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Loving Daisy

Page 9

by R. M. Lynn

  I shook my head as we neared my locker, and I could see the imposing profile of Maddox standing in front of it even from the end of the hall. Last night, I didn’t have the intention of actually showing my panties to Maddox.

  Who was I kidding?

  I wore them for a reason. And what ensued once I arrived at his house was something I’d never forget. I’d say it was a successful giveaway of one of my firsts. However, since he dropped us off at school this morning, Maddox’s eyes had been brewing up a hurricane. He was mad at me about something, likely my date with Marcus, but I refused to give in all day. But his angry glare was starting to wear me down, and I couldn’t do it anymore.

  “Hey, I’ll see you later, okay?” I muttered to Logan as we continued our approach toward my locker and Maddox.

  “He’s been in a mood all day. Good luck.”

  While I stopped at my locker, giving Logan a small wave, she headed off and continued to her next class. Maddox stepped aside without a word so I could get into my locker and switch out my Psychology book for my Calculus one.

  “Will you stop looking at me like that?” I finally snapped out quietly so the other lingering students couldn’t hear. “I can’t take it anymore. Have you smiled at all today or is that just reserved for when I’m not around?”

  “You want me to answer that?” he countered, and I shot him a look.

  “You’re being a baby.”

  “I think you’re making a mistake.”

  I glared up at him. “Oh, so you put your hand down my panties once, and suddenly, I can’t talk to boys?”

  He narrowed his eyes, glanced around to make sure nobody heard my outburst, and shook his head at me, snapping, “Be quiet. For fuck’s sake, Daisy. That’s not what this is about. He’s a fucking asshole, and you’re going to get hurt.”

  “I can figure that out on my own, Mac. Okay? Just let it go.”

  “I’m not going to be there when he fucks you over, Daisy. Just remember that.”

  He stormed off down the hallway, and I shouted after him, “Some friend you are!”

  I let out a huff, rolled my eyes, and made my way down the same hall because I unfortunately had Calculus with him. I took my seat behind him like usual, but unlike every other day, he didn’t turn to look at me. When Dash came in and sat behind me, he gave my shoulder a squeeze as he sat down, and I glanced over my shoulder and gave him a small smile. Halfway through class, our teacher finished the lesson and assigned a few problems in the book to work out with the people around us. Dash immediately scooted his desk up next to mine and smacked the back of Maddox’s shoulder to make him turn in his seat. Sitting sideways, he gave a smirk to Dash as he made a joke, and I stared down at the book problems with a sigh.

  “Let’s just work on them separately and then check each answer as we go,” Dash suggested and looked at the two of us. “Sound good?”

  We got to work, and it took maybe thirty seconds before I huffed and sat back in my seat with a shake of my head. I hated math. I’d always hate math. Maddox’s eyes looked to me and softened before he leaned closer and pointed to the problem in my book. He softly explained what we were doing and the first steps to solving the problem, which is really all I needed. I had a hard time starting them.

  “Thanks,” I whispered and looked up at him.

  He swallowed and gave me a small nod before getting back to his own work. By the time class was over, I was ready to just head home and get ready for my date that night. When I headed to my locker to gather up my things to head to the field, I was met by Marcus. He gave me a smile and leaned up against the locker next to mine as I opened the door.

  “Hey,” he greeted. “You have a good day?”

  “Um, yeah, it was fine,” I muttered, choosing to not say anything about Maddox’s attitude toward me all day. “You?”

  “Yeah, but it’ll get even better tonight after practice. I’ve been thinking all week about where I’m going to take you, and I think I figured it out,” he said and brushed some loose hair behind my ear. “You like Italian?”

  “Love it,” I tell him with a smile.

  “Daisy, can I talk to you?” I turned to look up at Maddox as his eyes began to storm again as he assessed Marcus. “Alone?”

  I bit my lower lip and looked back to Marcus. “I’ll see you later?”

  He nodded and murmured, “Yeah. I’ll pick you up at six?”

