Escape With An Alpha Volume 1 - Storm MC

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Escape With An Alpha Volume 1 - Storm MC Page 17

by Levine, Nina

  “He doesn’t scare me, Chelsea. I’ve dealt with men far worse than him.”

  She clutches my shirt. “Did they run the state? Did they have a whole network of political allies throughout the country? Did they know how and where to bury the bodies of the people who got in their way? Because that’s what you’d be up against with my father.”

  I search her eyes, willing her to listen to me. To trust in me. “Your father might have all those men at his back, but I have other men at mine. The kind your father would shudder at if they threatened him. You need to listen to me when I say I can hold my own. There’s no fucking way your father will even get close enough to take me down.”

  She turns silent, processing my words. I feel it the minute she lets hope flare. Her body melts into mine a little. Her hold on my shirt loosens. And the fear in her eyes eases. “I don’t know—”

  I silence her remaining fear with a kiss. A kiss filled with all the urgency and wild need I’m feeling. I will do whatever it takes to make Chelsea understand that her denial over what’s happening between us isn’t something I’ll allow to happen.

  She hesitates at first, but I deepen the kiss and push her to give me the same back. I need that from her. When she doesn’t do that, I tear my mouth from hers and growl, “Can you feel what you do to me, Chelsea? I’m so fucking hard for you right now, but more than that, I feel like I’m coming out of my fucking skin for you. I’ve wanted you for as long as I can remember, even when I was telling myself I hated you. Our families are fucked up, but that doesn’t mean we have to be. This is our chance to finally have what we want. Don’t walk away from me again. Stay and fight for me because I promise you I will always fucking fight for you.”

  The silence is deafening for the few seconds it takes her to come to her senses, and then her lips are on mine, her body is hard against mine, and I know every beat of her heart is for me.

  Chelsea Novak is mine.


  * * *

  Thank you so much for reading Locked Up Hearts!

  If you want to read what happens next, check out Mason & Chelsea’s full length novel, Gunnar. It is part of the Storm MC series and is written as a standalone so you can read it without having read the rest of the series.


  The biker & the politician's daughter.

  Sworn enemies.

  One night will change everything.

  Chelsea Novak is the kind of fire I should stay away from.

  She’s also the only kind of fire I’ve ever craved.

  Instead of extinguishing her from my life, I’ve thrown gasoline.

  Now we’re burning hotter than ever.

  Stolen moments when we shouldn’t.

  Forbidden nights that are never enough.

  Illicit seconds for one more taste.

  I’m taking everything I want.

  Everything that isn’t mine.

  The heat is blinding, making us take risks that will destroy us.

  Because this love will destroy us.

  It will consume us. Ravage us. Ruin us.

  Chelsea Novak is fire.

  And I’m a man ready to burn for the one woman I can never make mine.


  Storm MC Group Texts

  Dear Reader

  I send out a Storm MC group text every week to my newsletter subscribers. These group texts feature the couples from the original Storm series and are so much fun to write. I’ll be writing and sending one every week for the rest of 2021. If you wanna receive them, sign up for my emails here.

  The following texts are the ones I’ve sent this year. I hope you love reading them!

  Nina x

  PS In my texts, I include emojis. Unfortunately, they get lost in translation on a Kindle, so I’ve had to edit them out of this book and write what they were. So you’ll see things like *insert middle finger emoji* where an actual emoji was. It’s not as fun, but it gets the message across.


  Christmas Text

  Madison: I’m about to pack J into a rusty Holden ute and send him into the bush after shoving bells he can jingle where the sun don’t shine.

  Harlow: What’s he done now?


  Madison: I had all the decorations ready to decorate the clubhouse for Boxing Day and he thought they were rubbish and THREW THEM AWAY.

  Madison: I mean, he should know by now that I never throw Christmas decorations away.

  Madison: I could strangle him. Like, for fucking real.

  Velvet: Wait! He didn’t throw them away! He was talking to Nash and mentioned he was taking them to the tip and Nash said he might know someone who would take them. They’re at our place. I can bring them into the clubhouse today.

