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Choosing Nerd (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 6)

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by E. C. Land

  I’m sure Tracker and Stoney got alerts on their phones when the system came on. I have it wired to do that with everyone’s houses. If it’s one of my brothers, then they get an alert, as well, sent to them. Since this is my place and not once have I stayed here, I expect a call in the next minute or so from my Prez or VP asking why I’m here. That or one of them to show up.

  “Nick,” Cara calls my name nervously as she steps around me. “Um, where’s all your furniture?”

  “Haven’t picked any out yet. Figure tomorrow we can go see what we can find,” I shrug and head into the kitchen where I toss my keys and empty my pockets. “You hungry? I’m going to get someone to go pick up Mexican.”

  “I could eat,” she whispers as she glances around the open space.

  I open my mouth to answer her when my phone rings, peering down at the screen seeing Stoney’s name pop up. Sighing, I swipe my finger across the glass and put it to my ear. “Prez.”

  “See you finally went to your house. You wanna tell me why you drove all the way to Franklin in the middle of the night and are now back?” Nothing gets past Stoney, not even if you tried to, he’d call you out on it.

  “Went to get my girl and bring her home,” I say, speaking the truth.

  There’s a pause on the other end of the line and I check to make sure I didn’t lose him when he finally speaks. “Good. She needs to be here with family and I’m taking it you’re claiming her,” he states rather than asks me this.

  “Yeah, Prez. Gonna talk to Coyote tomorrow. Give her the evening to relax and settle into the house,” I inform him as I lift my gaze to Cara and watch her as she walks around the bare house.

  “Alright, need anything for tonight? Know you don’t got shit in that house, considering since you bought it, you ain’t even stayed there.” Like I said, can’t keep anything from Stoney.

  “Was gonna get one of the prospects to pick up some Mexican for us. Maybe go into the store and grab some drinks. Gotta go to the store tomorrow and get that shit after we go look at furniture,” I mutter.

  “I’ll get Rachel to go. She’ll be happy to do this,” Stoney states taking charge.

  “Thanks, Prez.” And I meant it. Out of all the ol’ ladies from the club besides Momma B, she’s the one I like most. Raven follows close behind. Not that I don’t like them all but Rachel is the one I’ve talked to most.

  “No problem, make sure when you confront Coyote, you do it here at the clubhouse,” he commands.

  “Don’t think I can, Prez. Not going against you on this but what I mean is Cara’s not ready to be around a ton of people,” I grunt. At the sound of her name my girl looks in my direction.

  “Alright, I get it. But when you talk to him it will be with a few of us there to make sure it goes smoothly, and no one gets hurt.”

  “Got it, I’ll let you know when I call him.” Disconnecting I toss the phone back on the counter and hold my hand out to Cara. “Come on, I’ll show you around our house.”

  Eyes on my outstretched hand, my girl seems to debate taking it for a brief moment before placing her hand gingerly into mine. Sending a silent thank you to whoever needs it, I begin the tour making sure to end it in the bedroom where we’d be able to sit and talk comfortably rather than on the floor.

  Plus, this gives Cara a chance to get used to being in a bed with me, since I have no intention of sleeping anywhere else but with her in my arms. Never again. Having her there wrapped around me this morning was something I will cherish for the rest of my life. The way she relaxed against me after finally drifting off I knew I was able to keep the demons at bay for her to finally rest.

  Chapter Nine


  My heart races within my chest as I followed Nerd throughout the house. First, he showed me the entire downstairs. Including the garage and back yard. I immediately fell in love with the pool. Clean and pure. I’m sure it would be amazing to dive into once it’s warm enough to be enjoyed. With it being March, it won’t be long now before that happens.

  Since everything happened, and I was stupid and stubborn to not come home at Thanksgiving, I also missed Christmas with my family. Now I’m home. A home Nerd bought and wants to furnish with me. One close enough to my brother but still will give me the space I need from him.

