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Loving Daisy

Page 2

by R. M. Lynn

  I’d admit. It was a pride thing. I wanted to stick it to the bullies on my own. But he was right. If I allowed them to back me up publicly, it would make my year somewhat easier. Besides, I was one of them. I had been our whole lives. The other kids at school would likely never accept me, but at the very least, I could finally allow them to protect me in public. I always resisted in fear of making it all worse. However, that’s what friends were for, right? They were there to look out for me and I them. I knew the girls would still be catty, but I imagined the intense bullying would ease up. Perhaps, I wouldn’t have to bring extra clothes to school anymore.

  “Fine,” I whispered and took the joint from him when he pulled it from his lips in shock at my agreement. I took a quick hit and passed it back. “But if I say to lay off, I mean it. Okay? I really can take care of myself.”

  “I know you can,” he insisted. “You’re the strongest person I know, Daisy. I just would like the chance to look out for you the way you have us our whole lives.”

  I gave a small nod and tried to mask my disappointment when the heat of his body left mine as he moved to stand. He finished off the joint, dropped the roach to the ground, and stepped on it to put it out, twisting the ball of his foot with the action.

  “You’ll be in Calc, right?” he asked me next with an easy grin that made every girl in the school swoon. When I nodded, he added, “Good. I’ll see you there then. There’s a party this weekend. You’re coming. Hear me? It’s the perfect place to let everyone know you’re not to be fucked with.” He ran a hand through his hair as he smirked and gave a quick jerk of his chin my way. “Also? I never realized you had that kind of rack under those clothes.”

  “Fuck off, Maddox,” I retorted with an eye roll and closed my eyes as I laid back down against my backpack.

  “Never would’ve guessed you wore pretty underwear either,” he continued on despite the warning in my voice.

  Blush crept up my features, but I remained calm and coolly replied, “Go away before I punch you in the dick.”

  “You better make it to class, Daze,” he told me with a chuckle before strolling off toward the school.

  I skipped my class I had after lunch, but I did go in for Calculus where I took my seat by the windows in the back. Dash and Maddox strolled in after me, and while Maddox took his seat in front of me, Dash settled in behind me. Maddox turned in his seat so he could rest his arm on the front of my desk and smile at me.

  “So, I heard you’re going to Marcus’s party on Saturday,” Dash said from behind me, and I turned in my own seat to see him better. “You know, it’s the weekend before the season starts, so you better get ready to get wild.”

  “Do I really have to go to the party?” I asked with a small groan and looked between to the two guys on either side of me. “I don’t see how it’s necessary.”

  “It’s really not,” Maddox replied with a shrug and then grinned. “But you’re going anyway. You could have a little fun, you know. I don’t think you’ve been to a party since sophomore year when we went to State.”

  “Yeah, Daze. It’s senior year. It’s about time you fucking enjoy it.” Dash flashed me his signature smile and gave me a wink. “I’ll even be your date if you want.”

  “Pass,” I laughed out and shoved his hand away when he reached for me.

  Maddox glared at him over my head but said nothing as Mr. Branson went to the front of the room to begin teaching his lesson for the day. Math was never my strong suit, but Maddox was a fucking genius when it came to the stuff, so I knew that I’d likely have to make the phone call later to Maddox for homework help.

  By the end of the day, I was circled by all three men at my locker as I dug out my skateboard. Some days, I’d go to football field with them and watch them practice, and then Maddox would drive me home because we lived only a block or so away from each other. I knew they were waiting for me to tell them what my plans were.

  “I have a paper to write for my psychology class,” I told them all as I closed my locker. “And I have homework from other classes, too.”

  “Work on it at the field,” Colt demanded with a shrug. “You usually do that.”

  “C’mon,” Dash urged further and pulled on my hand. “We like it when you’re in the stands even if it’s just practice.”

