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Frostbitten 3

Page 2

by Destiny Hawkins

  “You seem to have just been turned,” Argus said, his eyes still forward. “Your sire bond is still very strong.”

  I frowned, instantly understanding what he had just implied. I knew that he was a powerful leader, but a small part of me could care less. My protectiveness over Alexa wasn’t just because of our bond. “Our friendship is strong.”

  Argus chuckled. “That is good to hear. I’m glad that Alexa has a friend. My dear sister, Loren, was truly no good for her.” He led me down another hall to the right. “I’m glad that she has you.”

  Now, I was confused. I thought that he was mocking me at first, but now he was glad that Alexa had me? If he was in love with her, then that wouldn’t be the case, so what was their relationship? Were they really just old friends?

  “Oh.” I released a breath. “I’m more grateful that I have her.”

  Argus looked at me from the corner of his eye. “Oh? This life better than your last?”

  I flashed back to the day I stood at the edge of a building while debating suicide. I had just lost someone that I loved to the very thing that killed my mother and couldn’t handle the pain. Now that I was with Alexa, things were different and easier to appreciate. She changed me from a drug addict with no future to a creature of the night with so much to learn. I was even a special vampire since her D.N.A modified my blood and gave me the ability to freeze things with a single touch. I went from being no one to someone incredible, and it was all because of her.

  Argus led me down one last hall before we entered what looked to be a huge library. I was never really into books but seeing so many in one place made me want to stop and read something. Instead, we continued across the library and through another opening that seemed to lead to the main side of the house. Well, at least the side that was occupied.

  We came across a walkway that led to a set of steps that curved down the left side of the wall. Across from me, there was a sparkling chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and below was some sort of living area where Loren sat in an arm chair beside a large fire.

  “How big is this place?” I asked, placing my hands over the railing. “The house didn’t look this big from the outside.”

  Argus smirked. “Well, witches come in handy for changing how things appear.”

  I swallowed, my eyes widening. “Witches?”

  Argus shook his head. “Seems that Alexa hasn’t told you much about the underworld.”

  I shot an arched brow in disbelief. “The underworld?”

  “The supernatural world,” he answered.

  My eyebrows furrowed. There were witches — actual witches, and they were powerful enough to make this enormous mansion appear to be an average size from the outside.

  I turned to look over my shoulder at Argus. “What else is out there?”

  Argus placed a hand into his pocket. “I’ll leave Alexa to tell you that. It’s clear that she doesn’t want to push you into this world too quickly. It can become…” His eyes dropped for a moment, as if in thought. “Overwhelming.”


  When Argus looked up, there was no hint of a smile lingering on his face anymore. “Come. Let me introduce you to the family.” He went ahead and began walking down the steps, then I followed.

  I was grateful that he didn’t bother reintroducing me to Loren. He must’ve already known that wouldn’t have been a great idea and decided to take me through a section of the house that seemed to be where everyone tended to spend their time. I guess I would say that it was more home-like, where the rest of the house looked like some sort of museum. Only nearly everything was made of wood with cream colored decorations to match.

  We passed a large kitchen with a beautiful kitchen island in the center, a pool room, a luxurious bathroom that almost made my eyes pop out of my head, and several bedrooms all twice the size of my small New York apartment. Finally, we made it to the outside of a room where I could smell the werewolves the strongest. I could also hear laughter and the lovely sound of a small dog barking. A special dog that had gotten injured when we were attacked.


  I was reassured that Allie was being taken care of, but I still couldn’t help but worry while I waited in that room. Now that I knew he was okay, relief washed over me.

  Argus chuckled as he placed his hand on the knob. “Your pet knows you are here.”

  “Thank you for taking care of him.”

  “Oh, it wasn’t me. My brother, Agron, is a veterinarian. He’s always had a love for other animals. Specifically, canines.”

  I couldn’t help but to notice the way he used the word ‘other’, but then again, they were all wolves, which were animals. Of course he would consider himself to be one. Sometimes, I compared myself to felines, but I’d never tell anyone. “I’ll be sure to thank him.”

  Argus nodded before opening the door and revealing a large family room. At least that was what I would consider it. Once again, the walls were made of wood and the carpeted floor was cream colored, but on the far left was a large sliding door window with opened curtains, giving the dark room a blue-purple tint. There was a pool table surrounded by shirtless men, couches circling a long coffee table a few feet away from them, and then there was another fireplace on the far right of the room. Next to the door, directly on my right was an enormous wall TV, only it was turned off, and I spotted a stereo system against the opposite wall.

  This looked like a cave for men, but I found myself liking the set up.

  “So, you’re finally letting her out,” someone said. “About time.”

  I turned to the five men standing by the pool table. Their muscular bodies each reflected the color of the purplish moonlight, and they stood tall and erect. Each of their eyes had a yellowish-orange glow in the dimness, and they all seemed to either have brown or black hair.

  “These are my brothers,” Argus said.

  I raised a brow and glanced at him. “I can see the resemblance.”

  Argus chuckled. “We do indeed have strong genes.”

  Allie barked as he bounced over to me on his short legs, only I noticed a small limp. Most people wouldn’t pick up on it, but I knew my puppy.

