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If You Dare (Dare Series Book 3)

Page 35

by Shantel Tessier

  Austin’s SUV sits parked out front by the five-tier water fountain, but it’s not alone. A black Maserati is parked next to it.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Bennett asks.

  “Fuck if I know,” I answer.

  “Go around to the side,” Cole snaps. “I don’t want anyone to see us coming.”

  Shane puts the car in reverse to back out of the long driveway and then throws it in gear, turning on his lights and punching the gas to pass the house, then takes the next right. There used to be a road that ran parallel to the house leading up to the abandoned cemetery.

  He comes to a stop, and we jump out. The house is set to be demolished. You can see they’ve already brought the equipment out to start soon.

  Popping his trunk, I grab my black duffle bag. We brought everything we could think of. Throwing it over my shoulder, I look up at the side of the house.

  “What the fuck is she doing?” Cole growls. Fisting his hands, he tries her cell again, praying she answers to explain this crazy situation. Any excuse she could have would be better than our imagination. In my mind, they’re both already dead.

  “How we gonna get in?” Bennett asks. “I don’t think we should just go through the front.”

  “The back door,” Cole answers. “I knocked the glass out to get in when Becky and I came back here while Austin was in the hospital to get the USB drive.”

  “Then that’s where we enter,” I order. “Everyone, turn your cells on silent. I don’t want anyone calling us and giving away our location.” I’m not taking that chance. We have no clue what we are about to walk into, but I know the girls aren’t here to take a trip down memory lane.

  We make our way around the house, walking alongside the pool and step onto the terrace and go to open it, but I place my hand on Cole’s chest stopping him. “Becky!” I hiss. I watch her through the broken glass. She stands in front of a barstool where another blonde sits slumped over. It’s Demi. David stands next to them.


  “What the fuck?” Shane barks. “Why the fuck is he with her?”

  I shove my phone into Bennett’s chest. “Call my sister. Tell her to get her ass over here right now,” I demand.

  “What … Why?”

  “Because Demi looks like she’s gonna need medical attention, and I’m not leaving this house until I’ve killed him.” I growl. No way in hell will he walk away from this. Even if he manages to kill me, the guys will get him.

  “Where the fuck is Austin?” Cole demands. “I don’t see her.”

  “Let’s go find out,” I say. Turning the knob, I enter with Cole and Shane. Bennett stays behind to make the call.

  “God, I’ve hated her for so long,” Becky says, gripping the handle of a knife in her hand.

  “Well, I’ve always known that, babe.”

  “She ruins everything.” She takes a step toward her.

  “You’ve got her all to yourself. What do you want to do to her?” he asks, crossing his arms over his chest. The fucking bastard is just going to stand there and let her have her way with Demi.

  “Hurt her. Kill her. I want her out of my life for good. I want to hurt her for Deke ever touching her.” She lifts the knife like she’s going to stab her, and I step out of the darkness.

  He laughs like it’s funny. Like her jealousy turns him on. What the fuck is going on?

  “Hello, Becky,” I say, calmly, holding my anger back. I want her to think I’m sane at the moment when I’m really far from it. She’s not the only one who can act.

  “Deke,” she squeals, jumping back.

  David shoves her away from him as if he can save her. “Deke.” He growls my name.

  I lift my gun. “Get on your knees.”

  “You don’t fucking scare me.” He snorts. “None of you fucking sharks ever did.”

  “Last chance,” I say, aiming the gun right between his eyes. I don’t see Cole or Shane, but I know they’ve got my back.

  “Or what …?”

  Cole comes up behind him and wraps his arm around David’s neck, proceeding to choke him out. I run to Demi and pick her up off the barstool. I lay her on the couch, and her head falls to the side. I check her pulse, and it’s strong. “What did you give her?” I bark out.

  “Fuck you,” Becky shouts as Shane grabs her. He drags her over to me and forces her to her knees next to the couch.

  I point the gun at her head, pressing it to her temple. “What did you give her?” I ask again, breathing heavily. Whatever moment of calmness I had is now long gone.

