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Battle For Earth

Page 22

by Daniela A. Wolfe

  “Yes, I gathered, hume,” she replied letting out a long drawn out and god-awful hissing sound. “Tell me what you want and stop wasting my time.”

  “There is a Ghrev ground transport leaving Scottsdale tonight. It’s transporting several dozen humans to compound Het’ma” Kaya stated.

  “Yes,” she replied. “But it is not an enterprise I have any direct involvement in. Why do you tell me this?”

  “I want you arrange it so that my friends and I,” she said motioning at both of us. “Are on that transport. We have urgent business to take care of in the compound.”

  “You ask too much, hume. The Qharr would have me arrested if I involved myself with human rebels like yourselves. I walk upon the precipice as it is!”

  “What makes you think we’re rebels?” Farris asked folding his arms across his chest.

  “Keep this Craonnd silent, hume! Of course, you are rebels what else would you be? I know of no other group of pink-skins who would be able or willing to meet in this manner.”

  “Yes, you’re right we’re rebels,” Kaya admitted. “Look we both want something. We want into compound Het’ma you want off of Earth and we happen to have the drive component that will give you exactly what you want it seems like a pretty fair trade to me.”

  Velspatt hissed. “And if I am caught I will never leave Earth. The Qharr will have me executed or worse thrown in one of those holes they call a prison.”

  “There are risks in any enterprise.”

  “Sometimes the risks are too great, I have no reason to remain. Good luck finding your way to the compound humes, but I see no reason to help you,” she replied, turned around and began to walk away.

  “Wait!” I called after her, stepping forward. “This is important! We’re fighting to free Earth from the gray-skins! Don’t you care?”

  “No,” she replied glancing back at me. “Why would I?”

  “There’s got to be something we can trade for passage on that damn transport. Please, you have to help us!” I begged falling to my knees surprised at just how strongly I reacted to her departure.

  Velspatt swirled around and eyed me thoughtfully. “When you hit my mohme it was a very powerful blow. It must have been, this mohme is not easily intimidated. You are very strong for a human, particularly for a female of your size. Tell me how is this possible?”

  “I-I, don’t know I couldn’t say,” I said stumbling over my words staring up at her with wide eyes. Somehow I doubted it was a good idea to reveal Khala’s existence to the Ghrev.

  “I’ll tell you what I think. It’s become no secret by now that the Qharr have attacked and destroyed all the rebel’s hidden bases, but during the attack on one of the more–How should I put it–local, bases something interesting happened. You see, my people have been monitoring Qharr communications and they caught wind of something very strange. Some of the Qharr units claimed to have fought a human bonded with something called a K’teth symbiote. I find that very strange, don’t you?”

  “You’re point being?” I asked climbing back to my feet and slowly walked up to her so that I could look her in the eye.

  “I am no craonnd, unlike your friend. I can put different pieces together. I’ve seen the Edant K’teth in action and I’ve always wondered how they could do such… astounding things. Now I hear mention of a K’teth symbiote and one bonded to a human no less. A human who can fight off Qharr hunters with her bare hands. Then today I meet a human female who can hit my mohme with enough force to send the male, a most ferocious beast, fleeing. You hit him with far more force than I’ve seen any human display. It’s lucky we Ghrev are not as fragile as humans or it would have done a great deal more damage,” she replied placing a clawed hand on my shoulder.

  “What can I say?” I shrugged. “I was holding back.

  She let out a long wheezing hiss which I could only guess was the Ghrev equivalent to a laugh. “So it was you?”


  “Tell you what, hume,” she whispered in my ear tracing the back of her claw against my cheek. “I’ll help arrange transport for you and your friends for that drive coil if you can do me one small little favor.”

  “What sort of favor? I’m not going to sleep with you if that’s what you want. I’m not into reptiles.”

  “Reptiles are cold-hearted passionless creatures. Ghrev blood runs hot through our veins with the same passion and intensity of fire! We are no reptiles and I would be lying if I said I did not find you attractive, hume, but no, that was not the sort of favor I was hoping for. I want you to kill Corrector Taevok Typel,” she whispered.

