend your time before all this began? Did you have an occupation?”

  She glanced at him, then shrugged, looking back at the sunset. “I suppose some would consider it an occupation. I flirted with dirty old men and begged people I couldn’t stand for money.” She pivoted toward him before he could control his horrified expression. She laughed, obviously expecting the reaction. “My father was a very popular U.S. senator. Many expected him to be the next president. I organized his fundraisers and secured private donations.”

  He nodded, relieved by her explanation. “You did not enjoy this role, I take it?”

  She shook her head, eyes gleaming with conviction. “I hate politics, but it didn’t matter. Everyone in my family was involved in politics in one way or another. I refused to become a lawyer, so working for my father’s never-ending campaign was my punishment.”

  “What would you have become if you’d been allowed to choose?”

  She shrugged and faced him, leaning back against the waist-high section of the battlement. “I knew it would never be my choice, so I focused on what was expected of me. I was the perfect daughter for the first two years, a regular worker bee. I’d hoped if I behaved and did what they demanded, they’d eventually ease up and let me make a few choices for myself.”

  “They never did?” This could be a serious problem for Urrya and Azra. If she equated dominance with cruelty, she might not be the mate for them. Then why had their compatibility scores been so high? He studied her carefully, listening not only to what she said, but what she left unsaid. There had to be some aspect of her personality that needed to submit or she wouldn’t have been matched with Urrya. Or him for that matter. His approach to females might be more playful, but he was just as dominant as the other two.

  “Not only did they not back off, they grew more insistent. There was this one donor that basically told me he would support my father if I would have sex with him. He added that the donation would be extremely generous if I would also have sex with his son—at the same time.”

  “I hope you told him to go fuck himself.” Fury simmered as he pictured her fending off the lustful bastard. Her father never should have put her in that position. Fathers were supposed to protect their daughters until they were claimed and their mate took over. No female should be left unprotected for any reason.

  “Oh, I slapped his face and stormed out of the restaurant, but two days later my loving father called me into his office at our house. There stood the donor and his son.” She crossed her arms over her chest as a violent shudder shook her tiny form. “Right in front of them, my father told me that everyone was expected to do their part to put him in the White House. He never came right out and ordered me to fuck them, but it was obvious that’s what he wanted.”

  Oseth clenched his jaw. Her bio indicated that she had no living relatives, so he whispered a prayer that her father was burning in the humans’ fiery hell. “What did you do?”

  “Something inside me just snapped and I couldn’t pretend anymore. I turned around and walked out of the office, went upstairs, and threw a few things in a bag. Then I got the hell out of there.”

  “Good for you. Any self-respecting person would have done the same.” But she didn’t look triumphant, so he knew that wasn’t the end of her story.

  Her tentative smile was filled with regret and hopelessness. “It took all of two days for my bodyguards to find me and drag me back home. My father said he forgave me for misunderstanding his intentions.” She scoffed, anger gradually masking the hurt in her eyes. “Arrogant prick. He told me he hadn’t realized I was so ‘sensitive.’ He suggested I focus on the group fundraisers and he’d have someone else deal with the individual donors. Then he dropped the real bomb. He’d decided that a strategic marriage would benefit him more than my fundraising skills. He handed me a list of potential husbands, all of whom were at least twice my age.”

  Shit. Urrya and Azra were significantly older than she was. Even he was nine years her senior. Every element of her past created another obstacle they would need to overcome if they had any hope of claiming her as mate. Good thing they all loved challenges. “You’re still a virgin, so I presume the strategic marriage never took place.”

  Her beautiful features hardened, becoming cold and expressionless. “I finally realized the only way I was ever going to be free of my father was if he disowned me. So I became scandalous, so out of control that my father had no choice but to distance himself from me.”

  “But you’re still so young.” And innocent, he added silently. “What could you possibly do that was so controversial?”

  “I tried to seduce my bodyguards, but they were both loyal to my father. So I went to the wildest clubs every night, indulged in drugs and alcohol, and I became the biggest cock tease on the East Coast. I dressed like a whore and danced like I was in heat until e
veryone was convinced I’d slept with every male, and a few females, from Maine to Florida. The tabloids started calling me Senator Dorati’s Dirty Daughter.”