  I nodded back and gave him a small wave before he headed down the now empting hallway. I turned to face Maddox again and gave a small sigh as I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for him to speak. He ran a hand through his hair, let out a breath, and dropped his eyes to mine.

  “Look, I’m sorry,” he spoke quietly. “Earlier, when I said I wouldn’t be there for you… I’ll always be there, and I hope you know that. But any other guy, Daisy, please. Don’t go out with him.”

  “He’s sweet to me, Maddox, and if he’s not a nice guy, I’d like to figure that out for myself. It can’t just be the words of three overprotective guys.”

  “You’re making a mistake.”

  “As you’ve said before,” I sighed out and shrugged. “I don’t badger you about the girls you get with, okay? I’ve never said anything about any of them.”

  He let out a short, dry laugh and shook his head, retorting, “You’re so full of shit, Daze. You’ve commented on every single one of them.”

  I rolled my eyes, but my breath hitched as he caged me back against my closed locker, hands on either side of my head. I put my hands on his stomach, his muscles rippling against my palms through his shirt, and I tried yet failed to push him back away from me.

  “Someone could see,” I hissed at him with a shake of my head.

  His face dipped until his lips brushed up my jaw, the same way they did last night, and my eyelids fluttered with the sensation.

  “No one is here,” he countered lowly and nipped at the sensitive skin on my neck. “Are you going to kiss him?”

  “So, what if I do?”

  “He can’t make you feel the way I do, Daisy. We’ve only barely begun.” One of his hands dropped down to my waist, sliding it around until it was right above my ass. “And I know you know it.” He pressed a small kiss to my jaw before standing straight and stepping back from me, quietly murmuring, “Please, be careful. Okay? And call me if you need anything while you’re out. Hear me?”

  I gave a small nod. He nodded back before heading down the hall with his things for practice. I decided to head straight home instead of going out to watch them. Back home, I did my homework and took my time getting ready for my date. Dressed in a navy blue fit and flare dress, I straightened my wild locks and put on makeup. I knew Maddox would disapprove, but I could tell by Marcus’s comments in school that he liked me done up like this. I sat on the edge of my bed to slip on a pair of heels I’d only worn a handful of times when there was a small knock on my bedroom door.

  “Come in,” I muttered and looked up as my father stepped in quietly.

  “Hey, honey,” he murmured slightly apprehensive. “You look nice. Where’re you headed?”

  “Um, I have that date with Marcus Williams. I mentioned it to you and Mom at dinner earlier in the week.”

  He looked guilty as he sat down next to me on the bed with both of his hands in his lap. My parents weren’t always absent in my life like they were currently. My father and I were particularly close while I was growing up. But as their marriage began to fall apart, so did my relationship with them both.

  “Yes, right,” he spoke as he cleared his throat. “I came up to see if you maybe wanted to head into town tonight. Perhaps catch a movie and some dinner. But if you’re busy, we can do it another time.”

  I blinked at him and gave a forced smile. “Yeah, sorry, Dad. Another time, okay?”

  He put his hand on mine and let out a breath. “Honey, I know your mother and I have… We’ve not been there for you like we should be. And for that, I’m very sorry. I can’t speak
for your mother, but I really want to make an effort. Especially with you going off to college soon.”

  “Are you guys getting divorced?” I blurted out and immediately regretted it when his eyes widen slightly and cleared his throat. “Sorry, I just… I’m not a child. Not anymore. I notice everything, okay? And I see how you guys are. If you’re splitting up, just tell me and get it over with already. You don’t need to stay together for my benefit.”

  “We don’t want you to be stuck in the middle while you’re still at home. I suppose we felt it’d be easier for you if you were living on campus, and therefore, we’ve felt it’d be easier if we waited until you graduated.” He sighed and shook his head. “I’m sorry, honey.”

  I felt the sting of tears but refused to let them fall. “It’s okay, Dad. It sucks, but I don’t want you guys to be together if you’re not happy.”

