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Omen's Sign (Iron Vex MC Book 5)

Page 2

by Elizabeth Knox

  “I have a new client who has darker tastes. He wants me to um, do things I’m not really keen on . . . so if you’re not busy, do you want to take him?” Chastity’s practically begging me right now.

  I don’t have a client booked on my schedule tonight, and the guy must be paying well if he booked Chastity. I have no problem doing what needs to be done. Chastity isn’t the type of woman who will do more than roleplay a little bit with you. If he wants anything like I believe he might, I’m the woman who will satisfy him tonight.

  “Sure,” I comment and finish off my drink.

  Chastity’s eyes land on someone behind me, and I know who she’s looking at. The guy’s had his eyes on me for the last two hours and hasn’t even so much as come over to say hello. I don’t know who he is, but I know I won’t be making any money with him so I need to move on.

  “Where is he?” I ask Chastity.

  “Who?” She furrows her brows and her eyes are on the guy behind me.

  “Your guy, not the cheap ass sitting at the bar,” I tell her, making it known I’ve seen the guy staring at me.

  “He’s in the dungeon, but if this man is one of your clients, mine can wait.”

  I shake my head and rise. “No, he’s not. Thanks for setting me up with your client. What’s his name?”

  “He’s Anatoly. Speaks good English but has a thick Russian accent.”

  “All right,” I tell her and hand my empty glass over to a waiter we have walking through the second floor. He pretty much collects empty drinks, brings new ones out to clients, and sees if anyone is requiring any hors d’oeuvres.

  I continue onward and walk down the corridor where the dungeon is at the end. Many of my coworkers are already with men and women, making their wildest dreams come true. With every step, I hear women giggling, men moaning, aching for more. Finally, I’m standing directly in front of the matte black door of the dungeon, and I rap my knuckles against it three times.

  “Come on in,” a man with a deep-rough voice tells me.

  I do as the man asks, place my hand on the doorknob and turn it. While I slowly open the door, my eyes fall on a man in a head-to-toe black suit. His back is facing me, but as I shut the door behind me with a click, he turns. He wears a black suit jacket, dress shirt, and even is wearing black trousers and shoes. A gold watch adorns his right wrist and he has a gold chain around his neck. His wealth is blatantly obvious, and I act like it doesn’t intimidate me in the slightest. Then again, why would it? I was well off growing up, so I know what men like him are like. Sure, they’re power-hungry, but they shouldn’t make anyone afraid. Maybe it’s why I’m into the darker parts of sex. BDSM is my forte. I wouldn’t say I live the lifestyle because it would merely be an insult to those who are truly dedicated, but I rather appreciate the feelings rough sex gives me.

  If anyone from my past knew about the kind of life I lead, they’d no doubt ask me why. I know I don’t have to give anyone any answers, but it’s plain and simple. I like pain, and I enjoy the way it makes me feel. It reminds me I’m human, that I’m not some robotic machine living a pointless life, and sometimes I need the reminder.

  My life hasn’t ever been filled with flowers and rainbows. It’s been raindrops and funerals. In a way, I guess the pain I experience at work feels calming to me because pain is normal to me.


  “Yes, and you must be Gemini,” Anatoly states. Chastity must’ve told him my name.

  His eyes rake up and down my body, and as he comes closer, he grazes his fingertips against my skin. “You have many tattoos.”

  Well, he’s stating the obvious.

  “Why so many, why this?” He taps his fingers against the part of my skin I have completely covered in black ink.

  I wet my lips and look directly at him. “Because I’m most comfortable in the dark.”

  Anatoly laughs lowly and smiles wide. “Good, you are the right woman for me then. Now go to the horse and we will have our fun.”

  Anatoly begins to take off his suit jacket as I walk over to the horse in the dungeon and I strip out of my dress, allowing it to fall to the floor. Underneath, I’m wearing a black lace bra and a pair of matching crotchless panties. I climb up on the horse and put my knees on either side. My body weight presses against the middle and I try to line my limbs up to where the cuffs are.

