Asshole Husband

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Asshole Husband Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  He’d fucked her one time, and he wasn’t ready to let anyone else have her. In fact, the very thought of another man even going near her filled him with a rage he didn’t even understand.

  With the backyard clear, he walked around the front and started to mow.

  He was working up a sweat and damn thirsty when Rachel suddenly appeared in front of him.

  “You need to drink. It’s getting hot out.” She held a tray with a small pitcher.

  Turning off the mower, he took a seat beside her on the porch.

  “You really do know how to mow,” she said, taking a sip of her drink.

  “You can look at me, you know?”

  “You’re not wearing a shirt.”

  “If you want to go and grab a bikini, I’ve got no objections.”

  She laughed. “Not a chance. I haven’t worn a bikini since I was a kid.”

  He stroked a finger down her thigh. “I’d like to see you in one.”

  She moved away from him.

  He wasn’t disappointed. He expected to work a lot harder than mowing a lawn to win her over.

  She ran her fingers through her hair and let out a little laugh. It was so soft and sweet.

  “You know, I don’t know why I’m surprised by what you’re capable of doing. You always knew what to do. Nothing was ever too much for you.” She sipped at her drink. “The lawn looks good. I was thinking of firing up the barbeque. We only have a small one, and I’ve got a steak marinating if you want it?”

  “What will you have?” he asked.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got me covered.”

  “Then call it a date.”

  He finished off his lemonade, got to his feet, and began to finish everything up. He noticed the house was completely clean. The windows were free of any dust, and working his way around the backyard, he saw she’d been working on her flower beds while he’d been cleaning.

  The scent of the barbeque made his mouth water.

  She stood at a tiny little metal cooking stove. Beside her were a few items, and after he cleaned away his equipment, he walked over to her. He was tempted to hold her again, but knew he shouldn’t rush this.

  Not tonight.

  There was no kid waiting upstairs. There was just the two of them.

  “I’ll go and wash up.” He stroked her arm as he passed.

  “I’ll be right here.”

  He took a cold shower, rushing it so he didn’t lose this peace that had settled between them. He didn’t know what had happened for them to be getting along, but for now, he’d take it.

  With his hair still wet, he changed his jeans and headed downstairs, still without a shirt. He wanted her to see him naked, to think of him against her, touching her. His cock was already liking the idea of her soft body next to him, those tits close to his face with her tight pussy riding his dick, fucking him.

  Easy, boy. Easy.

  He had to calm the fuck down or lose himself.

  On his way outside, he paused when he heard giggling.

  In the time he’d taken to shower, Mary and Alice had arrived. A bottle of wine was already open, and he saw Rachel sipping the glass.


  This wasn’t what he wanted.

  But he could work with it. There wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.

  “Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” Mary said.

  “She doesn’t own a cat.”

  “True, but what are you doing without a shirt?” Mary raised her brow. “Trying to win her over with your over muscular body. Is that surgery?”

  “Not an ounce of surgery done, thank you. I didn’t know your sisters were coming over.”

  “Rachel invited us. Said she’d fired up the barbeque, and you know the rest,” Alice said. “You two haven’t killed each other. That must be … fun.”

  “We’re handling it,” Rachel said.

  “Yeah, I bet you are.” Mary glared at him.

  “Did you pick up any beer?”

  “Just wine, sweetheart,” Mary said.

  “Then I’ll go and grab me a glass.”

  He didn’t like her sisters. Their bond was strong. Alice and Mary had nearly ruined his chance five years ago, trying to talk their sister out of marrying him, but he’d been able to fight for her, to show Rachel he wanted her.

  This wasn’t going to be any different.

  “Why don’t you leave?” Mary asked, coming into the kitchen after him.

  “Not going to happen, Mary.” He grabbed a glass and turned to face her.

  She hadn’t gotten any closer. Her arms were folded, and she was shooting hatred at him with her gaze.

  Again, he couldn’t give two fucks about what she wanted or didn’t want.

  “You do know she just wants to move on? Forget about you and have a life where you don’t exist.”

  “My answer is exactly the same.”

  “What is this game you’re playing? You don’t want her and no one else can have her? You jealous of the single dad sniffing around. I told her to just go for it. You’re off with your whoring ways. Why can’t she have a little fun while you’re not around?”

  “You see, that’s why I wanted Rachel. She’s loyal to me, to her vows. You, on the other hand, wouldn’t know when to keep your legs closed if it was the right thing for you. I know all about you, Mary. You think you’re better than me.”

  “I am better than you. I haven’t forced anyone to marry me.”

  “Believe me, I didn’t use force.”

  “You’re a fucking pig.”

  “And you’re wasting my time right now. Rachel belongs to me. She’s my wife, and no matter what you try to do, you’re not going to change the fact, she’s mine, and I’m not giving her up. Try me, Mary. You and Alice try and keep my wife and kid from me, and you will only hurt her in the process. That’s how I’ll win and you’ll lose.”


  Inviting her sisters was the cowardly way out. Rachel waved to Alice and Mary as they sat back in the cab, taking them away from her, and to their own homes, where no one else waited for them.

