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Asshole Husband

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “No, of course not.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “Yes, she does,” Mary and Alice both said in unison.

  Rachel’s cheeks heated. “No, I don’t.” She was still attracted to Wolfe, but after this afternoon, she was never going to tell her sisters that. Not in a million years. The way he’d advanced toward her, slamming his hands on the wall beside her, trapping her. She had felt the sheer magnetism of him surround her.

  In five years, she’d felt arousal. She’d read erotic books filled with raunchy sex and hot romance, but never had she felt the pull and tug of instant attraction as she did that very afternoon with her husband.

  She’d not cheated on Wolfe, not even been tempted. Ryan, to her, was just a friend. She didn’t know if he felt any differently, but she certainly didn’t encourage him. Like she had said to her sisters, she didn’t want to start dating or doing anything until she was a single woman again.

  There was a sudden knock at the door, pulling her out of her thoughts.

  “It’s past eight. Who the fuck could that be?” Mary asked.

  Rachel put her cup down. “I have no idea.” She lived in a small town, a quaint little house on the border with lots of surrounding forest and space for Benjamin to grow up in. Her fairy tale had ended with Wolfe, but her plans of having a family and moving to a small town, hadn’t. She’d been determined to find somewhere she could live, make a life for herself, and her son.

  Opening the door, she was a little taken aback by the sight of Wolfe, dressed in … not a suit. He wore a pair of jeans, and a plain white shirt with a few of the buttons undone.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “Well, seeing as my wife today came to my office and demanded a divorce, I figured I better cover all my bases when it comes to her chasing after something I don’t want to give her.” He stepped into her home, and she didn’t put up a fight.

  She quickly put her hand on his chest, hating how warm and nice, and even firm he felt. “You’re not coming in here.”

  “I already am, and last time I checked, sweetheart, my name was on the deed to this place.”

  “That’s impossible. I own this house. It’s mine. I can phone the cops and they can arrest you,” she said.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you really need to start looking over contracts and deeds. You really think I would let you own anything without me? I have part ownership of your car as well, and I also own the little haberdashery you work at in town.” He took the door and closed it. “Your life, no matter what you think, is linked to mine and will be for a very long time. We do share a son, after all,” he said with a wink.

  “Well, well, well, look at what hell brought in,” Mary said, folding her arms and glaring.

  Alice stood beside her as well. Her two sisters were both giving Wolfe the stink eye.

  “It’s time for you two to leave as well,” Wolfe said.

  “We don’t take orders from you,” Alice said. “We never have, and we don’t do so now.”

  “Really, you see, the way I look at it, you do as I say, or I make your sister’s life a misery. I don’t have to threaten you two, just your sister. I can make her life hell on earth, believe me,” Wolfe said. He put his hands on Rachel’s shoulders. “Just try me. Your weakness is not your slutty ways, or your need to know everything. It’s your sweet, little, not so innocent sister. Now leave.”

  Mary and Alice stood for several seconds, and Rachel pulled out from his touch and forced a smile.

  “It’s fine. We can hang out tomorrow. He won’t hurt me.” She didn’t know if that was true.

  The old Wolfe wouldn’t hurt her.

  This one, well, he didn’t exactly give her any comforting feels right now.

  She tucked her hair behind her ear, wishing she could find a way to make Wolfe stop with his threats.

  “One day, Wolfe, you’re going to want something you can’t have, and when it does, I’m going to fucking laugh in your face,” Mary said as her parting shot.

  The door closed.

  Rachel was grateful her sister didn’t slam the door. She didn’t want Benjamin awake right now.

  “You’ve made my family leave, so what do you want?” Rachel asked.

  “Simple, I want to give you what you crave.” He stepped up to her and put a hand on her cheek. “I want to fuck my wife.”