  Anatoly comes over completely naked with a semi-hard cock. He has a ball gag in his hand, and I open my mouth for him. He places the ball in my mouth and ties it around my head tightly, snug enough it won’t move in the slightest. My eyes follow him as he restrains my arms and then disappears out of sight. He grabs onto my legs and wraps the leather cuffs around each one, and as he finishes, he plunges two fingers inside me. “You’re wet, but I will make you drip before I fuck you.”

  Chapter Two


  “Get who you can into the chapel. We need to have church, stat.” Boss tells me as she walks by, so I pick up my cell and text the club chat. Once I’m finished, I slide it into the pocket of my jeans and rise.

  “We havin’ church?” Devi cocks a brow as she turns around on the barstool. The woman is probably annoyed she can’t play one of her stupid slot apps. Don’t get me wrong, she’s won some serious change that way, but sometimes I think she’s just wasting her time.

  “Obviously. Get your ass in there,” I grumble as I make my way through the room. Mug and Ricochet are sitting at a table in the back, and they follow Devi’s lead and head off to the chapel. It’s not an actual chapel, but it’s where we have church. Some clubs have designated buildings to have church, but unfortunately for us, we’re in Queens, New York, and real estate isn’t cheap up here.

  I head into the garage and find Hoodrat under a classic 1970s Mustang. He’s been working on it for a couple months now, and when he got the thing, it was a piece of junk. “You got your phone on you, brother?”

  “Nah, it’s on the workbench. Why? What’s up?” Hoodrat slides out from under the car. Soot and oil coat his hands, shirt, and even his face. The dude looks like he’s been rolling around in the street.

  “Boss just called church,” I tell him while extending him a hand. He grabs it, and I help pull him to his feet. He grabs an old rag from his workstation and wipes his hands off until they’re mostly clean. “Make sure to get there quickly and let any stragglers know on the way, okay?”

  “You got it,” Hoodrat tells me in response.

  I head back into the bar area, walk through the room and open the door to go upstairs. If you ask me, I’ve done my job. I sent a damn text and even grabbed Devi and Hoodrat from their distractions.

  I walk into the room Boss holds church in and almost everyone is here. Everyone except Mug, that is. Sure enough, my ass is almost hitting the seat when he comes rushing in. The man is still looping his belt through his pants as he’s sitting down.

  Boss rolls her eyes and huffs, “I expect everyone to be here promptly, even if they’re balls deep in someone.”

  “Or something.” Hoodrat cackles, and the rest of the club members join in. We all play with each other a good bit, but that’s totally cool. We might not be blood, but it doesn’t mean we’re not family.

  “Damn, you’re all bein’ asses today.” Mug grunts.

  “Oh c’mon, Mugsy, it’s only ‘cause we love ya,” Devi adds with a giggle.

  “Sure we do.” Chuckles grabs onto Devi’s shoulder and laughs.

  “Enough.” Boss slams the gavel down. “Church is in session. I just got off the phone with Stoney.”

  “Didn’t realize you two were talkin’ like that,” Muffler states.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I snap in Muffler’s direction. The man loves being a shit-stirrer but not today. From Boss’s body language, I can sense something isn’t right. She’s sitting up as straight as a board, her eyes have been wide, and she has a look on her face that’s filled with anger. But why, that’s what I want to know.

  “They’re having i
ssues down in Virginia. He wouldn’t go into too many details on the phone, but it looks like the cult behavior is becoming more active,” Boss tells everyone, and I watch as their expressions shift. Every one of them looks different. From aggravated, to pain, to all-out anger. The Devil’s Riot MC has had their fair share of issues with cults, as have we, but we’ve been tracking a cult down for years now.

  We made advancements, and we even got Venom’s daughter back. Venom escaped the cult’s clutches years ago and hid it from us all, but we understood why. We were just lucky things worked out. Then again, we’ll go to whatever lengths we need to ensure our people are safe and happy. I don’t have kids of my own, but I can’t ever imagine being away from my own flesh and blood. Add in the fact they were separated for years, and that shit hits deep.

  “Have you got an update from Vex lately?” Ricochet questions.