  Once we finished our tour downstairs Nerd took me to the second floor and showed me each room. By the time we got to the last room I was starting to wonder if we’d need to go buy an air mattress to sleep on. However, when he opened the door to the master bedroom, that’s when my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. In the middle of the room was a king size bed on a beautiful yet simple frame. Across from it was a TV mounted to the wall. Those were the only two things in the room. No dressers, nothing.

  “Nick,” I whisper turning on my heel to face him, I find he was standing directly behind me. Now our fronts were nearly touching as I meet his gaze.

  “Yeah, babygirl,” he rasps.

  “There’s only one bed and a TV,” I state the obvious.

  “Told you when we got here, we’ll go tomorrow and pick out stuff for the house. I’ll also take you by the home and houseware store to pick out some other shit we need. One will be a coffeemaker,” Nerd grunts, his hands coming to my waist.

  “Nick.” Nerd stops me yet again by lifting a hand to cover my mouth.

  “Gotta get used to this, Cara. And one way to get you there is by you being in my arms at night where I can protect you from the nightmares.” How is it that Nerd can be sweet and meaningful while I’m conflicted and scared by his actions? “That being said, babygirl, we’re taking everything at your pace. I’m not going to force you into anything you’re not ready for. We’ll get you there and when we do you will get to make that choice in taking the next step.”

  And that right there is the very reason he holds my heart. It’s also why I can’t let myself have him. Not really. It’s not fair to him when I won’t be able to give him what he wants. I’m ruined and he’s perfect.

  Damnit, why did those monsters have to do this to me?

  All I wanted to do was go to school, get my degree, come home, and finally be able to approach Nerd and show him that I’m not just a girl, but I was his girl.

  “What do you mean you prefer the Chucky movies over the Jason ones? They’re corny as fuck,” Nerd chuckles.

  We’d been stretched out on the bed enjoying a spread of delicious Mexican food Rachel brought by. I thought it would be weird seeing her again, but she made it easy by giving me a hug, telling me she’s happy to see me and that she’d gotten me my favorite along with my tea that I can’t survive without.

  After she left, Nerd suggested that we lock up, take everything up to the room, and have a movie marathon while pigging out. Since he has a way with making me feel completely comfortable around him, I agreed without hesitation.

  “Chucky is way better than Jason and even Michael Myers. Granted, the fact that Michael is always popping up when you least expect him to, Chucky comes at you head on with his knife ready to slice you up. Whereas Jason simply carries a chainsaw and walks around like a creeper,” I giggle, dipping another chip into the homemade salsa Rachel got for us. It cost extra but it’s the best.

  “Babygirl, you’re a nut. There’s no way Chucky is better than Mike or Jason. He definitely isn’t better than Freddy,” Nerd grins.

  “Oh whatever.” It felt good to laugh so freely with him and not worry about anything else.

  We were having a great time and I was enjoying being in Nerd’s company and I hadn’t thought once about what happened to me. At least until, the roar of motorcycles slices through our bubble.

  Tensing, I drop a chip I’d just picked up and begin to shake in terror. Hear one bike maybe two I’m okay. I got used to that much while being at Rage and Cleo’s house. But that was way more than two.

  “Easy, Cara. It’s okay. Just take a breath. I’m going to go see what’s going on,” Nerd states as he climbs off the bed. By the time
he’s through the bedroom door, the engines are cut and there’s a pounding at the front door.

  “Brother, swear to fuckin’ god you don’t open this door right fuckin’ now, I’m kickin’ it in.”

  Oh my God. That’s my brother yelling and beating his fist against the door.

  Scurrying out of the bed, I rush through the door and down the stairs, only to stop at the foot when the door swings open and Coyote lunges for Nerd.

  “I could fuckin’ kill you, asshole,” my brother snarls throwing a punch that connects with Nerd’s jaw causing him to stagger back a few steps. Nerd straightens and moves back toward my brother.

  As Coyote throws another punch Nerd blocks it and lands his own to my brother’s stomach causing him to grunt.