  Maddox raised a brow at me in question. I knew the cheerleaders, which included Avery, Hannah, and Riley, would be on the field for their own practice as well. After the dramatics of the day, I wasn’t sure I was up for it. But when Maddox bit his lip and ran a hand through his hair, my inner resolve melted, and I let out a breath.

  “Okay, fine,” I muttered. “But I need to text Logan. She needs help with some Spanish homework.”

  “Please, bring Logan,” Colt encouraged as Dash grinned in agreement.

  As Maddox threw his arm around my shoulders to propel me forward, I sent a quick text to Logan and let her know to meet me at the bleachers. We stopped at the gates of the field in order for the guys to head off to the locker room to change. Maddox gave my shoulder a squeeze before they swaggered off. I was getting settled on the bleachers when Logan marched up the steps toward me with a grin on her face.

  “Good afternoon, beautiful,” she crooned and flipped her neon blue hair behind her shoulder.

  “Hey, Lo,” I laughed out as she plopped down next to me with a dramatic sigh.

  Logan Kennedy could easily be a part of Avery’s crowd. She was beautiful, tan, and long-legged. But she refused to conform in that way and mostly stuck with a few close friends that were into art or music or simple outcasts of Whitewater Academy. Her ears had at least six piercings in each, and the simple stud in her nose sparkled against the sunlight. I knew she had a few small tattoos in various spots on her body, too, and I also knew that the deans and Headmaster were always speaking to her about her hair and piercings, claiming it was against dress code and a distraction.

  “I thought you wanted to meet somewhere else,” she said as she pulled out a notebook and textbook from her backpack. “You got a pen?”

  “Yeah, well, after today, I figured it’d be best, but you know how they are,” I explained while pulling out a pen from the front pocket of my bag and handing it to her.

  “I heard about the lunchroom incident.” She looked at me and sighed. “I’m sorry that happened to you, babe. I’m sure Maddox wasn’t happy. He’s always playing bodyguard.”

  “Yeah, well, I finally just gave into it, you know?” I shrugged and sighed. “If they want to keep people off my back, I should just let them. It’s better than people harassing me every day, and me getting angry when they interfere. They’ll get involved no matter what I say in the end.”

  She smirked at me. “Well, I think it’s sweet. Besides, I don’t know a single chick at this school that wouldn’t want three fucking hot as hell men following them around everywhere they go.”

  “The way you’re describing it makes it sounds almost stalker-like,” I laughed out and shook my head at her.

  She scoffed and waved her hand at me like I was being ridiculous. We got to work on our homework, and I helped her with hers when she needed it, but within twenty minutes, the team came out onto the field in their practice uniforms, and my attention was pulled elsewhere. I watched as Maddox stood in the middle of the field with his helmet at his side while his coach spoke to him quickly. Maddox nodded to whatever he was saying. When the coach headed for the sideline, I couldn’t stop myself from ogling my best friend in his football pants. Somehow, his eyes caught mine, and I could see his smirk even from up where I sat. He gave me a small jerk of his chin in acknowledgment, and I quickly looked back to my homework as heat filled my cheeks.

  “Oh my God, Daisy,” Logan laughed out when she noticed. “You’ve had the hots for him since I’ve met you. I bet you’ve been in love with him since before that, though. Why not just tell him?”

  “First of all,” I countered and put my finger up with a shake of my head, “I am not in
love with Maddox Tate. We’re friends. We’ve been friends forever, and honestly, it would just be weird if I did. Second of all, sure. I think he’s hot. But who wouldn’t? It’s a totally normal reaction.”

  “If you say so,” she guffawed and shook her head at me. “I think you’re always going to wonder what it’s like. You know, to be with him. Why not just ruin the friendship a little bit before you leave for college and never come back?”

  That was the thing. I wasn’t sure what my plans were for the future. For all I knew, I’d be stuck in Summerset for the rest of my life. And while the thought had crossed my mind a few times, I wasn’t sure I was brave enough to ever approach him about any feelings I may have had that crossed the lines of friendship. What if he hated the idea, what if he didn’t feel the same way, and I was the idiot who just burst our perfect friend bubble? I couldn’t handle the idea of getting rejected by him and potentially losing him in the process.