  His protective instincts kicked in with staggering urgency. Suddenly he stood in front of her, hands pressed against the stone wall to either side of her shoulders. He caged her with his body, but he couldn’t say how he’d gotten there. “That was very foolish, mate. You will never endanger yourself like that again.”

  “I no longer have a reason,” she reminded, gaze wide with just a hint of fear. “They’re all gone, Oseth. Even the house is a charred-out ruin. That’s why I moved to Texas. I wanted to be far, far away from all those memories.”

  She’d been in Austin when she was originally kidnapped, but he hadn’t really thought about why she’d been there.

  After a tense pause, she asked, “Do you understand that it was all an act? I drank too much and even tried drugs a few times, but I never...”

  He pressed his hand against the side of her face, desperately needing to touch her. “I know, but my warning remains. You were lucky none of the males you provoked ever took what you offered by force.”

  “I had bodyguards. They didn’t approve of what I was doing, but they understood my game. They immediately stepped in as soon as anyone touched me in any but the most superficial way.”

  His hand slipped to her neck and curved around her nape as his thumb stroked the underside of her jaw. “You sound disappointed.” Had he just glimpsed what truly drove her?

  “Disappointed that no one raped me?” Her tone was sharp, but pain crept into her expression. She tried to turn her face away, but he wouldn’t let her hide.

  “You were lonely and hurt. Your father had just betrayed you in the most humiliating way. Even your bodyguards rejected you. You wanted to lash out, to hurt them as badly as they’d hurt you.”

  She shook her head, as she insisted, “It was just a game.”

  “I think it was more. I think you longed to be touched by someone who knew how to bring you pleasure. I think you fantasized about a man who was bold enough—and strong enough—to take on your bodyguards. I think you dreamed about someone who wanted you so badly he’d risk death to sink his aching cock into your tight virgin pussy.”

  “Stop it.” She pushed his hand away. “You’re being ridiculous.”

  “Am I?” He pushed his fingers into her hair and made a careful fist, anchoring her head without actually hurting her. “Did he gently pick you up in his arms like Prince Charming, or toss you over his shoulder like some ancient conqueror? Did he slap your ass when you struggled and kicked?”

  “That’s your fantasy, not mine.”

  Then why did he smell arousal? She hadn’t been turned on until he started describing this scenario. “Did he wait to ravish you until he got you home and tied you to his bed, or did he fuck you fast and hard on the back seat of his automobile?”

  She licked her lips and her lashes swept down, hiding her eyes. “Sex is all humans ever talk about. Of course I had fantasies. Don’t you?” Her gaze returned to his, burning with challenge.

  “Would you like to hear one of mine? They’ve grown quite detailed in the last twelve days.”

  She laughed, and shook her head as much as his restraining hand allowed. “I walked right into that. Didn’t I?”

  Sensing the shift in her mood, he released her hair and returned his hand to the wall beside her. “Were you still feuding with your father when the Skarilians attacked?” Unresolved conflicts often compounded grief.

  She waved away the topic, clearly done sharing. “None of that matters anymore.”

  “I agree.” He moved even closer, forcing her to tilt her head back or stare at his chest. “Are you afraid of me?”

  She shook her head, but her lips trembled.

  “Then why do I still smell fear? If it’s not me that frightens you, why are you afraid?”

  Lowering her head, she stared at her feet, or maybe his boots. “If sex was all you wanted, I wouldn’t hesitate. It’s way past time for me to experience sex. But you want to control me, to p-punish me.”

  “Only when you misbehave,” he pointed out. “So don’t disobey us and you’ll never be punished.” Well, with Azra in the mix that was unlikely. Every person Azra fucked craved pain, because Azra needed to inflict pain or he was left dissatisfied. Oseth shouldn’t have said it. “You’ve witnessed some pretty intense punishments. I know it was required of you. How did they make you feel?”


  “Dirty isn’t always a bad thing.” He hated talking to the back of her head, but as long as she kept answering, he decided not to push the issue. “Were you ever aroused by what you saw?”

  “No,” she snapped. “All of it was horrible.”

  He chuckled. “Then why is talking about it making you wet?” Ducking under his arm, she tried to rush past him. He easily caught her and pressed her back against a taller section of the crenelated wall. “You need to stop lying to yourself. We will not allow you to hide from these feelings. They are very much a part of who you are.”

