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Court's Fool (The Aermian Feuds Book 6)

Page 32

by Frost Kay

  No escape now. Not that she wanted to.

  She shivered and watched as he checked the bathing room and then the closet. His booted feet paused at the end of the bed. She held completely still. A smile played about her mouth when he moved onto the balcony. He hadn’t found her yet.

  Suddenly, his hands closed around her ankles and yanked her from beneath the bed. Sage stared up at him with shock. She didn’t even hear him move.

  “Found you,” he murmured, sapphire gaze glimmering.

  She grinned. She loved Tehl’s playful side. Not many got to see it. “What do you claim as your prize?” she asked breathlessly.

  He hauled her into his arms and stood, as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Don’t need anything,” he said simply. “I have everything I need in my arms.”

  Sweet man. Sage playfully narrowed her eyes at him. “You, good sir, are a liar. You said you weren’t good with words.”

  Tehl tugged the collar of her shirt aside so he could kiss the curve of her shoulder. “Telling the truth is easy,” he murmured against her skin. “What isn’t is getting these leathers off you.”

  She tossed her head back and laughed. Life wasn’t easy. It was gritty, dark, and sometimes painful. But sometimes, it offered priceless gems; like a partner who woke you from nightmares and soothed you back to sleep, a friend who sacrificed herself to keep you safe, or a future you weren’t sure you deserved.

  Sage kissed both of Tehl’s cheeks. Despite everything, she counted herself lucky.

  “You love me?” he asked, sitting her on their bed.


  The End

  COMING 2021

  The Aermian Feuds: Banished Queen

  When I started writing this series over three years ago, I thought I knew where this story was going.

  I was wrong.

  It’s bitter sweet to write the last book in Sage and Tehl’s story arc. For those mourning, it is not the last book in this world. Mira will have a novella. And there’s lots more adventures to come.

  I’m truly humbled and appreciative for each and every person who took a chance on Rebel’s Blade.

  I hope you’ve enjoyed the journey as much as I have.




  I don’t even know where to start.

  To the husbeast, thank you for your love and support. For those times you ask me questions about adult things and patiently wait for me to answer ,because you know I am lost in another world. Your support and understanding is incredible. I love ya.

  To the mama and sissy, thanks for letting me bounce plots and theories off you. Aermia would not be what it is without your amazing input.

  To me friends, thank you for being my biggest cheerleaders, even though I know reading is not your thing. Consider yourself hugged.

  A massive thank you to The Aermian Feuds launch team! I’ve enjoyed every step of this with you. It’s been an absolute joy to cry, curse, and celebrate with you.

  To the readers of this series, I cannot to you how much I appreciate you taking a chance on me and for all the reviews you’ve left. It’s been humbling to receive your support. I’m truly touched. <3

  While Tehl and Sage’s adventure comes to a close, I’m excited for what the future holds in this world.

  Again, much love <3


  Frost Kay

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  Thank you for reading COURT’S FOOL.

  I hope you enjoyed it!

  If you’d like to know more about me, my books, or to connect with me online, you can visit my webpage or join my facebook group FROST FIENDS!

  From bookworm to bookworm: reviews are important. Reviews can help readers find books, and I am grateful for all honest reviews. Thank you for taking the time to let others know what you’ve read, and what you thought. Just remember, they don’t have to be long or epic, just honest❤




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