  “David got some Valium from a friend. He made it into an injectable …” she cries.

  Bennett enters the room and comes over to us just as I hear David hit the floor from Cole getting the job done. “Where is Austin?” I demand.

  Demi isn’t going to be waking up anytime soon, and I know my sister is on her way to help her. I need to know what the situation is with Austin.

  She closes her eyes, and her lips thin, refusing to answer me. “Where the fuck is she?” I shout, gripping her face in my hand.

  She shakes but answers. “Upstairs in her room … with Maxwell.”

  “Fuck!” Cole runs out of the living room.

  I jump to my feet to follow him. He may need help. He’d willingly die to protect Austin from harm, but I hesitate, not wanting to leave Demi.

  “Go,” Bennett orders. “Shelby is on her way.”

  “I’ve got Becky,” Shane assures me.

  I run out of the living room, down the long hallway, and come into the still blood-covered marble floor foyer. I grip the banister and spin around to run up the stairs. I enter Austin’s room to see Cole cutting Austin’s wrists free from the rope. But I don’t see anyone else in here.

  “Where is he?” I growl.

  She points at her closed bathroom door while Cole pulls her to him. He runs his hands up and down her body to check for anything they might have done to her.

  I walk over to it and crack it open. He stands at the toilet, whistling as he pisses. I place my gun into the waist of my jeans and push up my sleeves. Walking in behind him, I kick the back of his knees in.

  “What the …?”

  I grip the back of his head and shove him headfirst into the toilet. I straddle his legs as he kneels on the floor and hold him face down in his piss and water while he struggles against me. Cole enters the bathroom and stands there watching me with Austin by his side.

  Maxwell’s hands hit the toilet, his feet kick the back of my legs while I stand over him, but he’s not going to win. There’s no way any of us will let him walk out of this house. And what better way than to kill a man in his own urine? His body shudders one last time, and then he slumps against the toilet. I release him and take a step back.

  “You okay?” I ask her, walking over to the sink. She has a cut on her forehead and a trail of smeared blood runs down her cheek along with a cut on her lip.

  Lifting her chin, she nods. “I’ll be fine. Is Demi okay?”

  I don’t answer because I’m not sure what to say at this point. I remove my shirt and tuck what little I can fit into the back of my jeans pocket, letting the rest hang out since it now has piss on it from him struggling. I go to turn her faucet on to wash my hands, but there’s no water. “Fuck.” I hiss.

  “Maybe there are some bottles of water …”

  “Fuck! Fuck” I shout, slamming my fists into the countertop, losing my fucking cool and interrupting her.

  Cole turns to Austin. “Go downstairs.”

  “I’m staying with …”

  “Go downstairs, Austin,” he orders, interrupting her. Then he lowers his voice. “Shane and Bennett are down there with Demi. Shelby should be here by now. Check and see if she needs anything or if you can find any water.”

  With that, she pulls away and exits the bathroom.

  I turn around and look at the guy I just killed. Fucking Maxwell. He was a year older than us and David’s best friend. He’s on his kn
ees, head in the toilet and arms out to his side. His shirt is missing and so are his jeans. All he’s wearing is his boxers.

  He was gonna rape her! If he hadn’t already.

  “Did he touch her?” I ask.

  “She said no.” He growls, shoving his hands through his hair.

  “Do you believe her?” Austin isn’t the kind of girl to tell you everything. She thinks she’s strong enough to deal with shit herself.

  “Her shirt was still on, and her jeans weren’t undone. Doesn’t mean he didn’t touch her over them. But I’m gonna make her go to the hospital and have a full workup done,” he grinds out.

  I’m not going to argue that she may not allow that because Cole will find a way to make it happen. Instead, I say, “Help me get him downstairs.”

  I take Maxwell’s arms, and he takes his feet. We carry the heavy bastard down the stairs and through the house to the living room, dropping him on the rug.

  My sister is sitting next to Demi with her wrist in her hand and another at her neck. Becky still kneels on the floor while Shane holds the gun to her head. Austin is nowhere to be seen and neither is Bennett.

