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The Redemption of Memphis Drake: A Second Chance Romance

Page 27

by Shay Stone

  Nyla’s eyes begin to tear and mine do too. There are so many things I want to tell her, but if I say them all I’ll be down here forever. Besides, we’ll have the rest of our lives for me to show her just how much she means to me. That’s assuming she says “yes.”

  “I love you so much,” my voice quivers, and I pause bringing my fist to my mouth to collect myself before continuing. I’ve never been more terrified in my life because for the first time ever, I’m afraid of the answer. Because for the first time ever, the answer matters. Once I’m composed, I screw up my courage and make another attempt to get the words out.

  “I know you probably think I’m crazy. That this is too soon. But I don’t care. We’ve already been through so much and it’s only made us stronger. I’ve been waiting a lifetime to find you, and now that I have, I don’t see any reason to waste one second of it. So,” I say taking her hand, “Nyla Elizabeth Moreau, will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  The silence seems to last forever. There are a hundred eyes on us waiting on bated breath for her answer. My hand starts shaking and my leg trembles beneath me. Fuck. She’s going to turn me down and it’s going to destroy me. She’s just trying to figure out how to do it tactfully. Why did I have to rush it? And why the hell did I decide to do this in front of all these people?

  Mikayla tugs on Nyla’s sleeve and whispers, “Say yes.”

  “Oh my god, I thought I did,” Nyla responds with a laugh. “Yes! Yes! I’ll marry you!”

  Everyone cheers. I release the breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding and slide the ring on her finger. She leaps into my arms as I rise, kissing me long and deep. We forget we’re surrounded by her father and a bunch of kids until one of them mumbles, ‘Ewww, gross,’ making Nyla and I laugh into each other’s mouth.

  “Welcome to the family,” Edward says, patting me on the back. Alex hugs me echoing the sentiment. My dad and Cora embrace Nyla showering her with their congratulations.

  “Okay, so maybe you’re not completely terrible with women,” Mason adds with a smile. “I better be the best man.”

  “I couldn’t imagine having anyone else, cue ball,” I reply, hooking my arm around his neck and kissing his head. Everything feels so right. And for the first time, I allow myself to cling to the possibility that I’ve been wrong. Maybe con men do get happy endings.

  “Are you guys gonna get married now?” Mikayla asks with hope in her eyes.

  Nyla runs a hand over the little girl’s head. “Oh no, sweetie, not today.”

  “Why not?” I reply.

  “What?” Everyone either exclaims or chuckles. Why are they’re all looking at me like that?

  I circle my arms around my new fiancée’s waist resting my chin on her shoulder. “We could hop a plane to Vegas and get married tonight.”

  “He’s serious,” Jen mutters.

  “Of course, I am. Why wait?”

  Edward scratches his face, hesitating. “Actually, I’d always thought Nyla would get married in the church her mother and I were married in. The one she grew up in before we moved to the city. And I’d really love the honor of walking my daughter down the aisle.”

  “And we want to be bridesmaids,” Alex replies, motioning to her and Jen.

  I release Nyla, turning her to face me. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. Is that what you want too, angel?”

  She shrugs staring down at her ring like she’s embarrassed to admit it. “Since I was a little girl, I’ve dreamed of getting married in that church and having a winter wedding reception with trees decorated and lights everywhere. But I know you don’t like being the center of attention, so if you’d rather elope …” she trails off trying to hide her disappointment.

  I feel like such an ass. My immediate response is to rush things and get married as soon as possible. A quick trip to Vegas, and it’s done before anyone can have second thoughts. But this isn’t a con I’m running. This is the woman I love. The person I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. If Nyla wants a big church wedding with bridesmaids and a reception, then she’s damn well going to have it.

  “No, everything you said sounds perfect. I’m just excited. All I care about is marrying you. If you want a winter wedding, that’s what we’ll have.”

  Her eyes light up. “Really?”

  “Absolutely. How about we do it next week?”

  Everyone laughs.

