Book Read Free


Page 1

by Shaw Hart


  Shaw Hart


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Stay Tuned!

  About the Author

  Also By Shaw Hart

  Copyright © 2020 by Shaw Hart

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Take a trip, they said. It will be fun, they said.

  * * *

  Yeah. Right.

  * * *

  My relaxing trip to Italy was supposed to be just that. A chance for me to drink some wine, eat copious amounts of pasta, see some sights, and recharge my batteries. So how did I wind up here, on this boat, in the middle of the sea, with the hottest guy that I've ever seen in real life?

  * * *

  Well, that's a long story...



  * * *

  Italy is beautiful, exactly what I was expecting although maybe a little lonelier since my best friend had to bail at the last minute. She had a work thing come up and her bosshole wouldn’t let her leave, even though he had already given her the time off.

  We had both needed a vacation after working out butts off for the last two years and we had been counting down the days until we left with excitement. Nora had been talking nonstop about having a hot romantic affair while she was over here. She hadn’t gotten laid in well… ever and she figured the best time to do it would be with a stranger who she would never have to see afterwards. Less embarrassing if it sucked, she explained.

  Me? I just wanted to see Italy, enjoying some time with Nora, and eat as much pasta and gelato as I could manage. We had decided against a tour, wanting to explore at our own pace but now that I’m here alone, I’m kind of wishing that we had done one. It’s strange seeing such beautiful places by yourself and I think I look like a loser taking selfies of myself all alone on vacation.

  Maybe that’s why I’m here in this bar. Do they still call them bars over here? Maybe I should lay off the wine. I’ve been here for a while and I’ve lost count of the number of glasses I’ve had. It’s just so good. I normally don’t like wine but it tastes so much better over here.

  “Ciao bella,” comes a voice from my right and I jerk.

  There’s some tan guy standing right at my elbow and I squint, wondering if he’s really standing that close or if my depth perception is just off from drinking too much.

  “Hiii,” I say, frowning as the words leave my mouth. Am I slurring?

  “American?” He asks with a smirk and I nod, then get dizzy and have to grab onto the bartop.

  “Easy,” comes a voice from behind me and I look over my shoulder as a hand comes out to steady me.

  The hottest guy I’ve ever seen is sitting behind me and I wonder if my guy-dar really is broken like Nora always says. Wavy dark brown hair gleams in the low light and blue eyes twinkle at me. His face looks like it was chiseled by a god with high cheekbones, a straight nose, and a jawline that looks like it could cut. He flashes me a smile and I notice the row of straight white teeth before my eyes snag on the dimples in his cheeks. I think I might have just sighed.

  “I’ve got her, man,” the first guy says and I blink as I turn around to face him.

  He’s not as handsome as the other guy and I want to turn around and stare at him instead.

  “What’s your name, bella?” First guy asks and I wrinkle my nose.

  “Laylin,” I answer after a beat and he gives me a wide smile.

  “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he says, leaning in closer to me.

  “Uh huh,” I say, unsure what to respond with to that.

  “I was just about to get out of here. Would you like to come with me, Laylin? I have a boat,” he says, leaning in closer and I lean back, almost tipping over in my chair.

  “Whoa!” I say, yelping as I tip back but the hot guy catches me. I flash him a smile and he smirks back at me before the first guy draws my attention back to him.

  “Would you like to come out on my boat?”

  “I can’t remember. Isn't this how one of those Taken movies started?”

  I can see the hot guy sitting next to me at the bar grin but the guy in front of me doesn’t find my question funny.

  “No, it’s how one ends,” Mr. Dreamboat, as I will now and forever call him, interjects.

  “I can’t tell if that’s better or worse. Worse, right?”

  “Oh, yeah,” he says nodding his head as he brings his glass to his lips.

  “So, you don’t want to see my boat?” The guy asks and I startle when I realize that he’s still standing there. Guess I was lost in Dreamboats eyes.

  “No, thanks.”

  “Listen, Laylin. I think you’re drunk,”

  “Is that why you’re hitting on me?”

  His eyes flair and Dreamboat inches closer to me, his eyes locked on the other guy.

  “When you sober up, you’re going to regret missing this chance so I’ll leave you my number,” he says, scribbling his name and number on a napkin and leaving it next to my drink. He gives me one last flirtatious smile before he turns and leaves the bar and I spin around to grab my own drink.

  “Are you going to go?” Dreamboat asks.

  “To see his boat?” I ask, wiggling my eyebrows.

  “Yeah,” he says with a chuckle at my antics.



  I nod my head as I finish off the last of my drink.

  “Do you think I’m drunk?” I ask Dreamboat.