  “Allie!” I said with opened arms as I got down onto one knee.

  Once he was close enough, he leapt into my arms and began licking over my cheek like I had food smeared against it. In response, I held him close while petting his back, then I placed a small kiss on his forehead.

  Looking up, my eyes scanned each man standing across from me. “Which one of you is Agron?”

  The one that could practically be Argus’ twin raised his chin and offered a smile. All that was different between the two of them was the way that they carried themselves. Argus seemed to be uptight, where just from a smile, Agron radiated a carefree demeanor.

  I stood tall with Allie kicking around in my arms as he tried to lick my chin. “Thank you for helping him, Agron.”

  Agron nodded. “It was my pleasure.”

  There was a momentary silence before Argus began to introduce the rest of his pack. “Brothers, this is Faith. Alexa’s…friend.”

  My cheeks warmed with embarrassment. I wasn’t sure what I was to Alexa to be honest, so I used the word friend to define our relationship, but there was more to it, and everyone knew it.

  “Faith, meet my brothers. That there is Kahlien.” He nodded to a man with wild short brown hair. “Kastien.” Kastien stood next to Kahlien with his hair neatly combed back and displayed a pretty-boy smile. “Aramus.” The youngest looking man with a buzzcut and hoodie raised his hand in a wave. “And Lor.” He pointed to the oldest looking of the group, which all appeared to be in their late twenties.

  I nodded to Lor, my shower break guide, who never once told me his name even when I asked. I also remembered Kastien from our car ride into town when Alexa and I had first arrived to Alaska. It was nice to finally be introduced to everyone.

  Lor turned to Argus. “How is Princess?” he asked, his voice
gruff and deep. It completely fit his rugged appearance. He was the only one with a full beard, short-cut hair, and a large tribal tattoo down his right arm, all the way to his hand.

  Princess? I thought, wondering how Alexa gained that nickname.

  “Alexa is fine. She’ll be needing a little more rest but should be up and moving by tomorrow. It will take a night for my blood to settle in her body.”

  I frowned in thought, now realizing the reason that I felt so weak after my first blood bag. I thought it was because of the taste of rat, but it was actually another night-creatures blood in my system affecting me. The next night though, I was drinking away and forgot all about it.

  Kahlien ran his hand over his abs. “Well, can we get to hunting before she wakes back up? You guys know what I’m like when I’m hungry, and I’ve missed Princess. I don’t want to show her my hangry side.”

  Kastien, the brother who looked most like him, chuckled. “Even with Argus’ blood in her, you wouldn’t stand a chance whether your belly is full or not.”

  “Yes, I do recall the last duel the two of you had,” Aramus said with a low and smooth voice. “You didn’t hold your ground very well.”

  Kahlien bounced his pool stick from one hand to the other and shrugged. “I was going easy on her.”

  Argus chuckled, his eyes softening at the sight of his brothers. Kind of like how he looked at Alexa. Was it just that he saw her as an extension of his family? I could see how I got his affections confused, but I now felt like an ass for the way I acted earlier. It wasn’t that he was in love with her, but he simply loved her.

  It made me wonder what kind of man Argus truly was. He seemed like someone that always made the hard and final decisions, but there was also a softness to him that he kept well hidden. Well, until he was around his family.

  Kastien turned to me, pulling up a well-practiced smile. “Tell us, Faith. How does Alexa fight now? Is she still terrifying?”

  My eyebrows furrowed, surprised at how easily they included me into their conversation. I at least expected to be treated like a stranger for a day or two after meeting them. “Oh, um, well, I don’t know what she used to be like, but I think if she really lets loose, no one would stand a chance.”

  When the four men glanced at one another, I thought I’d said something wrong, but then Kastien shrugged. “Guess she still fights like a sharp-toothed war goddess.”

  Kahlien huffed. “Yeah, we’ll see.”

  Agron chuckled and shook his head, then turned to Argus. “How about we hunt now, Brother?”

  “Go ahead, I will meet you,” Argus nodded.

  With that, the men placed their pool sticks on the table and headed towards the sliding glass doors while either unbuttoning their pants or pushing them down.

  My cheeks warmed at the sight of several muscular asses once they each removed their pants, but then, as the doors were opened, I witnessed the most incredible thing.

  On the way out of the door, Argon began to shift. It was a smooth and quick process as fur covered his body from head to toe. Bones crackled and popped, shaping a man into a black wolf, and then he was off with the others right behind him.

  I smiled, my eyes unbelieving what they’d just seen. “They’re beautiful.”

  Argus gave a small smile. “You think so? Many would find them terrifying.”

  I chuckled. “Well, they are.”

  Argus seemed pleasantly surprised by my words, then locked his hands behind his back and turned with a smile. “I believe that I am going to like you, Faith. Please, make yourself at home.” With that, he walked away.

  I looked down at Allie, who licked at my chin once given the chance. “I know. That was pretty cool.”

  Chapter Four

  When I got back to the bedroom, I wasn’t surprised to find that Alexa was still awake. I could feel the conflict of her emotions the closer that I got and knew it was because of the dreams that she’d been having. If I were her, I’d be afraid to shut my eyes too.