  “What?” I ask, having no idea what’s so funny. It wasn’t a joke.

  Nyla gives me a sympathetic smile. “Honey, there’s no way we could put a wedding together that fast.”

  “Oh. Okay. How about next month then? Is that enough time?”

  Jen rests her hand against her chest. “Aww. He’s so cute.”

  “That’s not enough time either?” I ask, confused why it would take more time than that. “I’ll help.”

  “Memphis, by the time we book the church and the hall, the earliest we could get married will probably be this time next year.”

  “I have to wait a year to marry you? But I don’t want to wait that long.”

  I’m met with another “Awwwww” from the girls. Apparently, I have a lot to learn about this wedding stuff. Nyla slips her arms around my waist, gazing up at me. “I promise it will go by before you know it.”

  “Okay,” I concede, trying to tamp down my disappointment.

  I smile, but I’m not happy about this. The exhilaration I felt is replaced with an impending sense of doom. It races from my toes to the top of my head, like ants swarming on me all at once. I tell myself it’s nerves. That it’s the con man in me talking. But I can’t shake the feeling that if I don’t marry her soon, Nyla will slip away from me and I’ll lose her forever.


  Appreciate Lucky Breaks

  “Memphis, I’m going to be late,” Nyla mutters in a way that tells me she really doesn’t care as long as I keep nibbling this spot on her neck and moving my finger inside her the way I am.

  “You own the company. You’re allowed to be late.” I slip in a second finger and watch her face as she moans with pleasure. “I mean, I guess I can stop if you really want me to.”

  I start to withdraw, but her hand covers mine and she hits me with a warning glare. “Stop and you’re fired.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Gotta keep the boss lady happy.” I return to my rhythm and engulf her nipple with my mouth, sucking it until it beads against my tongue. Her leg slides up mine hooking around my waist. Yeah, we’re both going to be late. “Get ready to make me employee of the month.”

  I cock my brow and hit her with a sly grin before disappearing under the sheet. The bed dips and I feel the sheet being yanked off me. A wet tongue assaults my face covering it with slobber.

  “Benjamin Anakin Drake, get down!” Nyla scolds using his full name and laughing as the now five-month-old Golden Retriever-mix puppy she gave me this past Valentine’s day divides his kisses between us. I rub his head and put him on the floor, tossing the toy he brought with him across the room.

  “Now, where were we?” I smile, leaning in to kiss my girl, but the bed jostles again. Benji is back, climbing over my shoulder, dropping his fuzzy toy, and licking my head and Nyla’s face.

  “Sorry, babe, but I think the moment’s gone,” Nyla laughs, trying to fend off the attack.

  I roll off her and grab Benji, holding him in the air as he squirms, trying to wiggle his way free. Nyla uses the opportunity to escape out of bed before I can convince her otherwise. I glower at the puppy. “We should have named you ‘Cockblocker.’”

  He licks my nose and grabs his squeaky toy, tearing off after Nyla the second I set him down. I follow him into the bathroom just in time to catch a glimpse of Nyla’s perfect ass climbing into the shower. “I don’t blame you, buddy. I’d follow that ass anywhere too.”

  I pull open the door with every intention of picking up right where we left off, but Nyla grabs the handle and blocks my entrance. “Not gonna happen, babe. I’v
e gotta get to work.”

  “But you own the co—,” I try to reiterate but she puts a finger to my mouth.

  “My dad owns the company. And I have a meeting at eight-thirty with him and some overseas retailers. Why don’t you go walk Benji while I get ready?”

  “But … but …” I plead, as my eyes jump from her to my raging hard on and back again.

  “I’ll make it up to you later. I promise,” she says with a wink and a kiss that does nothing to quell the situation happening in my boxer briefs. I groan out my frustration.

  “Come on, Cockblocker.” I pull on jeans and a t-shirt and attach Benji’s leash. His tail wags happily as we walk to the coffeehouse around the corner where I pick up our favorite drinks and pastries. When we return, Nyla is dressed and on the phone. “Yep, I’ll call him on the way to make sure he brings them. What’s his new number?”