  Madison: OMG this is the best news!!!! I knew I loved Nash for a reason.

  Madison: I’m still shoving bells in places that will bring J pain.

  Scarlett: How the hell did I make it into this text message gang?

  Scarlett: Also, can we shove some bells somewhere bad in Wilder? I know you girls have magic powers. Make that shit happen for me.

  Harlow: Scar, you know you secretly love us and have wanted to be in this text group for a long time.

  Sophia: LOL, Scarlett, you can’t deny it any longer.

  Scarlett: Just make it so Wilder jingles when I see him next. And not in a good way. That’s all I want for Christmas.

  Scarlett: And take me out of this group. Group messages will be the fucking death of me.

  Layla: I feel you on this, Scarlett. I can’t keep up with group messages.

  Layla: Also, Harlow, Blade requested trifle for Boxing Day so that’s the dessert I’ve decided I’ll make. Hope that’s good with you.

  Harlow: Perfect!

  Madison: Abort! It’s J’s favourite. He doesn’t deserve his favourite this Christmas.

  Velvet: What’s with these guys? It’s Nash’s fave too. It’s my least favourite dessert.

  Harlow: I thought J loved Christmas pudding the most.

  Madison: He did until he fell in love with your trifle last year. And I’m with you, Velvet, I’d rather eat almost anything else.

  Chelsea: I love trifle, Layla! And Gunnar will eat anything.

  Carla: Girls! Havoc and I will make it in time for Boxing Day at the clubhouse! What do you want us to bring, Harlow?

  Velvet: This is the best news, Carla! Tell me you guys are staying for a few days.

  Carla: LOL, yes. Nash will kill me if we don’t.

  Velvet: Yes, he will, and I might too.

  Scarlett: And Madison will put bells where they shouldn’t jingle.

  Scarlett: Also, why am I still in this convo?

  Harlow: Carla, does Havoc still have that friend who gets those prawns that are the best I’ve ever had?

  Madison: OMG YES! We need those prawns!

  Sophia: I agree. Bring those prawns!!!

  Chelsea: I’ve not tried these prawns but they sound amazing.

  Velvet: Honestly, if we have nothing but those prawns for this lunch, I don’t care. I’ve never tasted prawns so good.

  Scarlett: Suddenly we only care if we see the prawns, Carla. You and Havoc can just hurl them into the clubhouse on your way through town.

  Scarlett: Still waiting to be deleted from this convo.

  Carla: LOL, prawns it is! I’ll get Havoc onto it.

  Harlow: Right, so I think we’ve got all the food covered. And Madison will decorate. The only other thing we need to finalise are the games for the kids.

  Madison: I know just the person for this. I’ll add him to the chat.

  Scarlett: Him? Grabbing popcorn for this…

  J: Popcorn for what? And why the fuck are you texting me, Scarlett?

  Madison: Remember how you stole my Christmas decorations, J? I’ve figured out how you can atone for that and this is it.

  J: I thought you wanted them thrown out. You put them where you always fucking put sh
it to be taken to the tip.

  Madison: NEXT TO. I put them next to that pile, not IN THAT PILE. When have you ever known me to throw Christmas decorations away?

  J: A man can fucking hope for new traditions. We have so many decorations that it made complete fucking sense to me.

  Harlow: Okay guys, let’s focus here. Christmas games for the kids.

  J: Christ, how many people are in this text?

  Sophia: Hey, J.

  Layla: Just a few of us, J.

  Chelsea: Hi, J.

  Velvet: LOL.

  Carla: Me! Havoc and I will be in town for Christmas. See you then, J.

  Scarlett: You’ve got no idea of the fun you’ve just stumbled into, J.

  Madison: You’re in charge of organising the games for the kids at the clubhouse on Boxing Day, J.

  J: What kind of fucking games?

  Madison: You know, the ones where the kids all play and have fun.

  J: And I get a fucking headache?

  Madison: Yes, baby, those kinds of games.

