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A Guide to Documenting Learning

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by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano

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  Images/figures, boxes, and tables are indicated by f, b, or t following the page number.

  Access to information, 40, 42

  Action research importance of, 232–233

  learning layers and, 68t, 69t, 71–72t

  students documenting own learning and, 66t

  Action steps amplification degrees, 80–81b

  audio documentation, 164b

  blue color photo challenge and, 94–96, 95b, 97f

  branding, 215b

  conference hashtag feed unpacking, 181–182b

  decision making for the future, 238–239b, 244f

  display amplification, 58b

  documenting opportunity, 34b

  hashtag chats, 130b

  platforms for, 9–10b

  reflection, 116–117b

  sharing and amplifying perspective, 70b

  video documentation, 164b

  Administrators. See Branding

  Airasian, P. W., 33

  Alcock, M. H., 218

  Ali, Muhammad, 219

  Amplification overview, 81

  degrees of, 75f, 76–80, 119

  learningflow routine and, 118–119, 119f

  learning layers and, 69t

  as purpose of documenting learning, 21–23

  sharing and, 74, 75f, 75t

  as step in post-documentation phase, 102, 108

  Amplified writing. See Hyperlinked writing

  Analysis, 35–36

  Anderson, W., 33

  Annotation, 49

  Annotexting displaying versus, 57

  image/photo documentation and, 133–134, 134f

  tools for, 176

  21st century skills challenge, 195, 195–196f, 196t

  Application of new knowledge, 36

  Arter, J. A., 12

  Artifacts, 6, 27–28t, 33

  Assessing versus assessment, 68t

  Assessment, 68t, 233–237

  Assessments AS learning, 12–14

  Assessments FOR learning, 12–14

  Assessments OF learning, 12–14

  Attribution, 31, 171

  Audiences, 23, 32, 118, 162

  Audio documentation, 93t, 148–150, 149f, 151t

  Augmentation, 46, 47f, 49

  Authenticity, 33

  Autonomy, 53

  Backchannel clean-up process, 183

  Backchannel platforms Google Docs, 48, 131–132, 184–186, 185f, 201

  purposes of, 124

  TodaysMeet, 130–131, 182–184, 183–184f

  Twitter, 9b, 39, 124–129, 176–181, 177–178f

  unpacking and, 182–185, 183–185f

  when used, 93t, 105

  Basic literacy, 26–29, 27–28t, 170

  Berdoussis, N., 29

  Bitesize learning, 155–156

  Blogfolios, 39

  Blogging challenges, 165, 166f

  Blogs assessment of student work with, 235–236

>   documentation and, 164–167, 166–167f

  as platform, 10b

  unpacking, 173–176, 174–175f

  when used, 92t

  Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, 33, 107

  Blue color photo challenge, 94–96, 95b, 97f

  Bowman, Travis, 21

  Bragging, 219, 219f

  Branding overview, 208–210, 220

  amplification of community interactions and, 211–216, 212–217f

  big picture learning and, 210–211

  professional development and, 218–219

  teacher observations and, 217–218

  from teachers to schools, 219–220, 219f

  Brown, J. S., 232

  Buhl, L., 189

  Bullying, 31–32

  Burgess, D., 211, 226–227

  Byrnes, Richard, 22

  Cable News Network (CNN), 37

  Calibration, 229

  Capture learning, 114–115, 114f

  Cartographer role, 98

  Casa-Todd, J., 12

  Categorization, 39

  #CDeduchat, 176, 177f

  Challenges, 213, 213f. See also 21st century skills challenge

  Chappuis, J., 12

  Chappuis, S., 12

  Choices, 11, 22, 39

  Church, M., 14, 15, 20

  Clark, T., 15, 164

  CNN (Cable News Network), 37

  Collaboration amplification and, 21

  during-documentation phase, 96–99

  documenting FOR and AS learning, 14

  impacts of, 19

  unpacking and, 133

  See also Amplification; Sharing

  Collages, 143–144, 143f

  Comic strips, 135–138, 137f

  Communication, 37, 102, 211–212

  Communities, 71t

  Complexities, 17

  Conference hashtag feed unpacking, 179–180f, 179–181

  Conferences, 139–140

  Confession videos, 154–155

  Confidentiality, 30–31

  Connection making digital citizenship and, 33

  hyperlinked writing and, 169

  information literacy and, 40

  as step in post-documentation phase, 102, 105–106

  as thinking move, 17

  Consumers/producers, 32, 117

  Contemplative questions, 108–109

  Continuous learning, 103

  Copyright attribution, 31

  Costa, A., 102, 108–109

  Cotton, Tom, 223

  Couros, George, 3, 119, 155

  Creation digital citizenship and, 33

  global literacy and, 37

  of information, 39

  mental models and, 76

  as step in post-documentation phase, 102, 107

  Crowdsourcing, 37, 125, 215–216, 216f

  Cruikshank, K.A., 33

  “Cs.” See 21st century skills challenge

  Culberhouse, D., 232

  Cultural perspectives, 34–35, 36

  Curation defined, 20, 40

  hyperlinked writing and, 169

  information literacy and, 39

  as literacy skill, 185

  Curricular focuses, 229

  Curricular goals, 229

  Curriculum21 (Jacobs), 223–224

  Curriculum design, 68t

  Davison, L., 232

  Debriefing, 203–204

  Decision making for the future overview, 223–224, 237, 238f