  “You want me to do what?!” I yelled taking a few steps backward as I stared at her in surprise.

  ‘There’s something you should know,’ Khala suddenly spoke up.

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘Taevok is Edant K’teth.’

  ‘Of course, he is.’ I gritted my teeth and let out a long sigh as Velspatt continued absently tapping her claws against the Mohme’s neck. “The Corrector has been making things rather difficult for my various enterprises. If you killed him it would be quite, convenient to see him gone.”

  “That’s what you wanted all along, isn’t it?” I whispered feeling a lump form in my throat at the prospect of having to battle a joined Qharr.

  “You are a bright one.”

  “I don’t get it why play these games? Why not just tell us from the start?!”

  “What would have been the fun in that?” she replied cocking her head.

  “You can’t honestly think it’s a fair trade do you? Taevok is Edant K’teth killing him will be no small task.”

  “That’s why it’s called a favor,” the Ghrev said letting out another ‘laugh’ before continuing. “Do it, and I will owe you one.”

  “Fine,” I said with a whisper. “I-I’ll do it.”

  I bit my lip and forced myself to look her in the eyes. The truth was, I wasn’t about to go looking for a fight with the Corrector, but there was a good chance we’d cross paths. If he got in the way, then I might not have any choice but to kill the bastard. Still, I wasn’t about to let the little favor get in the way of what needed to be done.

  “Very good,” she said barring her teeth and let out another wheezy hiss. “Now, we need only make arrangement for delivery of my drive coil.”

  We managed to work out a deal with Velspatt in which Jaysen would off drop the drive coil the day after we’d been safely transported to the compound. Jaysen had no way of knowing if we’d made it safely or not, but the alien crime lord didn’t know that. Fortunately, Kaya had thought things through and arranged a means so that we could communicate with Jaysen before we had left so the drop would go as scheduled. Once, we were finished arranging things with the Ghrev we left the old chapel and made our way to the loading area where we would be transported into compound Het’ma.

  Chapter Seven

  “Sit hume!” The Ghrev commanded backhanding me across the cheek. Caught completely off guard by the unprovoked attack, I reeled back and tumbled across the nearest row of seats. The blow was powerful compared to what a human could deal out, but it was nothing compared to what a Qharr could conflict. It hurt, a little, but as a human bonded with a K’teth symbiote it was well within my tolerance. Regardless, it wouldn’t do to be seen so easily shrugging off such a powerful hit. So I rolled off the seat and collapsed to the ground and stayed there for a few moments. I stumbled to my feet clutching at the side of my face acting as if it really hurt and stared up at the alien with wide eyes.

  “Sit,” the alien repeated.

  I looked up at her, let my eyes grow wide, put an expression of mock terror on my face and collapsed into my seat. The Ghrev hissed then knelt down to chain me to the steel bar which was bolted to the bottom of the seat. She grabbed Kaya–who had been behind me in the procession of slaves–and forced her into the seat next to me. A random slave I didn’t recognize was next and then moved onto the next row. I watched as slave after slave
was seated until I saw Farris do the same several rows down.

  “That was quite a show you put on,” Kaya, leaned in to whisper in my ear.

  I shrugged and bit my lip. “I didn’t think it was a good idea to let the Ghrev or any slaves for that matter see me just shrug off a blow like that.”

  “Good thinking.”

  I sighed and closed my eyes. “Shit, I hate this. I hate being chained like this if only I could…”

  “Could what?” a voice asked.

  My eyes snapped open and turned to look at the stranger next to me staring at me with a single raised eyebrow. “Break free? That’s what you were about to say wasn’t it?”

  “Fuck off,” I glared at him. It seemed harsh, but this stranger could easily be a collaborator.

  “Just making conversation,” he smiled then winked at me. “Say, what’s your name?”

  “Fuck off flake!”

  “You think I’m a collaborator?” he asked shaking his head and chuckling.

  I bit my tongue, gritted my teeth and turned away. I had nothing to say to the stranger and I certainly wasn’t going to risk exposing myself by talking with him.