  Chapter Three

  The moment Rachel left his office, he called his lawyer to see how strong her case for divorce was, and much to his annoyance, she did have one. They hadn’t been seen together. The town, they didn’t know his face or him. He only saw his son on the weekends. To the outside world, they were living separate lives, and the only way for any marital judge to change their mind was for him to throw a seed of doubt.

  So, out of his suit, he’d dressed in jeans and a shirt, ready to play the part of adoring husband in her very quaint little home.

  His penthouse apartment in the city was bigger. When she talked about her plans for a family, he assumed a much bigger property. His PI had told him about her purchase of this place. He was able to work behind the scenes for most of Rachel’s decision to put himself in her life without her even realizing it. He did own half of this house, her car, and he owned the entirety of her haberdashery.

  Their time together have been short before their marriage, but he did listen to every single word that came out of her mouth when she did speak to him.

  He didn’t ignore her. He’d enjoyed listening to her talk about her plans for the future. She was never false with him, and she’d been refreshing to be around.

  This was the life he knew she wanted for herself, and well, now, for the next couple of weeks or even months, this was his home as well.

  Running fingers through his hair, he glanced around the place, and saw so many pictures. They were cluttered or crammed, but instead of artwork, there were portraits of Benjamin, Rachel, and her sisters.

  “You’re crazy,” Rachel said. “That is so not happening.” She turned on her heel and walked away.

  He followed her. She was going to have to get used to having him around.

  “You think I didn’t see the interest in your eyes,” he said. Her kitchen was small but homey.

  He watched her pick up her sisters’ cups, dumping the contents in the sink before washing them. How very domesticated. He didn’t clean anything. He hired a cleaner, and he also had a cook as well.

  She started to laugh. “Oh, my, you really do have a big ego, don’t you? I don’t want to sleep with you.”

  “Sleeping is the furthest thing from my mind.”

  “Wow, you know what, I don’t want you here. I don’t want to confuse Benjamin with you being here.”

  “He’s our son. I’m his dad. There’s not much confusion.”

  “You’ve never stepped foot into our home before, Wolfe. He’s never seen you.”

  “So, unless you’ve told him a big outlandish lie where I’m allergic to the house.”

  “Of course not. I don’t lie.”

  “Then answer me this, are you attracted to me?” he said. He was going to win this argument one way or another.

  “I’m not doing this. I come to you asking for a divorce, which you refuse to give me, and what, end up on my doorstep wanting to have sex.”

  “You can’t tell me you’re not a little bit tempted. It has been five years, and I know no one has stepped in my place.”

  She shook her head. “You know what, I don’t want to talk to you, or even be near you right now.”

  “You didn’t answer me with a denial, so I’m guessing, you want me.” He stepped around the counter. Rachel didn’t back away. Her arms were folded. “If you want, I can be the guy you fell in love with. I remember what it was you loved.” He changed his voice to softly spoken. “I’m still the same guy, Rachel. Just with a few hard edges you will grow to enjoy.”

  “When I don’t think you can stoop even lower, you go and do that. I don’t want you here, but it wou
ld seem that it doesn’t matter what I do or don’t want. You’re going to do whatever the hell you want, regardless. I don’t want to sleep with you, and using the guy I fell in love with, is insulting. He’s not real because he’s all lies. You’re the one who is real, and this man I want nothing to do with.” She went to step away, but Wolfe caught her.

  “Really? You have no feelings for me at all?” Wolfe asked.

  “You think I could ever love you? The way you are. You threatened to take my son away from me. I will never fall in love with you.”

  He smirked. “Baby, I didn’t say anything about love. Far from it, I want to know if you want this.” He gripped the back of her head and slammed his lips down on hers, taking the kiss he’d been wanting since she’d walked into his office that afternoon.

  If only his PI was close by to get a view of this kiss and to snap some pictures, he would be able to get what he wanted, but this was going to take more than pictures. He wanted to convince Rachel to stay with him.

  Sliding his tongue across the seam of her lips, she let a little gasp, exactly what he’d been waiting for, and he plunged in, deepening the kiss.