  Alexa was sitting against the headboard next to her empty blood bag with her waist wrapped in white sheets. The lights were off now, so our room had the same purplish-blue tent as the family room, reflecting beautifully from her skin and giving her an ethereal glow.

  “Can’t sleep?” I asked softly as I walked towards her.

  Alexa shook her head without looking at me. Instead, she lowered her eyes, her long hair blocking the side of her face.

  “Well, how do you feel?” I asked.

  “Not well.”

  I walked over to the bed and let Allie down on the soft cushion. The moment that he was on his feet, he bounced over to Alexa and hopped into her lap, then pushed himself on his hind legs and kept his balance by placing his two front paws on her chest.

  “Allie,” she said, placing her hand over the back of his head. “It’s good to see you, little one.”

  I smiled when I felt the weight on Alexa’s shoulders lessen, then sat down on the bed next to her. “I think he’s even happier to see you more than me.”

  Alexa raised her head and turned to look at me through glistening eyes. They weren’t glowing, but the light from outside gave them a shine like no other. Or maybe it was my heightened senses zooming in on them — or maybe it was just me.

  “I doubt it.”

  The two of us were silent, and for the first time in a while, things felt awkward between us, like we couldn’t read each other’s minds. In an instant, I felt a slither of sadness, and then I watched the vacant expression on Alexa’s face shift into a deep sorrow.

  “I thought I was going to lose you,” she said, her voice cracking.

  My heart began to pound. I needed to cheer her up fast or else she may have —

  Alexa inhaled a deep and shaky breath, swallowing her tears and turning away. “I never want to feel like that ever again. I can’t. Not a second time.”

  I stared at her, bearing the weight of her words. Not a second time.

  Was she saying that losing me would’ve been just like losing Esha? Or maybe, she just didn’t want to lose someone that she just got to know? Maybe that was all it was? I couldn’t have been that important.

  “Do you really think you mean so little to me?” Alexa asked in barely a whisper.

  My eyes widened when I suddenly remembered that she could read my thoughts. “N—no, I just — we haven’t —”

  Alexa snapped back to me, this time with a frown on her face. “Don’t ever think that you don’t mean everything to me,” she quickly said. “I was alone before I met you. We may have been strangers at first, but we are not anymore. We are — we are more now.”

  I nervously bit down on my lower lip before placing my hand over her leg. “Okay. I won’t think that way again.”

  When Alexa’s expression softened, I released a steady breath and turned to the cloudy view outside the window. I hadn’t even noticed that I didn’t move my hand from her thigh until she placed hers over mine and curled her fingers around them.

  My heart began to pound in response, but the longer that she held onto me, the more comfortable I became. Her touch may had been comforting but knowing that I was important to her was what made me feel safe and secure. Like I had the ultimate confirmation that I would never be alone again.

  And neither would she.


  “So, those were the men that made you what you are now?” Kahlien asked.

  The following night, Argus called a meeting in the family lounge room. Everyone, including Loren, was in the room, only she spoke the least out of the group. I thought that she’d be the one out of all of them to do most of the talking, but she was just uncomfortably silent. She was also glaring at me.

  When Alexa nodded, I turned to face her, sensing her dread strengthen at the subject of the conversation. Argus wanted to finally discuss our attack and the moves that had to be made in order to protect themselves and the other supernaturals.

  “So, from what I understand,” Agron
started with folded arms. “We have a mad scientist, military trained soldiers, and other creatures just as strong as Alexa against us?”

  Argus folded his hands behind his back. “We have the pack. Not to mention anyone that wants to prevent these men from taking over our world and controlling us. The man that you fought in your home…” He turned to Alexa. “He was created just to control you?”

  Alexa nodded. She may have held a brave face, but she was panicking inside, making me hope that this meeting would end soon. It was much too sensitive of a subject for everyone to be talking about so freely.

  “Then that means they can create more,” Aramus said, leaning in the corner with his arms crossed and a black hoodie pulled over his head. “Mind control can be a problem.”

  “Maybe we can just give the military men something valuable in exchange for peace? Then we could stop having this conversation,” Loren said.

  Kastien sighed. “Loren, you know we’d never do that.”

  Loren shrugged and leaned back against the cushioned couch. “I’m just saying. Alexa’s D.N.A traveled through her venom and got into little Faithy’s system. Now she’s an M.O.D.— or whatever. Scientists love that sort of thing.” Her eyes playfully moved to Alexa’s.

  Even from where I was sitting, I could see Alexa’s fangs begin to descend under her lips. After last night’s conversation, I doubted that she’d let anyone threaten to put me into that sort of danger. It actually looked and felt as if she were growing with rage and wouldn’t be able to control it for much longer.

  Argus immediately noticed Alexa’s change in mood and cleared his throat. “We will do no such thing.”

  Loren chuckled. “But it’ll solve all our problems. The military-scientist men will leave us be, you’ll have your dear Princess back home for good, and there will be no war. No death. We’ve lost enough already.”

  I frowned, wondering what she meant by that.


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