  “A little,” he says with an easy smile as he holds up his thumb and forefinger.

  “Huh. I don’t know how you Italians do it. Drinking wine with dinner is great but they last so long and I drank so much.”

  “I’m not Italian but I think they build up a tolerance.”

  “Hmm, well I admire their determination and pity their livers,” I say as I set my empty glass on the bar top and attempt to hop down from my stool. I weave slightly and Dreamboat catches me, standing from his own stool and ushering me outside before I can protest.

  “Where are you staying?” Dreamboat asks and I squint up at him.

  “Okay, this is how one of those Taken movies started.”

  He throws his head back and laughs as we stop on the sidewalk.

  “To be honest, I don’t remember. I’ll have to re-watch them. I promise no funny business though. I’m just going to make sure that you get back okay. I don’t even have to walk next to you,” he says, taking a step back.

  “So you’re just going to walk behind me like an actual stalker?”

  “Right. I just want you to feel comfortable.”

  I snicker at that and then huff out a breath.

  “I’m at the Hotel Pellicano,” I say, testing out an Italian accent. I do not nail it.

  “Lead the way,” Dreamboat says and I spin in a circle, trying to remember what direction it’s in.

  Dreamboat coughs behind me and I turn to see him pointing to the left.

  “Right,” I say as I take off in that direction.

  We walk for a few minutes in silence as I try my best to sober up and remember how to get back to the hotel. When he takes my elbow and steers me to the right and toward the water, it starts to come back to me. I can see the s
ign up ahead and I hiccup as we walk closer.

  “What’s your name?” I ask once we’re standing outside the hotel.

  “Rowan. Rowan Bakeman.”



  * * *

  What am I doing back here? I’m not entirely sure, I just know that after I dropped Laylin off at her room last night, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She might be the first person I’ve ever met who hadn’t asked for something from me as soon as she found out who I was.

  Normally, as soon as people hear that I’m a Bakeman, they trip over themselves trying to get close to me. I’m able to spot a gold digger and someone looking to use me for fame from a mile away now but I didn’t get that vibe from Laylin.

  Probably because she was drunk, my mind says and I think that’s why I’m standing outside her hotel room door with some breakfast and coffee. I want to see if she’s going to try to use me or if she really was different.

  She was charming last night, even drunk off her ass and I smile as I think about how she had chattered at me as I led her up to her room. She had been funny, hilarious even, and I can’t remember the last time that I laughed or smiled that much.

  I knock on her door and her muffled groaning before the door creaks open and a rumpled Laylin stands there. Her eyes are half closed but they open wide when she sees me standing there and I smile, enjoying the shock I see in their green depths. Her blonde hair is a tangled mess and half of it is hanging in her face. She reaches up and tries to smooth it as she stands up straighter.

  “Taken, right?” She asks, her voice coming out raspy from sleep. My cock hardens at the sound and I have to shake my head, trying to get images of waking up with her wrapped around me from my head.

  “Right,” I confirm. “I have a specific set of skills and today those skills include breakfast.”

  I shake the coffee and brown paper bag at her and she turns a little pale.

  “Looks like we’ll have to save the boat ride for another day since you’re looking a little green,” I say with a soft smile and she rolls her eyes at me, opening the door wider and ushering me inside.

  “I’m never drinking again,” she declares and I snort.

  “That’s what they all say.”

  I pass her the coffee and she gives me a grateful smile, bringing the cup to her lips and downing half of it.

  “Thanks, uh… sorry I can’t remember your name,” she says and her cheeks flush a pretty shade of pink.

  “Rowan Bakeman,” I say, wanting to see how she reacts to hearing my name now that she’s sober.

  “Right- oh! Bakeman! I love your cookies!” She says excitedly and I chuckle.

  “Yeah, I know. You told me like a hundred times last night when I was walking you up here.”

  “I did?” She asks, her nose scrunching up. “Jeez, I am really never drinking again,” she mumbles as she brings the coffee cup back to her lips and drinks the last of it.

  “It was cute,” I reassure her and she squints at me like she’s trying to decide if I’m making fun of her.

  “If you say so.”

  “I do. So what are your plans for today?” I ask her to fill the silence.

  “Well, I’m going to start by getting more of this,” she says, shaking the empty coffee cup in her hand. “Then, I was just going to explore the city. I’m only here for a few more days. What about you?”

  “Same, although I’m here for another week.”

  “Lucky,” she says as she turns and heads over to a suitcase and begins pulling out some clean clothes.

  “Can I explore with you today?” I ask and she seems surprised that I would want to.

  Oh baby, I have a feeling that you might be the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

  “If you want but I need a bit to get showered and dressed.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll go grab more coffee and be back here in what? Half an hour?”