  The hands on his chest stopped trying to push him away. She gripped his shirt in her fist, and he moved her until her back hit the wall.

  Taking hold of her hands, he slammed them up against the wall, holding her in place.

  He’d never kissed her like this, and he certainly hadn’t felt her respond like this either. With one hand holding both of hers captive above her head, with the other, he slowly caressed down, feeling her shake. He didn’t break from the kiss as he cupped her tit, feeling the hard bud of her nipple against his palm. She let out a little moan, and he captured it. Running his thumb across the beaded point, he wanted her to scream his name, to cry out, but he didn’t want to give her a chance to even think.

  Removing his hand from her tit, he cupped her between her thighs. The jeans she wore stopped him from feeling just how wet she was. She had on too many clothes, and he needed her to be completely mindless.

  How long had it been since she came?

  Had she waited the five years, or had she touched herself thinking about him? He’d been the first one to give her an orgasm, and he’d vowed to be the last. Did she take matters into her own hands? If so, he wanted to see her touching herself, and making herself come—that would be fucking glorious.

  “Mom? Dad?”

  Wolfe didn’t get a chance to control the kiss as their son interrupted the moment.

  Rachel pulled out of his arms, shaking a little. Her lips were swollen. “Hey sweetheart, did you have a bad dream?”

  “I dreamt sharks were chasing me again,” Benjamin said.

  Wolfe was really glad the counter was between them as his cock was fucking hard, achingly so. He’d only just gotten started.

  Rachel bent down, picking up their son, and Wolfe was overcome by such a sharp wave of possession seeing her do that. It was a motherly thing to do, but he’d never seen it with his own eyes, only through the lens of a camera.

  “I’m going to put him to bed.”

  “Mommy, I want you both to do it,” Benjamin said.

  “Oh, okay. If your father wants to,” Rachel said. She looked toward him, and he knew she wanted him to refuse.

  “I’d love to.”

  “Great,” Rachel said.

  She needed to realize he wasn’t going anywhere. Following Rachel upstairs, he admired her ass even as she carried their son.

  She walked down the shortest corridor known to man and entered their son’s room. Benjamin had told him all about his decorated room, and now he knew who the Ryan was that had helped them.

  He hadn’t been some guy from a decorating crew like he originally thought. Ryan was the little asshole who thought he could take his wife and son. Well, he was going to be in for a shock because he wasn’t leaving, and now he had another plan. He was going to get Rachel pregnant. It would certainly put to bed any risk of them having a divorce, and stop anyone from thinking they could take his place.

  Rachel was his, and no one else was ever going to have her.


  Rachel had never seen Wolfe with their son. She heard all the details from Benjamin, but their nighttime routine where he tells a story, or sings to him, she didn’t get to see or hear about.

  Watching Wolfe now, it was hard to hate him. The moment they left Benjamin’s room, she could, as the man he showed her, she hated him with a passion that startled her.

  “Daddy, are you staying?” Benjamin asked.

  “Yeah, you bet I am. I’m going to be living with you and Mommy for some time. That okay with you? We can hang out, and I can even take you to school. We talked about that, remember.”

  “Yes. I get to show all my friends I do have a dad.”

  Her heart broke, but her anger was so strong she didn’t want to start in his room.

  Stepping out of Benjamin’s room, she walked downstairs to the kitchen. She didn’t drink or smoke. She felt tonight would be a good place to start a really bad habit.

  She put the kettle on and decided on a hot chocolate. What a rebel she was. It wasn’t even Saturday, the day she usually had her hot chocolate with her son.

  Tonight, she would make the one exception.

  “You missed the story,” Wolfe said.

  “I heard enough, thank you.” Her hands were shaking. “I get it. I really do.”

  “What do you get?”

  “I should have come into your office today dressed as a stripper or naked, begging you to sleep with me. I should have spilled my undying love for you. Maybe then, you’d have actually given me a divorce.”

