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The High Lord (Legends of Trianon: Starla Book 2)

Page 27

by J. A. Comley

  Larkel ignored his feeling of triumph at being proved right about the Baron. It was a false victory. Everything else had been lost. Another drodemion went down, but he took no notice. He probed the Baron's mind for Starla. The first memory he found was just before the hearing. He dropped the memory soon after it began, afraid to lose his concentration as a fierce hatred sped through his veins. He sidestepped other memories, too, of the Baron trying to get Starla to join him willingly. He felt his anxiety rise and reached deeper. Another memory. The Baron's orders for the grobbler hunting party. He felt the Baron's disappointment to learn that she hadn't been brought to him first but handed directly over to a magmus. The Baron firmly believed that she was in Abyss Valley now, a prisoner at Kyron's mercy.

  Larkel suppressed his horror, hoping the Baron's beliefs were wrong. Either way, he had found his answer. Starla truly wasn't here. She really had gone into the forest. He hoped Gaby had been keeping an eye out and that Starla was safe with her. If not? A magmus with a prisoner would take several days to reach Abyss Valley. He had time to catch up.

  A drodemion's rattling voice drew the High Lord's attention. He had become so wrapped up in the Baron's memories that he had forgotten to keep hurling spells at the approaching force. He hadn't heard what it said, but he smiled grimly as three more fell to his power. He refocused on the battle. He needed to defeat this force, get the Baron into custody, then catch up with Starla.

  Still holding onto the Baron, Larkel pushed more magic into his next spell. He was too used to having to be cautious, being so many times stronger than other Makhi. Not here. Here, he could obliterate.

  A new memory intruded on his concentration, and the spell went wide, only taking down a handful of the small number of drodemions that remained. He resolutely refused to look at the bodies as they reverted to their original forms in death. Then the memory took over his senses.

  The High Lord was looking through the Baron's eyes as, in the memory, Braxton rounded a corner in the dark tower, tossing a rune-covered disk ahead. He watched, helpless as his friend and mentor's face grew white with fear, unable to move or use his magic, his eyes widening in disbelief as the Baron ran him through with a gludron blade. He felt the Baron's satisfaction as he attached a little device to the old Makhi lying on the ground, clutching at his wound. The Baron's memory did not name the object, but Kyron had designed it to take all memories within a mind. Ditte's sure information that Redkin was the only other who knew how to deactivate the protection spells was why the death had to be slow. He felt the Baron smile as, seconds after he had reclaimed the memory device, the light left the Redkin's eyes. Carefully, Braxton had knelt down and placed Starla's bird book beneath the body in a growing pool of blood. Traitors among the Makhi would be given the information, ready to combine their attacks with a magmus’ mental strike, stealing the Stones at a precise hour.

  Larkel felt his hand fall away from the Baron's shoulder. The crushing weight of the pain and guilt was like a physical blow. The memory was as real as if he had been there himself. As if he had killed Redkin, himself.

  The Baron swivelled away from Larkel as the spell holding him fell, and the three remaining drodemion shamans closed in.

  The High Lord tried to emerge above his despair but the drodemions' spells brought him to his knees. All he could see was his mentor, his friend, dying. He could feel the weight of the sword as it was driven through the old man's body. He tried to raise his staff but found his hand empty.

  He fought to clear his mind, to focus as the drodemion unleashed spells that, fuelled by Kyron himself, bound the High Lord's great power. Without his staff and its Illion crystals to amplify it further, he could not escape.

  “You shouldn't poke around in people's minds uninvited,” said the Baron, a sneer on his face again.

  Then the High Lord understood. The drodemion had sensed what he was doing and warned the Baron, and he had pulled up the one memory sure to give them at least a few seconds.

  Clarity flooded back into Larkel's mind, and he glared at the Baron even as he saw that he had lost.

  The pain that he had failed not only Redkin, but Starla too, sliced through him.

  “I no longer care about keeping up the charade,” the Baron continued, sounding relaxed again, as if nothing had passed. “I will take the Sacred Stones to Master Kyron before dawn, and he will reward me with that lovely vixen you thought was yours.”

  Larkel teeth snapped together. “How could you do it? How could you kill him? You've known him as long as I have,” he demanded, trying and failing to break the binding spells.

  “Redkin was one of the ones responsible for their fate, for her fate. Just like Jari. Just like the King. Just like you. He deserved his end.” The Baron's voice held a tinge of bitterness.

  “Why? Why serve Kyron?” Larkel breathed, his strength waning as he tried to push against the spells once more.

  “Power, revenge … but mostly because of you,” the Baron said, his voice turning harsh with bitter anger and resentment. “Oh, and, of course, for the freedom to do whatever I please with Starla.”

  Anger finally returned to Larkel's pain-riddled body. “This is between you and me, Braxton. You leave her out of this.” He managed to break through one of the binding spells just as another three tightened around him.

  “You are right.” The Baron leaned forward, his hatred filled eyes only inches away. “You are the reason for all my actions. You are the reason Redkin had to die. You, because of your mistake, your inaction … your decisions,” he shredded the word through a snarl. “You are the reason that golden-haired wench will scream and beg. You will pay for what you did to my family.”