  “Perfect,” she says with a smile and I return it before I head out the door.

  I smile to myself as I head back down to the lobby. So she didn’t want anything from me and it wasn’t because she was drunk. Why does that make me want to give her everything?



  * * *

  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out, smiling when I see Nora’s name on the screen. She’s probably texting to apologize once again and complain about her boss but I’m not mad at her for having to bail. Especially now that I met Rowan.

  We spent the day strolling around and checking out the town. I had told him about flying over here and seeing Rome and Bologna first before I came to Capalbio. When Nora and I had planned this trip we had decided that we wanted to see someplace that wasn’t a typical tourist destination. Rowan said that he needed to get away from work and his family so he came here. It is beautiful and I can’t believe that more people don’t come here.

  It’s right on the water and has such history. We had strolled along the banks before we went into town, finding some cute little café to eat a late lunch at. I had finally gotten my appetite back and we spent two hours there, eating and laughing together. I got the feeling that he was having some kind of disagreement with his dad because he called twice while we were walking around and he had ignored the calls both times. Now we’re at dinner and I frown when I see him ignore another call and give an annoyed scowl at his phone.

  “Everything alright?” I ask, not wanting to pry.

  “Yeah, it’s nothing,” he says back with a cheeky smile.

  “Thanks for coming out with me today. I had a lot of fun,” I tell him as he pays the bill and we head out of the restaurant.

  We’re not far from my hotel and I walk slowly, wanting to prolong our time together.

  “Me too. Thanks for letting me come with you,” he says, smiling down at me as he knocks his shoulder against mine.

  The backs of our hands touch and I suck in a breath, wondering if he might try to hold my hand. Our skin brushes against each other but he doesn’t take my hand. He doesn’t move his away either. Why is that somehow hotter than if he had held my hand? Anticipation fills me and I bite the inside of my cheek.

  “Thanks for dinner,” I say after a beat.

  “It was my pleasure.”

  My heart sinks as we round the corner and my hotel comes into view. It could be my imagination but both of us seem to slow down at the sight of the ivy covered walls.

  “Want to hang out tomorrow?” He asks as we head into the lobby and over to the stairs.

  “Sure, what did you have in mind?” I ask as we head up to the second floor.

  “Wanna come out on my boat?”

  I peek at him out of the corner of my eye, a smirk stretching my lips and he bursts out laughing.

  “It’s a real boat. I’m not going to “Taken” you,” he promises and I giggle as we head down the hallway to my room.

  “In that case, alright, sure. Sounds like fun. What time should I meet you?”

  “How about 9:30 am? I can pick you up from here and take you over to the marina.”

  “I’ll be ready,” I promise him as we stop outside my room.

  I dig my key out of my pocket and give him one last smile as I start to unlock the door.

  “I’ll be counting down the hours,” Rowan tells me as he steps closer to me, tipping my chin up with his fingers and brushing his lips against mine.

  The kiss is there and gone like a whisper but my lips tingle and my whole body feels on edge. He gives me one last smile before he turns and heads back down the hall and I stumble into my room.

  Holy shit.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket again and I remember that I never texted Nora back. I lock the door behind me and kick off my shoes before I collapse back onto the bed and bring up my messages.

  * * *

  Nora: How’s the vacation?

  Nora: Are you not answering me because you’re mad that I had to cancel?

  Nora: I’m reall
y sorry about that. You know I didn’t want to.

  Nora: My boss didn’t even need me. I swear he’s just an asshole. He made a big deal about how I was needed here and then nothing. I haven’t done shit the last few days and he definitely could have gotten a temp to cover for me.

  Nora: Laylin?


  * * *

  I roll my eyes at her messages. I think her boss has a crush on her but every time I tell Nora that she just rolls her eyes. I hurry to text her back before she can send me another message.

  * * *

  Laylin: I’m here. Sorry I was out on a date.

  Nora: You’re having a vacation fling??? That should have been meeeeee!

  Laylin: Ask your boss. I bet he’d love to take your v card.

  Nora: NEVER! That dick isn’t getting close to me. I can’t wait until I can quit.

  Laylin: How’s the job hunting going?

  Nora: Meh. I do have an interview in a couple days though! Wish me luck!

  Laylin: Good luck!

  Nora: Thanks. Gotta go. The bosshole is calling me.

  Laylin: Talk to you later

  Nora: For sure. I want to hear all about this guy!

  * * *

  I send her back a kissy face emoji and then plug my phone into the charger by the bed. I try not to get too excited about tomorrow as I shower and change into pajamas but as I lay down to fall asleep, all I can picture is Rowan’s smirking face and the way that he had kissed me goodnight.



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