  “We’d have had sex on my desk. I’d have destroyed my computer as I threw it to the floor to have my way with you.”

  “This isn’t funny,” she said.

  “I’m not laughing.”

  She gritted her teeth. “I don’t want you staying here.”

  “You left me no choice.”

  “Seriously? You don’t see the problem here. I don’t want to be with you. I want to be completely away from you. Our marriage was a huge, giant mistake, and I have to live with knowing how stupid I was. The only good thing to come out of this was Benjamin. I’m happy to keep up our arrangement. It was all in the divorce papers. The only difference we’d have is we’d both be able to marry other people, to date, not that our marriage stops you.” She ran her fingers through her hair, feeling so … agitated. This was exhausting. “Why do you have to make this so difficult for us?”

  “I’m not making it difficult. You think I like our current arrangement?” he asked.

  “Why not? You get to see your son. Have what you originally wanted, which was a place on the damn board. I’m so sick and tired of hearing about it. You already have all those other women. I just can’t do what you do. I can’t go out and sleep with random men. Not while I’m married to you.”

  “Where’s the ring?” he asked.


  “The ring I gave you. You think I don’t notice it’s gone?”

  She looked down at her hand. “I haven’t worn it in a long time. It’s in my jewelry box.”

  “Then I suggest you start wearing it. You’re my wife, exactly how you will stay. No other man will ever be good enough. You want to fuck, you’ve got me. You want someone to touch your pussy, look to me, no one else. I’m the only person you’ve got and the only person you’re ever going to have.”

  “I don’t ever want you to touch me. I can’t even believe you’re here right now.”

  “You think you were going to bring those damn divorce papers and I wouldn’t say anything about it? What do you take me for?” he asked.

  She put her hands to her face and just wanted him to disappear. This wasn’t how she wanted her evening to go, and she was pissed off with the way he was behaving. “What do I take you for? Why do you even want to stay married to me? We’re not compatible. We’ll never be … good enoug
h together. Not after I know everything. Why can’t you sign the divorce papers?”

  “You agreed to be my wife, and that’s the way it’s staying. I’m not signing anything, and like I said, push this, and you’ll never see Benjamin again.”

  She glared at him.

  What more was there to say?

  She didn’t know how much sway Wolfe had, but she also didn’t want to test it either, just in case it was a lot more than she could ever handle.

  “You know what, fine. If that’s the way you feel then don’t sign the papers. You want to live a married life. Fine. Follow me.” If he thought for a single second she was going to sleep with him, he was in for a big surprise. She wanted nothing to do with him, and no way would she ever allow him to touch her.

  You want him too.

  He was a vile man. One who was used to getting his own way and she refused to jump through those hoops for him. He wasn’t her man, would never be her man, and well, she didn’t have to put up with his kind of crap anymore.

  Walking past Benjamin’s room, she went to the door to the other spare room. Opening it, she flicked on the light and forced a smile at her husband.

  How strange they were still married.

  “Here you go. A nice spare room and bed. There’s a wardrobe there, and it’s a shared bathroom. Enjoy.”

  “Hold on one minute,” he said. “What about your room?”

  “You’re not sharing my room. You want to stay in my room, I’ll move into this one. This is where you’ll stay.”

  “What about confusing Benjamin?” he asked, looking all smug as if he had the upper hand.

  “I’m sure he can cope with you sleeping in the spare room. I mean, you haven’t been home at all, so this tiny detail won’t affect him. I promise.” She winked at him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  She walked out of the bedroom and went straight to her room, closing the door. Most often she kept the door open in the event of Benjamin having a nightmare. She’d open it as soon as she was dressed in her nightclothes.

  With speed, she quickly undressed, and donned a nightshirt and a pair of shorts. Running a brush through her hair, she went to her door, and opened it just a little. She was just making her way back to her bed when Wolfe pushed open her door.


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