  “There’s not a chance,” I tell Logan with a shake of my head and force a smile. “Besides, I’m not into him like that. I think he’s attractive and like to look at him. But he’s still just my friend.”

  She smirked like she didn’t believe me, but we dropped the subject, thankfully, and went about our homework. When the cheerleaders came out, I glanced up once to see the football team had taken a short break, and one of the girls in her small uniform had struck up a conversation with Maddox. From up here, it was hard to tell who she was, but it looked to be Audrey Taylor. She was new this year, having moved from Georgia to finish out her senior year, and she’d yet to be tainted by any other groups trying to gain access to some fresh meat. Whatever she was saying made Maddox grin and laugh. Something in my chest ached as I watched the exchange because deep down I knew the real reason I never approached the subject of something deeper with him was because he was always meant to be with someone like that. Someone who was in the same crowd that wouldn’t be viewed as an outcast by the majority of his circle.

  When the field cleared, signaling the end of their practice, we packed up our things to head out. Logan gave me a quick hug before heading toward the student parking lot to head home while I waited at the doors of the locker room for the guys. When they finally emerged, they were showered and in joggers and plain t-shirts, which was their usual drab when they weren't forced into a school uniform or suit for an expensive event. Honestly, they looked delicious in everything, but when they were in their street clothes, it made everything in my body warm.

  “Flower,” Colt murmured as his arm went around me. “I hope you’re not still mad at me.”

  I knew he was referring to Avery, and I shook my head as I gave him a small smile. “I’m not mad, Colt. Don’t worry about it.”

  Maddox had a questioning look but didn’t ask anything out loud as he led us all to the parking lot. Colt and Dash climbed into Colt’s Porsche and sped off after fist bumping Maddox and giving me a quick side hug before Maddox opened the passenger door of his black Audi R8 for me.

  “What a gentleman,” I teased and playfully curtsied.

  He smirked and did a little bow. “Only for you, milady.”

  My stomach purred every time Maddox started the engine of his expensive car. His dad had bought it for him for his eighteenth birthday just a few weeks ago, and it quickly became Maddox’s pride and joy. I was quiet on the ride home, but when I turned to him to finally speak, he turned the radio down and glanced at me expectantly like he knew I had words to say before I could say them.

  “So, did I see you chatting it up with Audrey Taylor?” I asked and managed a smirk as I looked to him.

  He shrugged and looked to me quickly before focusing back on the road. “I don’t know if I’d call it chatting up, but we were talking. Why? You jealous?”

  I scoffed. “No. Why would I be jealous?”

  “I’m messing with you, Daze, relax,” he chuckled. “Careful. Use that tone anymore and someone might actually call you a liar.”

  I rolled my eyes at him and said sternly, “I’m not jealous. I was just wondering. She’s pretty.”

  “Yeah,” he replied simply. “She’s nice. You might actually like her.”

  Perhaps. But I kind of doubted it. I quieted down after that, and I looked straight ahead. He pulled up in front of my house a minute later, and I smiled at him in thanks.

  “I might need your help with Calc later,” I told him and bit my lower lip. “Will you be around?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got some other shit to do for another class, but I can come by afterward,” he assured me. “I’ll text you?”

  “Thanks, Mac,” I whispered, and he gave me a smile at his childhood nickname. “See you later.”

  “Later, Daze.”

  I headed inside and hurried up to my room before my mother could hear me. I tended to avoid her at all costs, especially lately. My parents had been fighting nonstop, and it put both of them in the shittiest of moods every other day. I made quick work of stripping out of my uniform and heading to the bathroom connected to my bedroom. Once finished with a shower, I pulled on a pair of soft shorts and an oversized t-shirt with the Stingrays logo and the words ‘State Champs’ across the chest the guys had given me one year when they’d won state. I spent an hour or so finishing up my paper I had to write before I was summoned for another awkwardly silent dinner with my parents. It was best this way because it seemed any sort of words exchanged blew up into some sort of argument between the two.