  Madison: Oh, I just got your private text, J. We don’t do that here. If you have something to say you can say it to the whole group, baby.

  Harlow: I’d really appreciate it if you took charge of the games, J. We’re always flat out with the food so this will free up some of our time.

  Velvet: Such a great idea to ask one of the guys to do it, Madison. Even if it came from a dark place where bells shouldn’t jingle.

  Sophia: I’ll send you the list of games I had down for this year, J.

  Scarlett: Where’d J go? Shit was just getting good here.

  Nash: What the fuck is this?

  J: Brother, if I have to be subjected to this shit, so the fuck do you.

  Nash: What shit?

  Scarlett: I see fun times ahead. Grabbing chips and chocolate to go with my popcorn.

  Nash: J, why the fuck are we texting with Scarlett? Have you added me to some fucking group chat here?

  Scarlett: Oh, no, it’s not just me, Nash. All the girls are here.

  J: I’m gonna need those Christmas decorations back, brother.

  Madison: Yes, we do need them back, but that doesn’t get you out of this, J.

  Nash: Out of what?

  Scarlett: It’s with great pleasure that I get to tell you, Nash, that it looks like J has decided you’re assistant team captain of the Kid’s Christmas Games this Boxing Day.

  Nash: Can someone please fucking remove me from this group?

  Carla: Nash, you could do Christmas Charades with the kids. You used to love charades.

  Nash: Carla? Are you coming to this?

  Carla: Yes :)

  Nash: I vote Havoc to take my place on this games thing then.

  Scarlett: Oh, Nash, you have so much to learn. It seems once you join this group, it’s fucking impossible to leave. Pull up a chair and get comf.

  Harlow: Focus, people! I’m running out of time and I really wanna get this organised right now so I can move onto the next thing on my to-do list. J and Nash will organise the games, yes?

  Havoc: Not sure why I just got your text, Harlow?

  Nash: Because you and J are organising games for the kids on Boxing Day.

  Havoc: What fucking games?

  Carla: At the clubhouse Christmas get together.

  Madison: We organise games every year for the kids.

  Havoc: How the hell did I get roped into this?

  Velvet: It’s your lucky day, Havoc ;)

  Harlow: Right, that’s decided then. J, Nash, and Havoc will do games. Three is a good number to aim for. I wouldn’t do more than that. Sophia will send J the list of suggested games. Madison will decorate the clubhouse and organise the salads. Carla will bring prawns. Layla will bring trifle. Sophia’s bringing rum balls, rocky road, and gingerbread cookies. Velvet’s bringing pavlova. Chelsea’s bringing ham. Scarlett’s bringing potato bake. And I’m organising everything else. I think we’re sorted!

  Scarlett: One small thing, Harlow. I’m not coming.

  Velvet: Yeah, you are.

  Scarlett: I don’t even know about it. I’m not part of your club. I just work for Master Wilder in your restaurants.

  Madison: Consider this your invitation.

  Harlow: I’ll catch you up on everything but you’re definitely coming.

  Nash: Don’t feel special, Scarlett. They just want you to bring that potato bake the restaurant makes.

  Velvet: Just ignore him, Scar. He’s grumbling because he’s gotta help with the games.

  J: This isn’t a group chat where you fucking text all day long is it?

  Madison: It wasn’t, but it is now, baby. Merry Christmas.

  J: Fucking hell.

  Madison: You’ll never try to throw my decorations out again, will you, J?

  Nash: This all started because of those fucking decorations?

  Scarlett: I’m getting a new number and never giving it to you guys again.

  Nash: For once, I fucking agree with you, Scarlett.

  Harlow: Okay, we’re done here, people.

  Scott: Done with what?

  Griff: What’s going on, Harlow?

  Gunnar: The fuck?

  Blade: I don’t think you meant to send that to me, Harlow.

  J: She did. Merry Christmas, fuckers.


  New Year’s Eve Planning Text

  Layla: Girls! I need your help on New Year’s Eve at the bar.

  Layla: I know you had plans at the clubhouse, but I’m desperate!