  “Where is Austin?” Cole demands, looking around frantically.

  “She and Bennett went to the kitchen to look for water.”

  “Is she gonna be okay?” I ask my sister as she stands.

  “Yes. She needs to be admitted, but she’s gonna be fine.”

  I look around to see David still unconscious, now lying on his stomach with his hands cuffed behind his back. We’ve got to finish this. “I can’t go just yet.”

  She nods understanding. “Help me get her to my car. I’ll take her in and stay with her.”

  “Watch her,” I order Shane, referring to Becky.

  “She’s not going anywhere,” he promises.

  I lean down and pick up Demi in my arms and carry her out of the house to my sister’s car. “I’ll be up there as soon as I can.”

  When I go to walk back inside, she grips my upper arm. “Deke?”

  I turn to face her. “Don’t, Shelby.” I don’t have time to listen to her tell me not to hurt them. Not to kill them after what they were going to do. When will it end? When will this all stop? I have to make sure Demi is never in this situation again. And Austin too. We may be sharks, but we protect the people we love.

  “Don’t get caught,” she says, surprising me. Then she turns and gets in her car, driving off.

  I enter the house and make my way to the kitchen. Cole, Austin, and Bennett are all standing by the fridge. “You guys ready?” I ask.

  Cole nods along with Bennett.

  “What are we gonna do?” Austin asks with her arms crossed over her chest. She’s pissed and has every right to be. This was her best friend at one time.

  Cole looks over at her, and I wait for him to tell her there is no we, but instead, he surprises me by telling her. “End it.”


  The five of us stand on top of the hill at the back of the cemetery behind the Lowes estate. The sun has officially set, making the night cold, but it’s stopped snowing once again. My shirt is still in my back pocket, but thankfully, Austin found cases of bottled water in the garage, so I was able to wash the piss off me.

  Maxwell’s body lies in a shallow grave that Cole and Bennett dug for him. David eventually woke up, but Cole placed tape over his mouth so we haven’t had to listen to him cuss us or beg for his life. At this point, it doesn’t matter.

  Becky kneels on the ground next to Shane. He has his hand fisted in her hair so she can’t get up and run away. She hasn’t said one word. She sobs to herself. I’m pretty sure she’s officially broken. She has tried so many times to hurt the ones she loves that she’s just given up.

  But she has always been good at pretending. So he holds a gun to her head with his free hand just in case.

  Cole rips the tape off David’s face. He sucks in a deep breath. “You motherfuckers …”

  “Why did you do it?” I ask. He never liked us, but the feeling was mutual.

  His eyes go to Becky, and she bows her head in shame.

  “Don’t tell me this was because I fucked her while you guys were dating.” Why else would he want to hurt Demi? He was always nice to her from what I remember. Becky talked about it all the time. How he would make her bring her around to hang out with them. She loved that I never forced us to be around her. Why would I? I didn’t like her then.

  He snorts. “Like I gave a shit that you fucked her.”

  Becky flinches at his words.

  “Then why?” Cole demands, gripping his hair and yanking his head back.

  He lets out a rough laugh. “You guys really don’t know, do you?”

  None of us answer him.

  “Tell him, baby.”

  She sobs with her head down.

  “Tell him all the times you let him touch you and then came crawling to me about how awful they were.”

  I tilt my head to the side.

  “Or how we laughed when you told Cole you were pregnant, and he fucking believed you.” His laughter grows. “That he let you go …”

  “What? You lied about being pregnant?” Austin snaps and turns to Cole. “Did you know this?”

  “Doesn’t matter,” he answers.

  “It does too fucking matter,” she snaps and walks over to Becky. She slaps her across the face so hard, it knocks her over into the snow. “You fucking bitch …” She jumps on top of her.

  Cole wraps an arm around her waist and yanks her off her. She kicks her feet out before he sets her down. She’s breathing heavy and trying to push him away. “It doesn’t matter, sweetheart.”