  Boss nods. “Yeah. I’ve heard enough. What she’s told me confirms what Stoney said to me a bit ago. He’s spoken to Twister, and they’d appreciate a helping hand. Things are getting worse down there, and they’re asking for help, so I want to send a few of you down to Virginia. Women are going missing left and right, and the police are even having issues getting any sort of lead. Now Twister, Stoney, and I both know this isn’t what they’re used to dealing with. We know what the cult does, and they’re fucking doing it right now. Reno, Abyss, and Omen, I want you three to head down to Virginia. We need to find a way to end Hydra once and for all.”

  “Hydra?” Hoodrat questions as he furrows his brows.

  Boss nods. “Yes, it’s what they’ve been calling themselves as of late. Makes sense. You cut off one head and two more appear.”

  “When do you want us to leave?” I ask the golden question, and Boss looks right at me.

  “By five. If you leave then you’ll get there at a decent hour tonight and can start nailing their asses sometime tomorrow. I want their heads on a spike, Omen. What my grandfather started should’ve never made it this far. It shouldn’t have ever claimed the lives of all these women or my even father.” No one in the club says a damn thing. This is a really rough situation, but we understand her pain, or at least we understand as much as we can.

  Rage was Boss’s father. He was known as one of the cruelest and most sadistic MC Prezes in the history of Prezes. Even though he did shit I’d kill men for, he did try to make amends near the end. I don’t know if he reached out to those he hurt, but he did try to repair the relationship with his kids.

  “All right. We’ll head out by five,” I tell Boss, and she nods, then moves onto the next order of business. Crossing my arms, I lean back in my seat and think about a curly-haired brunette I have failed to get out of my mind . . . and soon I’ll be back in her neck of the woods. Guess I better hit up the ATM before we ride off.

  By the time we get to the club, my ass has fallen asleep and it’s just after midnight. We pulled in front of Stoney’s club, and we’re dismounting right now. Abyss takes off her helmet and puts it on the handlebars of the bike. Her dark green hair falls out from the way she’s always bunching it up. If she doesn’t keep it under the helmet, it flies in her face and she gets aggravated on these long rides.

  “You good?” I ask Abyss and Ricochet.

  Both of them give me a nod, but Abyss is the first one to speak. “I’m ready to crash, Omen. Mind if we get inside and get settled?” Abyss walks around to the back of her bike and unstraps her duffle bag. Ricochet and I both do the same, but before we’re finished, Tracker is walking out to greet us.

  “Man, you look like you’ve aged a million years,” I joke with the VP of Stoney’s club.

  Tracker cackles. “I see you haven’t changed a bit.”

  “So, you agree with me then?” I quip, and from the porch light, I can see Tracker smiling and shaking his big ol’ head.

  “You wouldn’t know. You don’t have an ol’ lady or any lil’ ones runnin’ around quite yet. When you do, you’ll understand,” Tracker tells me as I walk toward him.

  “Ah, okay. I’ll let Victoria know what you said when I see her then.”

  Tracker must not realize I’m joking, ‘cause he grabs me by the back of the head and pushes me up against the wall. “Don’t fuck with me, Omen. I know you’re playin’, but ‘cause of the kids I barely get a piece of her ass these days. Do you know what a starving man does for fun? He rips people up and puts ‘em in itty bitty pieces.”

  “Shit, all right. I was only fuckin’ with you.” I laugh my ass off, and shortly enough, Tracker joins in.

  The four of us walk into the club, and I spot a couple new faces since I’ve been here last. He takes us over to the bar, and the dude behind us hands us over some drinks. “I don’t mean to be rude, Tracker, but I’m beat. Could you have someone show me where we’re staying? All I want is some shut-eye,” Abyss speaks up, and Tracker turns toward her.

  “Sure thing. Prospect, get over here and show Abyss to her room,” Tracker hollers, and Ricochet quickly finishes his drink.

  “I’m gonna head in too. Fuckin’ beat, man.” Ricochet heads beside Abyss, and the prospect takes them out of sight.

  “Guess you’re the last one standing then, huh?” Tracker chortles. “Never thought I’d see the day where Ricochet wasn’t up partyin’, but I’m glad he’s settled down. Seems like Venom and that daughter of hers are good for ‘em.”