  While she searches the drawer for a pen, I use the opportunity to pin her against the counter and feather kisses up her neck. My fingers work to undo the buttons on her white silk blouse while she works to refasten them just as quickly. But when I nibble her ear, she stops fighting and relaxes into me, letting out a sexy, little moan before swatting my hands away again.

  I laugh, releasing her and break off a chunk of the banana bread I bought. It’s moist and delicious when I pop it into my mouth. I tear off another piece and offer it to Nyla, which she gladly accepts. She presses her hand to her heart like she’s just died and gone to heaven. I feel the same way, but not about the bread. I love our mornings together. It may be my favorite part of the day.

  “Okay, I’m on it. And tell Stephen to have the figures on my desk by the time I get there allowing for a half-point differential in either direction.” She hangs up the phone with a huff. “You are a lifesaver,” she says, taking a swig of her latte.

  I smirk and shrug. “It’s what I do.”

  “I was talking to the coffee.” She grins. I snatch her by the waist and pull her to me.

  “Is that so?”

  Her arms slide around my neck and she hits me with those baby browns that make my knees go weak every time. “Maybe you’re alright too. I guess I’ll keep you around.”

  “Marry me,” I say, like I have every day since I proposed to her.

  “Can’t today. Already told you I have a meeting,” she replies, disappearing to grab her shoes.

  “Promise you’ll at least think about moving up the wedding?” I call out.

  She returns carrying those strappy stilettos she knows drive me insane. “Baby, we already have the church and the venue. And you still haven’t decided who you’re going to have for your groomsmen.”

  “Yes, I have. Mason, Colin, Max, and Giovanni.”

  “What about Michael or your brother Mike, who I still haven’t met by the way?”

  “And you’re not going to. I told you we don’t speak anymore. And neither do Michael and I.”

  That secret has been hell to keep. I had to explain to my family that any talk about Mike with Nyla was strictly forbidden. She still doesn’t know Mike and Michael are the same person. And with any luck, she never will.

  “Are you ever gonna tell me what happened there? You guys were best friends for years. Are you really going to throw all that away over one argument?”

  “Yes,” I state coolly. “Sometimes things are said that can’t be taken back. Can we please talk less about this and more about moving up the wedding?”

  “Baby, it’s only another few months.”

  “It’s almost another seven months,” I pout like a spoiled child. “How about we run down to the courthouse at lunch or fly to Vegas this weekend? No one would have to know. We could get married today and still have the wedding in December too.”

  “Memphis, please. You know how much getting married in the same church my mom and dad did means to me. I feel like she’ll be there with us. I signed that stupid prenup you insisted on. Although I still don’t know why you wanted it. It was horrible for you. If we get divorced, you get nothing.”

  “I don’t want anything. And we’re not getting divorced.”

  “I know we’re not. That’s why I didn’t think we needed it in the first place.” She hooks her arms around my neck. “Please. Can’t you just be patient for a little while longer? For me?”

  I know I’m being unfair. She’s put so much effort into this wedding to make it special for us. And I’m being a dick about it because of some irrational fear.

  “Of course, I can,” I reply, resting my arms on her hips. “I’m sorry. I guess I can’t wait to be your husband.”

  “And I love you for it. I can’t wait to be your wife. That’s why I want to enjoy every second of this and make it perfect. Don’t you want to celebrate with all the people we love and have pictures and a video to show our kids someday?”

  “Yeah, I guess. Speaking of kids, what do you say we get started on that now? We should really get going if we’re gonna have nine,” I mutter, working on those buttons again.

  Her eyes bug out of her head. “Did you say nine? I was thinking more like two.”

  “No, we definitely need nine,” I reply, kissing the spot behind her ear that she’s powerless to resist. “And we’ll name them all Mason so we don’t get confused. Although now that I’m saying it out loud, I realize we probably need ten. We should have an alternate in case one of them gets hurt.”

  “An alternate? Wait! Did you say, “Ten?” You want ten kids?”