  Her mouth falls open. “How can you say that?” Her eyes fill with tears. “She lied to you. Everything you went through—”

  “Nothing regarding her matters,” he interrupts her softly. Pulling her into him, he pushes her wild brown hair behind her ear.

  “You guys are sicker than I thought.” David speaks. “Becky let me read your journal, Austin. Gotta say, Cole, I was jealous at how much she let you abuse her and still fuck her.”

  “Stop,” Becky cries.

  “And that video …” He whistles, looking her up and down.

  This time, it’s Cole who throws a punch. Right into his face.

  “Well, well, well, he’s telling us all of your secrets.” I smile.

  “I know she wanted to pay you all back for how you used her in your own sick games,” David shouts, getting angry before spitting blood into the snow from Cole’s punch.

  “Game?” I ask. I loved her. I never used her. Cole did when Austin came into the picture, but that didn’t happen until after the car wreck …

  “Why were you even with them that night?” Austin demands. Her thoughts mimicking mine. “Why were you with Eli?”

  Becky doesn’t answer, and neither does David. I arch a brow at him. He’s willing to throw her under the bus but doesn’t want to implicate himself as well.

  I look at Cole and nod. He steps away from Austin, grabs his knife from his pocket, and flips it open. He steps behind David and places the knife to his neck. Cole doesn’t say a word as he drags the blade down the side of his neck. David screams, and Becky tries to crawl to him, but Shane prevents her with his hand in her hair. “Stop! Stop! I’ll tell you!” she cries. “Please, just stop.”

  Cole brings the blade to a stop but doesn’t remove it from his neck. David is panting as blood runs down his neck to cover his shirt.

  “We took Demi to a party at the beach. I … drugged her for Maxwell. But she ended up leaving with Eli, and when I went to pick her up the next morning, he wouldn’t let her leave with me ’cause he found out what we had done.” She sniffs.

  Demi had told me this story when she was drunk the night Cole and I found the girls at the bar. But I don’t think she told me everything. This is my chance to find out.

  “How?” I demand.

  “David had given her his phone to use ’cau
se she left hers back at the house. When she passed out with Eli, he went through it and found our chats about our plans …” she cries, shaking her head. “Eli threatened him … David and I staged a separation, and I met up with them later on that night. He thought I was just trying to piss you off for sleeping with Kaitlin.”

  That’s why Eli told me I could do better. He knew exactly what kind of woman she was. I wish he would have just told me. I’m not sure I would have listened, but I wish he would have tried. Instead, I thought the worst and have hated him when I should be thanking him. He saved Demi. He stood up for her. I’m glad she had someone in her life to do that, and I’m proud to say that he was one of my best friends.

  “Becky!” David yells at her. Cole digs the knife into his throat again, silencing him.

  Becky sucks in a long breath as fresh tears run down her face. “David thought that Eli was gonna go to the cops. Or send the sharks after him for what we did to her. He told me to seduce him. The night of the party, I was to get Eli away from the sharks and bring him to a secluded location where David and Maxwell were going to make sure he couldn’t speak.”

  Cole steps away from David, and he growls at her. “Fuck! You bitch! I never heard you tell me no! You wanted him silenced just as much as I did.”

  “Then the wreck happened, and I panicked …” she cries. “After I went home to Demi, I met up with David, and his father stitched up my wound …”

  His father is a doctor at the hospital where Shelby works. Now it all makes sense. Becky had told me that she cut it while at the lake. I never second-guessed her.

  “They fucking deserved it! You all deserved to be in that car!” David shouts.

  “We all get what we deserve.” I nod my head and pull the matches out of my back pocket. Done with all of this. I don’t have the time for this shit.

  Cole reaches down and grabs the can of gasoline sitting next to him that we found in the garage of the Lowes house.

  “What the fuck?” David barks.

  Cole throws the gasoline onto him.

  I nod my head to Shane, and he grips the back of Becky’s neck where we cut her. Yanking her head up, forcing her to watch. “Do you love him?” he asks her.


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