  “They are. I don’t know two people who fit better than those two do,” I comment, meaning every word of what I’m saying. Ricochet and Venom just work, but I’ll bet it’s because they were friends for a really long time before they got romantic.

  “Shit, I remember the days. Victoria really settled me down, but I needed her in my life. She made it complete. You know?”

  Unfortunately, I don’t. I’ve never had a connection with a woman like he does with Victoria. “Can’t say I have.”

  “What a shame. You could take your sorrows out on me for a night, if you’d like.” A softly spoken woman says from behind me. I turn and find a curvy woman with auburn hair. She has blue eyes, bright pink lipstick caked on her lips, and she’s wearing her makeup super thick. Bet she’s one of the clubwhores here.

  “This is Summer, and you’re more than welcome to spend some time with her if you want.” Tracker fills me in. She’s not exactly my type, but she’ll do.

  “Wow, Summer’s getting all the action, huh, Tracker?” Another woman with the sassiest voice comes strutting up, but as soon as my eyes land on her hair, I want her. She’s got natural curls that remind me of Gemini, the woman I haven’t been able to forget about.

  “Shit, you can have both of ‘em if you want. Consider it a thank you gift for comin’ down.” Tracker shrugs with a shit-eating grin on his face.

  Now, I’m not the type of man who will ever turn down a gift. “Thanks, brother.” Plus, maybe these ladies will get my infatuation with Gemini out of my system. “C’mon, ladies, let’s go.” I wave my hand for them to follow me, and both come up on my sides.

  Summer and the curly-haired one escort me to the back of the club, where I assume their rooms are. “What’s your name, sweetie?”

  “I’m Beanie. It’s lovely to finally meet you.” She smiles like a devious one, and in the back of my mind, I know this is going to be a damn good night.

  Summer walks in front of me to open a door and she pushes it open, then goes through. Beanie and I walk in behind her, and the door isn’t even shut before Beanie’s on her knees. She fumbles with my belt and unzips my jeans in no time.

  My cock comes to life and pops out in front of her face. “Oh wow, you’ve got a thick one. Do you want me to gag on it, Omen?” Beanie looks up into my eyes through her thick lashes.

  “What do you think?” I ask her in a low tone while I skim my hands around the back of her head. “Do you think I’m the gentle type?” I grip her hair tightly, and her smile grows even bigger. She opens her mouth wide and takes my cock as far back as she can. Beanie’s eyes tear up, and the onl
y woman I can think about right now is Gemini.

  Fuck, and all I wanted was a distraction from thinking about her for a bit. Maybe after this club shit is handled, I can make some time to see her. But in the meantime, maybe Summer and Beanie can distract me for a bit.

  Chapter Three


  I take one step out of Blueberry, my Audi R8 Coupe, and know something isn’t right. I don’t know what else to say other than I have an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach, so I hold my phone a little tighter and waste no time walking into Night’s Bliss.

  Cedric is manning the back door and he says hello, but I don’t say anything to him. I know it’s rude, but something isn’t right. I don’t feel okay.

  “Gem?” Chastity’s voice causes me to look over to the right and her brows are furrowed. See, it’s not just me. She knows something isn’t right too.

  “Yeah?” I call over to her as I approach.

  “Where’s your stuff? Or did you leave some clothes in your locker?” We all have lockers, but they’re more like special vaults. Finley’s really made this place upscale, whether it’s in the client area or the restricted areas for staff only. Still, I only keep an emergency set of clothes down here. Whether something rips or I spill a drink on me. I never plan for more than one problem.

  “Fuck, I left my bag I picked up from the dry cleaners in the car,” I mutter and look right at Chastity. “I’ll be back in a couple minutes.”

  “Okay,” she replies, and I walk back toward the door.

  I open it and take maybe three steps before Cedric is clearing his throat. “You all right, Gemini? You seem a bit . . . off.”

  Lying straight through my teeth, I nod and laugh. “Oh, yeah, just running late tonight. Always makes me nervous when I’m not on time.”

  “Okay. Just makin’ sure is all,” Cedric says. “Need me to walk you back to your car?”


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