  He put his arm around me and pulled me to him so I couldn't see his eyes shining with unshed tears. They were worried about me, and I was sure they were worried about who I’d choose to spend time with the most, who I’d live with primarily. My mother always spoke about moving to the city, and if she did that, I’d likely stay with my dad. Not just for school, but for my friends. With that, I would make that effort to see my mother, and I felt that my relationship with my parents could only go up if they were to divorce. Sad to say, but it was true.

  “I love you, honey, and your mother does, too. Just remember that, okay?”

  “I know. And I love you guys, too. But can I ask that you guys just keep me updated? If you’re going to work it out or if you’re going to split… I just don’t want to be in the dark about it.”

  Dad pressed a quick kiss to my temple and stood up with a breath, giving me a small smile and murmuring, “Of course. I’ll be as candid as I can. Have fun tonight, okay? And be safe.”

  “I will be, Dad,” I breathed out with a laugh before he left me alone in my room again.

  I resisted the urge to call Maddox. I needed to vent because I felt like I was about to explode into a sobbing, blubbering mess. I hated that he was clearly mad at me for my date with Marcus. And while I respected his feelings about it, and I knew he was looking out for me, Marcus hadn’t raised any concerns for me yet. If I based all my opinions on what Maddox and the others thought, I’d be single forever and living in a bubble.

  Speaking of Marcus, I heard my dad call my name from downstairs, alerting me of his arrival. I quickly grabbed a purse, stuffed my phone, a pack of gum, my wallet, and a thing of lip gloss into it and hurried down the stairs. Well, hurried as fast as I could with the outrageous heels I was wearing. I wondered what Maddox would say about them.

  Stop thinking about him, I snapped at myself internally as I reached the end of the grand staircase. Marcus smiled at me as my dad warned him to be careful with me before leaving us alone in the entryway. He looked me over, appreciation in his eyes, and I bit my lip as he appraised me.

  “You look incredible,” he murmured and reached out his hand for mine. “Absolutely stunning, Daisy.”

  I couldn’t stop the blush, and I ducked my head with a grin as he chuckled. He gave my hand a gentle tug and led me out to his Corvette. I bit my lip when he opened the passenger door for me. I felt more than awkward once we started for the restaurant. He carried casual conversation well, but I found myself overthinking everything the whole way. I’d only been on a couple real dates in the past. And they were usually just to a movie where we sat in silence. With Marcus, it felt like this was a lot different. It felt more grown up.

  “So, I’m really glad you agreed to come out with me,” Marcus murmured once we were seated at a table at Gianna’s. We’d ordered. Well, he ordered for the both of us, but I tried not to let it show that it bothered me. “I know that you were probably a little apprehensive, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me, too,” I insisted as he reached for my hand over the table.

  “If you don’t mind me asking,” he carried on quietly, “I’m kind of wondering about your relationship with Maddox and the guys.”

  I scowled and shook my head. “I don’t understand what you’re asking.”

  He looked sheepish as he said, “I just mean that Maddox is pretty protective of you. Honestly, I was surprised when you agreed to come out with me. They seem to have quite a hold on you.”

  “Nobody has a hold on me,” I argued quietly. “They’re my friends. My best friends. We’ve known each other forever, and they’re just looking out for me.”

  “I’m sorry,” he replied softly and gave my hand a squeeze when I tried to pull away. “I really like you, Daisy, and I feel like sometimes they get in the way. Maddox… He’s like a guard dog every time I try to talk to you.”

  “I can’t make Maddox do something if he doesn’t want to. I’ve asked him to lay off, but, honestly, that’s all I can do.”

  Our food was put in front of us, interrupting conversation briefly, but as I looked down at the pasta in front of me, I realized I was no longer hungry. I shouldn’t have been talking about Maddox or the guys on a date. I knew our relationships seemed different from the outside, but I refused to be questioned about it. I’d defend them the same way they would me. I knew they were overprotective, but I also knew that they meant well. I was irritated that Marcus put me on the defense, and I wasn’t sure how the rest of this dinner would go because of it.

  “I’ve just heard talk is all,” Marcus went on to say softly. “You know, I wasn’t sure if maybe you’d been with one of them before. I just… I want to know what I’m getting into. I don’t want to get decked in the face every time I meet you at your locker.”