  “How would you know? You know nothing about me.”

  “I know more than you realize, because I know Azra and Urrya. If you are attracted to them, you are, or will be, aroused by pain and punishment. You might be denying this part of yourself, but it’s there nonetheless.”

  Before she could argue he covered her mouth with his and pulled her against his body. He hadn’t intended on kissing her tonight. She’d barely escaped death. He wanted to give her a day or two to process the situation. Though soft, her lips remained stubbornly closed, so he traced the seam with the tip of his tongue, coxing rather than demanding.

  “Open, little love,” he whispered, his lips moving against hers. “Let me taste you.”

  She stubbornly shook her head.

  “Fine.” He picked her up and set her on one of the lower sections of the wall. She gasped and grasped his arms as she looked over her shoulder. It was an eighty foot drop to the ground. “If you won’t kiss me, I’ll find somewhere else to taste.”

  He reached for her skirt, but she slapped at his hand. “Stop it! I’ll kiss you. I don’t want you to do—that. It’s disgusting.”

  Easing her legs apart, he moved between her thighs. “Have you ever had your pussy licked?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I might be a virgin, but I’m not completely ignorant.”

  Allowing her to keep her dress down, for the time being, he grabbed her hips and pulled her butt to the edge of the wall. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “It’s none of your business.”

  He chuckled. “Another evasion.” She clearly didn’t want to admit it, but he was now sure. Their feisty little kitten had never had her pussy licked. It seemed impossible that someone as desirable as Erin could have been so horribly neglected. Showing her exactly what she was missing was tempting, but he was afraid she’d shut down if he pushed too hard. Instead, he cupped her chin and guided her head back until her eyes looked into his. “I won’t hurt you, Erin. I want you very much, but I will never take anything you’re not willing to give.”

  “I’m not willing to be here,” she countered. “Take me home.”

  “Your home was destroyed by the Skarilians. So was mine. So was Urrya’s. None of us have anything left but our hatred of the Skarilians, and our need for each other. Life as you knew it is gone, but that doesn’t mean you should stop living.” He slowly lowered his head and brushed her lips with his. “I’ll protect you, and provide for you. All you have to do is let me.”

  When he teased the seam of her lips this time, she opened her mouth. He angled his head and sealed his lips over hers, caressing his way into her waiting mouth. Her tongue touched his, tentatively at first, then bolder, mimicking his movements. Her breath mingled with his, her scent filling his nose.

  Soon her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist as the kiss went on and on. She moaned, rub
bing her breasts against his chest as her hips rocked. She was so damn ready to be fucked he could take her right now and she’d love it. But he was part of a pod, and her virginity belonged to the pod leader.

  Every cell in his body groaned as he finally pulled away. “See, little love,” he whispered then kissed the tip of her nose. “Nothing to fear. We want nothing but the best for you.”

  She combed his hair with one hand, while she searched his gaze. “That might be true of you, but what about Urrya and Azra? They won’t be satisfied with tenderness and passion.”

  He smiled. She probably wasn’t ready to hear this, but he wasn’t willing to reinforce her misconception. “You’re wrong.”

  Her brows drew together. “Are you saying they would be happy with ordinary sex?”

  “Not at all. I’m saying I wouldn’t be satisfied with ordinary sex and neither would you. We both want something more intense, and significantly darker.”

  She shook her head, lowering her arms and unhooking her legs. “I don’t want to be beaten. Some of those punishments were more like sexual torture.”

  “Look into my eyes and tell me the truth.” He waited until her gaze met his to ask, “Did watching any of the punishments make you wet and achy?”

  Her lips pressed together, then she sighed and admitted, “A few.”

  “I won’t ask for specifics, but was it the simple punishments that turned you on or the harsher, more extreme ones?” She tried to look away, but he caught her chin and brought her gaze back to his. “Honesty, Erin. Lying to yourself is a waste of time. Which ones?”

  “The really nasty ones.” Her voice was barely audible and she immediately lowered her gaze.

  “Why does that upset you? As long as all parties involved are willing—”

  “But they weren’t,” she cried and her gaze shot back to his. “The women were forced to endure unspeakable pain and humiliation.”

  “It might seem that way on the surface, but the situation is generally more complicated than it appears.”


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