  “Brother, calm the fuck down for a moment and listen,” Nerd states calmly as if this was a normal thing for them to do.

  “Fuck you. You should have come to me first. Cara’s my fuckin’ sister and you went behind my back. I should have known something was up but I trusted you.” More blows are thrown at each other as they continue to beat each other up.

  The violence of seeing them attack each other sends me into a panic attack and I cover my ears as I scream, “Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.”

  My screams halt all movement in the room. I hadn’t even seen the other men who’d joined the party.

  Nerd’s the only one to move while everyone else stares at me.

  “Easy, babygirl. It’s okay,” Nerd murmurs soothingly while pulling me into his embrace. “No one is going to hurt you. Remember, I promised you nothing would happen, and I meant it.”

  “Fuck.” I hear my brother mutter.

  “How about we clear out and let Coyote have some time with his sister?” Someone advises, I wanted to say it was Stoney.

  “I’m not leaving my girl, Prez,” Nerd growls, holding me tighter to him.

  “Didn’t expect you to, respect that but now it’s time you work it out with your brother. He’s right you should have told him.” I was right to think it was Stoney, he speaks with an authority that rolls right off of him as he talks.

  A heavy silence fills the room as everyone but Coyote, Nerd, and I leave the room. The entire time my face stays buried in Nerd’s shirt as I try to stop the trembles from racking my body.

  This I never wanted anyone to see. Me, having a panic attack. Freaking out about motorcycles moving as one. Or better yet, flipping out over my brother and the man I’ve been in love with since I first laid eyes on him, beat each other up.

  Chapter Ten


  Fuck, I should have known something like this would cause Cara to freak. Violence of any form could be a trigger that brings on a panic attack. With the way she acted upon the approach of my brothers, I knew she was starting to get scared; however, her brother and I going at each other didn’t help matters.

  Holding her to me, I do my best to sooth her trembling body.

  “Come on, babygirl,” I murmur softly against the top of her head as I guide her into the kitchen and set her on the counter.

  “I . . . I . . . I’m sorry,” she hiccups.

  Frowning, I grip her chin in order to lift her face so she has no choice but to look at me. “Why are you sorry?”

  “B . . . Because it’s my fault.” Fuck me. Cara has a way with gutting me without meaning to.

  “Cara, kiddo, this isn’t your fault,” Coyote grumbles, moving to stand near us. He’d stayed quiet as I took care of my woman. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I was pissed.”

  “Brother,” I mutter, shaking my head. It wasn’t his fault either. “No one is at fault here. Last night, after the shit with Luna and her going missing, I made a decision. Went with it and brought my girl back home where she belongs. I was giving her the night to settle in and calling you in the morning to come over.” I state making sure Coyote is looking directly at me as I finish talking. “Wasn’t trying to keep shit from you.”

  “Still don’t like it. Not after everything she’s been through . . .” Coyote doesn’t get to finish as Cara interrupts him.

  “She is right here. I don’t want to be talked over or about. This is why I hadn’t wanted to come home yet,” Cara mutters.

  “Cara,” Coyote starts only to stop when she shakes her head. A look of grief crosses his face at the hurt in hers.

  “Don’t. I don’t want pity and I don’t want anyone treating me like I’m made of china. That’s not how I’m going to get over anything. I learned that in group. If you just think of me as me and not a victim then I’ll eventually be able to move forward.” The anguish in her voice is hard to miss.

  “Okay, kiddo,” Coyote mutters as he nods in agreement. “I’ll do my best. Can’t guarantee I won’t go into big brother mode when I feel the need to protect my little sister.”

  Letting out a hesitant breath, Cara gives us a slight smile. “Okay,” she whispers.

  “Now that the drama’s done, think we can talk about everything tomorrow? Give Cara the night to adjust to being home,” I suggest.

  “She’s not home, until she’s at my place with her family,” Coyote growls.

  “Coyote,” Cara murmurs before I can speak up. “Please don’t. I love you. I know you want to be there for me, but I feel safe here. With Nerd. He’s my friend.”