  Closing the door, she flicked the lock into place and didn’t move.

  Wolfe was right behind her.

  “I don’t know if you missed them, or if you hoped they would stop you from doing something stupid,” he said.

  “I’m tired.”

  She turned around, hoping to brush past him, but she didn’t get very far. He was right there in front of her, and he stepped close. She had no choice but to move back until the door stopped her from going anywhere else.

  Gritting her teeth, she stared at him, waiting for him to be angry.

  “You’re not tired. You feel a little weak, don’t you?”

  He still wasn’t wearing a shirt, and much to her shame, she liked seeing him like this, naked, the hardness of his chest on full display.

  Nibbling her lip, she tilted her head back, and tried not to think about how much she liked him being close to her right now.

  She was aroused.

  Her nipples were hard, and her pussy was soaking wet just for him.

  “I don’t feel anything. You can think whatever you want, but I am tired and I need to go to bed.”

  She made to brush past him, but he put his fingers around her neck, not tightly. His thumb pressed against her chin, making her look back up at him. He was much taller than she was.

  “You don’t feel anything?” he asked.


  “Are you cold?”

  “What?” She gasped as without any warning he cupped her breast.

  “You see, I know you’re new to sex. Like you already know, I’ve got someone keeping an eye on you, so I know there hasn’t been another man for you, apart from me. I’m your man, no one else. Let me give you a little warning. A woman has tells, like the hard points of her nipples. I know you get these when you’re cold, but believe me, it’s not even a gentle breeze. Even now you’re hot to the touch. There is no chi
ll in the air.”

  “It doesn’t mean anything.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.” In the next second his hand was between her thighs. “And another very distinctive tell is this right here.” His finger ran across the seam of her panties. “This is another little giveaway. A nice, wet pussy.” He slid beneath the fabric, and she gasped as he began to touch her, moving between her slit. “You see, Rachel, this is not the sign of a woman who doesn’t want to be fucked. This is the sign of a woman who does. You want my touch. You want my cock. You’re going to be fucking stubborn and deny yourself what you truly need.”

  He played with her clit, and Rachel found it next to impossible to deny him. It had been so long, and feeling him touch her, it was heady and everything she’d wanted, but refused to believe it.

  He’s not the man you think he is.

  You want a divorce.

  Would it be so wrong to give in?

  She didn’t hear a response, and she couldn’t help but whimper. This wasn’t fair. Not even a little bit.

  “You see, baby, I know what it is you want. What you crave.” His lips teased to her ear, and he flicked his tongue across her lobe before tracing down to her neck, sucking on her pulse. He bit down and she cried out, but he didn’t stop there.

  He wasn’t giving up without a fight. He plunged two fingers inside her as his thumb stroked over her clit. Each time he pulled out of her, she moaned in protest as his thumb left her clit. When he thrust in, his thumb stroked her, drawing her pleasure higher, but not allowing her to plunge over the edge, which was exactly what she wanted.

  She craved his touch, the fire inside her building, but he was the one in charge of it.

  “All you have to do is admit you want me, Rachel. There’s no harm in that.”

  They hadn’t been together in five years.

  She wanted a divorce.

  Rachel, he doesn’t want you. He just doesn’t want to divorce you.

  “No,” she said.

  She grabbed his hand and pushed him back. Even as she shook with arousal, she wasn’t going to give in, not now, not today.


  “All you do is manipulate and lie. I’m not giving in. Not this time. You think all it’s going to take is to get me into bed, and everything would be okay. You’re wrong. I want so much more, and I deserve it.”

  She pushed him away from her and moved toward the stairs.

  “I wasn’t trying to manipulate you,” Wolfe said.

  “No? Then what is it you want from me, Wolfe? Because I can’t think of a single reason as to why you won’t give me a divorce, other than the fact you like to be the one to make these decisions, to have the control. I don’t like it, nor do I like you. Nor do I like this. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to be your doormat. Not now, and not anyway.”

  She walked upstairs and went straight for the bathroom.

  Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she looked ready to explode.

  There was no way she could let Wolfe have this power over her. She wanted a divorce because she wished to have a man who loved her, who wanted to be with her, not for any conditions, or place on a board, but because he loved her more than anything else and the very idea of not being with her, made him feel sick and alone.

  One day, she would find it. She only hoped Wolfe hadn’t destroyed her faith in love, as otherwise, she would forever want to be with a man who couldn’t love her.

  Chapter Seven

  The weekend went by way too quickly. After his failed attempt to get his wife into bed, Wolfe knew he had to come up with another plan. Not that playing with her pussy against the front door was a plan. He hadn’t prepared for things to go quickly. She’d been wet though, and now he had his answer. She was still turned on by him, which meant they had a chance.

  Sunday, he didn’t get to see her much at all. She left their house early, and by the time she returned it was late. He caught up on some much-needed work while waiting. He also began to work on a new plan.

  The old Rachel who was happy to have any kind of attention from him was gone. He couldn’t use any old tricks on her, and part of him didn’t want to either.

  He’d drawn up a file, one he could work with.

  All she ever wanted was for someone to love her. Well, he knew what to do, but for now, he had to work on her falling in love with him. Not the old Wolfe, but the asshole. She had to see him for more than being a monster.