  “I don’t want ten, but we have to have them. It’s the only way to save our marriage.”

  She titters, throwing her head back. “What on Earth are you talking about?”

  “Well there’s no way I’m raising a Yankee fan. And I’m guessing you won’t want to raise a Red Sox fan, so the way I see it, the only solution is to have our own baseball team.”

  “Or we could have one or two kids and pick a mutual team to root for.”

  I huff. “Well yeah, I guess we could do that, too. But my way’s more fun.” I waggle my brows, untucking her shirt.

  She slaps my hands away and grabs my chin planting a kiss on my lips. “You’re adorable.”

  “I know this. Think how cute eleven miniature versions of me would be.”

  “Eleven? What happened to ten?” she asks, sitting on the arm of the couch to fasten her shoe. Fuck, I love those things. I push between her thighs and grab her ass hauling her against me.

  “I decided we need a bat boy,” I respond, nibbling along her collarbone.

  Her neck drops back granting me better access. “Well, you do make a convincing argument.”

  My phone rings dancing across the counter, then stops only to start up again. Nyla inches away from me. “You better get that. Crap! Is that the time? Now I really do have to go.”

  “Why don’t you wait a few minutes? I’ll take a quick shower and ride with you. It’ll take me ten minutes. Tops,” I reply answering the call. “Hey Dad. What’s up?”

  “Memphis, she’s gone. I can’t find her. I’ve looked everywhere.”

  “Whoa, whoa. Slow down. Who’s gone?”

  “Your mother. She’s not in the house and her car is gone.”

  He’s having one of his episodes. I took him to see the neurologist Edward recommended, but the doctor agreed he was already on the best medication to slow the progression of the Alzheimer’s. He’s been declining steadily over the past few months.

  “Dad, it’s okay. Mom’s with me. We’re at the store.” I’ve found sometimes it’s better to lie than to break his heart by telling the truth.

  “You are?”

  “Yeah. We’ll be home by supper time. Go watch your program. Can I talk to Cora?”

  “Who’s Cora?”

  “She’s that nice nurse lady that lives there, remember?”

  “Oh yeah. She’s right here. Will you ask your mom to pick me up some of those Nutty Buddies I like?”

  “Yep. We’ll get them.” He hands the phone to Cora and we speak fo
r few minutes. I hang up and scrub my hand across my face.

  “Your dad again?” Nyla asks with concern.

  “Yeah. He’s getting worse. Cora’s not going to be able to handle him on her own much longer. He’s going to need full-time care. Half the time he doesn’t know who she is and the other day he didn’t know Mason. Pretty soon he won’t remember me either.”

  Nyla nestles against me, drawing me into a hug. “I’m sorry, baby. Is there anything I can do? How about we swing by to check on him on our way to the office?”

  “No, it’s okay. You’ve got your meeting.”

  “I’ll call my dad. I’m sure he can handle it. This is more important.”

  “You really are an angel, you know that?” I say, brushing her hair from her shoulders. “But it’s not necessary. I’ll go check on him. Go to your meeting. Please let your dad know I’ll be a little late, but I’ll stay late to make up for it.”

  “He won’t care.”

  “I know, but I do. He’s been so good to me and my family. I don’t want him to think I’m taking advantage of him.”

  “Okay. You sure you don’t want me to come with you?” she asks, kissing me goodbye.

  “No, I’ll be fine.”

  “Alright. I love you. Please call me if you need me.”

  “Love you too, and I will.”


  I STOP BY TO VISIT with my dad for a bit, making sure he’s alright. By the time I reach the apartment, he’s engrossed in a game show and appears much calmer, making me feel comfortable enough to continue on to work. When I arrive, I peek in Nyla’s office to tell her I’m here and update her on my dad. The lights are off and her office is empty. That’s strange. I check the breakroom, but she’s not there either. Assuming her meeting ran long, I head to Edward’s office.

  “Hey, Emily. Is Nyla still in there with Edward?”

  “No. It’s just him and the retailers. Nyla never came in.”


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