  Looks like I’m going to have to make her see we’re more than just friends. She’s my woman whether she wants to deny it or not. I’m not about to let her go.

  “Friend?” Coyote grunts.

  “I claimed her.” I declare gaining Coyote’s heated glare.

  “Nick,” Cara murmurs.

  “Come again?” Coyote snarls.

  “Claiming her, brother. I’d intended to do it when she finished school, but after this shit, I’m not waiting any more. Am I giving her the time she needs to heal and get her head on right? Yeah, but she’s doing it here in my house. A house I bought knowing she would love it. Now, you see where I’m coming from?” By the time I finish, I lock eyes with Cara making sure she got where I was coming from.

  None of us speak but finally Cara nods her head in understanding at the same time Coyote sighs. “Alright, I don’t like it, but fuckin’ hell if Cara feels safe with you then so be it; however, you fuckin’ hurt my sister, Nerd, and I’ll end you. Brother or not. She’s the only family I have besides my woman and kid.”

  “Wouldn’t expect anything less,” I nod, turning my attention to him.

  “Good. Then tomorrow, I’ll be bringing Tinsley and Cody out here to finally meet Cara,” Coyote states as he moves pushing me aside so that he is able to hug his sister. “Missed you, kiddo. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Tentatively, Cara wraps her arms around her brother. “Missed you, too. I’m sorry I was so stubborn when school started. I shouldn’t have shut you out the way I did.”

  “It’s okay, kiddo. Now I’ll see you in the morning,” Coyote states stepping back from Cara.

  “Okay. But we’re supposed to go furniture shopping sometime tomorrow and get groceries,” Cara says softly.

  “I’ll call and let you know when we’re on the way,” Coyote grumbles, lifting a hand to rake his fingers through his hair. I know this isn’t easy for him. Shit, if I had a sister and she went through what Cara did. I’d be the same way. It’s why I wasn’t pissed with him for the punches he threw at me. Granted, I gave him just as many.

  Soon as the door closes behind Coyote, leaving me alone with Cara once again, I step back into her space.

  “Friend?” I ask her.

  “Nick,” she murmurs.

  “Babygirl, I’ve made my intentions known and you know it. I get you need time and I’m more than willing to give it to you. What I won’t do is be anything but your man. Love you woman and I’m not giving you up. Got me?”

  “Love me?” Cara whispers inaudibly.

  “Yeah, Cara, man doesn’t do the shit I’ve done unless he’s doing it for someone
he’s got feelings for and those feelings got to be more than simply caring,” I say firm but gently at the same time.

  “Don’t want to make you dirty by being with me.” If Cara’s words could shock me any more than just now, I would hit the floor.

  “Cara,” I murmur, cupping her cheek. “You’re not dirty.”

  “But I can feel it. It covers me and I don’t want that to touch you or anyone else. Those monsters, they ruined me and I’m doing my best to come to terms with myself . . .” Sliding my hand along her cheek I cover her mouth to stop her from saying anything further.

  “I know right now isn’t easy for you, babygirl, and it’s going to take a while to get you there. But, I’m tellin’ you right now, you aren’t ruined and that filth you think you feel will wear away the longer you’re with me. I’ll make sure of it,” I promise her, meaning every single last word.

  Chapter Eleven


  Over the past three months my life went into overdrive. The day after Nerd brought me home, I met Tinsley (she’s the sweetest woman I’ve ever met) and my nephew Cody (he looks so much like my brother). Granted, I’d talked to Tinsley through texts, I was still leery about whether or not I’d like Tinsley; however, we hit it off right away.

  I felt bad for missing so much of Cody’s life already but he’s an amazing kid. I’ve started babysitting him while Coyote and Tinsley both work. While watching him, I’d come to the conclusion I didn’t want to go back to school for my psych degree but rather get certified and licensed in childcare. With all the kids within the club, they could use someone they trusted watching their children while working.

  When I brought this up to Nerd, he thought it was a great idea and helped me look into what I needed to do to get started.


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