  Once I was excused, I hurried back to my room and sanctuary where my phone lit up with an unread text from Maddox.

  Maddox: I’m coming over now. Cool?

  I texted him back quickly.

  Daisy: Come up the side. Parents are downstairs.

  He sent me a thumbs up emoji, and I tossed my phone onto my comforter. My parents loved Maddox as well as the other two guys I spent my time with, but I hated when they had to see firsthand the nonsense that was my home life. I could hear my parents beginning to bicker downstairs already, and they had no shame when it came to arguing in front of other people that had no business being argued in front of.

  I was getting my stuff out of my backpack when I heard the soft tapping on my window. I quickly moved to open it for him to climb in from the large oak tree outside my bedroom. I think Maddox was about eight or nine when he first climbed up into my bedroom. He had gotten into a fight with his dad or maybe it was his parents who had gotten into a fight that night. He rarely went to the door now, and even Colt and Dash used the tree on occasion to come up into my room.

  “What’s the argument about today?” was the first thing he asked as he settled his feet on the floor while I closed the window.

  I shrugged and rolled my eyes. “No clue. I don’t really care either as it’s probably something stupid.”

  He gave me a small sympathetic smile before stretching his long body on my bed and resting his arm above his head against my pillows. My eyes danced along his bicep before forcing back to look at his face.

  “So, Calc?” he hummed and smirked at me. “Get up here.”

  I climbed into bed next to him with my things and smiled as he scooted closer to look over the textbook in my lap. I knew he likely already finished it at school whenever he may have had a free moment in another class, but it made it easier when it came to him helping me. He had a lot more patience when it came to math homework than I did, and when I didn’t seem to get it, he was soft with me, knowing I was easily frustrated with the stuff. When we finally finished, I tossed my things to the floor where they landed near my backpack and laid back with a dramatic sigh next to him.

  “That was horrible,” I grumbled and covered my face with my hands.

  “You did fine,” he chuckled and pulled my hands away so he could look down at me. “Movie? I don’t have to leave yet if you don’t want me to.”

  I swallowed and nodded, quickly standing and averting my gaze from him as I went to my desk to grab my TV remote. I tossed it to him and composed myself as
I got back onto the bed next to him while he pulled up Netflix and searched through it for a movie. We settled finally on watching The Office reruns, and for the rest of the night, we laughed and teased, and I forgot all about the chaos erupting downstairs with my parents.



  By Friday, word had spread that Daisy Heart was to no longer be fucked with unless the perpetrator wanted to answer to one of us. I had been trying for years to subtly keep people off her back, but it was made hard when she refused to take my help. She knew how much power the guys and I held, but she was as stubborn as ever. But as she sat across from me at lunch that afternoon, laughing and joking with Colt and Dash, I knew she finally realized just how easy her life could’ve been in high school if she’d let me do what I should’ve done from the beginning. In a matter of days, girls were vying for her attention. She deduced it down to the fact that they simply wanted to befriend her to get to us, which may have been true, but at least they weren’t throwing drinks on her. She admitted she was still getting shit from some when we weren’t around, but it was nowhere near where it was before.

  The one thing that Daisy gained significantly out of our claim was the attention from other guys. And this one thing? It weirdly pissed me off. Every day, there was a new guy standing at her locker like a fucking Golden Retriever begging for her attention. Guys that never even looked twice at her suddenly wanted in her pants like her pussy was made of gold. Granted, I wouldn’t know anything about her pussy or if it was made out of gold, silver, or goddamn platinum, but that was beside the point. She either didn’t seem to notice the sudden change in the male population at Whitewater or she didn’t care about it.


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