  “You know you can ignore me all you want. I’m just going to keep talking,” he whispered leaning in toward me. “Name’s Rayland Patterson. What’s yours?”

  I kept silent and said nothing.

  “Come on, tell me your name.”

  And again I ignored him clenching my fists and shook my head.

  “You don’t give me a name I’m gonna start guessing. Is it Bella? Or maybe Rose or perhaps Celia. Oh, I got it! I bet it’s something pretty. I mean a sexy girl like you…”

  “My name is Lexa,” I growled gritting my teeth as I fought down the urge to break the chains holding me down and punch him in the face.

  “Lexa? What’s that short for Alexandra?”

  “Alexana,” I closed my eyes and shook my head irritably.

  He repeated my name almost seeming to savor it as his face stretch into a grin. “So gorgeous–”

  “Rayland is it? You listen to me because I’m only going to say this once. I am not your friend, I don’t want to be your friend and if you don’t leave me alone the next time my hands are free I’m going to beat you senseless. You got it, buddy?”

  “Oh, I love the attitude, but I don’t think you could take me, muffintop,” he grinned.

  I rolled my eyes, then bent over and palmed my face with my hands as Rayland continued to jabber on. He didn’t quit for the rest of our ride and it was all I could do to keep myself from screaming at the top of my lungs. God, he was annoying!


  The ride to the compound lasted all of about forty minutes, but it was probably one of the longest forty minutes of my life with Rayland jabbering on like an idiot. The Ghrev guards didn’t seem to care what we did once they had us all chained up and a few people besides my new best friend were chattering. For the most part everyone remained silent as transport zoomed across the road to the compound. Finally, the bus came to a halt and there was a loud hiss as the door popped open and a familiar figured stepped inside.

  “Jerem,” I whispered under my breathe. I hadn’t seen him in years, and although he’d aged quite a lot and even packed on a little muscle, he still had that stubborn mean set to his jaw and those angry eyes.

  “Alright piss-ants!” he yelled looking around the interior of the bus. “I am Jerem Anders, I’m Head Enforcer for Taevok Typel, the Corrector in charge of this facility, and if any of you fuckheads try and cross me you will regret it. You hear me? I will make your life a living hell if you so much as sneeze without my permission. I’ll guarantee that.”

  “Now these Ghrev are going to let you lose one row at a time, and you are going to file your way out quietly and most importantly, slowly with your hands where I can see them. Anyone fails to comply; they’ll get a face full of my burn rod!” He grinned wickedly holding up a long metal stick with a worn leather handle.

  “And don’t think I’m the only one here to stop you. I have four more of my men waiting outside along with the two Qharr soldiers who are guarding the gates and if you were able to get past them the defensive grid surrounding this place is electrified with enough juice to barbecue any one of your miserable corpses!” he added looking about the cabin one final time before nodding at the Ghrev and stepping out the door.

  “He seems like a really pleasant fellow,” Rayland beamed at me.

  I rolled my eyes ignored him and turned to Kaya so that I could whisper in her ear. “Damn, I don’t think Jerem’s changed much. If anything I think he’s gotten worse. He was always a bully, but now he’s gotten a taste of power.”

  “It’s not real power. None of us will ever have any real power so long as the Qharr are on Earth. He’s as much a slave to the gray-skins as we are, but he’s damned collaborator which makes him the enemy don’t forget that.”

  I shook my head. “You think I don’t know that? It just tears me up inside that that bastard is married to Becca.”

  “Yeah, well you’ll get your chance to deal with him soon enough,” she whispered.

  Rayland’s head snapped to the side suddenly his eyes intently studying Kaya. He turned away then leaned back as a Ghrev appeared to unchain him. He glanced back at me flashing another smile. “I’ll see you two lovely ladies around. I think the three of us will be getting along just fine.”

  It took only a few moments for the Ghrev to free Kaya and me then we were both shoved down the aisle after Rayland. We filed out of the transport and were herded across the compound grounds and forced to line up in single file. It didn’t take long for the bus to be completely unloaded and the Ghrev to retreat back inside.