  Larkel flinched away from the image of Starla under the Baron's power.

  “Don’t be a fool. She—” the High Lord tried to find the words, Eltara’s face and words suddenly coming to mind. The Baron's family. Kyron's attack on the City. Braxton blamed him for that?

  “Do you remember?” the Baron snarled, standing erect and unsheathing his gludron sword.

  Of course Larkel remembered. He had lost his father that night. He had been forced to destroy so many others. The Baron's family.

  “I didn't have a choice, but you do. I know you’ve seen it. I read it in your mind. The similarities, Braxton. She could be—” Larkel began, just as he had that night, and just like then, the Baron cut him off.

  “Silence!” he said, spitting with rage as he took up an executioner's stance to the side of Larkel. “I never have to hear another word that comes out of your mouth. By now, the amulet is destroyed, or Master Kyron has found a way to use it by bending that Soreiaphin bitch to his will. This city will be mine in just five more days. And they will be avenged,” he said, seemingly speaking more to himself than Larkel.

  Larkel fought against the spells and groaned, feeling almost all of his power wane. Shutting his eyes, he used his last trickle of magic to reopen the connection to his Order. He showed them the Baron, the drodemion shamans, carefully concealing the location. He sent through a replay of the conversation from the moment he had crashed through the Baron's door. He highlighted the date of Kyron's attack. Then, firmly, with a pang of loss and regret, he sealed off the connection and dissolved it. No Makhi needed to get in the way of the drodemion until the actual battle, and no Makhi should have to live his death as he had lived Redkin's.

  “Braxton, please, stop this madness,” Larkel said wearily, searching for some hint of his brother’s childhood friend in the grey, rage-filled eyes above him. “She wouldn't have wanted this.”

  “You don't get to speak for her!” His faces inches from Larkel's, eyes alight with madness and pain. Breathing heavily, he resumed his executioner's stance. “By the power of Master Kyron, I relieve you of your duties as High Lord of Galatia,” the Baron spat, a mad grin tugging on his mouth as he lifted the sword.

  Larkel pushed against his bonds again and knew he had no more to give, no more to lose. “I love you, Starla,” h
e whispered, shutting his eyes.

  The Baron gave one contemptuous snort and swung the sword.



  Cargon – wild, predatory flying feline, able to unleash lightning bolts and see through several feet of solid matter. (native to Aurelia)

  Cyrion – Large white birds. Often viewed as a symbol of peace or hope. Linked to legends of Felantha and Ezira (her's being large enough to ride). (native to Aurelia)

  Elpion – Large mammals, having six legs and two large horns on their snouts. Used primarily as war mounts or to pull heavy loads. There exist both wild and tame herds. (native to Aurelia)

  Ergothan – Large, feline, predators. They have spotted coats for camouflage and will often hunt as a group. (native to Galatia)

  Felwy – Domesticated animal bred for meat and wool-like fur. (Native to Galatia)

  Flinto – Small, flying mammal. Females are grey, males are usually bright blue or purple. They have a single eye and can turn invisible as a defensive ability. (Native to Cosmaltia)

  Frelock – aquatic invertebrate. They have perfectly spherical, transparent shells. Feed on micro-organisms in lakes and rivers. Commonly kept as pets. (Native to Galatia)

  Halodin – Bird. Each bird has two heads and both male and female. They have a fan-like tail which they will spread when threatened, momentarily blinding their prey. (Native to Cosmaltia)

  Harknine – Eight-legged mammals. Bred for use as war mounts and to pull carts. There exist wild and domesticated herds. (Native to Galatia)

  Heartwing – Bird. Born with light pink feathers that gradually turn black as the bird matures. The colour change is due to their preferred food – agley berries. (Native to Galatia)

  Keplas -Fish. Large flat fish, usually green in colour with six to eight eyes. Often caught for food. (native to Galatia)

  Loodek – subterranean reptile, with sickle claws for digging. Can burrow at tremendous speeds and have a natural ability to locate sources of underground water. (Native to Aurelia)

  Mimiola – Flying insect. Variety of sizes and subspecies. The largest can boast a wingspan of 1 meter. They are most active at night, with wings that shine in iridescent colours to deter predators. (native to Galatia.)

  Olups – Small mammals. They appear in a multitude of pastel colours and move quickly by tucking in their limbs and rolling. Their bite is venomous.

  Raddle – amphibian. Possess a single leg with circular fin which will propel the animal through water. The males have a curved tail with a yellow bauble on the end which emits a defensive, percussive sound. (Native to Cosmaltia)

  Red Blossom – Bird. Very small red birds with four eyes placed high on the head to allow the animal 360 degrees of vision. Can camouflage to look like a flower. (native to Galatia)

  Snabble – long-lived reptiles. They have hard, rock-like outer shells made of overlapping armour plates. These armour plates can shift, changing alignment and along the creature to grow to several times their original size. (Native to Galatia)

  Spindler – canine, predator. Spindlers prefer to scavenge rather than hunt. Males have a feather protruding from between the two small horns all spindler have. Have the ability to create illusion copies of themselves and run at great speeds. (Native to Galatia)

  Starla – large birds. They have colour-shifting plumage and the females boast a gold star on their chests. (Native to Cosmaltia)

  Vapurix – Large canines. Pack predators, following the rule of an alpha. Use a form of telepathy to communicate with one another. Larkel owns the only known domesticated pack, led by Herio. (native to Galatia)


  Brosney – Born only into the Cosmaltian race. They have the ability to wield metal. Those with exceptional abilities are welcomed into the exclusive order of monks, housed in the Floating Temple. Brosney abilities cause most to become haemophilic, encouraging the suggestion that Brosney females refrain from falling pregnant to reduce the risk of death during childbirth. (Since the Breaking, there have been recorded children of mixed blood who also possess the ability.)