  action step using, 238–239b, 244f

  what to cut, 224–228, 225f

  what to keep, 228–233, 230f

  what to upgrade, 233–237

  Description artifacts, 27t

  Dewey, John, 115

  Digital citizenship, 30–33, 31f

  Digital learning farms, 160, 184

  Digital literacy, 78

  Digital media and technology authentic use of, 114–115

  sharing and amplification with, 77–79

  sharing with, 20

  strategic thought about use of, 48

  See also Backchannel platforms; Tools

  Digital portfolios, 132–133

  Digitization, 22

  Displays, documentation compared, 54–57, 55–57f

  Dissemination, 41, 118

  District branding. See Branding

  Documentaries, 157–158

  Documentation & Blogging Challenge, 165, 166f

  Documentation phases overview, 83–84, 84f

  during-documentation phase, 93–99, 94f, 97–99f

  planners for, 242–243f

  post-documentation phase, 100–109, 100f, 104f, 108–109f

  pre-documentation phase, 84–93, 85f, 86–89t, 90–91f, 92–93t

  See also Learningflow routine

  Documenting, defined, 4

  documenting4learning, 59

  Documenting AS learning overview, 8–11, 11f

  metacognition and, 67t

  mindset for, 228

  post-documentation phase and, 101

  Documenting FOR learning overview, 6–8, 9f

  mindset for, 228

  post-documentation phase and, 100, 101

  Documenting learning educators, characteristics of, 3–4

  Documenting learning layers overview, 65f, 72

  institutional memory and, 70, 71–72t

  students documenting own learning, 65, 66–67t

  teachers documenting professional learning, 68, 69t

  teachers documenting student learning, 67, 68t

  Documenting learning types. See Types of documenting

  Documenting OF learning, 4–6, 6t, 7f, 54

  Downes, S., 39

  During-documentation phase, 93–100, 94f, 97–99f

  Earl, L., 12

  Ecology, 33

  Editing, 102, 106–107

  edJEWcon, 208

  Edublogs Teacher Challenges, 165

  Educators, characteristics of, 3–4

  #EDUin30, 155–156

  Ehrmann, S. C., 123

  Einstein, Albert, 108

  Engagement, 32, 63–65, 64f, 211–212

  Etiquette, 128

  Evaluation and observation of teachers, 217–218

  Evidence of learning learningflow routine and, 111–114, 113f

  pre-documentation phase and, 89–91, 91f

  what acceptable as, 57–60, 60f

  See also specific types of documentation

  Exit tickets, 132–133

  Explain Everything, 158–159

  Explanation artifacts, 28t

  Explanations, 16, 77

  Expository artifacts, 27t

  Extension of learning, 22–23

  Facebook, 10b

  Face Time, 156

  Face-to-face (F2F) amplification, 76–77

  Filter/select step, 101, 104

  Fisher, M., 14, 113, 226

  Flashy busywork, 14

  Focus, 87, 88–89t

  Francisco, Peter, 21

  Fry, D., 14

  Fryer, W., 169

  Future. See Decision making for the future

  Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 111, 119

  German language learning, 91, 91f

  Gerstein, J., 73–74

  Global audiences, 23

  Global literacy, 34–37, 35f, 79–80

  Godin, S., 226, 237

  Google Docs, 48, 131–132, 184–186, 185f, 201

  Google Hangouts on Air, 156

  Grading systems, 233–237

  Growth mindset, 66t

  Guiding questions platform and tool selection and, 90

  post-documentation phase, 101, 104–105

  pre-documentation phase, 17, 85, 86–87t

  Gutierrez, K., 155

  Guyevskey, V., 29

  Habits of Mind, 102–103, 108–109, 198–203, 199–201f

  Hacking Assessment (Sackstein), 237

  Hagel, J., III, 232

  Hale, J. A., 14, 113, 226

  Halliwell, Geri, 63

  Harris, Stephen, 71t />
  Hashtag chats, 125, 127–129

  Hashtags, 39, 125. See also Twitter

  Hattie, John, 66t, 71–72t

  Heick, T., 30, 33, 51

  Hellweg, E., 41, 118

  Hercules of the Revolution (Bowman), 21

  Hernandez, Andrea, 208–209

  Heutagogical documentation, 51–54, 66t, 69t

  Higher-order hyperlinking, 169–170

  Hunt, B., 168, 171

  Hurley, Rushton, 119

  Hyatt, Michael, 73

  Hyperlinked writing, 167–171, 168f

  Hyperlinked Writing Taxonomy, 168–169, 168f

  I Can . . . statements, 198

  Illustration, 169

  Image/photo documentation overview, 133, 144

  annotexting, 57, 133–134, 134f

  audio compared, 148

  collages, 143–144, 143f

  comic strips, 135–138, 137f

  infographics, 138–139, 138f

  Pinterest, 144

  screenshots, 92t, 135

  sketchnotes, 92t, 135, 136f, 138

  visual quote cards, 139–143, 139f, 141f, 143f

  See also Video documentation

  Images, when used, 92t

  Infographics, 138–139, 138f, 186–188, 187f

  Informational artifacts, 27t

  Information literacy, 38–41, 38f

  Information management, 39

  Initiative implementation, 71–72t

  Instagram, 10b

  Institutional memory, 70, 71–72t, 207. See also Branding

  Intellectual property, 31

  Interpretation, 8, 16, 35

  Interviews, 151t, 156–157

  In the News podcasts, 151t

  I see, I think, I wonder, 132–133

  IT departments, 227–228

  Jacobs, H. H., 218, 223–224

  Janewicz, Laurel, 105–106, 107, 159–160

  Kallick, B., 102, 108–109, 198–203, 199–201f, 229

  Kashin, D., 46, 233

  Keller, Helen, 133


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