  “This is compound Het’ma!” Jerem yelled slowly walking up and down the line of people and eying each man and woman as if they he or she were a piece of meat. “Well, well,” he breathed coming to a stop in front of Kaya and me. He had this creepy grin on his face as he looked us both up and down. I glanced down at his crotch and wished I hadn’t, I could see his fully erect cock inside his pants. I shuddered a bit and looked back up to meet his gaze only to find him staring fixedly at my breasts.

  I gulped and shuddered anew and realized just how uncomfortable his leering gaze made me feel. He turned away as if to leave, but then suddenly rounded on me grabbing my waist and locking his mouth around mine in a kiss. It was a disgusting slobbery affair and it took all my will power to keep myself from pushing him away. He broke away his hands brushing my breasts before he turned to Kaya and squeezed one of her boobs. “I’m not usually into Asian chicks, but god I think I may just make an exception for you, honey.”

  Kaya slapped his hand away and her face was red with anger and I could see that familiar manic fire in her eyes. She looked ready to swing a fist at him, but thankfully she restrained herself and I could tell it was taking all her self control to do it.

  “Bitch!” he yelled balling his hand into a fist and slamming it into the side of her face. Kaya dropped like a sack of potatoes and I fell to my knees beside her.

  “I like bitches with fire,” he grinned. “It makes breaking them all the more enjoyable.”

  “Roland!” he yelled turning to gaze at another enforcer who was standing a good twelve feet away. “Take care of these vermin! The Corrector wanted to speak with me once the transport had been unloaded.”

  Then he glanced back at Kaya and me. “Oh and have the two cunts assigned to the kitchen with that miserable waste of space I call my wife. Spread the word around the compound, any man who so much as lays a hand on those two will get two days locked in the box. I went them all to myself.”

  I gritted my teeth and glared at Jerem as he retreated into the compound. I had a feeling that the next few days weren’t going to be remotely pleasant at all. Jerem’s subordinate, Roland, started screaming out instructions and assignments, but I didn’t listen all I could do was stew over what that bastard had done to Kaya. I knew in that
moment if Jerem tried anything with either Kaya or me I’d kill him even if it meant revealing myself and putting the mission in jeopardy. Finally, Roland finished his lecture and all the slaves dispersed as they were led away to their quarters for the night. I reached down to pick up Kaya when I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Farris frowning down at me. I didn’t need it, but Farris helped me pick her up and drape her arm across my shoulder. One of the enforcers appeared to drag him off to the men’s quarters leaving us alone.

  I looked back at the compound and sighed realizing that I would have to carry Kaya in by myself. Not that I couldn’t, but how was I going to get her inside without drawing attention to myself? Then my problems were answered as a slender brunette appeared from out of the shadows and move to help me. She grabbed Kaya’s other shoulder wordlessly and helped me carry my former lover inside. It was almost completely dark by that time, but there was something familiar about the way the woman moved. Then she spoke and I felt my heart leap into my throat.

  “I-I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

  God, it was Becca! My sister was right there and she had no idea that it was me, but why should she?

  “Why should you apologize?” I asked swallowing hard as I tried hard to keep myself from openly weeping.

  “He does this every time a new group of slaves arrive. He likes to show off in front of me. He knows how much I hate to see other people suffer.”

  “Why?” I asked already knowing the answer.

  “Because…” she muttered. “He’s my husband.”

  I didn’t answer not because I didn’t want to, but because I didn’t think I could say anything without revealing myself. I wanted so badly to tell Becca everything, but common sense won out. It wasn’t time to reveal myself to my sister, at least not yet.


  I woke the next morning letting out a long silent yawn as the memories from the previous night slowly returned to me. My dreams had alternated between reuniting with my sister and dreams of myself making love to Jaysen. At various points, in the latter, Jaysen had gone from being female to male and then back again while sometimes she was a mix of both. None of it really seemed to matter, we made love and I’d enjoyed every minute of it. I remember clearly at one point running my hands across Jaysen’s flat chest only to find, moments later, a pair of breasts appeared cupped inside my open palms.


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