  Demilain – Beings of pure magic, always born as one being with a dual aspect, one of life the other of death. Birthed along with each new galaxy throughout the universe.

  Inagium – Born only to the Galatian race. They have the ability to transform into their spirit-forms, usually taking on the appearance of animals and to spirit-cast, affecting the abilities of those around them. Require a wand to cast their spells. Extreme mental fortitude is required or an Inagium risks destroying their physical body permanently. (Since the Breaking, there have been recorded children of mixed blood who also possess the ability.)

  Makhi – Born into all three races of Trianon. They have raw/unbound magic, being able to manipulate it into any purpose, the limitations being only the amount of power they were born with, the physical strength of their body and their mental fortitude. Can use a staff to help guide or amplify their powers.

  Nightstalkers – Born only into the Aurelian race. Their abilities depend entirely on their bloodlines. Pure-blood Nightstalkers are significantly more powerful than those of diluted lineage, Lesser Nightstalkers. All Nightstalkers will have the following abilities, the strength of which depend on their bloodlines: heightened senses of sight, smell and sound; heightened speed/reflexes; ability to see in total darkness; ability to sense active magic; ability to go prolonged periods without food, drink or sleep; and a small, unconscious self-healing ability.

  Sacrileons – Created by the Demilain Ezira. There are only six in existence, one for each of the following elements: earth(ground), flora, fauna, air, water and fire. They have the ability to fully control their element, but must be careful how much power they use or risk causing an imbalance in their element. All Sacrileons have obsidian skin, white hair, and violet eyes.

  Soreiaphin – A very rare magical gifted. Also known as Starborn. Soreiaphin must have at least two active magical strains but can have all four that exist in the people of Trianon. Not much is known about Starborn other than that each will have a unique amulet which they can summon to themselves. These amulets will hold a clue, known as a 'key', which, if followed correctly and payment made, will allow a Soreiaphin to access their full power. If the payment is not made, the Soreiaphin's power will remain latent.


  Agley Vines – Thin, curling vines, usually gold in colour that will grow along trellises or other plants. Bear agley berries in the autumn – these are often used to produce a sweet, fruity wine.

  Fengi's Blue Spot – Hard fruit that are actually the seed pods of a seaweed that grows in Galatia's Great Ocean. Discovered by Makhi Fengi 3000 years before the Breaking, when he tried to chart the Great Ocean.

  Hurik trees – fat, blue-barked trees grown primarily as a source of cork and for the hurik fruit—small orange fruits with the ability to temporarily cure hunger, thirst, pain, and sleep deprivation. Using huriks too often may result in addiction and lead to death.

  Irifen – Trees. Usually white- or grey-barked trees with dark blue, purple or black leaves. They do not lose their foliage in winter. Grow in abundance along Galatia's Blue Mountains.

  Shanebury bushes – large, shady bushes, often used in gardens. Produce nuts which are used in many Galatian baked goods.

  White Wood – These trees dominated the forest known as Rainbow Wood and are what gave it its name. When alive, the tree's bark will shift from white to soft, muted colours and glow at night. Once cut down, white wood trees offer a uniquely pliable wood often used in the creation of bows, arrows and staves.


  Aurelian – having very pale white skin, cat-like ears atop their heads and long sharp canines. All Aurelians are naturally more agile than the other races of Trianon and can see in relatively dim light. A warrior nation built on the Laws of Strength and Honour, divided into eight groups/tribes. Ruled by the Conclave, containing a representative from each group.

  Cosmaltian – hav
ing naturally dark or tan skin, pointed, elf-like ears and slit pupils. Many Cosmaltians have heterochromia. A sea-faring nation, built around the strict rules of Tradition, with a society divided into classes based on magic abilities and Guild affiliations. Ruled by a single family known as the High Family.

  Galatian – usually having pale skin, dark features and are human in appearance. They are ruled by a single family since the Breaking. They are the base for Makhi training and learning, ruled over by the High Lord. Galatians are generally considered as having a thirst for information and have many centres for study including large greenhouses, an aviary and Royal Library.

  Note – All races of Trianon are able to interbreed, but the ability to conceive is lowered and the risk of stillbirth heightened.


  - The Guardians of Trianon:

  Gaby. - Element: Flora - Markings: Pink flowers - Companion: Heny (snabble)

  Beky. - Element: Fauna - Markings: Green diamond eyes - Companion: Flek (spindler)


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