  Sunday night, he didn’t get to work on any of his plan because Benjamin arrived, and he got to be a part of the family.

  You are a part of the family, asshole.

  Benjamin told them everything from going to the park, to the scary stories they told themselves at night. He talked for hours. So much so, by the time he went to bed, there was no time to just talk with her, to sit down and enjoy.

  Now, Monday morning, and they were running behind. He got to see a frazzled-looking Rachel.

  “I’ve got to get to the shop. I was supposed to drop you off at school twenty minutes ago. I can’t believe we slept in.” She quickly grabbed everything.

  “Wait, what is going on?” Wolfe asked.

  “I need to get Benjamin to school and open up the shop, all within about fifteen minutes. I’ve also got a fitting today with a wedding dress I promised to a young woman who wanted to have one created just for her. I can’t think right now.”

  “How about I take Benjamin to school?” Wolfe said.

  “You take my son to school?”

  “Yes. He’s our son, and he can tell me the way. I know how to get there. You can head to the shop, and it solves at least a couple of troubles.”

  She looked like she really didn’t want him interfering.

  “You need me right now. Rather than push me aside because you don’t trust me, put me to use. I want to take Benjamin to school. This isn’t going to be hard.” He grabbed Benjamin’s bag, and his car keys. While she was out yesterday, he’d had a car delivered, complete with a car seat suitable for a five-year-old.

  “You’re sure?” she asked. “You can do this.”

  “Baby, I run a multi-million-dollar corporation. Believe me, taking my son to school is no hardship.”

  “Okay. You’re right. This is a piece of cake.” She knelt down and stroked Benjamin’s hair. “You’re going to be good for your daddy, right?”


  “No fighting. No teasing. You listen in class and remember to always do the right thing,” she said.

  “Yes, Mom.”

  She hugged Benjamin. “I can do this. It’s easy. You’re his dad.” She pressed her lips together, and it looked like she wasn’t happy with the prospect of leaving him. “You’ve got to take him into class. They like you to read a book with your child. Benjamin’s book is in his bag. You’re sure you can handle this?”

  “Piece of cake. Go, do your thing.” Part of the plan was in action now.

  She needed him, and well, he was stepping up. This wasn’t exactly what he had in mind, but he was going to work with it because it was all he had right now.

  Walking out of the house, he watched as Rachel climbed into the car. She gave them a wave as he was helping Benjamin into the car seat.

  “You ready to do this thing?” he asked.

  “Yes. Daddy’s taking me to school.” His son looked really happy and excited.

  Climbing behind the wheel, he pulled out of the driveway and followed the directions Benjamin gave him, until he saw the marked signs for the school. Again, in his file on Rachel, he made sure Marcus was thorough and checked out the school she wanted their son to go to. It was a public school, not private. He made a note to have Marcus get him all the information on his wife growing up.

  Five years ago, he’d not wanted to make anything complicated, and he’d settled on the present problems, so of course, he’d not taken the right time to really get to know the woman he’d be married to.

  There weren’t many available parking spaces and as
he climbed out and rounded the vehicle, he was aware of the gazes of the other parents. They weren’t late.

  “So, Champ, are you going to tell me why your mom drops you off early when we’re not late?” he asked.

  “She has to open shop early on a Monday when she had the weekend off. Miss Bernard wants a wedding dress in two months. She’s really pretty, and Mommy is the only one who can do it.”

  “I think I’m going to be paying your mommy a visit today to make sure she eats something.”

  Benjamin smiled up at him, took his hand, and together, they walked into the classroom. Women watched him, and men glared at him. He didn’t care. Sitting beside his son for nearly an hour, they read through two books before he had to leave. On the way out of the room, he was behind Ryan, the pompous single dad who thought he could weasel in on his woman.

  “Monday mornings are always so hectic,” Ryan said.

  It appeared they were parked beside each other. Oh, great.

  “I was surprised to see you here. Rachel usually drops Benjamin off at morning school so she can get to work. She’s always so dedicated.”

  Stood beside his car, he turned to look at Ryan. “I wasn’t joking around when I told you to leave my wife alone.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m here to stay, Ryan. She’s my wife, and the mother to my child.”

  Ryan smiled at him. It seemed a lot of people were very happy to see him. Ryan’s smile though, held an edge of bitterness. He couldn’t blame the guy to a point. Out of nowhere he’d come back, and any plans Ryan had were now up in smoke.

  “Our kids can still be friends, but if you think of taking Rachel from me, you better understand I will crush you,” Wolfe said.

  “This coming from a man who hasn’t even been around. You think I didn’t see through the lies? I know who you are, Wolfe Montgomery. I wonder what the papers would think of your threats.” Ryan folded his arms across his chest, looking like he just hit the jackpot.

  “The same thing the bank will think of you not paying your mortgage on time. You want to play with the sharks, Ryan, I’ll play. Remember though, one story about my and Rachel’s marriage, and your life will become miserable. You’ll wish you’d never even breathed my wife’s name by the time I’m through with you. It’s something you really ought to think about. I don’t joke around.”


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