Page 6
Little did they realize that Sol was no longer a safe haven. Humankind had tried to escape the clutches of its own stupidity on Earth and had failed dismally.
The End
Other books by Ellie Douglas
Hounded 2
Toxic Desire
The Dead Undone
The Dead Wake Horror Collection Vol 1
Death O Death Horror Collection Vol 2
Fear Inducer
About the Author
Ellie Douglas is an author who currently resides in New Zealand with her husband and four children. As a child, Enid Blyton and Stephen King inspired her love of writing and reading. When she is not writing, she can be found designing one-of-a-kind pre-made book covers. Her passion for creative art led her to become a talented sought-after freelance cover artist. In her free time, she enjoys the cinema, spending time with her children, music and dancing, and anything and everything to do with Horror, especially zombies.
Feel free to explore her social media sites.
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Feel free to email me, author1ellie@gmail.com with any questions you may have about this book or anything at all. I will always reply.
Best wishes.
Ellie Douglas