  “I told you. We’re friends. They have their opinions about you, and I guess they’re not great. So, I’m sorry if they’re abrasive, but they’re just looking out for me.” I shake my head at him. “Can we just eat? I don’t want to talk about them.”

  “I’m sorry, Daisy. I really am.” He glanced down at his plate before looking back to me with a tiny smile. “We can talk about other things. What about college? Any ideas where you’re wanting to go yet?”

  So, with that, we didn't speak about Maddox or the guys for the rest of dinner. And while he more than made up for everything by the time he dropped me back off at home, when he leaned in to kiss me, I gave him my cheek. He said he’d text me later before I hurried inside and up to my room. I changed into something more comfortable for bed, rid myself of my makeup, and turned on The Office. I was climbing up into my bed just as my phone rings on my comforter. Maddox’s name popped up on the call screen, and I sighed before picking it up.

  “Hey,” I muttered lamely and settled back against my pillows.

  “Hey,” he replied, his voice low. “You back yet?”

  I let out a breath. “Yeah, I’m back.”

  “How’d it go?”

  I knew he wasn’t interested, but I could appreciate him putting in the effort to sound like he was.

  “It was… I don’t know. I guess, it wasn’t exactly what I’d hoped it’d be. But I guess that’s why they call it a first date, right? It’s supposed to be awkward and slightly horrible.”

  I could practically hear the frown in his voice as he countered, “That’s not exactly in the rule book of dating, Daze. Why did it suck?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” I snapped back with an eye roll even though he couldn’t see. “You just want to say you were right.”

  “No,” he insisted, sounding genuine. “I really am sorry it sucked for you. I know you were looking forward to it, and I’m sorry. I… I’m sure it didn’t help that I acted like an asshole earlier. If you really like him, Daze, I’ll back off. I mean it.”

  “I don’t know, Maddox.” I sighed. “I think… I don’t know if I’m going to see him again.”

  He was silent for a few moments before he finally asked, “Why not?”

  “Something happened that kind of bugged me.”

  “Like what?” he demanded, his voice hard
er now. “He didn’t hurt you or anything, right?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Jesus, Mac, no. For whatever reason, he decided to bring you up. You and the guys. He said that you guys, and I quote, ‘have a hold on’ me. What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Fuck that guy. You know we’re just looking out for you, right? He said some nasty shit before you agreed to go out with him. We were skeptical he was being genuine, but we wanted it to be your decision in the end.”

  I didn’t even want to know what might have been said, so I just sighed into the phone and muttered, “Yeah, well, I think I made the decision.” I laid back against my pillows and let out another breath. “Ugh, Maddox, I’m going to be alone forever.”

  “You will not. I can come over? Make you feel better?”

  I didn’t miss the intention behind his words, and while it was tempting, I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. “Probably shouldn’t. My dad’s at home. Oh, yeah, I’m pretty sure my parents are getting a divorce.”

  “Shit, Daisy, I’m sorry. That’s rough. You okay?”

  “I mean… I just shouldn’t think about it or I won’t be. My dad came in to talk to me today, and he basically admitted they’re splitting. A part of me knows it’s for the best, but another part of me is obviously upset about it.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. I mean, it’s your parents. Damn. I really am sorry. If you need anything, Daisy, I’m here. Okay? I’m right here.”

  I felt tears prick the backs of my eyes, and I sniffed out, “Maybe you can come by. You want to? Just to sleep, though.”

  “Yeah, Daze, I’ll be right there. I got to get past Dad and his… I don’t know what she is. His date? Doesn’t matter. Keep your window open.”

  I hung up the phone and hopped off the bed to open up my window before climbing under the covers. I knew he’d walk here so not to alert my dad with his car, so I settled against my pillows and kept my eyes on the TV. My phone dinged with a text message, and I lifted it up, thinking it was Maddox. However, I frowned when I saw Marcus’s name.

  Marcus: Hey, Daisy. I feel like maybe we left things kind of weird. I’m sorry about dinner. Let me make it up to you?


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