  Harlow: Absolutely! What do you need?

  Layla: I’m down staff. I need you to work the bar with me.

  Sophia: Sounds like fun. I’m in!

  Chelsea: Count me in too.

  Velvet: Yes, I’m there!

  Madison: Count the guys in too.

  J: Count me and Scott out. We’ve got kids to stay home with.

  Madison: Mum’s having the kids, J.

  Nash: Your mum deserves a night off, Madison. Uncle Nash’ll take them all for the night.

  Madison: Nice try, Nash, but Layla needs you.

  Gunnar: Why am I still in this fucking group chat? You talk too fucking much.

  Nash: Why the fuck are any of us in it?

  Layla: You girls are the best!! And I could do with the extra security if you guys wanna help.

  Griff: Yeah, we can help out.

  Scott: Is Wilder in this chat? He may need some of us at the restaurant.

  Scarlett: Oooh, I’ll add him. He’ll be so excited.

  Wilder: Add me to what?

  Scarlett: Welcome to fun times, Master. It’s a paradise of conversation here.

  Wilder: Do you care to enlighten me some more?

  Scarlett: No, I think I’ll throw you to the wolves and let you find your own way.

  Scott: We’re organising NYE. Layla needs help at her bar. Do you still need some of us at Trilogy?

  Wilder: No, I got all the security sorted.

  Scott: OK, count us in Layla.

  J: Is this gonna be like your last NYE?

  Blade: No.

  Layla: Blade put his foot down. We’re doing a smaller event this time.

  Nash: Thank fuck for that. Shit got out of hand last year.

  Layla: There’s just one other thing.

  Gunnar: Why do I feel like you’re about to drop a bomb?

  Layla: The theme of the party is disco and I’d really love two of you guys on the front door dressed up for it.

  J: Fuck no.

  Nash: That’s a hard fucking no.

  Gunnar: No from me too.

  Madison: Aww, come on J, you’d look hot wearing bell bottom pants and a glittery button up top with the first few buttons undone.

  Velvet: Oooh, and we could get you a chunky gold necklace.

  Chelsea: I saw a gold leopard print shirt the other day that would smash this theme. Nash could rock it for sure!

  Wilder: Jesus, do you guys use this chat often?

  Scarlett: Daily. Y
ou’re welcome.

  Wilder: Can you remove me, Scarlett?

  Scarlett: No, it’s like a secret society and once you’re in, you’re in for life. No one knows the secret handshake to get the fuck out. Again, you’re welcome.

  Wilder: Christ.

  Gunnar: That doesn’t even come fucking close to covering it, brother.

  Wilder: I’m picking up on that.

  Madison: OK, people, let’s get back to sorting out what Layla needs. The girls will work the bar. J & Nash are on the front door. I can help you with the costumes if you want Layla. And the rest of the guys are working security. What time do you need us, Layla?

  J: No costumes needed. We’ll work the front door but not dressed the fuck up.

  Madison: Aww, baby, I was looking forward to giving you a BJ in that outfit.

  J: We don’t need a fucking outfit for that to happen.

  Madison: Meh, I’m not feeling it without the outfit.

  Velvet: LOL.

  J: Are you fucking kidding, Madison?

  Madison: You know I never kid when your dick is concerned.

  Nash: I’m not fucking dressing up either.

  Layla: It’s all good. I just wanted to throw it out there in case someone was up for it.

  Madison: I predict J might change his mind.

  J: I fucking predict a lot of things. That’s not one of them.

  Harlow: IDK J, you guys came through with the games for the kids at Christmas. You dressed up for them. Why not this?

  J: That was for the kids. This isn’t.

  Velvet: You and Nash dressed up all Christmas-y singing Jingle Bell Rock was the highlight of the day!

  J: Yeah, so it’s someone else’s turn. Get Gunnar on it.

  Nash: Great fucking idea.

  Gunnar: The fuck? Just throw me under the fucking bus.

  Layla: No, let’s forget this idea. It was just a thought. And as for the time, 7pm would be great.


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